War Lord

Chapter 926: Guyou

"Finally finished."

The flickering fluorescence of the screen illuminates Dr. Shawner’s tired face, but at this moment, the doctor’s face is replaced by a wave of enthusiasm. Without even thinking about it, he caught an injection next to him and pressed it into his vein, causing an unnatural flush on his pale face. As the flush faded slowly, the doctor was still bloodshot, but energetic.

In the past 72 hours, the doctor has relied on this stimulant-like thing to keep himself vigorous. But even he himself, when the power of the medicine recedes, with his physique, Keneng will suffer a serious illness. But no matter what, the continuous work was rewarded at this moment, and the Dark Nest Warrior's modulation procedure was finally completed. Now, as long as the command terminal is implanted, the Dark Council can continuously produce this high-level weapon, as long as the resources are sufficient. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

The Dark Nest plan was put forward after the advent of the Abyssal Black Knight, but it was a pity that Leo strongly opposed it at the time, and Oglock temporarily shelved this plan. At the beginning of the war a year ago, Shawner was secretly received by Oglock and secretly launched the plan. Shona knew what the appearance of the Dark Nest Warrior meant better than anyone. These biological weapons are equivalent to the abyssal black knights after excluding the will. Although they have no advanced kenengness, they are better than a large number.

Once mass production, this will be a terrible force. However, the Dark Nest Warrior is not without flaws. For example, life is a difficult problem that cannot be overcome. The recipient is transformed with the genetic blueprint of the disordered person to obtain a powerful dark nest warrior. At the same time, foreign cells will have a huge impact on the recipient's genes. This kind of shock will manifest itself in one to two years, and it will lead to the gradual demise of the Dark Nest fighters.

However, for Oglock, even if the Dark Nest Warrior's life is only one year, it is enough. When these high-level biological instruments were put on the battlefield, even the Hall of Valor could not resist its impact.

What is left now is the implantation of the command terminal, which is a genetic code recognizer that can only recognize Oglock alone. At the moment, the terminal chip has been produced as a complete set, and the only thing missing is the genetic sample of Oglock. Extract the code from the sample and embed it in the pocket plug-in in the terminal to complete the whole work.

A sample of Oglock will arrive in two days.

"Haji, I am optimistic about the terminal production line, I have to take a rest." Dr. Shawner shouted.

In front of the crew, a man in his thirties raised his head. It was the doctor's assistant, and he nodded silently. Shawna packed his things and was about to leave, when suddenly the door of the laboratory opened, and three figures came in from the outside.

At the forefront was a man, about forty years old. He has short silver-gray hair and a carefully trimmed beard on his chin. The body is uniform, and every inch of muscle under the black long coat is full of explosive power. As soon as he entered, an invisible pressure appeared in the entire laboratory. The pressure comes from the aura he inadvertently released, no matter which aura from a Tier 11 powerhouse is released, it will exert tremendous coercion on ordinary people like Shaw Na.

This is Starge, the leader of the abyssal black rider. The Roman numeral 1 on the chest is enough to show his strength.

Behind him are a man and a woman. The woman on the right is petite, only. The long black hair fell loose, and the hair on both sides wrapped a delicate and tender face. The big pupils always stare at the front blankly without focus, they look like only fourteen or five years old. But the bulging chest under the dark long dress indicated that she was already a ripe fruit, but if anyone wanted to pick this fruit, they had to weigh the huge sickle dragged by the girl's hand.

The sickle is almost taller than her, and the curved sickle is covered with a row of thorns of varying lengths, which are definitely not decorations. The dark blood stains on it have shown that these things are also part of the murder weapon.

The girl's body was filled with a strong **** atmosphere, and the Roman numeral 2 on her chest indicated that her strength was only below Starge. The **** Heli, even if it were thrown in a black knight like a monster, was also a terrifying code name.

In the end, there was a delicate man with soft light green hair, and a pair of flat glasses blurred his outline. The strong bridge of the nose gave his relatively soft outline more tough lines, and the tight lips made a faint smile. Under the black long clothes, a sword hilt stretched out from the waist. The man's hand rested lightly on the sword hilt, his five fingers flicking with a certain rhythm.

The third-ranked black rider, Ulquila, always has a gentle appearance on weekdays, and only shows his grandeur on the battlefield.

Shawna frowned. Any one of these three has a decisive power. It is difficult to see all three of them on weekdays, but now they are gathered in the same room, which always makes people feel that something is going to happen. Shawner said, "Captain Starger, what's the matter?"

Starg winked at Ulquila who was behind, and the latter stepped forward, and Shawner saw that he was still carrying a silver-gray suitcase in his other hand. Put the suitcase on the table and open it. Inside is a small container. The container is set on a constant temperature scale, and a blood sample can be seen from the transparent container.

"This is a blood sample of Lord Oglock. Your Lord hopes that you can extract the genetic code as soon as possible and embed it in the plug-in of the command terminal." Stark said blankly.

"The speaker's sample?" Shawner shook his head and said, "He clearly told me that the sample would not arrive until two days later. How could it come so quickly?"

