War Lord

Chapter 932: Unyielding Army Soul

Liefeng's complexion was condensed, his hands wrapped around his chest, he looked at the big screen and said, "Keep pushing."

On the big screen, the picture continues to move. From the pictures sent back by the various scouts along the way, it can be seen that most of the lava rivers on the Scarlet Blood Hills have dried up. Only a scorched groove and a thin layer of slurry remained. Looking at these pictures, not only the gale but also the staff and operators below also looked ugly. The Scarlet Blood Hills has changed a lot, and this doesn't mean it's a good thing.

Climbing a low peak, the shaking picture first saw a volcanic crater in the distance. The crater is still evacuating heat, but there is no scene of magma emerging in the past, which always gives people a feeling of death. Then the picture is pulled down, and there is a trough below. When seeing this trough, the scouts in the screen and everyone in the command hall gasped. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

The rugged valley seemed to have been shoveled over by something, forming the straight and flat road now! On this black avenue, countless assault worms were digging, and some chubby alien creatures were lying on the ground. Dozens of tentacles were born around them, and all the tentacles plunged into the ground. It can be seen from the outer wall of the tentacles that the red light gradually rises and enters the body of the alien creature.

"Enlarge this place." Gale shouted, pointing at one of the pictures.

The operator hurriedly entered instructions to enlarge the screen designated by Gale. In the enlarged picture, it is not difficult to see that those alien creatures will expel large and small red spar from the body in a short time. Then a group of giant bees flew over, and they would grab several spars and fly out. The screen followed these giant bees to the other end of the avenue. There, a half-human alien creature took the spar and swallowed it into its stomach.

These alien creatures have the upper body of a woman, and the lower body is like a spider, with a round abdomen. There are gray patterns on the abdominal cavity. Whenever a batch of spar is swallowed, the pattern will gradually light up, and then from the back of the abdominal cavity, a lot of fraternal eggs covered with liquid will grow.

Seeing this, everyone understands what this is all about.

The Red Blood Hills has become an arsenal of the Black Legion, where they absorb the energy of the volcanic belt, transform it into spar, and then provide it to those half-human alien creatures, and finally produce fraternal eggs. The gale is certain, and it must be the same in other places in the Scarlet Blood Hills. The volcanic belt with an area of ​​over a thousand square kilometers has become the nest of the Black Legion.

They are not eager to attack, they are not merciful, but they are accumulating soldiers in order to launch a destructive general offensive.

Screams began to be heard in the screen, and the gale saw it, but some monsters with black flames burning all over their bodies and waving long whips were attacking the scout team members. However, within a few seconds, the pictures on the big screen were turned off one by one, and the signal was interrupted, which represented the passing of a series of fresh lives. When all the pictures on the entire big screen disappeared in the end, the hall was strangely quiet.

Everyone looked at Gale, and Gale felt that his mouth had never been so bitter. He clenched his fists and said flatly: "Gather all the soldiers and let them gather in the main square!"

There was a gathering broadcast from the base, and the officers yelled and drove the soldiers out of the barracks or training grounds. There were footsteps everywhere in the entire base, and it didn't take long for nearly 30,000 soldiers in the base to complete the assembly on the main square of the fortress. Gale stood on the high platform, looking down, it was a phalanx of soldiers. As soon as he appeared, the eyes of tens of thousands of people fell on him, making Gale feel his body heavy.

It was a heavy pressure.

The staff officer behind handed over a loudspeaker, but Gale shook his head and refused. The commander of the fortress looked at the soldiers below and said: "Everyone, I think you should too, those invaders from the sea. They attacked the Bochuan outpost 36 hours ago and have now entered the Scarlet Blood Hills. Ours His Royal Highness Longhai asked the Bloody Fortress to stay still, and the two generals, Shan and Lu Lan, are already on their way. All we have to do is to send a scout team to get the latest developments of the enemy. That's it, then, everyone. What I saw was the intelligence returned by our scouts in exchange for their lives."

Gale winked at the staff officer behind, who hesitated and said, "General, isn't this bad?"

"It doesn't matter, I am responsible for everything."

The staff officer sighed and went on. After a while, several large screens in the square lit up. Then it played the scene that the scouts saw in the Red Blood Hills before. When they saw that one of the valleys in the Red Blood Hills was flattened, and the Black Legion continued to produce new soldiers there, the fortress went up to the officers. , Everyone was shocked down to the private soldiers.

"You see, follow this sudu. Every hour, when these black shards attack, we will have 10,000 or more enemies." The gale paused and gritted his teeth: "So we Can't wait any longer, the reinforcements will not arrive until two days at the earliest. And in two days, enough of these scraps to produce hundreds of thousands of troops! Everyone, what we are waiting for then is not hope, but destruction!"

"Here, at this moment. Whether it's a soldier in the empire, a father, or a son. No matter which status it is, there is only one voice in my heart..." Gale turned abruptly and moved towards the big screen. Pointing to: "Fight!"

