War Lord

Chapter 927: Separate action

"Heaven...Zero, is it really you?" Artesha stretched out her hand to hold Zero's face and said, "Why are you here?"

Zero wanted to answer, and Nero at the back stepped forward and said, "I will talk about it later, someone is coming."

Staley moved his hands and feet and said, "That's right, I can move around."

"No need, just stand behind me." Nero shook his head.

The door opened, and a soldier came in. Just standing in front of Nero, but as if turning a blind eye. After staring at the room for a while, he quit, and said to his companion: "No one in the room, keep searching!" "Fiction" "Fiction chapters are updated fastest

The door is compounded.

Versailles of the Augustus family exclaimed: "The ability of the perception domain is really amazing. Have you hypnotized him?"

"No, I just hacked into his vision and let him see the designated picture." Nero shrugged.

Everyone is temporarily safe, Ye Liu whispered to Zero: "I will support Haiwei."

Zero nodded, the girl retreated into the shadow of the room, and then her breath and figure disappeared in the room like this. Zero then asked: "Atesha, why are you in this place."

"I'm here to save my people." Atesha said.

"Clan member?" Ling said in surprise: "Your clansman back then..."

"No, zero." Atesa shook her head and said, "After you left, I separated from Moni and the others. I returned to Death Mountain. The explosion did not kill all the people. At the time, some people were deep in the mountains. They went hunting and they escaped. Although there were not many people, they were already rebuilding the village when I came back."

Afterwards, some refugees also joined the village, and the village's vitality gradually recovered. Atesha became the patriarch and protected these villagers. The life in the village has always been very peaceful, although life is not easy, but everyone tried to survive. But after the parliamentary war started, soldiers of the parliament began to appear in Death Hill.

For the safety of the village, Artesha and the others have moved several locations. However, one night just half a year ago, suddenly a group of parliamentary troops broke into the village. They didn't kill people either, they just arrested the villagers. There was also an abyssal black knight with the army at the time, and Artesa was not his opponent, so he could only escape.

After that, she had been looking for the whereabouts of her people, and Death Mountain was familiar to her. Soon the black woman found the base of the dark nest based on some subtle changes in Death Mountain. The base was found, but it was heavily guarded, and there was also a black cavalry mount. Artesha tried a variety of methods, but was unable to enter the base. Later, she was caught by the parliament and pretended to be a refugee.

"Zero, this is hell. You won't. What did they catch people for." Artesha's eyes were full of anger: "The renmen are raised like animals. I eavesdropped on the conversations of the researchers. It seems still I want to turn everyone into a murder weapon or something, no, I will never let my patriarch become a murder weapon."

"Okay, Atesa, calm down. We are here for this. Don't worry, we will rescue these people and ruin the base. But now, you must calm down and act with me. Is it?" Ling said, pressing her shoulder.

Artesha's chest rises and falls, and nodded after a few breaths. Looking at her carefully, this black girl has grown to the seventh rank after a few years. It's not tough, but it's more than enough to protect the safety of a village. It's just that she didn't expect to hit a behemoth like the Dark Council head-on, so she would be so helpless.

Zero looked at Nero again, and the latter nodded and said, "The model of the base has been completed. Now I will send you images."

After connecting the people with a spiritual chain, Nero transmitted the base model that he had been continuously constructing after finding the base to them. Everyone's brain immediately received a picture, and from the picture, the dark nest base had three layers. Each layer is a triangular structure. The end of this equilateral triangle is a circular space. The third end of the upper layer is connected to the first end of the next layer. The vertical passage should be equipment such as elevators. The three-story base spirally leads to the ground, and the last space of the third-story base is marked in red by Nero.

Nero perceives the presence of a strong presence in that area. If there is no accident, there will be the main control center of the entire base, otherwise there will be no use of force to take control.

Opened our eyes, looked at everyone and said: "We have taken the head and acted. There are three floors in the base, and each floor must be destroyed. We have already brought enough explosives to blow this damned base into the sky. But you too. I saw that there is a black knight mount in this base. Hart once said that he applied for black knight support from the speaker, but he never got a response. I think except for the two black knights acting on the front line, the rest will be given to Transfer to this base."

"So we have keneng run into the top-ranked guy in the black knight." Fangelis said: "Those guys are not easy to mess with. Especially their leader Stark, who is a Tier 11 fierce."

"The leader will leave it to me to deal with. The rest is up to you, remember. Open up the escape route, release the detained people, deal with the black knight, and finally blow up the entire base. This is the purpose of our trip." Palm, looking at other people.

Nero and others stretched out their hands and overlapped with Zero, and looked at the people and said: "Gentlemen, good luck! Action!"

Star Rate first said: "I stay on the first floor and take care of the two girls."

"Maybe someone will take care of you." Nero smiled and said to Zero: "I will go to the third floor with you. It's not a short distance to get there. You will need some cover."

Vangelis glanced at Naxi, patted his chest and said, "Then the second base will be handed over to us."

