War Lord

Chapter 904: Black ride


In the prison on the fourth basement floor, a man with a dagger looked up to the ceiling. His white hair fluttered slightly, and a pair of triangular eyes showed a vicious light: \"It seems that something interesting is about to happen.\"

\"What did you sense, Shinra.\"

I stepped on the last cigarette **** with my boots, and the naked head was tattooed with a black bat pattern.The man with a beard from the left and right sides to the chin asked.

The white-haired man Shinra lowered his head and said: "It looks like there is an intruder, Noz, it seems we have something to do."

\"That's really wonderful.\" Touching his bald head, Noz straightened his body. A smirk was pulled out of his mouth: \"Looking at this woman here has almost smothered me to death, finally someone Come and save her. Do you think it will be Douglas?\"

\"I don’t know, but I hope it’s the old man. In this way, the Hall of Valor can know that our black rider is not comparable to the waste of blood riders!" Xinra took out a short knife from behind the waist. There were some flamboyant curves engraved on it. The pitch black light spread quietly in these curves, so the black awns gradually spit out from the tip of the knife.

Black Knight is the abbreviation of Abyssal Knight. Their uniform style is similar to that of Blood Knight, but they are completely dark, so they have this name. If you look from the back, you can see that Shinra’s trench coat is followed by a Roman numeral of Ⅻ. As for Knoz, it is Ⅺ. This is their number, and it also represents their strength in the black knight.

There are only 12 black knights, including the captain, and the two who are now responsible for guarding Valkyrie are No. 12 and No. 11.

But even the worst Black Cavalry has the strength of Tier 10. And Tier 10, thrown in the Blood Cavalry is already an officer of the rank of Xiuya. Measured by Black Cavalry’s evaluation system, even if it is Xiuya, in Black In riding, it is only ranked around three or four.

The sound of the elevator shaft sliding was unable to hide from the ears and eyes of the two black riders, and Shinra gave Noz a wink, and the latter nodded forward and took the main attack position. Noz's ranking was even lower than Shinra's. His name does not mean that his strength is not as good as Shinra. On the contrary, in terms of pure strength, he is still above Shinra. After all, he is a powerhouse in the fighting domain, but the battlefield competition is not all power. , Shinra, who focuses on the perception domain, can play more roles in many cases.

The two have cooperated many times, and they had a tacit understanding between each other. When facing an unknown enemy, Noz stepped forward and used his stronger strength to suppress the enemy, and used high-intensity defense to defend, thus creating for Shinra behind. The opportunity to win, this very ordinary tactic, often plays a great role.

When the elevator arrived and the metal automatic doors opened on both sides. Noz arched his body slightly, his muscles trembling slightly, and he was in a state where he could burst out at any time. However, when the door was fully opened, Noz was stunned. There was only one in the elevator. The dead Lieutenant Colonel Xueqi had no other people at all.

Knoz walked in, looked around, and then looked at the ceiling of the elevator. The vent on the ceiling was opened, revealing a gap for people to pass through. From the gap, can you still see the elevator above? Lift the shaft belt.

\"Be careful, Shinra. That guy may have invaded...\" Knoz turned around and warned his companion. When he turned his head, he happened to see a figure appearing behind Shinra like a phantom, from the phantom to the real. The man raised his head slightly, and the light came from behind, leaving a backlit silhouette.

In the silhouette, those golden pupils are calm and deep, like a calm sea. However, under that sea, there is a violent undercurrent of murder!

\"Xin...Xinla, watch out for the back!\" Knoz yelled, bursting out with all his strength. The leather coat was bursting with soaring muscles, and the bald tough guy wearing only a pair of leather pants roared and sprinted in Xinla's direction.

Xinra was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt a cold back. That was the sensation of outside air entering the body. He even felt a cool palm lightly hold his spine, and then pulled it hard, and it came from his ears. Crisp fracture sound.

Energy and blood rushed out of his body, and Shinra, who felt powerless for the first time, his eyes were filled with shock. He turned around and barely saw the golden pupils. There was no mercy in those pupils. , Without anger, cold and inorganic, just like a machine. Shinra suddenly felt extremely angry, and the feeling of being ignored was like an enzyme, expanding Shinra's anger infinitely.

\"Don't underestimate me!\" He roared, and threw out the short knife with black flames with all his strength.

However, the dagger was not thrown at the attacker, but pierced into the shadow behind him. Seeing the dagger inserted into the shadow, Shinra smiled, and then spit out a few mouthfuls of blood from his mouth before moving.

He glanced at Shinra's short knife with no doubt, and Knoz did not leave him too much time to think. In an instant, Knoz rushed to him. The big man's chest and shoulders were turned up in a round shape. The empty energy stone, with a palm of the knife, smashed down like zero. Zero bent his arm and hit Noz's hand knife with an elbow. There was a crackling blast in the air, and the faint ripples spread all the way. Go, it caused the surrounding metal walls to collapse and crack silently!