The two words, with the power of piercing the stone and cracking the gold, echoed across the square, and all the soldiers were shocked.

"We have no choice. We have to blow up the miscellaneous factories. In order to buy some time for our army, so as to leave a glimmer of hope for the people behind us." Gale said solemnly: "This is a time without return. We don’t have enough radiation suits for everyone. In other words, even if the mission is successful, even if you can return, you won’t be able to live long. More keneng, we will all be buried in the Scarlet Blood Hills. So this operation, I can give you the opportunity to choose. You can choose to blow up these black chopped pieces with me, or wait for reinforcements in the fortress."

"This is an action against the order, so if you withdraw, you won't be punished." Gale said at the end, "Now, you can think about it. Time is tight. I only give you one minute."

The square was silent, and needles could be heard. Time passed in silence, and the gale closed his eyes. Even if he is alone, he will go to perform this mission. But obviously, he doesn't need to fight alone.

"General, I'm very scared, really." A soldier stood up and said, "I don't want to die. At home, there are wives and children waiting for me to go back. But if these black craps hurt my relatives, then I'd rather exchange my life with them. So... I'm going, I'm going to blow up these offal. If they want to hurt my relatives, they must tear my body apart first!"

The soldier shouted with all his strength, and then the other soldiers began to shout. Everyone held their fists high, and the sound hit the high platform like a tsunami. Gale's body trembled lightly, and he whispered to the soldiers who had been conscious of the battle to death, "Thank you!"

"General." The staff officer behind also said excitedly: "I will go too, we will all go!"

"No." Gale shook his head and said: "All the staff and clerical staff are staying. Your stamina and physique are not enough to reach your destination. Besides, we need someone to pass on their stories. Tell the wives, children and parents of these people. , Their husbands, fathers, or sons are people who make them proud!"

The staff officer wanted to say something, but Gale interrupted: "Well, this is an order. Also, come with me, you have to do me one last favor."

Two hours later, the emperor Longhai who did not fall into the city urgently summoned all the important officials to gather. In the main hall, Long Hai said solemnly: "You all look at this."

The dome of the main hall fell on four light curtains so that the people in the hall could see it from any angle. The light curtain flashed, and then the figure of the gale appeared inside. Gale coughed slightly and said: "His Royal Highness Long Hai, first of all, please forgive me for defying military orders. When you see this video, I have taken away all the soldiers in the fortress."

Hearing this, someone exclaimed: "Is Gale going to escape?"

"Shut up!" Long Hai yelled violently, his voice knocking on this person like a heavy hammer, knocking him out for a while. Long Hai lowered the volume, "Just watch it quietly."

In the picture, Gale continued: "Not long ago, the reconnaissance team teleported back to an amazing picture. Those black shards have occupied the Scarlet Blood Hills and started to produce troops. I thought about it, if two generals led reinforcements to arrive, At that time, the enemy will have hundreds of thousands more troops. I can't imagine what it will be like, let alone imagine what it would be like to kill and looting on our homeland when these shards break through the fortress. ."

"So I made a decision, Your Highness, we are going to the Scarlet Blood Hills now. We are going to blow up the munitions factories. There are already a lot of them. We can't let them garrison any more." Gale is deep in the picture. Bowed: "This time, all the soldiers in the fortress are willing to carry out this mortal mission with me. This time, it is the only time. We go to fight, not only as an emperor, but also as a husband and father. Or as a son. Or, just to fight as a human being. In short, those scumbags must die!"

Next is the scene observed by the fortress scouts. When the video was played, Long Hai closed his eyes and said: "The channel flashes and Lu Lan, let them speed up the march. And Gale and the fortress soldiers... Let’s work on the distribution of pensions for their families."

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the temperature of the Red Blood Hills rose to about 50 degrees Celsius. In this high temperature environment, all creatures appear listless, and even these venomous giant bees that act as whistles are no exception. Although they are biological weapons, they are not real weapons after all. Since the word biological is in front of them, it means that they are also affected by the environment.

Even for them, the environmental impact is extremely limited.

Above the Scarlet Blood Hill, the radiation cloud is stained with a dark red color all year round, just like a shower of blood in the sky at any time. The air pressure is very low, which makes the giant bees always cruise at low altitude, and the hot ground prevents them from landing. For this reason, they sometimes have to hover in an area close to kilometers before they can find a place where they can rest slightly.

A giant bee staggered and landed on a slightly higher rock. The top of the rock was gray, and the temperature of the ground could not reach the top of the rock. The giant bee fell safely, and the six pairs of legs were caught. Suddenly, the giant bee shook its body, and the small half of its head flew out, its vitality was quickly lost, and it turned into a corpse and fell to the ground.

Then several giant bees hovering in the sky were also headshot one by one, and fell to the ground, but their feet were still twitching.

