War Lord

Chapter 920: Time difference

Two days later, Zero returned to Phoenix. The first sentence in town is to say to Brown: "Quickly, get ready, Hart should call here soon."

Without saying anything, Brown left to check the defensive positions outside the city and prepare for the final battle. In the past two days, he went to the main theater of Parliament and Hall of Valor, and fought several battles. It is considered to have emerged in this war, and at the same time he is making up his mind for Hart. He planned to draw Hart’s attention to Phoenix. If Hart mobilized his army to fight, then Zero would be happy to fight with him, so as to determine the victory or defeat in the first battle and avoid a lot of unnecessary temptation and entanglement. .

Of course, this is also a gamble for zero. He bet on Hart's personality. Judging from the information provided by Thor on the battles, Hart, the young general, has strict military methods and occasionally has an adventurous spirit, but he is more cautious. It is difficult for such an opponent to defeat him in a short period of time, so Zero would walk through several battle zones in two days and cut down more than a thousand enemies. In this way, he used this method to stimulate Hart, and at the same time, he had to turn around first. Deal with your own reasons.

If Hart allowed Phoenix to continue like this, his rear rear would be in jeopardy, and both he and his generals would try their best to deal with the Phoenix problem first. But Hart has a high chance that he won't be able to exhaust the army, in addition to his usual caution, but also because of the gaze of the Hall of Valor on the other side.

Of course, Zero is also ready for the other hand. If Hart's army were all dispatched, then he would simply abandon Phoenix and directly attack the opponent's frontline base, Nilu City. Occupying Nilu City is undoubtedly a huge blow to Hart, after all, Hart cannot take away all the materials in the city. Once these supplies are lost, Hart can only ask for help from Yongye City. Before the arrival of new supplies, Zero doubts whether he can withstand the joint siege of himself and Thor!

On the chessboard, the **** has fallen. Now it's up to Hart to make the next move.

In Nilu City, a loud voice came from the command building, and everyone outside the building could clearly hear the roar of a certain general. After Zero attacked several armies, Hart held an impromptu meeting in the building, and some generals in the theater hurried back. Even if he can't get away, he will send the adjutant over to participate in this meeting. At the meeting, Hart proposed that Phoenix, a fishbone that had plunged into the council's army, should be dealt with. Regarding this point, most generals are in favor, but on the details of how to deal with this fishbone, the generals from the Augustus family and the council army are arguing because of disagreement.

Hart sat in the main seat, swaying the red wine in his glass. The light of the wine reflected the splashing of the generals' mouths. Ryan tried to stop it several times, but he stopped with a smile at Hart. Hart just allowed the generals to express their opinions. It was only when they were tired that he said lazily: "Everyone, the threat of Dawn City cannot be ignored, and we cannot withstand the war between two fronts. So Phoenix We must retake the city to ensure that our rear is not under the enemy’s sight. This is beyond doubt."

"The key to what you argued just now is nothing more than worrying about giving the Hall of Valor a chance to pick up a bargain when we come out of the nest." Hart put down the wine glass, stood up and came to the long table. Putting his hands on the table and leaning forward, he smiled faintly: "I think of an interesting plan that can buy you a few days. General Duss, with you as the commander in chief, will be responsible for leading our army to attack Phoenix. Constantine will be your adjutant. He and the four black knights will entertain the opponent’s Tier 10 powerhouse, but before you act, you must follow my plan to make sure that Thor is honest. Stay in Lige City for a few days."

On this day, after the combat meeting was over, the troops in various theaters showed signs of mobilization. All the information indicated that the Dark Council would have a big move next. From the Phoenix side, after Zero came back, he scouts all over, and Zero even sent Mobirek out. These Mobilakes are undoubtedly the most sophisticated scouts, they can fly high, and at the same time transmit what they see directly to the zero knowledge through the core.

In this way, the zero intelligence network almost covers the sky and the ground. In the big net he cast, you can see the parliamentary army pulls away from various theaters, gathers, and then divides into several fronts. Interspersed with each other for cover, like an undercurrent in the sea, rushing towards Jericho City where the army base camp of the Hall of Valor is located. Hart’s move made it clear that he would fight Sol for the second time. If it was placed in the past, it would not be surprising. Yes. But when he picked it at this point in time, it seemed weird.

Hart actually chose Jericho instead of Phoenix. No matter how you look at it, it feels incomprehensible. After all, most people don't want to be easy, but Hart does the opposite.

At the beginning, Zero also suspected that Hart was just a feint, but in fact the main target was Phoenix. But in the next two days, many battles broke out on the marching route of the parliamentary army. Among them, they crossed the two theaters controlled by the Hall of Valor and swallowed the troops of the two theaters. All showed that Hart’s move was Aspirational!

