War Lord

Chapter 889: Infiltration Osaka

The brig sailed into the black fog, and everyone put on a gum cloak to isolate the electromagnetic particles in the black fog. The direction in the black fog is hard to tell. According to Modas' own estimation, the barrier of the fog is more than ten meters thick. When the brig passed through the fog wall, Modas and his team members saw islands full of death.

The large and small islands on the Yanin Archipelago have now become a piece of scorched earth, and it is hard to believe that this is an overnight change. The land of the island was scorched and dry, and plants such as coconut trees and camphor were knocked down by the monsters on the island, and then pulled somewhere. There are strange creatures in the shape of a drilling machine erected on the island. They are in groups of three or five. From the bottom of the body, the fleshy wall pipe seems to be connected to the ground. From time to time, you will see regular fluorescent lights rising, connecting these strange creatures. The biological body.

They are extracting energy from the island!

Modas felt this way when he saw these creatures. After observing the island from a distance for a while, the brig quietly detoured in the direction of Ryukyu Island. The closer to Ryukyu Island, the more corpses floating on the sea surface. There are human beings, and some creatures who cannot be named. The Seawolf team salvaged one of the monsters, which was a tailed tiger shark, but with more worm-like arthritic tissues in its abdomen. The monster's body has been severely decayed, and even if it is salvaged to the ship, the decay continues.

The muscle tissue continuously turned into a thick yellow liquid, just as an unknown microorganism was continuously eroding the corpse. This kind of decay is extraordinary, even if any signs of life have been lost, the inside of the body is boiling!

Modas hurriedly asked the team members to throw the body into the sea, and performed the necessary disinfection treatment on the deck of the ship.

The sea area around Ryukyu Island became a hell, and there were tens of thousands of corpses floating in the water, and the stench emitted made the most experienced team members pale. One of the female players trembled even more, and her eyes were full of fear when she looked at Modas: "Boss, what happened here?"

Modas sighed: "I know nothing like you, so we are here. Cheer up, no matter what happens here, we will check it out and report back!"

As the island where the new Osaka Castle is located, Ryukyu Island is naturally complete with various supporting facilities. Among them, several berths are included. The brigs marched hard in the sea of ​​corpses, and they approached one of the piers to the west. When about a few hundred meters from the dock, a sniper used the sight on the gun to look in the direction of the dock.

In the crosshair of the sight, several octopus monsters are moving. They are like installing a bug's chassis for an octopus. Shengsheng assembled two kinds of life together to form this kind of alien creature. The octopus monsters appeared near the dock and moved according to a certain rule like a guard. Putting down the sights, the sniper shook his head at Modas.

Modas found the captain and said softly: "Go to the northeast of Ryukyu Island."

The captain looked surprised: "There is only a cliff."

"So probably no one thought we would land from there, or maybe you have a better location."

The captain certainly did not have a better landing place, so according to Modas, all the brigs quietly drove to the northeast of Ryukyu Island. Here is a cliff. A piece of high ground slopes down from the cliff, and below it is the location of the new Osaka Castle.

The steep cliff can't stop the fully armed Seawolf members. They used equipment and the environment of the cliff itself to climb up flexibly, but in 5 minutes, everyone had reached the top. Modas leaned on this grassy slope, looking incredulously at the city of Osaka below the **** and the slums outside the city. The location of Ryukyu Island lies in the middle of the Yanin Islands. The sea breeze is blocked by other islands. Therefore, the climate in the archipelago is relatively comfortable. Otherwise, Hirata Genzuna would not build Osaka City here.

In Modas' impression, Ryukyu Island has vast vegetation, and tall coconut trees and patches of greenery can be seen everywhere. But now, the entire Ryukyu Island has become a world of black and red. The earth was scorched, and the ground was torn open. Those bio-drilling devices are set up on these rifts, frantically extracting energy from the island.

There are still a large number of survivors on Ryukyu Island, but they are guarded by monsters with slender heads and tails, round middle, and crystal shells. Modas didn't know that this kind of bug had yet to appear in the attack last night. But after one night, there were already nearly a thousand such worms on Ryukyu Island. If Agradis saw it, he would not be unfamiliar. Because these bugs once appeared in his spiritual war with Prosius, it was the assault bug that Prosius acted as cannon fodder.

It's just that these assault worms are much smaller than the similar ones that appeared in spiritual wars. The worms are only more than one meter long, while the assault worms that appear in spiritual wars are at least three meters long!