Swinging Knoz's hand knife, Zero retreated a little. Just about to organize the second offensive, suddenly a strange shock came from her elbow, which caused the energy in Zero's body to turbulence, even the bones, blood vessels and heart. The nucleus has a feeling of being pulled and about to shatter.

Knoz grinned and said: "The feeling of multiple shocks is uncomfortable, it will continue to cause your energy shocks, which in turn shocks and even shocks you to death!"

\"That's it, it is indeed a new experience. But if you want to shock me...\" I didn't finish speaking, my pupils dilated, I could not help opening my mouth and coughing. I opened my lips and coughed out of my mouth. Black blood, black blood splashed in the air,.[,! ] Instantly spontaneously turned into a black flame.

Zero's whole body temperature rises, and one or two black flames escape from time to time from his nostrils and mouth. I just feel that the whole body is like being in a stove, and the feeling that the whole body is about to be burned is quite bad. His sign, this is obviously not Knoz Suddenly he thought of something and looked back at the short knife still nailed in his shadow.

\"It seems that you have discovered that it is Shinra’s Shadow Fury. If you touch the target’s shadow with a certain medium, you can transfer the shadow energy to the target’s body through the shadow, and then use the target’s blood and energy as fuel Burn it.\"Knoz glanced at Shinra's body:\"To be honest, this is an ability that makes me feel a headache. But now, I am very happy to see this scene.\"

\"No one can withstand the wrath of the shadows while also being able to withstand my attack!\" Noz yelled, and leaped on his body. A punch was drawn in the belly of zero, and he was arched like a shrimp. Body.

Zero's slightly thin body rose from the ground, and he was about to flew away, but Knoz caught his arm in one hand, and the other hand swung like a machine gun, constantly printing the punches with multiple shocks on Zero's body. The body was shaking violently in the air, like an involuntary doll. After sending out hundreds of punches, Knoz swiped Zero's cheek with a strong uppercut, smashing his whole body out, and hitting him at the end of the corridor. On the wall.

The wall immediately sank, and the metal surface cracked into cracks, some of the circuits inside were short-circuited, and sparks bounced.

Knoz took a deep breath, and his whole body was full of bright flames, showing that he was moving with all his strength. He strode towards zero, and the energy of his whole body gathered towards his fist, and wrapped it on top of the fist, forming an eye-catching one. Dazzling light cocoon.

\"Go to hell, kid!\"

Wrapped in the light cocoon, the fist blasted towards Zero's forehead, and the light cocoon pulled out a few bright light patterns in the air. These light patterns did not disperse, and vibrated violently at a speed hard to see with the naked eye. Knoz is good at it. When hitting the target with multiple concussive effects, the fist front will tear apart all the opponent's defense methods, and then send a cocoon no less than the destructive power of the missile into the target body, thereby producing an implosion. destroy!

It is no exaggeration to say that even if a skyscraper slams Knoz like this, it will be broken.

Seeing that the fist front was about to hit the zero, a huge power suddenly emerged from the zero. The dazzling golden flame tossed like a dragon, zero bounced and punched. The fist front pulled hundreds in the air The afterimage of Ji eventually overlapped with his fist and hit Noz's light cocoon heavily.

Knoz's eyes opened wide.

The light cocoon on his fist was first violently twisted, and soon there were subtle cracks in the center. The light cocoon burst into pieces in an instant, and in the shock wave of the explosion, Knoz saw the zero fist front blast out a spiral beam of light. , It slipped into Knoz's arm and shot out from his shoulder instantly.

The beam of light went away in an instant, and only a moment later did a sharp whistling sound.

Then Knoz's arm twisted like a twist, the skin split, and the muscles and bones were twisted and twisted by great force. Following the burst of blood vessels, in the blink of an eye, the entire arm exploded into blood mist, like a sniper equipment at close range. Medium. However, the devastating energy is not willing to just blast one of Knoz's arm. They still invade along the blood vessels. The skin of Knoz's whole body floats with blood vessels, and they spread to the tough guy's body like purple-black lines. .

Knoz widened his eyes and said in disbelief: "Are you Tier 11?"

After spitting out this last last word, the big man seeped wisps of energy light from his body, and then exploded.

Valkyrie was in the cell. Although the cell was cut off from any sound, it was not difficult to see the outside picture. She came to the door and saw a glare of external light. Following an incredibly strong impact, it hit hard. On the door, the metal door suddenly dented inward. Seeing this, Valkyrie just turned and pounced on the ground when he heard a loud bang behind him.

A violent shock wave poured in from the door with a strong air current, and the sunken door flew into the prison, and plunged diagonally into the wall facing the door. Valkyrie looked out the door, the corridor A thick smoke billowed outside. Gradually, a figure appeared. Finally, Zero emerged from the smoke and waved to Valkyrie: \"I'm here to pick you up.\"