War Lord

Chapter 895: 2 difficult

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and Valkyrie's war spears danced in his hand, and he clicked backwards. He drew out his war spear and let the corpse fall. At her feet, the Valkyrie swept towards the town.

The gunshots in the small town have gradually become rarer, and the resistance is getting weaker and weaker. If she wants, she can completely wipe out the entire town's councillors and soldiers. But it doesn't make sense. It is almost impossible to wipe out dozens of soldiers. There is no influence, they can't even be called the waves, how can they influence the tide of the times?

"Close the team." Valkyrie used the communication channel to say to the captains of the other two groups.

However, there was no response from the communicator.

"Fandy Thomas?"

Valkyrie called several times in a row, but the communicator side was quiet as a ghost. The Valkyrie was shocked, and her pupils dilated slightly. She suddenly found that the mission seemed to proceed too smoothly. There was hardly any decent resistance. The goal has been achieved.If this material warehouse in Sellers Town is so important, is it too trivial to defend with such troops?

Could it be that this is...

"Miss Valkyrie, good evening."

There was a gentle man's voice in the communicator, just one sentence, enough to remind people of the sun and the beach. However, it sounds like a thunderbolt in Valkyrie, because this person shouldn't be here.

That was the eldest son of the Augustus family, Hart Augustus, the current front-line commander of the parliament!

"This is your conspiracy?" Valkyrie said solemnly: "Where is my man?"

"Beautiful Valkyrie, don't worry, your adjutant Mr. Thomas is still alive."

Then, Thomas' voice rang: "Please leave here, captain!"

"Well, Mr. Thomas obviously has too many evils. So, can we talk now? Madam?"

I met Hart in an abandoned factory in the town. Several rows of light bulbs were erected on both sides of the factory shed to illuminate the factory shed as bright as day. Hart was standing in the middle of the factory shed, and he was sitting there. On a black leather chair specially prepared by Zhang, in front is a table with wine and cups on it, and even a few chocolate curtains. The front-line commander of the parliament is as leisurely as in his own home, seeing Valkyrie's At that time, he greeted warmly: "Please come and sit here."

In the simple factory building, there was an out-of-suit red carpet that stretched to Hart's side. At the end of the carpet, there was a long sofa, which looked shiny, and it shouldn't be a small town thing.

"Augus is worthy of being the giant of the Evernight City, even in the war zone?" Valkyrie sneered slightly.

Hart was unmoved, and even the smile on his face had not changed at all: "Miss, this place is far from the front line, I don't think it can be called a war zone. Besides, this is just my personal preference, and it has nothing to do with the family. You don't Do you feel that wearing that armor makes you feel nervous? If it were me, I would have taken it off early in the morning."

"I don't think so. I want a shot in your heart more than this."

Hart laughed, he shook his head and said: "Dear Valkyrie, I am far less important than you think. I am dead, and the council will soon send a new commander. A Hart is still far from the loss of the council. Disastrously."

"Perhaps, but old Leo will definitely be sad, after all, he only has two sons.""//pnxs""target="_blank">//pnxs"target="_blank">"//pnxs" target="_blank">pnxs Pingnan Literature Net"

Hart smiled stiffly and nodded: "It is true, well, Miss Valkyrie, let us put away these irrelevant words, why not talk about business?"

"Listen thoroughly!" Valkyrie sat down on the sofa and said flatly.

"As you can see, this is a trap. Without too much modification, as long as you deliberately let you receive some wrong information, things like this will happen immediately. I am sorry, because I was thinking of Thor. Sol. At the same time, I was very surprised that Asgart's dazzling Valkyrie would come in person." Hart folded his hands and leaned forward slightly: "Then let's make a deal. I want the lady to stay. This. If you agree, I will let your people go. The conditions are simple, I want to see Douglas. If he is willing to show his face, I will let his favorite daughter go on the spot."

Valkyrie laughed: "Do you think your father is a stupid? Such an obvious trap, do you expect him to step in?"

"He will, because he is the Douglas who declares democracy and benevolence, not our Lord Speaker who rules everything with absolute power." Hart said lazily, "So he will come, of course, in case I guess. It doesn't hurt to make a mistake. A father who doesn't even want to take risks with his own daughter, I don't think he will have that high prestige in the army."

Valkyrie's back was cold.

Everything is in Hart's calculations, and it is a mistake not to channel Glass to come or not.

Valkyrie sneered: "I also have a proposal."

"Oh, let's listen to it?"

The Valkyrie did not answer, but stood up and said, "I want to see Thomas."

