War Lord

Chapter 903: Into the dungeon

\"How about it, did you kill it?\" On the wall, the commander yelled.

\"Confirmation in progress...no no, not dead yet!\"

In the beam of light, a few scarlet energy flames were transmitted from the rising dust and smoke. In an instant, a bright red light curtain suddenly rose from the dust and sprayed. It was split in an indescribable short moment in the blink of an eye. The earth plunged like a knife into the soft and creamy town. The soldiers on the wall looked at the commander in horror.

This bright red light curtain passed through his body. The light curtain was as thin as a gauze, but it was extremely sharp. Even the concrete high wall was easily cut open, and the commander's body was far less strong than the town. After that, the world in his eyes suddenly tilted to the left and right, and in the middle was darkness like an abyss!

The soldiers watched the commander’s corpse split in the center, and then dumped it to the left and right. The cut surface was so smooth, the cross-section of the bones and internal organs was as smooth as a mirror. It was not until a moment later that blood sprayed out of the broken blood vessel. Flowed all over the floor!

At this time, the light curtain began to shatter from the end. Each segment of the light curtain shattered, and there would be a loud noise like tidal sound. The segments of the light curtain shattered, and the sound of tidal sound resounded through the night sky. In the end, it was full. The devastating energy was released from the shattered light curtain, and a continuous wave rose on the ground, slapped against the east wall.

The world suddenly became quiet. In the spray of energy flame, both people and objects soared into the sky, but in the energy flame, they gradually annihilated and returned to nothingness. After a few seconds of silence, the depressive screaming sounded. When he got up, a group of black and red flames swallowed the entire town wall, and engulfed the area of ​​the eastern town.

After a while, soldiers burned into flames screamed and ran out from the edge of the flames. They rushed to the cold ground, or their colleagues sprayed them with fire-extinguishing spray. It was difficult to extinguish these simple elements. The flame caused by energy.

Looking at the fireball rising in the east of the town, the other defenders in the town rushed to support them.

\"Hurry up, **** it. Can you move faster? Bring your weapons...\" A bloodrider lieutenant colonel yelled, waving his hand vigorously, let?

The soldiers mobilized.

Suddenly, he saw a sluggish guy walking slowly in the shadow of the command center. Lieutenant Colonel Bloodrider was furious, walked over with a low growl and strode towards the man's collar: \"Asshole , Do you still want to be lazy when it's all?\"

\"Sorry, sir...\" said the man in the shadow, his voice full of laziness.

The lieutenant colonel suddenly felt a cold in his wrist, and then something red jumped into his field of vision. After 0.5 seconds, he woke up. It was blood, and most importantly, it was his blood!

A face appeared under the fire light. This face was definitely not the soldiers under the command of the lieutenant colonel. His pupils shrank, and he saw a cold light flashing on the man's hand, followed by a chill in his throat. The lieutenant colonel couldn't help but hold it down. His throat could not stop the hot blood from spouting from his fingers. He opened his eyes wide, knelt down slowly, and watched the person pass by him.

The lieutenant colonel wanted to reach out to stop him, but his body was unable to fall to the ground. He twitched, and in the tilted picture, the lieutenant colonel saw the man carrying two long and one short black swords, rushing into the flock like a tiger. In his own soldier.

Zhan Lan crossed the air and cut a soldier in mid-air. Breaking the waves flew, gently slitting another person's throat. The two knives, one light and the other heavy, formed an unparalleled offensive in Feng's hands. His figure is looming, It flickered in the defending army. Some soldiers were already in a different place without knowing what happened. In a blink of an eye, a team of hundreds of people had already killed Feng cleanly.

It was as if the incident repeated a month ago, except that Valkyrie pulled a whole army of victorious spears last time, and this time, only two people caused chaos.

The chaos in Sellers Town is quietly spreading.

When Feng Hesu attracted the attention of the town’s defense, Zero had already sneaked into the town. He haunted the town like a ghost, sometimes standing on the roof of the building, sometimes in the shadow of the corner, and even When he was behind some soldiers, but no one noticed his existence, Zero was like air, like a ghost, wandering in the town.

He is constantly collecting intelligence, from the soldiers' words and phrases, the military's movement to the layout of the building. Countless information is collected, filtered, and eliminated, and what is left is to narrow down the possible hiding points of Valkyrie.

Soon, Zero locked the No. 2 prison in the town.

This is a three-story prison located at the back of the town. The prison is located underground. Each floor is separated by armored tactical panels. Even with ground-piercing missiles, it is difficult to break the three-story dungeon. This prison is much stronger than the other two dungeons. Many, if Valkyrie is imprisoned here, Zero can't think of any more suitable place than Prison 2.

At this moment, the automatic door opened at the prison's surface access passage. A group of soldiers ran out, apparently receiving an order to temporarily deploy some soldiers from the prison guards for reinforcements. Zero stood in the shadow by the door and converged. All the breath blended with the shadow. No one noticed it and zero passed by until the last soldier came out of the passage and the automatic door closed. Zero suddenly reached out his hand from the shadow and grabbed the soldier from behind. With a vigorous turn of the chin and head, the soldier was silently strangled.

