War Lord

Chapter 928: Poor bug

[Thank you for the monthly ticket rewards of Song, Brother Xiang, Tobacco Buster, Overlord Cruiser and other brothers. ]

The battle on the first and second floors of the base has begun. The top three Ulquila and Heli from the Abyss Black Cavalry respectively greeted the capable of invading the base, and the aftermath of the battle of the tenth-tier strong can be felt even when they come to the third floor. Zero was not too worried, after all, there were quite a few Tier 10s in his team. After all, this team is a collection of the three elites of Dawn City, Hall of Valor, and Augustus. In terms of total combat power, it stabilizes the abyss black knights, which is also a guarantee for the success of this operation! "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

He, Atessa and Nero followed the inspection team through the training rooms. There, hundreds of refugees from the wilderness were placed in the cultivation tanks to be prepared. Once these experimental bodies are all transformed into dark nest fighters, there is no doubt that neither the Dawn City nor the Hall of Valor can prevent this force from sweeping the mainland. Oglock is indeed taking a risky move and has a high chance of success. This may be one of the reasons why he is unwilling to accept peace talks.

He was too strong, whether it was a break with Douglas and others when he was young, or the last time he refused to accept zero's suggestion. This man's faith has been so firm that he can't shake it, even at the moment of Prosius' existence, he still believes that he can turn the tide.

The Dark Nest Warrior is undoubtedly a powerful force, but even Leo, who is on the same line as Oglock, has seen the drawbacks. These fighters have no will and no loyalty. They are tools and the most thorough weapons. Whoever masters them will get terrible power. But who can keep it, and those who get this power can use it in the right direction?

The most important point is that they are weapons, and weapons have no right to determine their owners. Once these weapons fall into the hands of ulterior motives and even Prosius, it will definitely be a disaster for mankind.

Destroying the dark nest is the best choice right now. Uncontrollable weapons have no strategic significance at all.

When passing by a quiet corridor, someone in a room on the left side suddenly slammed the door and shouted: "Quickly let me go out, I am Dr. Shawner! You can't let Stark keep me shut like this, he is going to rebel! God, Can't let the dark nest fall into the hands of that man. Soldiers, have you heard that!"

Surprise Zero looked at Nero, who spread his hands and said that he was also a little bit inexplicable. Dr. Shawner was the director of the Dark Nest Project, but Zero did not expect that he seemed to be imprisoned. As for the Stark in his mouth, he was the leader of the Abyss Black Cavalry, and the man was shown to be a Tier 11 fierce in the information. Now it seems that the Abyss Black Cavalry seems to have had an infight with Oglock.

The non-commissioned officer who led the team stopped and yelled into the room: "Don't shout, Doctor. Master Stark has already told us what the Speaker is going to do. We don't want to be abandoned, Doctor. And we think, let Shi Master Tucker is more suitable than Oglock to lead the council."

"You are all bought by him? Stupid, that **** Stark is not qualified to lead the council at all. You will only follow him to perish." Dr. Shawner yelled from the cell.

The sergeant shook his head and turned to leave. But seeing the zero three people stopped outside the cell, the sergeant shouted: "Hey, what are you doing? Leave the old man alone, follow up."

Zero Chao Nero said: "Let them sleep."

Nero nodded, and the eyes of these soldiers lit up with a cloud of light. Suddenly, the soldiers' complexions changed drastically, and then they picked up their guns and fired at each other, and they all fell into a pool of blood. Zero shook his head, and Nero shrugged and said, "It seems that I have misunderstood."

Zero didn't say anything, and the enemy soldiers would kill if they killed them. After all, benevolence also depends on the target. He knocked on the door and said, "Dr. Shawner?"

Shawna heard the gunshots outside and shrank from the corner he remembered and said solemnly, "Who are you?"

Nero stretched out his hand and pressed it on the electronic lock next to the door. The number of the electronic lock suddenly jumped, and then stayed on a set of numbers. The door of the cell suddenly opened automatically on both sides, revealing a room of about 10 square meters. Zero walked in and reported his name. Xiao Na was taken aback and lost his voice: "Why are you here?"

"In order to destroy the dark nest." Zero said bluntly.

Shawner lowered his head and said nothing, and said, "Dr. Shawner, my position is different. You will not understand what I am doing now. But you may try to think of it this way. The Dark Nest base is definitely a secret in your council secrets. I How did you find here?"

Shauna got a shock and suddenly raised his head.

Zero nodded and said: "Yes, Leo told me. On the attitude to Oglock, we have reached agreement for the time being. Dr. Shawner, your speaker is on a very dangerous road."

"Really? So you think everything he did was wrong?" Shawner sneered.

"There is no standard way of measuring right and wrong in this world, and I have no intention of arguing with you in this regard. I am only doing everything that most people agree with, and this is enough."

Shawner laughed: "The herd mentality. Most of what I agree with may not be right, and Ogg's ideas may not be wrong. He thinks he has the power to save and stop everything, and now he has taken action. I don’t Think there is something wrong with what he did."

"It seems you are also about Prosius."

"A little bit of knowledge."

