War Lord

Chapter 886: The world is throbbing

[Thanks to Su in the war and Xiaocai who escaped for their big monthly tickets. The latest update is really slow, please bear with me. The opening of the new book was completed with a short of 30,000 words. After the opening was completed, the rhythm of two 6,000-character changes resumed. The past few months are really busy and crazy. The last two months have been busy with the company. This month is the beginning of a new book on product development. But even so busy, I can’t lose weight, it’s really sad~~]

To the east of the planet, there is another continent floating on the vast expanse of sea.

The East Continent, its area is the same as that of the Central Continent, but it is not a complete continental plate. The cataclysm of the past smashed the entire continent of Asia to pieces. Later, under the movement of the ocean and the earth's crust, these fragments were pieced together to form what is now the Eastern Continent.

The eastern continent is vast, with endless mountains rising from the north, gradually reaching higher than the heights. It is shaped like a dragon lying on the continental shelf. It travels through most of the land in a distorted and distorted way around the mainland, and finally settles slowly in the east, and connects to the Yanin Islands.

The Yanin Islands are located in a relatively calm inner bay of the mainland. They are composed of hundreds of islands of various sizes in a long and narrow twisted archipelago.

At this moment, on the west side of the Yanin Islands. On the vast sea that is tens of thousands of nautical miles away from the East Continent, a whirlpool in the sea is slowly taking shape from small to large. In the whirlpool, from time to time, bursts of lightning shot out. Under the flickering light, you can occasionally see the figure of some behemoths.

Below the surface of the sea, there is a long and curved trench in the sea area as deep as five kilometers. This trench is still very young, and it and other large and small trenches in this sea area only took shape after the cataclysm. Hundreds of deep-sea life lives here, and the abnormal life has super vitality. Even in a Jedi like the Polluted Sea, they still survived, and the rate of mutation is more than ten times that of the mainland life. !

Among these lives, there are tyrannical and huge devil batfish, and tenacious but only fist-sized blood-stabbed jellyfish. Life in the sea has been living in this patch of trenches for a long time. They live in these labyrinth-like trenches all year round. Unfortunately, even the largest devil manta fish, its fins are only a few hundred meters long and wide. , So no life is found, the shape of these trenches is not naturally formed.

If you shrink them and put them together in a picture, you will find that their shape is like some kind of giant circuit board, and if you disassemble them separately, you can subdivide a number of symbols!

At this moment, in the center of the largest and deepest trench, an unusual flame of light gushes out from the depression on the seabed, the flame tore the earth's crust, and the sea sinks. The surrounding water replenished in, formed a spiral, and gradually evolved into a waterspout in the sea, thus forming the continuously spreading vortex on the sea.

When the first ray of flame spurted out of the sea, a seemingly fragile force field immediately spread out in the sea. The force field is expanding extremely fast, and it has swept over hundreds of kilometers in an instant, covering the vast sea. The marine life that was swept by this force field all panicked and swam desperately, just to stay away from the ray of light. Some weak beings died silently even when the ripples passed by, and those who could swim were the more powerful creatures in the sea. Any one of these guys can cause endless troubles to the fishermen in the Eastern Continent, but now, they are running like a dog with a tail between them.

After a while, fire began to appear in the trench. The fire light twisted and traveled on the concave ground, wherever it went, the crust cracked, and hot magma spewed out from it, like an active volcano under the ground. A huge underground fissure is taking shape. It distorts and stretches up and down, cutting off the trench and letting sea water flow back in. Let the originally calm seabed become chaotic.

On the surface of the sea, scary flames and flashes can be seen faintly, and then a few more sea vortices begin to take shape. The climate on the sea has also changed. The thunder and thunder resounding through the sky and the earth, flashing electric lights surging through the clouds, and then the sudden heavy rains and gusts made the entire polluted sea boil!

When the seafloor cracks extended for hundreds of kilometers, Shengsheng tore the complete trench belt apart. The seawater that had been inverted suddenly rushed away with a large amount of sea sand, and there was a strong earthquake in the earth's crust.

A huge wave was quietly set off on the sea, and the huge waves were layered on top of each other, forming a sea wall several kilometers long, roaring away in the direction of the eastern continent.

Below the seabed, rows of dark mist sprayed up. They spewed out from cracks in the earth's crust, and when the fog soared into the sky, the fierce friction with the cracks actually generated a field of electric charge. The force field released unmatched electric light, which was like a blade, cutting the nearby trenches one by one. On the fractured surface, a scorched black trace of sparks appeared everywhere.