He quickly dragged the soldier into the shadows, and the team in front did not find any one missing. After the team went away, Ling pulled the corpse's right hand and patted it on the electronic identification device next to the automatic door. The device scanned the soldier's palm prints and passed by After the wisdom brain confirmed, the automatic door slowly opened. After the door opened a gap for people to pass, zero toes on the ground, the whole person rushed into the door[,! ]

After passing through a short and narrow corridor inside the door, at the end is a passage extending downwards. Zero can even hear the voice of soldiers talking at the exit of the lower floor. He rushed down, and the speed did not slow down due to the turning of the passage. Instead, he passed through. He pressed the wall with his hands and feet to steer and accelerate.When Zero jumped out of the exit of the basement floor, the two guarding soldiers reacted and turned their heads to Zero with a stunned expression.

Zero reached out and pressed a solider on a soldier's chest, and the soldier suddenly flew into the air. The heart was hit by a huge force, and it stopped beating instantly. When the soldier landed, the corpse's lips had turned dark purple.

The other soldier was about to yell, and Zero had already held his face with one hand and the goalkeeper threw him out, smashing the surveillance system at the exit. When it fell, Zero's tactical knife swiped in his throat. He stopped looking. He reached out and picked up the machine guns in the hands of the two soldiers, adjusted to burst mode, and then walked along the corridor. Along the way, he used machine guns to explode the electronic locks on both sides of the prison one by one. After opening, the refugees who had been caught by the council cautiously poked their heads out of the door.

The petty gun swept a few shots towards the dome and shouted: "If you don't want to die, hurry up!"

The refugees immediately rushed to the exit, cleverly picking up automatic pistols or sabers from the soldiers' bodies, and then leaving with the flow of people. When Ling came to the corner, several guards rushed out. Without waiting for them to raise their guns, Zero has already fired her guns, and two bright lines of fire swept several guards down. One of them threw a grenade at Zero, zero snorted, and the muzzle was fine-tuned. With a single shot, it volleyed and exploded. Grenade.

The flame that exploded suddenly, because of the distance, the thrower was drawn in. After a while, the flame dissipated and only a few charred corpses were left on the ground.

Zero stepped past the corpse and moved on.

Until reaching the third floor of the dungeon, Zero almost killed all the guards in the prison and released hundreds of refugees, but still couldn't see Valkyrie.

\"Is she not here?\"Zero frowned.

The sound of human voices and footsteps came from the entrance of the distant passage. After thinking about it, he pulled the body of a guard and disappeared in the corridor. After a while, a group of soldiers rushed down and carefully searched for all of them. Prison. A Blood Riding school officer yelled: \"Find me, you can't let go of a mouse.\"

When a soldier got into one of the cells, he suddenly saw the body of a guard who was stripped of his coat on the ground. He just wanted to shout, and one hand quietly pressed his mouth from behind. Following a cold in his chest, he attacked. The man had already used a saber in and out of his heart several times. The soldier immediately lost all his vitality, and Ling threw the corpse into the cell, and then bowed his head and walked out.

He had changed into the costume of a parliamentary soldier, and lowered the brim of his hat to hide his face.

The Officer Blood Rider was striding into a cell at the corner. He seemed to have a clear purpose. Ling looked in his eyes and followed quietly, and he did not forget to make a search to hide himself during the period. When he came to the door of the cell, Ling saw that the school officer pulled a cover-up panel on the wall, revealing the electronic lock that was working inside.

Seeing that the electronic lock was still working, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: \"Fortunately, no one seems to notice it here.\"

\"It turns out that there is still this hand, I have to say, you guys cover it up pretty well.\"

A voice sounded behind him, and the school officer changed his color. An orange flame rose from his hand, and he slammed in the direction of the sound with a roar. However, the fist that was burning with the flame smashed into the air, and Zero had already circled him. Behind him, the short knife was swung, and his throat was cut. When the school officer's hand was pressed to the screen on the electronic lock, several soldiers had already fired at zero at the door.

The gun product spouted bright tongues of fire and set off a bullet storm in the cell. Zero simply raised the school officer and used his corpse as a shield. After slightly blocking a wave of bullets, the figure had disappeared in the air. Use the ability to jump in space. Coming to the door, zero-handedly took the knife and dropped it, cutting off the arteries of these soldiers. In the distance of the corridor, the soldiers who were in charge of the search had heard the gunshots and came over here, shrugged and held the short knife. Welcomed up.

Then the gunshots and shouts rang through the corridor, and after ten seconds, Zero came back. He was covered with blood, and even the short knife broke a little bit. He simply threw the knife away and pulled up the officer's body. Dragging to the electronic lock, pressing his palm against the locked barrier, the wall retracts inward, and then separates to the left and right, revealing an elevator.