War Lord

Chapter 921: Thunder

Located at the rear of the parliamentary army, a row of guided missile tanks is shooting out the ammunition they carry regardless of cost, striving to blast down the city walls of Phoenix in the shortest possible time. On the towering dam wall, Zero Soldiers are also fighting back. The interception net formed by the heavy artillery turrets and anti-aircraft machine guns detonated most of the missiles in the air, turning them into fireballs that burst in mid-air!

However, a few missiles crossed the interception net and landed on the dam wall. At this time, the dam wall would continue to sway, but it was far too early to completely blow it down.

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After another explosion, the tongue of flame even licked Zero's feet. Belien, who was behind Zero Chao, said: "Take down those guided missile tanks."

Berion nodded and said, "I need Thunder Force."

The Thunder Force is a strengthened soldier who has transplanted biological organs. After returning to Dawn City, Xiuya successfully prepared a second-generation organ so that the transplanter has the ability to direct. When determining abilities, Zero customized the abilities that these organs can generate into the power of the elemental thunder system. Therefore, everyone in the thunder-thunder troop set out with the army this time is a Tier 6 thunder-type capable person, and the abilities they possess There is only one kind, thunderstorm flashes.

This ability can form electromagnetic pulses of one million volts, and is known for its large range and strong attack. Among the many abilities below the eighth level, it is a rare fierce move. And this ability is also very suitable for the designation of this strengthened soldier force.

After all, they are named Jinglei!

It didn't take long for the strong in the council to feel the sudden emergence of a large amount of electromagnetic energy response above the city head of Phoenix. Such a huge energy field is not formed by one person, but by multiple people. This makes many people horrified. It is not impossible to gather a large number of capable people, but it is not easy to have a force of capable people with the same strength.

Those with abilities in different fields can complement each other, but those with the same line of power, when they attack in groups, the destructive power is not as simple as one plus one, but multiplies each other and rises in a geometric progression!

So when dozens of electric lights shining with blazing white light left a turning track in the air, and instantly blasted into the tank position, the violent electromagnetic pulses impacted and superimposed each other, forming a continuous electric fire light belt, which will exceed three points. The second missile tanks are all wrapped in. When struck by a flash of thunderstorm, the electromagnetic field has disintegrated the electronic system of the tank, and the ensuing electric fire and explosion will blow them up and down!

Seeing this situation, General Duss, who was in charge of the command, turned pale, and he shouted in disbelief, "All the **** flashes of thunderstorms! How keneng this is, how can they have so many thunder system abilities!"

"Maybe this is not the time to question this." The adjutant next to him, Constantine, a strong family from Augustus, reminded.

"Disperse, let the remaining tanks spread out..."

When the words were over, the second wave of electric fire poured down again, so all the 30 missile tanks in the parliament were destroyed, and General Duss was angry with seven holes of smoke. He never thought that the guided missile tank would be cleared so quickly.

After clearing the opponent's chariot, the fifty thunder-stricken soldiers were temporarily unable to continue to fire thunderstorm flashes, but their performance was quite satisfactory. Especially Belien, as a high-ranking thunder system, he knows very well that although thunderstorm flash is only an ability below the eighth rank. However, the quantitative change caused a qualitative change. If these fifty thundering soldiers were to use the thunderstorm flash at the same time, then the ability of this joint release even overwhelmed his thunderous fury.

There is only one person in Berion, but as long as the thundering soldiers have sufficient resources, they can be created from insufficient sources. This is the power of mass production. At least Berion, far from the side of Dawn City, Xiuya is continuing to modulate biological organs, so that the doctor will cancel the plan to develop more advanced biological organs, because then the cost is too high, far inferior to the sixth and seventh-level production. The thundering soldiers came really.

Now, Doctor Xiu Ya, who has sufficient data, can produce 70 thundering soldiers in one month. As long as there is sufficient time, thundering troops will become a nightmare for enemies on the battlefield.

As for now, although the number is limited, it can also play a role in turning the tide of the battle at a critical time.

Watching the missile chariots of the parliamentary army were destroyed in the continuous electric fire, it undoubtedly gave the Phoenix army a shot, and morale immediately rose. The soldier who watched the parliament of Ling had already pressed closer, and smiled at Su He Feng next to him: "Our guest seems to be a little closer."

"It's okay, we will greet the guests well." Feng said with a smile, while leaning forward, he jumped down from the dam wall.

Su, Ye Liu, and Hai Wei followed him by jumping off the dam wall.

Feng's figure was erratic, falling to the ground like a fallen leaf. With a lazy smile on his face, he pulled out Zhan Lan and Duan Lang and walked towards the parliament army. The oncoming bullets will be affected by the invisible force field and lose their kinetic energy when they enter within ten meters of him, and they will fall to the ground one after another. A tank turned its muzzle, the cannon roared, and the shell was advancing at high speed. This was not something that the force field could intercept.

Feng suddenly moved horizontally without warning, and moved out five or six meters in an instant, causing the artillery shells to blast into the empty space, which in vain burst into flames. Feng's toes touched the ground, and the man took up pieces of afterimages and crashed into the forward of the parliamentary army. The two knives pulled out a black wave of light, the light of the knives swept across it like a wave, swept in countless soldiers, and then turned into fragments and threw them out.

