War Lord

Chapter 885: Disaster is approaching

"Oh my God, it's Kayton!"

Jin exclaimed, and the people behind also saw the Wolf King nailed to the wall by Albert's broad knife.

Zero took a step forward, and the flashing figure had come near Kaiton. He stepped on the protruding rocks nearby, thrust one hand into the mountain wall to fix himself, and then stretched out his hand to detect Kayton's breathing and heartbeat. Although it was very weak, the wolf king had not died yet, and a large amount of **** frost formed on his chest, causing the blood around the wound to congeal. This prevented Kayton from losing a lot of blood, but if he didn't save him, the Wolf King would probably not survive.

Zero took a deep breath and lightly pressed it on Albert's broad knife. The energy of the thin strands from the hand that was like a hairspring was injected into the broad knife, and Ling suddenly felt that this broad knife was already very fragile, and the ice flames released by Kayton had already destroyed the internal molecules of this knife. Sore holes. With zero concentration, he gradually poured energy into the knife. During this process, he was extremely careful, for fear that an overly powerful beam of energy would smash Kaydon to death.

When the whole broad knife was filled with zero energy, all the energy streams tremble lightly at the same time, so the whole broad knife flew out like fine sand in the wind. The two Mobilakes beside him immediately supported Kayton's body and put him on the ground. Zero then wiped off his sweat. The action just now seemed simple, but it required extremely delicate micro-control techniques. That would have to divide the energy into as subtle as hair strands, and also manipulate hundreds of such energy strands at the same time, in order to achieve a synchronous resonance to disperse Albert's broadsword.

As soon as Kayton was placed on the ground, Alice had already ran over. She had an extra battlefield medical kit in her hand, and a life-saving injection in the kit was pressed into Cayton's vein, and then Alice checked Cayton's injury. With the suspension injection, Kayton's breathing became a little heavier, but his heartbeat was still weak. Like a candle in the wind, it will go out at any time.

"He was hurt very badly!" Alice closed the hair around her ears and raised her head to zero and said: "The opponent's weapon pierced him to the heart. Several major blood vessels were cut off, and internal organs were also damaged to a certain extent. Fortunately, he did not directly injure the heart, and he coagulated the wound with cold air, which supported us to come. This kind of injury, emergency surgery cannot be performed here. Moreover, we also lack the image of maintenance?

?? Many doctors like that. "

"Let's go to the holy temple, they may be able to perform such an operation. Alice, how long can he last?" Ling asked.

"It's not more than 24 hours."

Ling patted Kayton's face and said: "Man, I know it's difficult. But no matter what, you have to hold on to me. Unless you don't want a house of cigars!"

I don't know if Kayton heard Zero's words, there was a slight smile on his face.

Zero made Mobirek help Kaiton to fly out of the seam, while the others used the safety rope to get out of the ground. As for the remaining alien species, they also used their own methods to come up from the ground. After leaving the Palatinetooth gate, it was discovered that the outside world was already at night, and the Petty Core issued an order to the alien species, and the bats flew into the sky. Under the cover of night, it flew to the southeast like a dark cloud. As for the giants, they waded directly into the river. They even sank to the bottom of the river and left on the riverbed.

After the aliens had gone clean, Ling Chaojin gave a wink. The latter took out the only remaining flare and fired it towards the sky.

In the holy temple, Ba Jin was the first to see this glare. He ignored the opposition of the other elders, and immediately jumped off the holy mountain, and then mutated rapidly, turning into a lion eagle beast and swept towards the palatal tooth gate. After three hours, Zero had already stood at the foot of the sacred mountain. After seeing Kayton's injury, Elder Wegg shouted with an octave raised voice: "Go call Lan, this kind of injury can only be saved by her family's medical skills!"

In the end, Kayton was taken away by Lan. Lan told Zero Kaiton that he could not die, but suffered such serious injuries. The strength may be affected after the injury, but life is obviously more important than the drop in strength.

Under Weig's arrangement, Jin and others returned to Ukala first, and Ling Ze and the other elders returned to the holy temple. Ba Jin told Zero about the exchange of music between Yin and Albert, and Zero also exchanged information about the underground space with them. However, he only mentioned that the black owl wanted to save Feng Wu, and he did not hesitate to let the **** of darkness parasitize the girl. However, it was quietly brewing to avoid discussing the fact that it had seized the core dominance, and there were still prisoners under the ground with a foreign army.

Zero is not stupid. If you want Ba Jin and the others to know that there is a foreign army hidden under their butt, then they should not fall out on the spot.

Finally, Zero said: "The God of Darkness was finally killed by us. Those alien species and shadow races all died in that pyramid. On the way back, we also met that man, of course, now he has become me. Point of evolution."

