War Lord

Chapter 907: collision

Longinus had only one bullet left.

With the increase of zero power, the power of this root gun increased, but the number of bullets has changed from six rounds of the previous revolver to three now, the number is reduced by half. Now that there are only one blow to zero, I don't want to waste it, although Longinus's real ability is not in the bullet, but in the gun itself. But the number of bullets is also its energy limit. Once the bullets are used up, Longinus will return to the world of will. Wait until the energy is fully restored before you can continue to use it.

Fortunately, it can change and form with Zero's will. With a shake of zero hand, this flintlock shotgun quietly changed its shape and turned into a silver-white short knife. In the blade form, the power is naturally incomparable with the shotgun. However, the duration of the victory was extended, not to mention that in the face of a strong Oglock, a knife in his throat is better than a gun to shoot him. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Anyway, in the form of a short knife, Longinus also retains the characteristics of root damage and irreparability. As long as a stab at an important position on Oglock's body, even a Tier 12 powerhouse can be killed, provided that Zero can do it smoothly.

In the face of Oglock, Zero counterattacked, and the short knife pulled out slices of blade shadows in the space, and it seemed to slowly wipe Oglock's throat. The speaker was willing to use his neck to test the knife, with his head retracted, and at the same time his elbow was raised, hitting Zero's wrist and swinging the knife away. The other hand slashed towards Zero with a black and red light. Zero reached out and buckled, pulling Oglock's body forward, and the blade swung back. The tip of the knife trembled slightly and pointed to the speaker's left eye.

Oglock snorted, opened his mouth and roared, as if there was a real sound wave, the short knife made the short knife as slow as it was walking through the mud. The speaker took the opportunity to fly and kicked towards Zero's chest. Zero bent his knees, and the two shook their minds. A dull crash sounded in the wilderness, and the earth shook slightly as if it was hit by a sledgehammer. The wandering shock wave swept away along the ground, and several thick cracks spread out from under the two of them, twisting and extending for tens of meters!

After the collision, both of them flew backward.

Oglock only felt a kick under the pile of steel bars, and was slightly surprised at the strength of his body. In terms of strength alone, Zero is not much worse than his twelfth-order strong. Zero feels that the power of the speaker's foot seems to be inaccurate, and the scattered energy oscillates every muscle, every bone, and every blood vessel of him! But in a flash, a little blood mist sprayed out from the foot, and a thin crack appeared in the metalized bones, and the nearby blood vessels were almost bursting.

This is Oglock's hand, and he will bear it. If he were replaced by an ordinary person, he would have exploded and died.

After the two flew away, they relieved the strength of their recoil, and rushed to each other again to get entangled again. Zero's short sword flashed across the dim wilderness from time to time with cold light, while Oglock's fist front swayed with black and red brilliance, like flowing magma. When the fist light and the blade light touch each other from time to time, it will cause dull screams, and the deadly energy jet will splash around, ploughing the wilderness ground beyond recognition.

Even if Valkyrie has swept a few kilometers away, you can still feel the strong shock formed by the energy hedge of two top powerhouses behind him. The transmission of that kind of vibration spreads far away through the air, and some of the things that are haunted in the night can be felt. The dangerous beasts were all driven away. Valkyrie looked back from time to time, his eyes filled with worry.

The blade wind screamed, and a white light pierced Oglock's heart! The speaker sneered, stretched out his hand to clasp the wrist of zero holding the knife, clenched his fist in the other hand, and slammed it on top of his head. The fist brought a few black and red ripples, and the air suddenly evacuated and produced a dull whistling. Zero stretched out his hand and squeezed Oglock's fist, and the two of them couldn't move immediately. Almost at the same time, the black and red flames on Oglock's body and the zero pale golden Chenhui rose at the same time.

Two energy flames of completely different nature tumbling and boiling, and at the same time slammed into each other fiercely, starting a fight of another nature. The energies collided in an all-round way, opposing each other to form a sharp howl, like the roar of an ancient beast echoing far above the wilderness. The colliding energy flames wiped out golden or black electric light from time to time, and the electric light bounced and swept across the ground, and the ground immediately burned.

Valkyrie saw that he was approaching the mountain, but he couldn't help stopping. She stared at it, and in the distance, two beams of light of different colors rose to the sky, and the ends were hidden in the air at a height of 100 meters. However, the radiation cloud above the wilderness was slowly propping up, and gradually formed a cloud vortex. . It was an abnormal celestial phenomenon caused by the powerful person's aura. In the rotating cloud vortex, even a cloud pillar began to be explored.

The front end of the cloud column resonates with the torrent of energy reflected by the two colors on the ground, and there is a faint tendency to connect together. Valkyrie could hardly believe his own eyes, even if he confronted Oglock head-on, Zero never fell into the wind. Valkyrie didn't know that it was just a superficial phenomenon. In fact, the two men's energy hedges, and Zero feels more and more pressure.