Where he passed, there were blood waves left behind!

Zhan Lan picked up, several soldiers flew down at the knife, and they were already cut into pieces by the energy stream of the blade in mid-air. Feng Dao turned around and rushed towards a tank. The short knife turned, the blade passed by the track of the tank, and the track of the tank was cut in the continuous sound of breaking gold and iron. Feng jumped onto the tank, Zhanlan swept across, cutting off the cannon barrel, and then hitting the tank's armor with his toe, and already rushed towards another tank.

A few hundred meters away from Feng, Su hit the ground like a meteorite. The Destroyer's falling power even stirred up a mud wave. In the mud wave, Su stood up carrying the Titan's great sword. The tall sword was in sharp contrast with her. The rough sword and exquisite facial features formed a strong visual impact, which made the council soldiers who saw the plain appearance appear. There was a moment of sluggishness.

But next, they discovered that this beauty on Su's body was absolutely fatal.

When Su's long legs took the first step forward, bright red light armor emerged from the surface of her body one by one, combined, and finally covered her body to form a one-piece light armor. The destructive stance was activated, and the aura of war intent followed. When Su activated the four empty energy stones without reservation, a violent tornado of endless whirlwind swirled around her!

It was a vision created by the violent energy, dust and rubble flying around, but everyone in the council was terrified. After the formation of this tornado, Su began to gallop, Sudu getting faster and faster, one foot heavier than one foot. In the end, the soldiers almost thought it was an ancient mammoth, not a woman, galloping from Phoenix.

A tank adjusted its muzzle and shot out towards Sujj. The cannonball exploded, and the orange fireball was not yet fully developed, and it rushed out with flames all over it. The wind pressure extinguished the fire on her body, and the tank that bore the brunt ushered in the Titan Greatsword's pick from the bottom. As the sword edge of the giant sword was raised, the entire tank flew into the air, and countless cracks spread all over it. Then, after the electric fire flickered a few times, the tank exploded in the air and turned into a huge fireball. In the fireball, the parts and fragments of the tank and the body of the driver jumped out of the fire and scattered to the ground.

Su yelled, and the giant sword hit the ground. The Jianfeng spit out a bright red light, and the light tore the ground, twisting and winding forward. The bright red light spit out from the ground formed a band of light over a hundred meters on the battlefield. On the trajectory of this light belt, both soldiers and chariots have become fragments!

There is no doubt that the destruction caused by the Destroyer is so spectacular. In contrast, Ye Liu and Hai Wei looked much lower-key.

Even the council's army did not notice Ye Liu's intervention, and the girl's figure appeared from time to time on the battlefield. Every time it looms, there will always be a piece of soldiers falling, and even tanks and tanks will suddenly fall apart. However, Ye Liu's killing is low-key and obscure, without dazzling flames, without amazing aura, and some are just a one-shot kill. s efficiency.

Hai Wei is also low-key, just another form of low-key. The girl with short blonde hair specializes in challenging the big guys in the car, and her small body is full of explosive power. After activating the empty energy stone on her body, Hai Wei’s punches and kicks were astonishing. The armor of the tank tank was often pierced by her with a punch, and then Hai Wei went directly into the tank and killed the driver. , Got out from the other side of the tank again.

As for ordinary soldiers, she didn't need to take action at all, just a brutal collision would be enough to cause these soldiers to crack and fracture!

After the intervention of the four tenth-tier powerhouses, standing on the wall, Zero could clearly see the forward of the parliamentary army, and their advance was suppressed. Just like a sea wave hitting an invisible reef, it collided with a wave of death, but the wave could not continue to advance.

At this moment, four fierce powers soared into the sky. At the back of the council, the corresponding figures rushed towards the front line of the battlefield. They were all wearing black long clothes with different colors of energy and flames, crossing the battlefield dazzlingly like shooting stars, and greeted them separately. One person, but the abyss black knight of the council, also joined the battlefield.

After Zero moved his arm for a while, he said to Brown, "The army will be handed over to you. I will go down and move."

The hollow energy stones on his body were turned up one by one, and every time a hollow energy stone was turned up, the golden flame of Ling's body became intense. When all the energy stones were turned up, the light beams from him were like pillars, pointing straight to the sky. In this beam of light, Ling slowly floated into the air, and the light carried on him at this moment was so brilliant. However, to the enemy, the light of the 11th-order powerhouse is also an incomparably deep shadow!

The aura of the eleventh-order strong swayed down strongly, forming an invisible forceful pressure covering the entire battlefield. The power of high-ranking powerhouses is almost like a natural halo of fear, making ordinary soldiers' heart beat faster as if facing natural enemies. Zero's eyes lit up with extremely bright light. If someone looked at his eyes, they would find that the golden light had even covered his large face.

This is a sign of the full release of energy.

