War Lord

Chapter 915: Thunder Operation

"Sir, as a member of the council, I have an obligation to remind you. Your actions are dragging the council into hell!" Xiuya shook her head and said, "I don't want to admit it, but at this time, I found that zero said That's right. This war must end. The internal friction between humans is already too serious."

Oglock looked directly at her coldly, and after a long time, he walked to the desk and rang the silver bell. The door opened and the old butler came in. Looking at Oglock and Xiuya, the butler lowered his head and sighed slightly.

"Take Major General Xiuya to Prison No. 1. No one is allowed to release her without my approval!" Oglock said solemnly, "You give me a good reflection on it!" "Fiction" Chapter of a novel Fastest update

No restrictions were imposed, and even the handcuffs were not put on Xiuya. However, the order was given by Oglock, and no one dared to disobey, including Xiuya himself. So she silently followed behind the housekeeper and left. On the corridor outside the study, the speaker's Xinhuan looked at Xiu Ya with a mocking expression: "Look, isn't this the majestic Major General Xiu Ya just now? Why just turn around? Has it become a bereavement dog? Go to jail and stay there, or, let me send a few macho men to serve the next major general?"

Xiu Ya didn't even have the strength to respond to her, but left with the housekeeper in silence. After they left, the woman's triumphant laughter rang in the corridor. Oglock's gentle voice resounded in the study: "Houston, can you come in?"

The woman hurried into the study, Oglock smiled, and gently slid across her face: "You are so beautiful, Houston..."

"My beauty only blooms for you..." the woman said charmingly.

"Unfortunately, you are also so stupid." Oglock suddenly pressed her cheek and pulled it back, turning the woman's face back!

Panic and doubts were fixed on Houston's face at the same time, and after pushing her body to the ground, Oglock took the handkerchief next to him and wiped his hands: "My daughter, how can you be a bed tool qualified to teach? What's the use of a fool who doesn't even know where he is."

Finally, throw the handkerchief on the corpse. Oglock strode out of the study.

It was another morning.

General Morgan woke up in the morning light from outside the window, after washing up and eating breakfast, he put on decent clothes and prepared to go out. Not long ago, Phoenix received a terrible threat. The army led by the leader of the Hall of Valor, Douglas himself, once faced Phoenix at a distance, but the confrontation was finally over. But after the last experience, the Dark Council did not dare to take it lightly.

Phoenix has now become an important supply point for the frontline of the parliamentary army. Materials shipped from the parliament are stored in Phoenix and then supplied to the frontline on demand. If Phoenix is ​​dropped, it will cause heavy losses to the frontline troops. Therefore, front-line commander Hart was personally ordered to reappoint General Morgan, the former master who was very familiar with Phoenix.

Incidentally, some old men in the Phoenix Army were reappointed. They participated in the defense of the city, which refreshed General Morgan, who had been idle for more than a year. What's more, Ryan, who is working with him, can be regarded as an excellent and gentle young man. Although he is the main defensive work in Phoenix, he has taken care of General Morgan's face on many occasions, which makes the general happy. So don't care about the arrogant and tough methods of the Augustus family before.

Walking out of the mansion, a car had been waiting for a long time. General Morgan got in the car, and the driver drove the car to the military command post in Phoenix.

Phoenix was built in a dam from the old days. Of course, the dam has already accumulated water now, and the towering dam is a natural wall. The original Phoenix City had enough firepower points on the city wall. After the last incident, the parliamentary army brought heavy artillery and a ground-to-surface missile launch system, which forcibly increased Phoenix’s defense capabilities. Levels.

The only shortcoming lies in the number of soldiers. Being constrained by the frontline warfare, the council cannot invest too many soldiers on the Phoenix side. Rhin's command only had a blood cavalry squadron and two infantry battalions, with a total of about 1,000 people. During the period when General Morgan was appointed to take office, the officers and soldiers of the original Phoenix were used. Together with the recently recruited and formed militia, the total strength of Phoenix is ​​now three thousand.

This number is kept in the past, not to mention a Phoenix, it is enough to protect the attached wilderness base. What's more, there is also a private army of the Augustus family "Fallen Angels" stationed in the army. These twenty or so capable people also have the strength of Tier 6, and the leader is a master of Tier 8. If Phoenix had this kind of strength before, it would have merged the neighboring cities long ago.

As for now, this number of troops and capable people is still weak. Fortunately, since that incident last time, something like this has never happened again, but he can't always pin his hopes on the enemy, so between the frontline and Phoenix, Hart made another arrangement.

There are two infantry battalions stationed on the only way to Phoenix. If they encounter a small group of troops, they will be wiped out in one fell swoop. If they encounter a large army, there is also time to issue an alarm so that Hart and Phoenix can be prepared.