After completing the division of labor in a blink of an eye, Nero opened the door generously, beckoning to let Zero and Artesha follow. Artesha still hesitated, but Zero completely trusted Nero. He took the black girl by the hand and walked out, and ran into a group of soldiers head-on. Atesa looked a little nervous, and Nero smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's okay."

This group of soldiers passed by them, and the non-commissioned officer who led the group shouted at the three of them: "What are you three still doing? Hurry up, we must find all the invaders."

Nero shrugged and said, "Of course, sir."

Then they winked at Ling and the three followed behind the team. It seems that Nero used his perceptual domain ability to influence the vision of nearby people. At the moment, in the eyes of others, the zero trio are soldiers of the parliament.

Ye Liu was flying in the exhaust passage, she was almost pasting the passage and moving forward in parallel. When the girl puts her hands on the ground, the person will slide forward ten meters. After a while, she heard a blast from afar, waiting for her to arrive. Looking through the filter, Hai Wei is stepping on Hei Qi's chest, and she has free time to grin and stretch out **** towards the camera in the corner, making a "v" gesture.

Located on the third floor of the base, in a room with both the main control room and the secret laboratory, Stark saw Hai Wei's triumphant little face through the screen of the brain. The black riding leader said indifferently: "The guests have already arrived. As a host, it seems a bit unreasonable to not be warm. Ulquila and Heli, go and greet our guests."

Ulquila bowed deeply to the leader, raised his head, and a gentle smile appeared on his gentle face: "As you wish, sir."

Heli had dragged her hideous sickle out of the door.

At the same time, Ye Liu drilled down from the broken filter, and immediately ejected a strand of energy thread, cutting the monitor into shreds. Upon seeing this, Hai Wei wanted to protest, but when she saw Ye Liu's expressionless little face, she turned into a sneer. At this time, Staley also came to them, and behind the big man lay a parliamentary soldier on the ground. Behind the three of them was an automatic door. This was the room at the middle end of the base on the first floor. Staley stepped forward and said, "Well ladies, let's see what the council has stored here."

Staley slammed a punch on the automatic door, and the door made of stainless steel only shook, but not even a fist mark was left. Staley shrugged and said, "Good guy, hard enough."

Speaking, he moved his arms and neck, then a heavy punch fell on the door, followed by the second. One after another heavy punches kept hitting the door, and Starley's movements became faster and faster, until at the end only a piece of intermittent punch shadow was seen. Under the high-frequency shock, the door gradually dented, after hitting hundreds of punches. Staley roared and turned and kicked. Kicked on the door, the door shook wildly, and Stali kicked an iron plate out of the middle.

When the iron plate smashed in, Starley stepped aside and made a gesture of asking: "Lady first."

Hai Wei got in first, followed by Ye Liu and Starley. Inside the door is a huge space. In this hall-like space, you can see from the ground to the dome, there are three layers of cultivation tanks. There is a human in each cultivation tank, and there are hundreds of men and women.

Around the cultivation tank are some working crews and operating tables, and some base researchers are busy in front of the machines. But the door iron plate exploded for kicking and the three people, Hai Wei, who got in one after another, were shocked. Immediately a few small doors opened on both sides of the hall, and then council soldiers rushed out and opened fire on the three of them.

Staley chuckled lightly and swept to the right. Others ran quickly, flickering left and right, letting the soldiers' bullets fall in the empty space. Staley even ran up the vertical wall, and came behind a soldier in a blink of an eye. He jumped down, caught the soldier and turned around, using the soldier as a shield to block the front fire, then threw it out vigorously, overwhelming several soldiers with their bodies.

He took the opportunity to approach, picked up a rifle with his feet and swept across the soldiers at his feet, and then crashed into the last few guards, fists up and down, and killed these soldiers in three or two strokes. Looking at the other side of the hall, he saw Ye Liu constantly flashing among the soldiers, and finally came behind the soldiers. The girl held an energy thread in her hand. When Ye Liu picked and flicked his finger, the energy thread vibrated slightly, and the soldiers before it suddenly cut into pieces!

"What a terrible little girl." Starley said in a speechless voice.

Solving the guards in the hall, Staley strode to the console. The researchers just wanted to run, but Starley caught one of them. He threw the unlucky ghost in front of the console and said, "Release all the people in the cultivation tank to me."

"That won't work, sir. The council will kill me," the man shivered.

Staley almost stuck his face to him: "Trust me, if you don't do what I say, I will kill you now. And here, you are not the only one who will operate these **** machines, are they? "

The full threatening taste made the researcher serious about the situation in front of him. He cried and typed the command into the brain. After a while, the liquid in the culture tank began to be drained, and the person in the dormant state began to regain consciousness. When the training trough was opened one by one, these people walked out blankly, not knowing what had happened to them.

Staley said to the two daughters of Haiwei: "I'm going to look at the guards of the safe passage. You watch these people waiting for my signal."