He simply raised his hand, crossed his chest, and waved his palm upright, but it made people feel extremely dangerous. Zero's palm left a faint golden light in the air. However, in an instant, the golden light turned into a turbulent wave, blasting diagonally into the enemy on the ground. The golden light illuminated the faces of hundreds of soldiers, and even wrapped a few tanks in.

There was a flash of light in the battlefield, no explosions, no flames, only the terrifying sight of everything melting in the golden light!

Fate is broken!

When Ling walked forward, it was like an invisible high platform floating in the sky. He walked farther and farther. After a few steps, he had reached the sky above the battlefield, and several golden waves of light roared down. After every wave of light covers the ground, there will be horrifying blanks in the army of the council! In this blank space, both humans and chariots were annihilated under devastating energy. It was a cell-level destruction, and there would be no horror left behind.

The howling of Kuerzai rose behind the council army, Ling looked up, and from that direction a cloud of silver-white brilliance roared. In that group of brilliance, it was Constantine's solemn face. Ling smiled indifferently, and the high platform under his feet seemed to disappear. He swept down with a thick golden light and crashed into the parliamentary army. At the moment of collision with the ground, a dark force field spread out first, and then the force field and the place, both people and vehicles, floated slightly in the air, followed by the violent shock wave before catching up.

When hit by this shock wave, the soldier vomited blood and fell, and the armor of the tank was deformed. For a time, with zero as the center, the soldiers within 100 meters fell in opposite directions like straws, while several tanks were deformed by the shock wave, and one of the fuel tanks was squeezed out and touched the nearby electric fire. It exploded and turned into a ball of fire and rose into the air.

At this time, Constantine came to Zero.

Constantine was young and handsome, with a sunny face and sea-blue eyes, and his slightly fluttering blond hair added to his charm. He even wore a gentleman-like dress, and the lace collar on his chest gave him a more elegant taste. On his forehead and the back of his hand, there are hexagonal hollow energy stones floating, judging from the breath that he is only a tenth-order strong, but facing the eleventh-order zero, he has no fear.

This detail was caught in the eye.

As a strong man in the Augustus family, Constantine is actually no longer young. He and Leo are from the same era. It's just that he maintains more energy on the cell's activity, so his appearance remains at around twenty-five or sixty. The price of this is that his strength is slightly inferior to those of the same level, and the benefit is not only to maintain a young face, but also to freeze the body in the most energetic time.

"I've heard of you, Zero, a legendary young powerhouse." Constantine smiled and said, "You really shouldn't be here. Do you naively think that the power of you and the city of Dawn is enough to control you? Is the situation on this continent?"

"If you can or can't, you have to try it. Whether you will succeed in the end may be unknown. But there is one thing that lies before my eyes. I am curious that Hart can put out a large amount of war supplies for his brother. Replace it with one. What kind of numbers would he give for the tenth-order strong man?" Ling said with a squint.

Constantine laughed: "Well, wait for you to catch me. I guess it shouldn't be much less than Ryan."

"If you say that, then I'm really looking forward to it." Ling smiled freely.

The figure disappeared.

Constantine's smile froze slightly. Zero did not move at a high speed to make his figure disappear. At the same time, his huge aura disappeared, as if the whole person suddenly disappeared on this planet. To be able to do this, only the ability of the space class can do it.

Tricky guy. Constantine thought.

Almost at the same time as he disappeared, Zero appeared behind Constantine, immediately flew up and hit Constantine's head with his heel. If you hit him, the kick that activates the reloading warhead is enough to knock the head of the Tier 10 powerhouse into pieces like a watermelon!

Catching the moment of screaming through the air in his ears, Constantine turned around, staggering his hands to hold a zero kick. Ling felt a little strange, the moment when the unmatched strength of the reloaded warhead was held by Constantine's hands, most of the energy was poured out like a leaking balloon. He frowned, the person bounced directly, and another leg pointed to Constantine's temple~lightnovelpub.net~ Constantine smiled slightly, raised his left hand, and slammed his elbow on Zero’s foot. The attack changed the trajectory. A kick flew over Constantine's head, shoveling away a few strands of his hair. With zero rotation of the body, landing, bouncing, and waving his right hand, a fate broke and blasted towards the opponent. Constantine didn't dodge or evade, the silver flame shined through his body, but his hands caught the golden twilight.

As soon as the golden light is touched, the light wave that fate is broken will fluctuate violently. And as Constantine's hands closed, the golden shining light kept shrinking, and gradually formed a volatile ball of light in Constantine's hands. The outer part of the photosphere is pale gold, and the core is blazing white light. When Constantine was about to close his palms further, his face changed slightly, and his decisive hands were raised towards the sky. The ball of light in his hand suddenly turned into a straight beam and pierced through the air, finally crashing into the radiation cloud.

After a while, the flames inside the radiant cloud were masterpieces, it was obvious that the fate broke and finally exploded in the clouds.

Zero frowned and said: "What is this ability, energy absorption?"

"Don't be kidding, what is the difference between absorbing the energy of the eleventh-level strong and suicide." Constantine said with arrogance after holding his hands, "This is just energy transfer, but it is enough to drag the eleventh-level strong. To the same level as me. This is my secret weapon!"