Hart made his head and snapped his fingers. The other door of the factory shed opened, and two Colonel Bloodriders escorted Thomas in. Seeing his adjutant, Valkyrie took a breath and said: "I'm sorry, Thomas .I can't save you, but don't worry, if you miss today, I will avenge you!"

After all, the flames of war erupt!

Hart was taken aback, even he did not expect Valkyrie to be far stronger than the rumors. This Valkyrie.[,! ] Obviously, he was prepared to sacrifice his subordinates and did not leave Douglas with a problem. It was a correct choice, but it was a pity that Valkyrie didn't know Hart enough.

Hart is a very cautious man.

Be cautious, there is almost no time to make mistakes.

The temperature in the factory shed suddenly dropped, and Valkyrie suddenly felt that the war flames on his body had a tendency to be suppressed. The pale flames were getting lower and lower, and finally only an inch of the body was revealed, but there were caves in the entire space. There is no snow now, of course there is no cave. The caves that Valkyrie sees now are all the products of energy materialization.

To be able to condense the energy into an entity, the opponent's strength is at least Tier 10!

"I am in a bad mood now, so you better not force me to act."

The arrogant voice sounded from behind, and Valkyrie turned around and saw a girl with a hot body come up. She has a slightly childish face, which is in sharp contrast with her mature figure. A huge visual contrast. This contrast is enough to turn a man into a beast.

Considering the energy dissipated throughout her body and the empty energy stones floating on her body, in the list that Valkyrie knows, only one person meets the criteria: "Xiuya? The first knight of the blood ride?"

Xiuya walked up to Hart unceremoniously, and threw the chocolate curtain on the table into his mouth in front of him. She also sucked on the slender fingers with her mouth, making Hart shook her head and smiled bitterly, and then a few councils The soldier's breathing increased noticeably.

"It's me. You're Valkyrie?" Xiuya stretched out her hand and pinched the Valkyrie's face, then she pressed her whole body, opened her lips and said in Valkyrie's ear: "I have a bad temper. Hart said I can’t kill you, but I’m afraid I’ll miss if I don’t pay attention. So you see, it’s not a good idea to do it. Besides, I don’t have to kill you. Just interrupt your hands and feet, I think, Many men will want to **** you."

The two women whispered personally, the picture was quite impactful. Even Hart couldn't help turning his face away, and the other council soldiers saw their chests rising and falling violently. Finally they separated, so that the men did not turn into beasts on the spot. .

Valkyrie suddenly put away the flames, sat back on the sofa, and even put down the golden gun: "No more."

"It's a clear choice." Hart said sincerely: "Then Miss Xiuya will accompany you before Douglas arrives. I think you won't refuse?"

Valkyrie didn't answer, but just snorted through her nose. If there is no Xiuya, she would not mind breaking through with all her strength, and she might suffer serious injuries or even death as a result. But with the first knight, it's not the same, she alone is enough. Suppress yourself. Valkyrie is not afraid of death. Just as Xiuya said, the council does not kill her, but humiliates her, which will bring a greater blow to her father and Asgart's army.

Hart turned back and said: "Let our Mr. Thomas and the other gentlemen go together. Of course, don't forget to confiscate their weapons."

The night has ended, and when the sun rises again, it is another day.

Outside Dawn City, two off-road vehicles are ready to go.

One is Zero, which is shared by the three of Su and Feng. The other is four soldiers, whose main job is logistics. The journey to Asgart is far away, and there is not a ten-day effort to reach it. So. Sufficient water and food were prepared in the car. When I was a mercenary in the wilderness, these two things were always a headache for Zero. Now, they are no longer a problem. Now Zero has to consider how to persuade Douglas to cease the war.

There were not many people accompanying this time, and Ling only brought two of his most powerful partners. As for the other people staying in the city of Dawn, Ye Liu was going to take Haiwei to sprint to the tenth level, and Jin and Alice were unwilling to do so. As early as yesterday after the meeting ended, they had left Dawn City to conduct their secret training. The others were also busy, and even Leah was assigned a lot of clerical work.

Speaking of it, the most idle one is zero. His job is the simplest, but at the same time, it is also the most important.

After bidding farewell to everyone, the car started, and two off-road vehicles drove across the Arc de Triomphe Bridge. They drove up the hillside and drove toward the wilderness. In the sky, two dark shadows rose from the shadow canyon and flew in the hundreds At a height of meters, following the car at a constant speed. That is Mobirek, they will act as zero eyes, and every move on the ground can't escape the eyes of these high-ranking bats.

Two weeks later, the boring journey ended. From afar, the Julian Mountains, like a screen across the continent, jumped into Zero's eyes again.