War Lord

Chapter 887: Assault on Ryukyu Island

The Yanin Islands are densely covered with stars and consist of hundreds of large and small islands. In the dark night, on the button belt of this island, only a dozen islands have light. One of the largest, crescent-shaped islands is called Ryukyu Island. After the cataclysm, Japan's population of hundreds of millions dropped sharply to less than one million. In the next half century, countless people died.

Now, the total number of survivors living on Ryukyu Island and other scattered islands is less than 100,000.

On Ryukyu Island, the largest island currently inhabited by Japanese survivors, it carries the lives of more than 70,000 people. They followed Qin and revived Japan's shogunate system. The highest leader is the general, and those who are capable are the samurai class. The resources and wealth of the entire Ryukyu Island are concentrated in the hands of the generals and the samurai class. In the center of the long and narrow island of Ryukyu Island, a prosperous city was built.

The houses in the city are neat and the streets are in order. All the architectural styles of ancient Japan are adopted. In this precarious era, the capital named Shin-Daban has a strange luxury. A twenty-meter high wall protects the Shin-Osaka, and the cannon machine gun on the high wall faces the world outside the city coldly.

Only the samurai class and their family members are eligible to stay in Shin-Osaka, and the current Shogun Hirata Genzuna lives in the most magnificent castle "Tenshukaku" in the city. The castle is completely built by ancient methods, with red tiles as the roof and white stone as the base. The contrasting colors of vermilion and white appear so dazzling even at night. There are also cascading roofs with lifting frames and wing corners, which makes people feel like they have returned to ancient Japan during the feudal period.

However, it is in sharp contrast with the magnificent Shin-Osaka city. Outside the city, there is a shabby pavement centered on the city of Osaka, with intricate and foul-smelling streets, as well as uncovered clothes, and the body is full of abnormal changes. The organized untouchables are more like silhouettes of this era. The shoguns and samurai squeezed tens of thousands of untouchables to accumulate their wealth.

Just as they were singing and dancing in the city of Osaka, the storm clouds that had spread from the distant seas had reached the sky above Ryukyu Island.

The attack unfolded without warning, and a group of pitch-black fog **** rolled down. They were of various sizes, and the number was astonishing. In the dark night, there was a torrential rain. Tens of thousands of fog clusters fell towards Ryukyu Island at an extremely fast speed. They dragged long black flame tails in the air, and the roaring sound of breaking through the sky awakened the residents of Ryukyu Island.

A man covered in dirt ran out of the gate, and he looked at the sky suspiciously. A ball of fog hit a shanty not far from him, and the humble house built of wooden planks and iron sheets collapsed directly, setting off a gust of wind. Then the fragments of the house were thrown off by something, and then a monster walked out of the ruins.

It looks like an octopus with worm arthropods. The upper body is an overlord octopus waving its tentacles, but the lower body is a weird worm body. The two huge eyes on the big head of the monster octopus flickered with blue light, then waved its tentacles, and got into the nearby shanty. One of them curled up the dumbfounded man, and his tentacles lifted him up.

Arriving in midair, the man saw a scene like hell.

Tens of thousands of monsters descended from the air. They were wrapped in a dark fog. After falling to the ground, the fog dispersed, and strange creatures crawled out of the fog. They are basically marine creatures. Among them, men have seen the devil manta fish that only exist in the deep sea, and there are even a few sperm whales the size of motherships!

No matter what kind of marine creatures they are, their lower bodies have worms or arthropods. These lives have undergone an abnormal change. The worm-like body arthropods like the chassis allow the monsters to advance quickly on the land. They are like a black tide overthrowing slums, turning countless civilians into corpses and fragments.

The man suddenly felt breathless, but the octopus underneath contracted its tentacles. Tightened by this thick fleshy beard, the man even heard the figure of his own bone shattered, and then his body became very light, and the man saw the world spin in his eyes. A pilot whale passed under his eyelids, the whale's big mouth opened, and countless purple light particles were concentrated on the outside of the whale's mouth.

Suddenly the night lit up, and a bright beam of light blasted from the whale's big mouth. The beam of light moved straight forward, setting off waves of air. When the light beam hit the wall of Daban City, a huge fire ball rose slowly, and finally turned into a boiling flame in the dark night!

The world is crazy. With the last thought, the man returned to the darkness completely.

The world is indeed crazy. The monsters that appeared on Ryukyu Island have completely subverted people’s cognition. Even in terms of the madness of this era, it is difficult for people to accept that some marine life is put on the body of a bug. Become a biological weapon for siege of cities and land! But the fact is like this, so many monsters now lived in the sea of ​​pollution not long ago.