"That is to say, our danger alert can be lifted?" Wegg was relieved, after all, the man Albert was a powerful eleventh order. If he were allowed to run wild on the black earth, it would undoubtedly be a huge threat to the clans.

Ba Jin shook his head and said: "No, not yet. Yin has not been arrested yet. I have asked Gog to seal off the third-level area. Yin should not have escaped yet."

"So, do you need my help in this matter?" Ling asked.

Wegg shook his head and smiled: "You have helped us a lot. If it weren't for you, the God of Darkness would not know what kind of disaster it would bring us. And that demon, his destructive power would not be more powerful than the God of Darkness. Little. In short, warrior of a hundred battles, you have won the friendship of all our clans."

I laughed, and I wanted to let you know that I put an army here temporarily. I'm afraid I have already screamed and killed me now?

In the evening, Ling Ji arranged to rest in the holy temple. He lay on the bed with his eyes closed, but didn't really fall asleep. Now he needs very little time to sleep. The main brain and the split brain can rest in staggered directions, so it is not much different from normal people's sleep. At this moment, Zero has no sleep, and the will is communicating with the core. Data rushes through Zero’s brain like a tide, and countless alien beings are reviewed by Zero in the form of data.

That is the core design, but there is no time to put into action the strange life. Among them, there are huge life forms that are as big as planets, and there are also nano-scale life that is so small that it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. The core stores the genetic fragments of various life that Prosius has collected since its birth, and these fragments are combined by the core to have these heterogeneous species.

The biggest feature of the alien species is the parasitic, those Drake, or the giants of Ogmar. They are all certain life under the ground, after being parasitized by seeds spread by the core, they gradually evolved into what they are now. This is also the origin of the name of alien species. In the long period of time before the arrival of zero, the core is transforming this production method. The parasitism is gradually transformed into biological reproduction, and the most common viviparous method on the earth is used, which is probably the result of collecting the biological fragments of the earth.

The core is quite strange, even if it is far away from the abyss, it can still be used to get in touch with Ansura. Ansura has already set out to prepare for the production of the heterogeneous army, and some data is sent to Zero through the core. After zero verification and deciding on some heterogeneous ability orientations, it will be fed back to the commander.

Time just passed.

In the middle of the night, Ling suddenly heard footsteps.

He opened his eyes on the bed, and then saw Weg come in.

Zero surprise said: "Elder Wegg, is there anything else at this late?"

"It's me, Zero." A deep, magnetic voice rang, and Zero felt a bit like listening to her own recording and playback. To be sure, it was not Wegg's voice. In this elder's body, there is another will.

"Agradis?" Ling shook his head and said, "Do you want to burst this poor old man's head?"

"The spiritual power of the Sordo tribe is much stronger than you think. For a while, there will be nothing wrong with this body." Agradis said dismissively, and said: "You did a good job, I feel The core has disappeared. In this way, Prosius' power will be further weakened. This is good news."

For a moment, Agradis didn't even know that the dark core had merged with him? He thought for a while. It was probably the memory team's intention to attach the core to the outer wall of the heart nucleus, and the nerves and blood vessels they generated were supposed to block the breath of the core itself. But the fact that he was able to hide the will of the planet still surprised Zero.

"But next, the news is not very good." Agradis made a wry smile with Wegg's face: "Prohus is coming out, Zero. I can't hold it anymore. Soon, this one. The planet will face the final battle. I hope you are ready."

Zero's whole body was shocked, and he smiled bitterly after hearing the words: "How can it be possible to prepare for the existence of Prosius, how to prepare enough. But the current situation is that my strength is still too weak."

"I know, but this battle is not just about you~lightnovelpub.net~ It is related to the life and death of all life. When necessary, I will also participate in the war." Agradis said indifferently: " It's a personal suggestion of mine. The Hall of Valor and the Dark Council on this continent are very powerful and powerful. If you can make them cease, then we will have a better chance of winning this war with General Hughes. Get a little older."

"In addition, the strength of the Western and Eastern Continents cannot be ignored. Zero, try to integrate resources, and hope to face this final and greatest crisis!"

After speaking, Wegg's body suddenly shook, and Agradis's voice rang again: "The storm is coming. The last restriction has already been solved by Prosius!"

A roar of a giant beast rang out in an unknown space. Circles of invisible and tangible ripples overflowed and spread in the space. Wherever the ripples went, the huge rocks as large as mountains were also shattered. The huge stones dragged the splendid flame tail from the sky to the endless abyss. At the bottom of this abyss, shadows surged, and thick electric snakes shot everywhere.

A beam of light that pierced through the shadow of the black mist flashed and burst, and countless symbols swept through the subtle light bands and shot in all directions.

In the shadows, a huge voice sounded: "Everything is over, Agradis!"