But even so, there are obviously more soldiers on the Phoenix City wall than usual, no matter what day or night.

Due to the lack of strength, the council army and Phoenix's own soldiers have adopted a mixed organization, which is conducive to the commander's scheduling arrangements. However, in such an arrangement, contradictions are inevitable. That stems from the friction between the two different systems. The council's army looks down on these wild troops, who are not much stronger than the deserters, and the soldiers in Phoenix don't like these powerful outsiders even more.

Although they generally obey the orders and arrangements of their superiors, in private, the soldiers on the two sides have invisible boundaries, making it impossible to cooperate seamlessly in many links. Just like now, they are also responsible for the rotation during the day, but the soldiers from the council and the Phoenix are on one side, which seems a little out of place.

Several Phoenix soldiers were hiding in a hidden corner and smoking cigarettes. One of the bearded men looked in the direction of the council soldiers and said, "When will those pretending **** leave!"

"Don't think about Mackey, as long as the war is not over, they will stay here. No, or they won't leave when the war is over. In short, that's something big men should worry about." A short soldier shook his head road.

"Gnar is right. We just need to make money. As for other things, it's not our turn to trouble our brains."

The bearded Maki shook his head and looked at the sky outside the city unintentionally: "Hey, what is that?"

The two colleagues followed Mackey's eyes, and a dark object in the distant wilderness was advancing here.

"Is it the cloud?" said the soldier named Gnar.

Maji shook his head and said: "No, the clouds can't move so fast. Binoculars, who of you has a binoculars?"

"I have." Gnar quickly took out his tactical binoculars and looked at it, and suddenly gasped, "Monster, it's a monster!"

"What monster?"

"A flying monster." Gnar handed the telescope to Mackey.

The beard looked at it, equally startled. In the telescope, he saw some humanoid lives with bat wings. On their pale bodies, there was a prismatic crystal embedded in their chests. These monsters seemed to be holding something in their hands, and they were quickly approaching. Suddenly, the line of sight became dark, and then a dim light flashed. Mackey suddenly felt weak, and vaguely heard the yelling of colleagues behind him.

But what they were calling, Mackey couldn't hear clearly anyway.

Of course he couldn't hear clearly, most of whose head suddenly fell to Zhanfei and couldn't keep hearing. In front of the two soldiers in Gnar, a terrifying creature descended from the sky. It has a human-like body with a bat-like head, and its body is covered with dense black scales, and black flames like mist escape from under those scales. The monster was holding a short knife condensed by a dim flame in both hands, and it was just one of them that cut Mackey's head like cheese.

Then the knife light flashed again, and Gnar and the other soldier remained standing stiff, but their heads flew high. After easily slaying the three people with the yellow blade, this Mobirek rose to the sky, and the yellow blade returned to a dark flame. As Mobirek closed his hands, the black flame formed a fireball in the palm of his palm. Throwing this fireball towards the city wall, the fireball exploded and turned into a black fire curtain covering 30 meters.

In the fire curtain, whether it is a person, a concrete wall or a heavy machine gun, all of them melt away quietly!

When they heard the explosions and sirens, Ryan and Morgan, who rushed out of the command post, looked up and saw that there were continuous fireballs bursting on the **** wall in the distance, and then a high-temperature fire curtain of molten gold fossils was laid. Open, put everything into the list of melting and burning.

A total of six Mobilakes rushed to the wall of Phoenix in a thunderous posture. They raided from a high altitude, in this era of lack of air units. The soldiers on the wall obviously didn't pay much attention to the sky, so they gave Mobirek a hand. The targets of their attacks were basically the firepower points on the wall. With the firepower being knocked out one by one, the blockbuster Drake arrived. These gray bat men flew over the city wall that had fallen into the sea of ​​flames, flew directly into Phoenix, and then threw something toward areas such as the barracks ammunition depot in Phoenix.

That is the shell of the heavy artillery!

It's just that these powerful artillery shells were not launched by the turret, but were transported and thrown by Drake. The group of Drake is like a bomber. Wherever they fly, the explosion will appear. The continuous explosion set off a sea of ​​flames, and the barracks and ammunition depots in Phoenix were plunged into the sea of ​​flames. Ryan's face was distorted, and General Morgan was stunned.

After Drake went back and forth in Phoenix, at least one-third of the area had become a sea of ​​fire and ruins. Sporadic counterattacks were being carried out in the city. The attack of these flying creatures came so suddenly that the Phoenix army had no time to react in time. When they began to counterattack, Drake had already begun to retreat, while the high-ranking Mobirek threw the faint melting flame to intercept the pursuers, and further expanded the destruction.

When Ryan drove the car frantically near the city wall, there was a continuous shock. I saw cracks in the **** wall on the left side of the city gate. As the cracks intensified, the wall of gray and gray sand began to pour down from the cracks. In the end, with a loud bang, the **** wall made a three-meter-long gap!