When they were swept into it by the storm cloud, they underwent crazy and rapid transformation. When thrown down again, they have become terrifying biological weapons. Of course, in this almost crude way to transform, it is destined that the life of these biological weapons will not be too long, most of them will die in a few hours, and the remaining small part will not last for 24 hours, but this is for the storm. The existence in the cloud is enough.

One hour is enough for it to flatten all the resistance on this island.

This is the cold result after calculation.

The monsters fell in the slums, and more often in the city of Osaka. The existence in the storm cloud can be clearly sensed, and there is a strong energy response in the prosperous capital underneath. In addition to underground nuclear power plants that provide urban operations, there are also some high-level capable people.

As a result, Storm Cloud took special care of Daban City, and the number of monsters that fell into the city was greater, and the density was also greater. And it itself quietly moved towards the sky above the capital.

Clouds of black fog smashed into the city of Osaka, and only a hideous creature crawled out of the fog. They tore down the castle tower full of ancient charm, overturned the houses, and treated the powerless ordinary people as delicious snacks. Flames burned in every corner of the city, and the rising flames even illuminated the night sky. Ten minutes after the monster descended, the army in the city of Osaka reacted and began to counterattack.

The officers roared, and from the warehouse, three meters high, the mecha designed to look like a Japanese samurai strode out. They use high-frequency blades in the shape of katana, or directly use suspended machine guns and howitzers to attack. It's just that there are too few such mechas, and there are only more than 30 such samurai mechas in the entire city of Osaka.

Under the command of the commander, usually a squad is paired with a mecha, but it forms a combat unit.

However, the thirty or so combat units were still too weak to face thousands of monsters of varying sizes. Although the army of Osaka City fought desperately, the flames of war inevitably spread to the castle tower where the shogun was located.

In the watchtower of the castle tower, a man in his forties wearing a large samurai robe was shaking. He roared: "Someone tell me what's going on!"

The man in front of him was General Hirata Genzuna. He himself is also a rank ten powerhouse, otherwise, how could he be able to control the nearly 100,000 civilians under his hand. When he roared, the uncontrollable power was immediately released, causing great depression to the several staff nearby.

"General, this may be a biological weapon developed by Qin Xin. They came too suddenly, we..." a staff member said tremblingly, and his head suddenly flew up.

Genzuna Hirata put away the blood-stained samurai sword, and shouted: "The rice bucket, how could this be an attack from Qin! Let’s not say whether they have this level of biotechnology, but just pass it silently. Endless mountains, and passing through the territories of Indians and Iranian pigs to attack our island, this is an impossible task in itself!"

The general's tail sound was still lingering in the air, and suddenly a huge pressure came from above his head. In the face of this coercion, even Genzuna Hirata, a tenth-tier powerhouse, is as small as a bug.

The storm clouds floating in the sky above the capital, the clouds outside are violently tossing. Then the clouds lit up with dots of light, and then hundreds of cloud pillars fell like cannons. Large and small cloud pillars blasted straight into the city. The first cloud pillar reached the ground two seconds after it was launched. When it hit the ground, a ten-meter-high tower burst into explosion!

After the cloud pillar detonated the tower, a circle of black mist spread out. After the black fog spreads out 100 meters, it splits into dozens of tiny fog pillars, and these fog pillars produce a series of small explosions when they hit an object. So when hundreds of thick cloud pillars fell into the city of Osaka, the entire city was almost covered by continuous explosions.

The breath of the castle tower was violent, and a cloud column fell straight toward the tallest and largest building. Hirata Genzuna roared, and turned four prismatic hollow stones on his forehead and chest. The blue light came out, he was holding a samurai sword in his hand, and the moment the roof of the Tianshou Pavilion split and separated ~lightnovelpub.net~ a blade of light flashed in the general's hand.

The knife light went upstream and hit the cloud pillar. The connection of energy exploded a circle of black and blue ripples in the air. Where the ripples passed, the building collapsed and shattered, and several staff members were shaken to death by the aftermath of the collision energy.

The cloud column dispersed, leaving a line of blood slowly between Hirata Genzuna's mouth. His face was earthy, his hands and feet were trembling slightly. He tried his best to counteract the power of one cloud pillar. It is conceivable that the many cloud pillars that fell in the city had wiped out his army along with the monsters that had attacked the city.

The existence in the storm cloud obviously didn't have much patience.

When the general had just made the idea of ​​evacuation, the coercion in the sky regenerated. From the storm cloud, there were more than a dozen bright lights flickering, and then the same number of cloud pillars crashed down. They all came towards the castle tower and anchored Hirata Genzuna. The general's eyes were open with anger, and dozens of cloud pillars were almost next to each other. There was no gap at all, like a black waterfall hanging down from the sky, rushing on the Tianshou Pavilion in an instant!

The entire Ryukyu Island was shaken.

The castle tower has become history, and this magnificent castle and its owner have disappeared cleanly. On its original site, there is only a bottomless round pit left!