Stark said, "Maybe the Speaker can't wait."

Shawna leaned down, lifted the bridge of his nose and looked at his glasses carefully. He seemed to have discovered something, and he was good at it. Just about to get up straight, a cold blade was already on his neck, and the blade was close to the doctor's skin. Just a gentle pull can release the hot blood in his arteries. Shawna didn't move, and said coldly, "I'm afraid these blood samples are not from the speaker, but yours, Stark?"

"I didn't want to be like this, Dr. Shawner, in fact, sometimes, you don't need to be so shrewd." Stark said with a regretful expression: "Look, Lord Speaker is going to eliminate us. In that case, we have to plan for ourselves. Is it? So dear Dr. Shawner, for the sake of your wealth and life, now do what I say and extract the genetic code inside."

"Stark, what are you doing yourself? This is betrayal, and the most tolerant of the Speaker is betrayal." Shauna said loudly.

"Come on, Doctor." Stark looked around at the laboratory: "The moment the speaker started this plan, he already betrayed the council. Don't tell me you no, all the resources of this base are based on war. The excuse was called by the Lord Speaker and transported to this place. But the idiots of the Parliament are still struggling for his so-called war."

"Stark, you don't know Oglock at all, he..."

"Shut up!" Stark chuckled softly, "I don't need to know him, and I'm not interested. As long as you want, I'm in charge of this base now."

"I refuse." Shawner said hard.

Stark nodded: "I guessed it would be like this, it doesn't matter, someone can do this part of the work for you."

At this time, the assistant near the crew came over and said to Stark in front of Dr. Shawner: "I am happy to help you, sir."

"Look, your students know more than you." Stark said.

Dr. Shawner looked at his assistant and said flatly: "You can't do this, Haji. Handing the Dark Nest Warrior to Stark will bring disaster to the entire continent!"

Haji said disapprovingly: "Then controlling it in the hands of the Speaker, will it benefit mankind? Enough Doctor, it’s none of my business to give it to the Dark Nest Warrior, I only, Master Stark’s reward for me is the Council. Hundred times as much!"

"You will regret it." Shaona sighed.

Ulchira, who put the sword on Shawner’s neck, looked at Stark, who whispered: "Take the doctor down, maybe a single cell will calm the doctor down and think about the stakes. ."

Ulquila shrugged and smiled in the doctor's ear: "Go Doctor, pay attention to your movements, don't cause me any misunderstandings. To be honest, my nerves are a bit too sensitive recently."

When the two left the laboratory, the assistant Haji took out the vessel filled with blood samples. Stark asked: "How long does it take?"

"It will take 36 hours at the earliest to complete the entire coding work." Haji said.

"I'll give you 30 hours." Stark said coldly.

Haji did not refute, nodded and went to work. At this time, Heli, who had been silent for a long time, said, "Why didn't you kill that old man?"

"He is the host of the whole plan, and no one knows the Dark Nest Warrior better than him. We have to keep him, and maybe there is some use for him."

"It's a pity." Heli stretched out her pink tongue and licked it on her lips.

One hand pressed on the grass and fiddled with something. After a while, this hand cleared a piece of grass. After sweeping away the rotten leaves and grass roots, no regular traces on the ground can be seen.

It's a car mark.

"It should be near here." It was Naxi, a strong man from the Augustus family.

Naxi is a black man with Tier 10 abilities and is also an expert in field tracking. This time he had to enter Death Mountain to search for a secret base, and Leo deployed him to the zero team. Naxi lived up to expectations. It took three days to finally find some subtle clues. Car marks like this, footprints that have not disappeared, and more and more clues point out that the base of the dark nest is nearby.

Ling looked at Nero, the powerhouse of the Hall of Valor is a good player in the field of perception. After Naxi narrowed the search range, Nero could use scanning capabilities to detect nearby areas. Seeing Ling Chao himself, Nero nodded and squatted down nearby. The palm emptied the ground, and immediately a wave of seemingly non-existent spread spread out with him as the original intention.

In Nero's perception, the ground, the forest, and even a grass and a tree appeared in his mind as models. He is using the scanned data to model the nearby area. Soon, when the ability penetrates down, some hollow spaces appear in Nero's model. He nodded to Zero and said: "That's right, the base is nearby. Wait a minute, let me see if there is any entry point..."

With the continuous filling of data, Nero's model began to extend downward, and a piece of base building was constructed. Connected to the ground are intricate pipelines. It looks like equipment such as air outlets and transportation channels. These things are the entry points for invading the base.

After a while, Nero opened his eyes and said softly: "Come with me."

The team was advancing in the mountains and forests, Nero walked in front, and after a ten-minute walk with them, they stopped near a thicket of grass. He pulled the grass away, revealing an air outlet. A huge pipe large enough to fit a person protruded from the ground, and then made a bend parallel to the ground. Reaching in, you can feel the slight change in the air.

"Give me a few minutes."