Speaking of coming to the door, just about to get out of the gap. Suddenly, from the other side of the gap, a long sword pierced in and thrust it towards Starley's chest. Staley snorted, kicked his foot on the door and slid, causing the opponent to stab him in the air. There was a faint laughter outside the door, and then a few sword lights flashed on the door. The fine iron gate that was ten centimeters thick was chopped into several huge pieces of iron and hit the ground, and then a man walked in quietly. .

Light green broken hair, gentle face, black long clothes. The third-ranked black rider Ulquila gently shook the long sword in his hand and smiled, "No one is allowed to leave here without my permission."

Staley chuckled and said, "Interesting, then I can only smash your handsome face."

The chaos of the dark nest base is spreading, the alarm has been uninterrupted from the beginning, and the flashing red lights are even more disturbing. Like the first floor base, the second floor base also began to become chaotic. When the two strong men of the Augustus family came out of the elevator, they were warmly welcomed by the soldiers of the parliament. However, the counterattack of the two tenth-tier strong men wiped out the entire army.

The garrison soldiers of the parliament can only retreat while fighting. If there is no high-level support, the second-tier base will be breached only in time.

Naxi was wearing headphones, and deafening heavy metal music was playing in the two headsets. This is his habit. Whenever he fights, he always replaces the howling of the enemy with music. Two groups of electric lights appeared in Naxi's hands. As a thunder system capable person, the electromagnetic pulse field that Naxi threw away was enough to bring down a large number of soldiers. So while listening to the music, Naxi waved the thunder and lightning, forcing the parliament army to retreat steadily.

Vangelis walked behind his companion, seeming to have nothing to do. Until the rear of the parliamentary army suddenly rose a fierce aura, and then a wave of blood appeared among the soldiers behind. The soldier screamed and backed away, while Naxi looked at Vangelis blankly, and the latter shrugged, saying that he was not clear.

Then the sharp sound of something rubbing against the ground came from the end of the corridor. In Naxi's eyes, behind the retreated soldier, a petite loli dragged a giant sickle and stepped out on a spot of blood. Her delicate little face was even splattered with a few strands of blood, making her complexion even whiter by the bright red blood.

She was wearing a black long dress, which was undoubtedly the sign of the Black Cavalry of the Abyss.

Heli looked at Naxi and Vangelis, her eyes full of uncontrollable excitement: "It's great, it's Tier 10. I really want to tear them up, I really want to see them cracked. Thinking about it makes people excited. ."

Meeting Heli's sick eyes, Naxi shuddered involuntarily. At the back, Vangelis put one hand on his shoulder and said, "Go away, this girl is a type you are not good at, so leave it to me."

He unloaded a rectangular box from the back and opened it, which contained some metal components. Vangelis skillfully assembled these components on his right hand, forming a pair of rough arm armor. He moved his five fingers, and then strode toward Heli.

At the same time, the empty energy stones on both of them were turned up one by one. In the end, she walked faster and faster, seeing that she was about to meet, Heli let out a sharp laugh, jumped up with a giant sickle in her two small hands, and slashed down towards Vangelis with a **** light. The latter raised the rough metal arm armor and slammed heavily on Heli's sickle front. The collision between the two wiped out a large swath of sparks, and an invisible shock wave spread out, crushing the metal walls of the two corridors to burst!

Vangelis yelled, holding Heli's sickle in his hand and slammed it against the wall of the corridor on the left. Heli's petite body slammed heavily on it, and just as she was about to slide off the wall, Vangelis had already rushed over. She stretched her left hand violently, jamming Heli's neck, and then hit her abdomen with a heavy fist on her right arm. A cobweb-like crack immediately appeared on the wall behind Heli, Fangelis' eyes lit up, and a movable member above the arm armor suddenly spewed hot air from both sides. The component slammed forward and instantly hit the firing pin at the front end of the arm armor.

When there was a sound, a blade came out from the front of the fist~lightnovelpub.net~ and plunged deeply into Heli's abdomen!

"It hurts... It hurts..." Heli laughed frantically, receiving this heavy blow, but she still danced her scythe and slashed towards Vangelis like a okay person. Vangelis retreated violently, but still rubbed the giant sickle from his shoulders to his chest, spraying a wave of blood.

Heli slid off the wall, leaving a trace on the wall behind. A flat wound in her lower abdomen kept bleeding, and she just glanced at it casually, and didn't care about approaching Vangelis.

After a few steps, Heli stopped suddenly. Several electric arrows flicked past her nose, and there was still a hot air current after the high-voltage current passed in the air. Heli twisted her head to look, Naxi jumped with both hands and said with an electric fire: "Hey, don't ignore Lao Tzu."

Heli licked her lips, turned and rushed towards Naxi.

"Idiot." Vangelis shook his head, and chased after Heli. Naxi's abilities simply cannot cope with Heli's flexible and explosive ability. Once Helila got close, Naxi was in danger every minute.

ps: Yesterday the editor gave a new name called "Edge of Doom", what do you think? Please leave a message in the book review area.