For some unknown reasons, the assault vehicles made by cutting corners and materials are now acting as guards. There are only a group of them, taking care of nearly a hundred survivors. Then after receiving some kind of invisible signal, these survivors will be driven to a certain crack in the earth, and then they will all be forced through the crack and fall into a certain place underground.

Looking at the city of Osaka again, a huge round pit appeared in the direction of the castle tower. The original magnificent castle has disappeared. On its original site, the round crater formed by the impact of a meteorite is reflected with black and blue light, and a beam of light will rise into the sky from time to time. After reaching a height of 100 meters, a clear blue pattern formed and passed through the black fog.

Whenever such ripples pass, the thick electromagnetic fog seems to be thicker.

Modas' instinct told him that there must be something under the guarding pavilion today. As for the rest of the city, a large number of buildings were torn down, and only a few sporadic pavilions remained in the ruins under the war. Two pitch-black meat cocoons with a height of more than ten meters occupy both sides of the city. There are thick pipes all over the cocoons, and hot smoke will be emitted from some of the vents from time to time.

Their meat cushion abutment is hundreds of square meters, and large and small pipes extend from the periphery of the abutment and plunge into the ground. From time to time, a group of monsters will drag the plants on the island to the vicinity of the cocoon. At this time, the cocoon will split a gap from it, and a bunch of tentacles will stick out from it, and the wood will be drawn into it. As the temperature in the meat cocoon rises sharply, the wall of the cocoon will show red light, and then circles of red cocoon light will be transmitted into the ground along the pipes around the base.

These two big meat cocoons are just like two refineries, they swallow anything that can be burned and purified, and then turn it into pure energy and send it somewhere underground. No matter how you look at it, the entire Yanin Islands feels like a large processing plant.

"It's horrible here." It was one of the team leaders under Modas, from South Korea, who had a single name of Mu.

He is a capable person of the Thunder Element Domain, and his combat power is second to none among several team leaders. Like the other members, Mu wore tight-fitting tactical uniforms, with a metal protective wall on his right hand. It was actually an electromagnetic particle amplitude device, which could increase Mu's Thunder system abilities. Several team leaders are like Mu, equipped with all kinds of equipment that can improve their abilities.

Modas made a gesture towards the back, and the four team leaders including Mu quickly stepped forward. Modas said: "Me, Mu, and Bavi took two groups to the castle tower. Bai and Sanyi, your two groups went to reconnaissance the underground nuclear power plant. Remember, the purpose of our mission is not to fight, once it happens. Danger, I allow you to choose the time to leave according to your own judgment."

Those who were named by him were the team leaders of Seawolves, and each of them had become a fine character. After remembering Modas' order, they immediately split up. The four teams were divided into two, looking for a suitable cover along the hillside to sneak towards the city of Osaka below. Visibility is very limited in the city of Osaka, where dense smoke rises everywhere. Under the cover of terrain and smoke, they quickly arrived near the city wall.

On a high wall 100 meters in front, there was a strange creature entrenched on it. More than a dozen eyes on the monster's head looked at the outside of the city in different directions, apparently acting as a sentinel. Modas looked at Mu, who nodded. Mu Wei arched his body slightly, blue lines appeared in his eyes, and suddenly his figure flashed out. A faint blue electric pattern was left in the air, and the person had dashed behind a rock on the raised ground twenty meters away.

Lightning advances ~lightnovelpub.net~ one of Mu's abilities. This ability allows him to move like lightning, and even change the angle as he likes, interspersed in the rhythm of battle, which can often produce miraculous effects. But now, even though the alien creature's eyes on the city wall had many eyes, it hadn't been qualified to catch Mu. After several flashes, Mu has come to the blind spot of the monster's sight.

He gently pulled out a pitch-black dagger from the outside of his thigh, and several electric lights were ejected from the dagger. Mu suddenly soared into the sky. When the monster's eyes caught the attacker, an electric arc passed over its fat body with the movement of the dagger, and then it split into two silently, spraying a lot of blood and internal organs from the body. organization.

Watching Mu kill the monster and fall down the wall, Modas gestured to the others, and the Seawolf members quickly moved forward, rushing into the high wall before being discovered by other monsters. Modas led the two teams to sneak towards the site of the Tianshou Pavilion, while the others went to the underground nuclear power plant. Right now the monsters on the surface were busy squeezing all the available resources of the archipelago, and did not find that the sea wolf had sneaked in quietly.

Modas' team quickly came to the site of the old castle tower, lying on the edge of the round pit, Modas looking down, and a flash of lightning flashed across the dark island ground from time to time. Some strange things can be vaguely seen in the electric light, Modas can't believe his eyes. What he saw seemed to be a forest.

A piece of wood growing under the ground?