"Perhaps the Dark Nest fighters can really stop Prosius' army, but have you ever thought about it. If these fighters fall into the hands of the enemy, then it will be a disaster for all mankind."

Nashaw smiled and said, "Are you a fool? Of course, there are sufficient control methods to ensure the loyalty of these fighters. We use genetic coding as the identification standard for the command terminal. The Dark Nest fighters will only be controlled by Ogg , Even Prosius can’t simulate exactly the same gene fragment. Oh, yes. Forgot to remind you that if you don’t move faster, the genetic code will be replaced by that **** Stark!"

"Doctor, you have a blind admiration for Oglock." Ling shook his head and said: "Oglock is not impossible to kill, and Prosius also has more means to control Oglock. It doesn't have to simulate it at all. Your speaker's genes. Do you understand?"

Shaona turned pale, obviously he hadn't thought of this. Zero Chao Nero said: "We need the assistance of a doctor. Is there any way for him to cooperate voluntarily?"

Nero laughed: "Of course there is."

"What do you want to do?" Shawner said nervously.

Nero had already stretched out his fingers and pointed at the doctor's forehead, and the doctor's eyes became blank. Nero explained: "Now I put a false memory into the doctor's brain. After finishing this job, he will think you are Oglock."

Zero could not help but said, "Your ability... is really convenient."

"Thanks for the compliment."

Nero took away his finger and nodded towards Zero. Shawner was dull for a few seconds, his eyes refocused, and he was not surprised when he saw Zero Hour. He hurriedly said: "Ogg, you are finally here, **** it, Stark intends to replace you with his own genes."

"Me. Shawna, this base has a self-destruct procedure."

"Of course there is. When you asked me to secretly build this base, I had already set up a self-destruct procedure."

Zero looked at Nero, then nodded and said, "Very well, Shawner. Let's go to the main control room now, Stark will leave it to me, and you are responsible for starting the self-destruct procedure. Of course, before that, keep all channels in Open the state, and then release all the refugees in the cultivation tank."

Xiao Na said, "Do you really want to do this? It doesn't make sense, you..."

Zero Shen said: "Enough, Shawna. You and I are wrong on this path, I just figured it out. So now, do as I say, is it okay?"

"I am." Shawner said softly.

Stark didn't impose any restrictions on Shawner. He wanted to come to Shawner as an ordinary person, but he was imprisoned in a cell without a weapon. Zero asked Nero to look after him, and Atessa followed closely, and she walked ahead. The four men filed out of the cell and continued along the corridor. When turning a curve, a rocket fired suddenly and without warning.

Zero's face changed slightly, and he rushed back, threw the three of them down at the same time, and at the same time, the golden flames of light appeared in his eyes, and an energy defense force field was unfolded in an instant. Almost at the same time, the rocket hit the wall in the heart of the tunnel and exploded. The scorching fire waves and shock waves whizzed past the crowd, and a pale golden light curtain isolated all this. Otherwise, Zero and Nero Keneng are okay, but Shawna and Arte Dongsha are hard to say.

The attack came so suddenly and so fiercely. What is rare is that the attacker was able to suppress all killings, so that Zero had not noticed it in advance. Throughout the entire base, there are only a handful of people who can do this. There is no need to confirm, zero is already certain, that is Stark did.

The fire wave shrinks, lowers, and goes out. There was still part of the flame burning tenaciously in the corner, and the passage was filled with hot air. Zero went straight out of the curve and looked through the dusty passage. On the other side of the corridor, a figure stood straight. No longer concealing his whereabouts, the other party released his momentum little by little, like a storm brewing.

"It's Stark, I took him away, you take this opportunity to enter the main control room. Shawner, remember what I told you before." Zero emphasized, and then began to walk towards Stark.

The black riding leader also greeted him.

A gleam of golden light flashed in Zero's eyes, and the empty energy stones on his body continued to turn out, forming a pivot formation of twelve spars. The huge energy gushed out of the body, blasting a layer of rich golden light on the surface of Zero's body. Start running from scratch, and at the same time other abilities are activated one by one. Metal skeletons, reloaded warheads, anti-gravity fields, etc., after a series of abilities were fully opened, many invisible force fields appeared on the body.

Stark did not let much, the energy gushing from the black knight leader's body was almost real. As he ran, leaving all the traces in the passage. In the end, the two slammed together in the middle distance, and the violent collision caused violent vibrations in the entire passage. The shock wave cracked the walls of the surrounding corridors, and the thick cracks even spread along the walls to the ground, then twisted forward, and finally appeared in the corners of the corridors.

In this collision, it was the slender zero who had the upper hand. After the bones were metallized, the net weight of Zero had exceeded several tons. Zero stretched out his hand to clasp his wrist, saw the ground with one foot, twisted his waist and threw Stark on the corridor wall. The metal wall shattered immediately, and Stark flew in. It looked like an office inside. The black horse leader knocked over a few tables, crushed a brain terminal, and finally hit the wall. The whole person was embedded a little bit before finally stopping.

Entering in zero stride, the sole of the foot made a shallow footprint on the ground. Then with a little tiptoe, the man swooped away. If the anti-gravity field hadn't been turned on, it would only be Zero's own weight, let alone this kind of rush that surpassed lightning, even normal walking would appear extremely difficult.