There is no skill at all in this form of wrestling, the competition is the energy intensity of both sides, and the strength is real. Oglock's power is beginning to gain the upper hand, and zero pressure is increasing. He snorted, suddenly tilted his head back slightly, and then slammed Oglock's nose heavily. The speaker smashed his eyes at the gold star and couldn't help but relax.

Zero took the opportunity to break free, his figure flickered, and the next second he had already threw out the space behind Oglock, and the short knife was pulled towards the speaker's cervical vertebrae. Seeing that the tip of the knife was about to be wiped, suddenly his eyes went black, and Zero flew out sideways as if he had been hit by a steel wall. The bones all over his body groaned, and he barely saw it, it turned out that it was the black wing behind Oglock that smashed him.

The pair of black wings were burning, and each feather turned into a black flame. Oglock stretched out his hand to catch it, and there was a ball of light in his palm that was darker than the night. Like a black hole, the core of this sphere of light keeps sinking, pulling the matter and energy of the surrounding space into it and burning it all up. Small black electricity even appeared in the space around the speaker. It was because the space energy was extracted in large quantities, and a crack appeared!

In Zero's eyes, there was only this pitch-black ball of light, and even Oglock had disappeared.

Oglock moved forward a bunch, the light ball trembling violently, and then a beam of energy broke away from the surface, and then turned into a black electric shock. In an instant, the light ball seemed to have lost its converging power. Thousands of energy beams broke away from the sphere, turning into a destructive beam of energy that blasted towards Zero One like a machine gun.

Countless light beams are like raindrops in the sky, covering the space within a hundred meters of zero. Under the agitation of energy, Zero dare not initiate a space jump in this environment. The golden flames on his body converged on the short knife like a hundred rivers into the sea, zeroing horizontally, and the tip of the knife pulled out a golden light that was as thin as a hairspring. The light fluttered a little, then turned into billowing golden waves and left.

Fate is broken!

Jin Tao crashed into the black rain, and the energy was violently hedged and annihilated, causing a dense row of light spots of different sizes to appear on the wilderness. The spot of light flickered and exploded suddenly, forming a pillar of fire that rose into the sky! The pillar of fire stretched into pieces, and the flames puffed, rolled, and fell back, finally forming a fire zone. Ling hugged his head, shrank himself behind this fire belt, and let other black light beams that hadn't been detonated fly over his head.

Under the bright firelight, she pulled out a zero-length figure. At this moment, the fire belt suddenly lowered, and Oglock flashed over. He fell from the air, seeming to throw his head a little, but fell towards the ground behind Zero, and then punched Zero's shadow.

There was a flash of fire from the front of the boxer, followed by a vague wave of waves that passed through the shadow of Zero. At the next moment, Zero trembled all over, and couldn't help coughing up a mouthful of blood from his mouth. The blood was still in the air, the color changed from red to black, and then every drop of blood burned and turned into a black flame!

Such a familiar scene reminded Ling of the Shadow Fury of that black knight. Unexpectedly, Oglock also used the same ability, which can be used by the strong of the twelfth rank, the same kind of ability, but its destructive power is completely different! Using the shadow as the medium, the surging shadow energy broke into the body, and the body of the moment zero has turned into a furnace.

The temperature of the blood continues to rise, and soon they will be completely ignited. Then there are muscles, bones and internal organs, and eventually zero will be burned to ashes. The temperature at this moment has soared a lot, and all he can do is use his own energy to suppress and expel Oglock's power. The strands of black flames spewed out from Zero's nose, mouth and even the pores of the skin from time to time, which is a phenomenon that the shadow energy is discharged from the body.

But now, let alone fighting, Zero couldn't even stretch his fingers. Oglock walked towards him in good time, and the speaker frowned and looked at his palm: "It's really not what your gun is about. Its attack actually prevented my injury from healing~lightnovelpub.net~ It's terrible. Zero. I have to admit that it was not a good idea to let Valkyrie take you away. If you will grow to the level you are today, then you should be killed at any cost. I really am old. what……"

"But it's not too late, zero, everything is over. But don't worry, it will be their turn soon..."

Oglock approached with a smile, but suddenly stopped, and then looked behind Zero with a different face. There was a difference in Zero Perception, and a strong and domineering aura suddenly appeared behind him, suppressing the burning fire zone to a low level. This momentum is very familiar, and a rough figure flashes in his mind. On the other side, Oglock had already called out a name with a calm face: "Kario?"

After the fire zone was suppressed by the sudden appearance of power, Oglock saw three figures appearing in the wilderness in the distance. Among them is Ben Douglas. The speaker snorted, looked at Zero, turned and left without saying anything. He sudu quickly, and in a blink of an eye he has disappeared like a black meteor at the end of the wilderness.

Zero remained intact, continuously clearing out the shadow energy. He didn't really feel relieved until he leaped into Ben's wrinkled face. Not only Ben and Cario, but Paul also came, and the three of them were there. No wonder Oglock would leave. After a battle with Zero, he was really not sure that he would be able to compete with the three former colleagues.