War Lord

Chapter 922: Total Attack

\"Energy transfer?\" Zero nodded:\"It is indeed an amazing ability, but in this way, I can't make money from you.\"

Constantine smiled stiffly, and immediately understood the meaning of Zero. If he was just another ability, Zero could use the suppression of his rank to capture him alive, but he had the special ability of energy transfer. This meant that Zero or let it go. Either use his full strength to defeat him, or even kill him. The former is absolutely impossible, and the latter sounds feasible. After all, if there is only one rank difference, Constantine can use this ability to weaken the zero attack by 30 , Even 50. In this way, the attack of the 11th-order strong is not irresistible.

Zero didn't even think about what he was thinking, the energy luminous flame from his body came out, forming a golden flame rising up. In this golden flame, from time to time, there was a darker energy vortex that burst and burst from time to time. Every shock is the result of energy hedging, and the result of the hedging is a more powerful force!

Constantine's face became solemn, and it was obvious that Zero intends to go all out, that is no joke. Even if it can weaken Zero's power to a certain extent with energy transfer, if the absolute power of Zero is strong enough, whether it is weakened or not. It seems meaningless.

Take Oglock as an example, if the speaker of the Dark Council makes an all-out effort. Constantine asks that even if he can cut his power by half, the remaining energy equivalent is definitely not he can afford. Fortunately, zero is only ten. At the first order, Constantine was still a little sure.

Zero toes touched the ground, and people swept towards him as if sliding on ice. At the same time, the right hand was raised, and the fist front pulled out a dense afterimage to hit his chest. The fist moved, and it screamed and screamed at Constance. In Ding’s perception, the world seemed to have changed because of Zero’s punch. The space protruded toward the point where the punch was cast off, like an average balloon bulging a little, it seemed insignificant, falling. In Constantine's eyes, his soul also screamed for it.

It is impossible for the space to be concave or convex. This feeling can only show that the energy of the space is driven by the zero fist force, so that the originally evenly distributed energy can be concentrated at one point. It is equivalent to that the zero concentrated the energy of itself and the surrounding space to Kang. Constantine came with such a punch. Constantine may be able to transfer zero energy, but it is difficult to transfer space energy, especially now they are used for zero!

What Constantine didn't know was that the zero hit also used the technique of stacking attacks. It was not a stack of punches, but a complete death piercing! That is a killer move that combines armor-breaking and bursts into one.Now, under the use of the eleventh order, the energy in the surrounding space is even more aroused.

His hands were greeted with a silver-white halo. Constantine was already mentally prepared when he was parrying. But it wasn't until his hands hit a zero punch that he realized that his prediction was badly wrong! Constantine originally thought he would be welcoming a mountain, but he was wrong. Zero's fist was like a blazing comet roaring from outer space!

Under the devastating sexual energy that is enough to burn the soul out? What kind of energy transfer will only be a joke. What's more, the zero energy is moving in a spiral shape, and this highly concentrated movement mode is at the same time. At the same time it has the characteristics of sundering armor, it is also difficult to transfer it. So Konstantin saw that his hands were shaken by the zero fist, and then the fist and the afterimage of the back overlapped on his chest.

As soon as the punch came on, Constantine only felt a scorching energy penetrating in, and the whole person became hollow, as if the soul was blasted out of the body by the punch of zero. He suddenly remembered that ten years ago, when he When he reached the tenth rank and developed the ability to transfer energy, Leo once told him not to rely too much on this ability.

\"That kind of ability will make you slack off, my friend.\" Leo once said.

Constantine didn't listen at all. After all, this ability is too powerful. With this strength, the strong of the same rank is not his opponent, and even this ability has once severely damaged an eleventh strongman. In Endless In the sound of praise, Constantine has forgotten what Leo once said, and he called it a gift from God.

Until today, at this moment, he suddenly realized that Leo’s words were right. The reason why he was last defeated was because he did not encounter an opponent that could concentrate energy to a high degree. And in the days of relying on energy transfer, He no longer had the sense of urgency before promotion. Compared to improving his strength, Constantine began to pay attention to his appearance and the quality of life, so energy was gradually used by him to maintain cell activity and women's stomachs.

But now, I regret it.

He finally let out a roar that stunned the world.

That is pathetic.

Constantine doesn't need to be pitiful! He exhaled, and successfully smashed his fist into Zero's chest, but found that the punch was erratic and weak, and there was not even a trace of energy. He was stunned, and then the remaining strength seemed to be exhausted for the punch, Konstantin finally Lie weakly on the ground, looking up at the radiation cloud that has remained unchanged for many years, his eyes gradually lost their focus, and finally became dim.