Tens of thousands of tons of sea sand spewed out with the dark mist and light, stirring the sea into turbidity. The splashing electric light cut the entire sea area, and the sea creatures that could not escape were cut into pieces by the electric light one by one, and the blood mixed with the sewage tossed upwards. From the sky, a scarlet flower is quietly blooming on the sea!

When all the fog and light escaped from the earth's crust, it looked like a storm cloud spanning hundreds of kilometers. The surrounding fog is fluctuating, and the electric snakes are lingering and flickering. The core is calm, calm and almost empty. If you use the perceptual domain to test it, you will find that the foggy core is like a black hole, swallowing all information.

The storm cloud is soaring to the surface of the sea. In the process, millions of marine life have been incorporated into its body. Countless light strips resembling tentacles protruded from the periphery of the fog, and they captured countless lives in a random roll. Even a large creature like the devil manta can not withstand the pull of the two light bands, and is also helplessly caught in the mist.

The height of several kilometers disappeared under the movement of the storm cloud. When it broke through the sea, the whole world was shaken.

At this moment in the Central Continent, it was the morning when Zero and Ba Jin waited and left the holy temple and was heading to Ukhara on the moon ship. They were already preparing to leave the black land, and Prosius appeared there, but there was so much work to prepare. Zero had no time to stay in the black land, and even Kaiton had to stay in Ukala for a while.

Suddenly, there were slight ghost images in all the scenery in front of Zero's eyes, as if he heard the roar of some kind of giant beast in his ears. He stared at the sky in horror, which was still surrounded by continuous radiation clouds. It's just that today's radiation cloud seems to be much richer than usual.

Zero felt a palpitating heart, he suddenly knew that Prosius had left the prison!

"What's the matter?" Ba Jin asked. This alien powerhouse has reached the tenth level, but he still can't feel the throbbing of the world.

Zero smiled reluctantly: "It's nothing."

Ba Jin was silent, he knew that Zero had not told the truth. But since he didn't want to talk, Ba Jin didn't ask any more wittily, and the two remained silent. The moon ship went quietly along the water under the double oars of the boatman's sway.

The long-lost Asgartri, in the office on the highest floor of the main hall. Ben entered his office at an hour accurate to the second as usual. His life and work have not changed much because of the war with the Dark Council. The only obvious difference is that the progress reports of the base that he read every morning have become the latest frontline battle reports.

The secretary brought him a cup of unsweetened coffee as usual. When Ben picked up the coffee and put it to his mouth, it seemed as if the temperature of the coffee was too hot. Ben’s wrist shook slightly, and a few drops escaped from his arms. The coffee fell on his suit.

The secretary was shocked, this is something that has never happened before. She quickly said: "Sir, I..."

There was a moment of loss of consciousness, and then he smiled and said, "It's none of your business, as people are getting old, it is inevitable that the movements are a little stiff. Go down."

The secretary left questioningly, Ben put down the cup, stood up and looked out the window. Asgart outside the window looked so peaceful in the morning light projected by the holographic electronic board, like the last piece of pure land in this ugly world.

He sighed suddenly: "It seems that the good days are coming to an end."

At the same time, in the city of Eternal Night at the northern end of the mainland coastline, Oglock, the giant of the Dark Council, was on the outdoor balcony. He was wearing thin pajamas, but his aged body stood straight in the freezing cold wind.

Oglock looked to the east of the world, where he felt a shadow spreading across the sky and the earth quietly spreading.

He was silent, and stood on that balcony all morning. This was simply impossible before, and every minute of Oglock is precious. Asking him to waste a morning just standing in a daze in the wind, that is almost a fantasy!

The throbbing of the world can only be felt by a few strong people. Most people continue to live their lives in a muddle-headed state. Just like the East Continent, it is the continent at night~lightnovelpub.net~ From the sky, you can see many stars. That is light, and it is also a symbol of energy.

The situation in the Eastern Continent is also chaotic. After experiencing the initial chaos, two circles of influence have gradually formed. The largest circle of influence is the emerging country "Qin" located west of the Endless Mountains. The monarchy and feudal system has been revived in this country, and it has occupied two-thirds of the mainland in just a few decades.

The other circle of influence is the East Asian Alliance that connects the Yanin Islands to the east of the mountains. It is an alliance system composed of survivors from more than a dozen countries including India, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Iran in the old age.

Compared with Qin, the East Asian Alliance is more complicated. Although it is an alliance, it may not be united within. Just to fight against the increasingly powerful Qin, and not to be united together.

The endless mountain range has become the boundary between the two circles of power. On the eastern continent, around this boundary line, there are constant wars between the two circles of power every year. The history of the East Continent is itself a textbook of war.

On this night, the storm clouds creeping from beyond the distant seas of thousands of miles have quietly reached the Yanin Islands in the East Continent!

A storm of despair is brewing.