At this time, Stark had not broken away from the wall's embedment, and Zero had hit his waist hard, making him press into the wall. The wall collapsed with a rumble, but it came to a training hall. The parliamentary researchers in the hall apparently never thought that anyone would come in through the wall.

Stark snorted and threw a fist to Zero's face, pulling him away. Stark shook his fist and cursed in a low voice: "It's really hard."

Zero moved his cheeks, and said without caring: "It's nothing, I can get harder."

He wasn't joking, he was only in a semi-metallic state at the moment. Now he has advanced to Tier 11, his body strength has more than doubled, and he can withstand the metallization of the whole body. At that time, zero weight would exceed ten tons, but that was completely meaningless. Becoming heavier also means that the energy required to maintain the anti-gravity field needs to be doubled, or even several times.

In terms of cost performance, the current state is just right. Not only provides a certain amount of bone strength, the energy consumption of the anti-gravity field and the sudu that draws energy from the space are just the same. When necessary, zero can completely change the local bone density, and with the reloading of the warhead, it is not difficult to hit a punch of 100 tons of impact. Therefore, even if he was promoted to Tier 11, Zero did not intend to use bones to fully metalize in the past.

Looking at zero, Stark moved his shoulders and said: "Then you are the leader of Dawn City?"

Zero shrugging is the default.

Stark nodded: "I didn't expect to meet you here, I don't think it's a coincidence. After all, this base is very hidden, even if it is a member of the council, its people can count five fingers. It seems. The speaker's **** has begun to be unstable, and someone has sold you the information of the dark nest."

"I can't talk about betrayal." Of course, Zero would not say that Leo revealed that. He said calmly: "There are many people who defy Oglock. At least, you are one of them. Mr. Stark, I can I heard that you plan to control the dark nest yourself."

"Is there something wrong?" Stark said, "Actually, if it is to deal with Oglock. I think we can work together. Isn't there a saying that the enemy's enemy is a friend?"

"There is such a sentence. But Oglock is an enemy worthy of respect. No matter what he does, it is undeniable that he is a giant at the pinnacle of this era. As for you, I only see betrayal and dirty means. . For someone like you who has no loyalty to speak of, I don’t see any kenengness of cooperation." Zero said bluntly.

Stark nodded: "So we can only be enemies."

He stretched out his hand to take off the black riding uniform, revealing his tight tactical uniform. Stark moved his hands and feet, then stretched out his right hand. Da Peng's energy and flame came out through his palm, forming a double-sided decapitating axe in his hand. This battle axe is purely composed of energy and has no substance, but there is no doubt about its sharpness. And as Stark waved at will, the axe pulled out light trails in the air.

The light trails lasted for a long time, and those should be energy cutting lines similar to Ye Liu. The high-frequency vibrating energy cutting line is enough to cut the alloy, and it is natural to cut the zero metal bone. Judging from the combat skills that Stark readily revealed, his attack should be accompanied by this kind of stranded energy cutting line. In this way, the longer the battle lasts, the better for Stark.

Because then, the space where the zero can move will inevitably shrink correspondingly with the emergence of a large number of energy cutting lines.

The energy battle axe rotates flexibly in Stark's hands. It has no weight itself, although it is in the form of a battle axe, it is extremely light. It would be extremely dangerous to ignore the sudu because of its appearance. Stark grinned and said, "I'm going to use it to chop off your head and hang it on the wall of Phoenix as an ornament. What do you think of this idea?"

Zero shrugged and smiled: "I think it's more willing to stay on the neck."

"Really? That can't be the final word!"

Stark roared and ran. His sudu is not too fast to be captured, but he uses the constantly changing position to make up for the lack of sudu, making it difficult to lock its position~lightnovelpub.net~Zero stands still and waits until Stark When he cut into his attack range and slashed his head with an axe dragging the brilliant light belt, Ling Cai slammed it out with a punch.

The fist struck the side of the battle axe, bringing up a ring of shock waves, and at the same time swung the double-sided battle axe away. At the same time, Ling raised his head and slammed his head directly on Stark's face. He was half a head shorter than the leader of the black horse, and this knock happened to hit Stark's nose. Even the strong of the eleventh order, the cartilage tissue like the bridge of the nose hits it and Stark yells in pain.

He held his nose and backed away, cursed a few times, and rushed up again with his tomahawk. Zero showed no weakness, and also rushed forward. The two fisted and fisted in the training hall. The energy and magnetic impact of the 11th-order strong made the entire hall vibrate continuously from the beginning. As for the equipment and even the training tank in the hall, they began to burst into electric fire under the influence of the shock wave!

When Zero and Stark handed over, Shawner finally came to the main control room with Nero. As soon as the door of the control room opened, Nero suddenly stepped forward. A layer of defensive force field that could not be seen by the naked eye immediately unfolded, and Shawna immediately heard the gunshot, but the bullet was bounced off Nero's defensive force field. At the other end of the control room, Shawner’s assistant shouted with a gun: "You can't come in, this is mine! Everything here is mine!"

Nero frowned and said to Shawner, "Who is this poor bug?"