In the dusty dust, a tall figure suddenly squeezed in. When it appeared in Ryan's eyes, even the Ninth Knight couldn't help his pupils dilate. It was a giant, and his body nearly four meters high could only squeeze in through the gap. It was covered with heavy red armor, and the sharp thorns extending from the armor made people feel painful.

The golden lines on the body were bright, and the energy spar embedded in the body was even more radiant. Dragging the ferocious double-moon great axe, the aura from the giant tells Lein that this guy has the strength of the tenth order! When another giant dragged the same huge warhammer in, Ryan's back began to chill. When five giants appeared under the city wall, Ryan's eyes were full of despair.

The strange thing is that these powerful giants did not rush to attack, even if Ryan was already full of soldiers and fallen angel abilities behind him, the giant did not move. It seems to them that these people, including Rhein, are not worth mentioning.

Suddenly the giant spread out on both sides, and a figure walked in outside the gap in the city wall where they were exposed. When this man walked into Phoenix, the five giants knelt on one knee on both sides, with their heads lowered, showing the most thorough respect to those who came.

"It's you..." Ryan cried out when he saw the person who came.

"It's me," said Ling Jing, and he strode towards Rin. The giant behind him stood up at the same time, closed to zero and lined up. And outside the gap, a dark blue giant with a small size and strength got in, but their number made Ryan fall into an ice cellar.

Dozens of deep blue giants gathered behind Zero silently like a mechanical fester, forming a terrifying aura, crushing Ryan and the soldiers behind him with fear. Rine's eyes finally fell on Zero, and said: "I thought you were on a neutral stand."

"It was originally, but I changed my mind because your speaker gave me an answer that I had to do." Zero Shen said: "Then you choose to surrender, or do you decide to fight to the death?"

"Do I have a choice?" Ryan smiled bitterly: "You can kill me, but can you spare my people. You can unload their equipment and drive them out of the city."

"I won't kill you, but again, I won't let these soldiers leave." Zero said.

Ryan asked, "What do you plan to do with them?"

"First of all, you and those capable people must be imprisoned. I will let these big guys take care of you. If you are smart enough, don't try to escape. As for these soldiers, I don't want to send more to your brother in vain. They have to stay. Look, I have work arrangements for them."

Ryan shook his head and said, "Even if you take Phoenix, Hart will call you soon."

"He will fight, so the first thing he has to kill is these soldiers. Then I will issue them the necessary weapons, so Hart might hesitate for a while before giving orders." Zero said coldly.

"I can't believe that such an order came from your mouth. In my comments on you, most of the words I see are gentle. It turns out that you also have a ruthless side."

Zero said frankly: "Your Excellency Lein, this is a war, not a game. I think every coach, including your brother Hart, will understand. Only the conditions are necessary to protect the life of the army to the greatest extent. Even if I have to carry some moral stains on my back. What's more, there is never justice in war. When I decided to go to war, I was ready to bear sin and blood."

"Obviously, you are not ready for this."

Zero stepped back and said, "Then, please give an order."

Ryan nodded, took a deep breath, and turned to the humans behind him: "Everyone, this is an unequal battle. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, I would like to order you on the spot in the name of the highest commander in Phoenix. Unload the equipment... we surrender!"

At the beginning, the soldiers in Phoenix and the council were still struggling. But when the army of Dawn City pressed from the other side of the wilderness, they felt wise for their surrender~lightnovelpub.net~ Under the raid of two high-level alien species, Zero was struck down by lightning. Phoenix, and then the army of Dawn City took over the city defense.

The soldiers on the Phoenix side were all disarmed and put under centralized supervision for the time being. When Zero saw General Morgan, and once again saw Zero Hour who was still a mercenary, but now he is the overlord of one party, Morgan deeply felt that he was old. The two had a close conversation in the city lord's mansion for a morning. After Zero left, Morgan was responsible for appeasing the residents of Phoenix.

Morgan was still thankful, because Zero had made it clear that he would not drag down the residents of Phoenix. As long as they stay on their own feet, Phoenix basically won't suffer much loss.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Zero went to prison again. The prison in Phoenix is ​​not big, so it seems a bit crowded to squeeze into Ryan and wait for twenty or thirty capable people. The vicinity of the prison has become the residence of Drake and the giants of Orgmar, even if Ryan and the others are planning to escape, they will never be able to do it. Therefore, they are not restricted by any ability, and Ryan also sees zero strength, so there is no idea of ​​escape from prison at all.

Ryan was assigned to a cell alone, and when Zero arrived, he was lying in a daze on the bed. Zero opened the unlocked cell and walked in. Lein said, "You keneng won't believe it, but I feel pretty good now. It's ironic to be a prisoner without having to think about anything."