After approaching the city of Jericho, the front of the parliamentary army began to diverge, like an undercurrent of the ocean, turning into several streams and approaching the city of Jericho. As a result, the zero intelligence network is somewhat loaded. After all, Hart has dispatched as many as 100,000 troops this time. When such a large army is assembled, it can still monitor it. Once it is divided, the scouts are not enough. used.

What's more, scouts were removed every day, and when the army came to the vicinity of Jericho, Zero could only rely on Mobirek to continue the reconnaissance. In this way, he was missing a lot of data, and he could only observe a rough action frame of the parliamentary army. On the fifth day of the assembly of the council, the war broke out around the city of Jericho!

Thor is desperately taking back the troops distributed in various theaters. As for the city of Jericho, for the time being, he can only rely on the original defenders and his legions to resist. Hart was fictitious throughout the march, and even Thor lost. Opportunity to mobilize the army. By the time he found out that Hart was determined to attack Jericho, he was already several steps behind.

It's just that Jericho has become a fortress under Sol's control, and coupled with the courage of the Destruction Legion, it is not easy to take down the city in one or two days. Sol can also support the gathering of troops in other theaters, and then organize a counterattack. So the focus of the war quietly slipped to the side of Jericho City, but Phoenix City was calm.

This was completely unexpected, and the only thing he could guess was Hart's cautious style. He left for himself an army of about 5,000 to guard Nilu City. The number of this army is relatively small, but it is not a problem to defend for a day or two, so Zero does not want to deploy an army at this time. Go to attack Nilu City.

In this unpredictable war, a miscalculation may bring a devastating blow. He decided to observe for a few more days. After the general offensive on the first day, the parliamentary army began to use a stepped attack. A few of their soldiers attacked in turns. As a result, the pressure on Jericho was relatively small, but the battle was going on all day long, and the flames of war were burning outside the high walls of Jericho almost uninterrupted.

Even the Abyssal Black Knight once appeared on the stage, attacking the city with a tough attack, but blocked the strong from the Hall of Valor. However, there was an abyssal black rider present, which made Jericho's defense not optimistic. And all of this was transmitted through a few Mobirek eyes to the odd hand of Phoenix on the other side.

In the next two days, the Abyss Black Cavalry did not appear, but an invisible pressure formed, so that Thor did not dare to rush to drop Tier 10 heroic warriors on the battlefield to prevent the Abyss Black Cavalry from taking the opportunity to surprise. So stuck to the third day, the army of the Hall of Valor had completed the work of gathering from the war zone, and Thor began to prepare for the counterattack.

However, on the fifth day, the Phoenix Scouts suddenly discovered a large army secretly appearing in the wilderness only 300 kilometers away from Phoenix. At their speed, they will arrive in Phoenix in two hours! When this information was sent to the command building, Zero knew that Hart had finally taken action.

"There are fifty thousand people!" When Brown got the enemy's data from zero, he couldn't help but shouted, "How is this possible? The main force of the council is now in Jericho, how can they still Bring out fifty thousand people to attack us?"

Zero stood in front of the tactical board, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Hart is indeed a genius..."

He drew a few red lines on the tactical board, and clicked on the tactical board: "Remember before, when the parliamentary army was advancing, they did not converge into a large army, but divided into several fronts to advance like this. After arriving in Jericho, the whole army launched a raid on the first day. However, from the second day, the parliament has carried out echelon operations. Obviously, this was not to make Sol and the others exhausted, but for secrets. Divide the troops."

"Secret division?" Berion nodded and said: "I understand. With the help of attacking Jericho City as a cover, in fact, some soldiers were pulled away and moved toward us every time they acted. Frequent attacks. The number of times and the lengthening of the battle line are used to distract Sol's attention, so that he does not notice the decrease in the number of people in the opponent's unit attack frequency. This is very useful."

"Now is not the time to praise our opponents. Fortunately, we did not hold back and attacked Nilu City, otherwise the situation would be worse." Brown said.

Ling Tan said: "This is not exactly what we want, but Hart is really powerful. Using this method to trick the army of the Hall of Valor back, at this time, whether Sol wants to attack Nilu City or support us, time is always up. It’s too late. Obviously, no matter the number of troops or the strong camp, they are almost the same as the Hall of Valor, but Hart used this time difference tactic to fight on two fronts at the same time. The Augustus family has a very remarkable successor."

"Then, let's go and welcome the guests."

There are so many guests.

Standing on the towering dam wall of Phoenix, you can see the army on the other side of the wilderness, far away from Phoenix, without a telescope. The densely packed figures cover almost every corner of the earth. . The parliamentary army did not rush to attack, but set up camp and rested, inspected the chariots and guns, and made it clear that they would attack Phoenix with a thunderous attitude.

Standing on the wall like Zero was General Morgan. Every wrinkle on the old General's face was screwed together. The parliamentary army was pressured, and what he was most worried about finally happened. Now he can only see if Zero can keep Phoenix as he said. Otherwise, the fate of him and the residents of the city would not be so optimistic.