Nero stretched out his hand and pressed it on the ventilation pipe, and his consciousness stretched down the pipe like a tide, so a cobweb-like pipe world appeared in Nero's consciousness. He used the scanned data to fill the previous model to make it more detailed. Finding a way to enter the base is only second. The important thing is that Nero must find a safe place so that everyone can sneak into the base without being discovered.

After five minutes, he nodded and said, "Yes, from here, after passing the machine room, we can cut into the exhaust passage of the underground base. One of the passages passes through a material warehouse, and we can enter the warehouse to cut into the base. internal."

"You lead the way." Ling Pai patted him on the shoulder.

"Of course." Nero opened his eyes and was the first to get into the air outlet.

Zero followed him, the others filed in, and Starley was in charge of breaking the queen.

After entering the pipeline, there is a vertical downward passage. The vertical distance is tens of meters, but for people like Zero, this height is nothing. Zero can even start the anti-gravity field to slowly descend, while others use their own methods to slide down the channel. Next, Nero led them crawling in the cobweb-like pipe.

Not long after, the team suddenly stopped. Nero turned around and said, "There is a testing force field ahead, wait for me."

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the wall of the tube beside him, his consciousness extended along the wall of the tube, and then opened his eyes. A few faint fluorescence appeared in the front channel, the light moved up and down, and if a creature passed by, it would trigger the alarm system. This is only natural. No base will allow people to enter and exit completely undefended. It is normal to install detection systems at the air outlets, which are always invaded by people at any time.

Nero smiled faintly. After detecting the existence of the system, he only needs an ability to isolate information to make himself invisible to the system. He casually released this ability to the people behind, and then made a gesture before the team continued to advance. Soon, they entered the first floor of the base in a winding pipe. In Nero's model, this dark nest base had three floors.

The base on the first floor is triangular, with a circular space at three nodes, and a corridor connecting it in the middle. There is a row of rooms on each side of the cloister, the purpose of which is unknown. After entering the base on the first floor, everyone cut into the air duct above the cloister. From time to time, looking through the filter window, it was a clean and white passage. The ground paved with metal plates is reflecting the dazzling light sources on both sides. From time to time, people in white research uniforms can be seen walking on the corridor. Occasionally, a group of fully armed parliamentary soldiers will pass through the corridor and then check the brains on the corridor. Confirm the safety information of the base.

As the team was advancing, a siren suddenly sounded underneath. There was a flash of red light in the original white light, and he looked at Nero. The latter whispered: "If Keneng is not found, I have blocked their detection system."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of screaming and fighting came from below. Zero made a gesture, and several people hurried forward. In front of a filter window, Nero motioned everyone to stop, then connected them with a spiritual chain, and then scanned what happened in the corridor. So everyone saw a picture in their minds. In the picture, a black woman was quickly running across a vertical wall, letting all the bullets of a guard fall outside the window.

The black woman fell behind the guard, swept along with her long legs, and swept the guard against the wall. Then he was short, flashed by another guard's shooting, followed by a fast moving left and right to cut in, a roundabout kick, the heel knocked on the guard's head, and directly put him down.

When the black woman turned her head, a familiar face slammed into Zero's eyes.

"Atesha?" Ling Shi whispered.

Nero looked at him strangely, and said, "A friend I knew a long time ago."

"It seems that your friend is in trouble." At the back, the Augustus Fangelis pointed towards the filter window and said.

From the picture Nero transmitted to the brain, it is not difficult to see that a team of guards is turning out from the end of the corridor. Behind the guard, there is a man in a black long coat, that is the abyss black rider. Artesha can't deal with an abyssal black rider anyway, Hai Wei suddenly said: "I'll lead that guy away."

The girl stretched out her hand to lightly support the filter window, and the barbed wire immediately fell down and smashed not far from Atessa. Hai Wei jumped down, knocked over the two of them smoothly, and pulled Atesha. Backward said: "Go over there!"

Then he smiled and greeted the black horse in the abyss. The empty energy stones on the girl opened one by one, and the boiling energy aura immediately filled the entire passage. Atesha didn't insist either, and Xiang Haiwei turned around and ran away. The black rider snorted coldly and exclaimed, "You go and catch that black man."

Then he looked at Haiwei: "Today there are a lot of bugs~lightnovelpub.net~ Haiwei has no reason to pass by the soldiers on both sides of her, only staring at the black rider in front of her: "It's a bit, but who It's hard to tell who is the bug. "

"It's funny, you probably don't know where this is?"

"Isn't it the nest where a group of shameless mice hide?" Hai Wei blinked.

Heiqi snorted: "You are looking for death!"

There was a loud noise of energy collision in the distant corridor, and Atessa rushed to the ground, and as expected, a wave of air swept across the corridor and whizzed. When the air wave disappeared, she got up. When passing by a room, the door suddenly opened, and one hand caught her in without warning.

Artesha snorted coldly, and her long legs flew up based on feeling alone, and stepped down towards the person. But he opened the other person with his foot, and then he pressed it against the wall, his mouth was covered. After regaining his senses, Atessa could see clearly that in the dimness, that person had a pair of golden pupils.

"Stop talking, Artesha. It's me, Zero!"