Until his death, he did not find a gap in his chest. The gap penetrated through the body, and the wound was only the size of a fist. However, the wound on Constantine's back expanded several times. As for his back , There was a trace of scorched black on the ground, and there were still slivers of fire on the dark surface.

The fire trail stretched straight for hundreds of meters, reaching a width of three meters. On the track of the fire trail, a blank passage appeared for the army of the parliament. Because on this passage, no matter the soldiers, the capable, and the chariots are there Instantly annihilated by energy and returned to nothingness!

The death of Constantine was definitely a heavy blow to the parliament, which gave way to the rear.[,! ] Fang’s General Duss’s mouth twitched. The council’s veteran finally couldn’t help it, and the staff under his hand roared: "Offensive, full offensive!"

However, when the remaining army of the Parliament and the Scarlet Knights were preparing to attack, a group of main battle tanks and guided missile tanks quietly appeared 3 kilometers away from the army, but these tanks were not reinforcements of the Parliament because of their armor. , Clearly printed with the logo of Dawn City!

When the muzzle of the tank was aimed at the rear of the parliamentary army, and the missile chariot locked its attack position, the cannon began to roar, and along with the roar of the missile, bright flames broke through the air and blasted into the enemy's army. In the camp, Li Kee detonated a continuous fireball. A large fire wave engulfed the army of the parliament, and the shock wave of the explosion directly lifted the soldiers outside the heart of the explosion. The sudden bombing made General Duss' expression bitter. Now he knows that until the previous one. In a second, why didn't Phoenix see half of the tanks to meet the enemy, because they had quietly moved to the rear.

This is not only the general offensive of the Parliament, but also the general offensive of Phoenix!

On the battlefield, the councillors suddenly heard the sound of flapping wings in the air. They raised their heads, and there were flying figures flashing in their eyes. Drake flew in groups from Phoenix, these alien species are all Holding one or two artillery shells, flying to the sky above the enemy, and then throwing the shells down, acting as a bomber. For a while, the explosion appeared in the central army of the parliamentary army, and Mobileek also joined the attack sequence. The tenth-level elite directly released the dim and melted inflammation in the air, and the dark and yellow fireballs in the dark fell into the enemy, and they would explode silently, turning into a stream of fire and sweeping around.

In the place flooded by the fire, the human body and the chariot melted silently, and even those with the ability must wrestle with the fire with their own energy. Once defeated, the end is no different from the ordinary soldier.

The sudden appearance of the air unit forced the parliamentary army to disperse part of the firepower in the air. As the bright line of anti-aircraft machine guns cut in the sky, some Drake who was unfortunately shot fell to the ground. But these alien species are very fierce, as long as If you don't die immediately, it will generate a bone blade, and then hit the advanced soldiers for a while, until it is broken into pieces by countless bullets, it really stops.

When the flames of war spread into the air, the earth began to vibrate. General Duss caught the telescope and looked at the source of the vibration. The first thing that jumped into his eyes was the crimson, hideous heavy armor on Orgrimmar, and the heavy armor continued to shine. The golden lines that formed even burned the general's eyes. Following these red giants, there was a team composed of the giants of Ogmar and the soldiers of Dawn City.

Orgrimmar is the front, and these Tier 10 giants swept the battlefield with their giant soldiers, and even the chariots would be provoked by them with an axe. As for the human body in front of these hideous biological weapons, it was like nothing. They are scattered to both sides, acting as flankers and guards, while further expanding the record created by the Orgrimmars, but also protecting the ordinary soldiers in the center.

As for the soldiers of Dawn City who stayed in the giant's protection line, there is only one thing they have to do, and that is to press the bullet into the body of the council soldier! Suddenly, this team composed of alien species and soldiers was like a sharp long knife, plunged directly into the side of the parliamentary army's center line, wherever it went, the blood wave rolled, and the parliamentary army was cut off from it!

The soldiers of the parliament found that the fire from the ground, the air, front and rear, left and right directions, there is no safe corner on the battlefield. From the air, it is not difficult to see that the parliament’s army has begun to appear in chaos, and the parliament’s army has begun to be chaotic. Under the attack of the flanking attack, the army of the parliament was gradually divided and annihilated one by one. Although General Duss tried his best to gather the troops, the situation was out of control.

The forward rushed too far and was completely unable to retract. The Chinese army disrupted the cutting of giants and batmen, and became chaotic. As for the rear of the army, the enemy's artillery has not stopped for a moment. So far, it is no longer available for statistics. How many people were engulfed by artillery fire.

A staff officer shouted hoarsely: "General, retreat. Don't hurry up, everyone can't go back!"

General Duss' face was as gray as death, and after a while, he nodded sadly.