War Lord

Chapter 884: Fu Zhu

[Thanks to Su, Fu Sanduo, and Brother Xiang for their monthly pass support! ]

Mobilake's speed is much faster than Drake. They are like ghosts without entities, carrying black flame tails in and out of Albert. The edge of the Yellow Blade left obvious scars on the man with a frequency of three blows per second. Albert discovered that his **** tide had a very limited effect on Mobirek, and the spread of the force field had not even Before they had time to lock them, Mobileek had already escaped far away.

Albert suddenly bumped his fists, and the entire underground world suddenly went dark.

This is a very contradictory picture.

The underground world has never been bright, but when Albert smashed his fists together, all the alien species, including the powerful alien species of Tier 10 such as Mobirek, could not perceive Albert. Therefore, for them, the world seems to become deep and dark.

Naturally, the light in the space has not changed, but the force field that is visible to the naked eye spreads in circles. Things in the space around Albert become distorted. This is not a sensory distortion, but a change in matter. It was the collision of the eleventh order that caused a devastating storm like a tsunami, and the spreading force field was enough to distort nearly a ton of metal, not to mention the relatively weak bodies of the Mobileeks.

As a result, the four Mobilakes that entangled Albert shot all over their bodies with black scales, and the purple blood overflowed wildly. Mobirek flew out, but the result was still beyond Albert's expectation. In his estimation, this blow was enough to make Mobirek burst into death. However, these black bat people were only seriously injured, but none of them died. Mobileek's vitality was surprisingly tenacious.

The earth trembled.

Two red flames suddenly appeared in Albert's eyes.

Those are two Orgrimmars.

The galloping red-armored giant is lit up with golden lines on the body armor. They released all their energy and power to their heart's content. The rough steel and iron-like aura made Albert, who was also good at strength, frowned.

Albert took a deep breath, let out a penetrating cry, and then rushed to meet the two giants.

The three met at a point in the middle distance.

The spar on Orgrimmar glowed dazzlingly, and the two giants fisted at Albert at the same time. Albert made no show of weakness, and swept his arms towards the giant. The four huge fists were smashed together, but they were strangely glued. Then the cryptic field of force spread around them, and all the Mobilakes who had just fallen to the ground were stumbling like drunk, and even those of the same kind in the air seemed to be caught by invisible hands. Falling down uncontrollably.

They had to fan their wings desperately to maintain the height of the air.

The spread of the force field lasted for nearly ten seconds, before Albert erupted with an earth-shattering roar. His fists moved forward slightly, and the two Orgrimmars rose from the front of their fists, and the biological armor covering the body surface appeared dense cracks, and then blood mist exploded. The power they gave Albert was strong enough to fly, and the punching arm was already twisted out of shape.

But these giants are also brave and brave. Immediately rolled forward, and jumped up again. Clamp Albert's left and right hands with the remaining arms and pull them left and right. Suddenly, Albert could not move.

The black flames flickered in midair, and a Mobirek leaned forward and rushed down, with his hands popping out the yellow blade. When Albert was pinned by the two giants, the light of the sword flickered, and in a flash, it was already a few times in and out of Albert's chest. Albert shook his whole body, and there were already several burning stab wounds on his chest. The surface of the skin was scorched black, and the muscles and blood vessels inside were even more burnt.

Albert uttered a sky-shaking roar, but in the roar, there was a bit of a wounded beast's smell. He simply picked up the giant and rotated it, using the giant's body as a weapon to directly knock the Mobirek into flight.

Mobirek seemed to be hit by a speeding train. His thin body flew out and hit the other side of the mountain. Albert threw off one giant and smashed the other one hard with his hands. A ring of shock waves spread, and the ground was covered with cobweb-like cracks, and then rubble splashed everywhere. The stone flew by, as powerful as a bullet, sweeping sparks from the nearby two high-level alien species.

Albert frantically grabbed the giant and smashed it on the ground again and again, causing shock waves all over the place. The ground even arched up chunks of large stones, and then exploded into powder under the impact of the shock waves!

I don’t know how many hits. When he threw the giant away, this Orgrimmar’s body was already full of cracks, and the body and even the joints were severely deformed. Live to death.

After smashing the giant to death, Albert couldn't help gasping violently. His energy has fallen to about 30%, which is a very dangerous level. And since the war started, there is no rest time, and the speed of drawing energy from space is far less than the consumption. He now knows that those big bats flying in the sky, as well as these iron cans wrapped in biological armor, have tenth-order strength. Among them, Orgrimmar's power is even catching up to the eleventh order, and has reached the peak of the tenth order!