The Dark Council has never been known for its kindness.

The thousands of soldiers who had descended from the parliament were allotted a machine gun and some ammunition at this moment, and everyone looked ugly at the gate of the city. Brown looked at them and said, "Your colleagues are out there, but then you must fight for this city. Trust me, they will never show mercy because you are colleagues in the past, even if the soldiers don’t want to. If you do, the commander of the parliament will also issue an order to kill you."

"You can resent me, resent our commander. But unfortunately, this will not change your ending. When the war breaks out, everyone's fate is already doomed. If I were you, it would Let go of the bit of resentment in my heart for a while, fight with all my strength, and survive by all means. After all, only if we survive can we continue to hate and avenge. Otherwise, a corpse is nothing!"

Brown looked at these thousands of eyes below and said: "We are a little bit more kind than the council. As long as you don't die after this battle, you can leave. Of course, you can still get a little subsidy. So, live as much as possible. Come down."

After speaking, he nodded towards the back, the gate of Phoenix City opened, and this descending army drove out of the city. They will be the first line of defense to defend the city, or undoubtedly face this descending army. No matter what order the commander of the parliament gives is inappropriate, it is impossible to let them go. Shooting them will make the parliament bear the name of injustice, which will shake the military's mind to some extent.

This is also zero hope. As he once said, he will do everything in a war, even if he can only pry the cornerstone of the enemy's army down. Similarly, as the person who made this decision, he must also bear the lives and sins of these thousands of people. And all this will be more in the future, not less.

The war has never been justice.

Even in the name of justice, what is piled up behind is also a mountain of evil!

In the afternoon, the parliamentary army began to attack. The first one approaching Phoenix is ​​the formed tank corps, and the infantry regiment is the one that approached along with the tank corps, followed by twos and threes of guided missile chariots. As for the Scarlet Knights, they are the last ones, let alone the Abyssal Black Knight. Obviously, this first wave of attacks can only be regarded as a tentative offensive. However, on the parliament resident, there are still four complete divisions standing still!

With the approach of the parliament army, the inexplicable pressure is like the low pressure before the storm, which makes people a little breathless. In particular, the pressure on the parliament to drop troops after the fortifications is even greater. Behind is the dazzling muzzle of the soldiers of Dawn City, and in front is the figure of the same robe of the past. They are sandwiched between two giant beasts, seemingly out of place.

Finally, some soldiers couldn't help but jumped out from the fortifications and ran forward a few steps and shouted: "Don't open fire, we are council soldiers!"

There are about a hundred descendants who have appeared after the fortifications after Lu Suu. Brown was sullen, standing on the wall to give the shooting order, but he stopped him, and he just said flatly: "Wait a moment."

The front of the parliament army stopped advancing, and the soldiers following the tank looked hesitantly at their commander. A captain said solemnly: "Shoot them!"

In fact, this issue was approved by General Duss, the commander-in-chief of the army before the war began. General Duss was born a scarlet knight and belonged to the council's army system. It is far more appropriate for him to issue this order than Hart. After all, when others talk about Hart, they first think of the next successor of the Augustus family, and then the major general of the parliament.

General Duss has no problem with his position. His orders are at the discretion of the parliament. Therefore, all lower-level officers would not hesitate to do so, but the captain yelled a few words, but no soldier did it. The captain snorted, jumped out of the chariot, grabbed the machine gun from the soldier, and fired it forward. The tongue of fire spewed a stream of hot metal and shot a dozen people into a sieve.

Now that the officers had already started, the soldiers naturally did not stand on the sidelines. After a burst of fire, the soldiers who dared to step out of the fortifications turned into corpses. They used their lives to warn others that the council would never accept them again. If you want to survive, you can only follow Brown's words and talk about it after the battle!

As a tank adjusted the angle of the muzzle ~lightnovelpub.net~, a flame was exploded on the defensive position of Phoenix, which kicked off the war.

Even in the fiercest stage of the war between the Council and the Hall of Valor, Phoenix will not be able to taste the war. But now, the fiery waves of fire licked its wall more than once. Ling stood at the most obvious position on the city wall, as sharp as a banner, so at least one-third of the artillery fire from tanks and guided missile vehicles was directed at his position.

However, whether it is the tank’s cannon or the missiles with flame tails, they will be intercepted when they come to a place about ten meters above the zero section of the city wall. None of the shells can cross this interception net and become one after another. Fireworks exploded in the sky!

More flames and explosions were raging in the defensive positions. The soldiers in the fortifications had already had the consciousness of fighting. They aimed their guns at their former colleagues. In all kinds of helplessness, they could only use their guns. The tongues of fire vent the anger in each other's hearts.

The heavy artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns on the wall were not idle either. Whether it was a gunner or a fireman, they pressed the shells and bullets to the enemy force. In this raging battlefield, death is happening every second. At this moment, there is no mercy, only cruelty!

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