If it's one-on-one, these guys Albert will take less than 5 minutes to clean them up. The problem now is that there are a lot of them. Only Mobirek has five hovering in the air, and Orgrimmar also has five intact.

Such a number is really quite a lot.

He wiped away his blood and sweat, and another giant charged at him. Albert snorted and punched the ground with his fist, and the man strode towards the giant. The energy stones on Albert's body lit up one by one, and the eight spars became brighter and brighter. Later, Albert was almost wrapped in a blood-red light cocoon. Wherever the light cocoon passed, the ground lined up, spraying strands of sand. It was because the ground could not withstand the energy released by Albert, the original hard rocks were squeezed into sand powder, and then ejected from the cracks.

In an instant, Albert had collided with the giant.

The whole world jumped.

A circle of invisible force field swept across, and all the Mobirek in the sky sank to the ground. Behind Albert, the giants of Drake and Ogmar fell into a ball one after another. Among them, Drake, who was more fragile, exploded into a ball of blood directly.

Albert's hand penetrated the giant's body easily as if sticking into the cheese. In Orgrimmar's chest, he touched a huge and beating heart! Albert let out a grin, and burst the heart with his five fingers. The color in the giant's eyes quickly faded, but with this blow, Albert's heart beat wildly, which was a sign that his energy was about to be exhausted.

At this moment, a figure suddenly sprang up from behind the giant. Then a golden fist kept expanding in Albert's eyes, and after the dazzling golden light, Albert saw Zero's calm and handsome face.


Albert yelled out loud. He never expected that Zero would appear at this time.

This time!

This place!

Zero's fist pulled out hundreds of fist shadows in the air, which seemed to be slowly printed on Albert's forehead. At this time, Albert hadn't even had time to take his hand out of the giant's chest.

At the moment when the fist and front of the afterimage overlap, the violent power is like a flash flood, and a golden yellow cone-shaped shock wave blasted from the back of Albert's head and slanted into the ground. Like being excavated by a high-speed drill, a bottomless and deep channel appeared silently on the ground. I don't know how long it was penetrated by the zero fist wind.


The giant's body suddenly fell apart, and Albert's fist stuck in its chest burst out directly, with a rich **** light shining through the fist, which blasted towards zero like a cannonball.

Zero's tiptoe touched the giant's corpse, and while taking advantage of the force to fly back, he bent Albert with his left arm and punched him.

A circle of blood-colored ripples spread out and flew straight up. In midair, a little scarlet blood dropped.

One of them fell on Albert's face, but the big man maintained an uppercut posture, and did not wipe the blood drops from his face. His eyes gradually dimmed, and at the same time the energy stone on his body lost its light. While fighting back, Albert lost any breath. When Zero's death puncture entered through his brain, he was already cut off from life. Only driven by Albert's powerful instinct, he still made a fierce counterattack.

Ling was caught by two Mobilakes in the air, his left hand was severely deformed, and even a bone spur came out of his arm. Even for him, this is a serious injury. But seeing Albert, who had stopped breathing, and the large number of evolution points that were boiling like a tide, zero felt that it was all worthwhile.

The shadow clan base in Giant Beast Canyon has temporarily become a resting place for Zero and others, and Zero’s broken bones have been corrected and fixed. With his recovery ability, he can move as usual in two days~lightnovelpub.net~ but there is no way to fight. Leah's arms have been carefully bandaged, and she sits still. He closed his eyes and connected Ansura with his core.

Ansula has already counted the battle losses.

Mobirek lost one head and Orgrimmar killed two. Drake had 78 dead, while the Orgmar giant had only half of the former, 39. As for the low- and medium-level alien species, there are as many as thousands!

This is a shocking number, after all, at the other end of this number, there is only one Albert.

An eleventh-tier strong man.

But if Albert can be piled up, the battle damage from all this is not that huge. In other words, the opponent is also a Tier 11 fierce, and a strong man like this is killed in battle, and it is a huge loss wherever it is placed. Zero believes that Andre is no exception. If you add Nicholas before, then Asmo can almost be described as a severely damaged vitality.

After an hour's rest, the team started. With the bat and giant accompanying, this huge team arrived at the Shadow Clan advance base in mighty force, and when they returned from the underground lake channel to the lake bank where they had entered the underground, his expression changed. On the ten-meter-high mountain wall, he saw Kaiton's body nailed there.