Gale stood up, and in his hand was a sniper rifle with excellent performance. The gun was equipped with silencer, so there was no ear-piercing gunshot. Gale made a gesture, and the army began to advance behind it. He and all the soldiers wore ordinary tactical uniforms and only a gas mask that was better than nothing. Because it was a mountain march, heavy equipment could not be carried at all, and the soldiers were only equipped with standard machine guns.

It's just that everyone is carrying an explosive bag and is equipped with two high-explosive grenades to prepare for suicide bombing.

For a large-scale march, there is no hope that the gale will be undetected by the enemy, as long as it is close enough to the opponent's production valley. Along the way, he used a sniper rifle to kill a giant bee that only served as a whistle, but as the army approached the valley, there were more and more giant bees over the volcanic belt. Finally, their whereabouts were discovered, and a group of giant bees floated towards the fortress army like dark clouds.

"I was found!" Gale shouted: "Charge, don't get entangled with these flying units, our goal is to blow up the opponent's arsenal!"

He vigorously waved his hand forward, and the soldiers immediately screamed and charged, surging from the gale like a tide. The gale looked at the dark clouds that were getting closer, and a light blue energy flame rose up all over his body, pushing his hands, and the air began to swirl in the air. The movement of the air forms the wind, and the rotation of the wind forms a tornado. This gray tornado pulled the dark clouds in, and countless giant bees were pulled into the tornado, and they were crushed one by one by the strong wind!

Gale is a wind system capable person, while controlling the vacuum tornado, while adding low-level abilities like the wind knife wind ring to the tornado as a condiment. When the tornado lasted for 5 seconds, most of the dark clouds had been cleared. At this time, the tornado burst open, forming several strong shock waves, accompanied by the flying wind knives, completely tearing the dark clouds into pieces.

By the time the gale broke through the first wave of air units in the Black Legion, the fortress soldiers had already rushed to the peak. Looking down, it is the straight black avenue. There are countless assault worms there, and there is a gray-white fraternal egg. The soldiers yelled and began to sprint down in the direction of the gray fraternal eggs on the valley road.

The assault worms in the valley immediately took action. For example, a black tide went up against the current and greeted the front of the fortress soldiers. The two armies met at the foot of the mountain, and there was a violent collision immediately. The soldiers in the front row ran into it almost desperately, and then detonated the grenade or explosive package. The violent explosion stretched into pieces at the foot of the mountain, and instantly knocked down a large swarm of assault worms.

Now the fortress soldiers need to race against time, not to mention that no one plans to go back alive on this mission. In this way, they didn't plan to compete with the assault worms with their insufficiently powerful machine guns. Instead, he directly launched a suicide explosion to clear the way for the companions behind and buy time.

When the gale reached the peak, the explosion under the mountain still didn't stop for a moment. For every flame, there is a soldier. They used their flesh and blood to open up every inch of the passage to the enemy's arsenal for their companions.

The gale roared and jumped directly from the peak collar. He smashed into the charge worm, pushed his hands flat, and a wind wall was born to lift dozens of charge worms in front of him. Then surrounded by wind knives, the gale rushed into the assault worm. Under the attack of the fortress army, the assault worms rushed out a passage. The fortress army went deep into the valley road. From a high altitude, it was like a gray-white torrent plunged into a black ocean, which was very obvious.

And around this torrent, there are flames that continue to explode. This is probably the first time that the Charger has hit this kind of desperate play, and the previous quantitative advantage is not reflected at all this time. Soon, the fortress army had reached the first fraternal site. Some soldiers yelled and threw the high-explosive grenades at the eggs, and then ran and fired them with machine guns. Shattered.

The half-human producer responsible for the production of this fraternal fraternal screams from the mouth of the female face ~ lightnovelpub.net~ It turned back and threw back, but several soldiers slammed into it. He hugged it tightly and pulled the explosive bag behind him. There were a few violent explosions immediately, blasting the producer's insect body to pieces. The producer screamed and threw himself into the hot flame.

The fortress army continued to move, advancing towards another production area. The Black Legion began to crazily intercept this army, and the venomous giant bee, the ripper, the iron beast and even the black flame inspector also began to appear on the battlefield. The explosion was still going on, but the gray torrent of the fortress army had obviously shrunk a lot.

On this day, the explosion sound from the direction of the Scarlet Blood Hill lasted for nearly an hour. In these sixty minutes, the explosion hardly stopped. When the last explosion disappeared, all the staff officers and civilians in the **** fortress stood on the square and bowed deeply in the direction of the hills.

During the battle, nearly 30,000 people in the fortress army died in battle. In exchange, the four spawning areas of the Black Legion, hundreds of thousands of fraternal eggs were buried in the sea of ​​fire. In addition, four producers were killed, and the various biological weapons that died in suicide bombings were countless, including a large number of Black Flame inspectors.

After learning this news, Long Hai was silent and whispered, and wrote eight characters for all the soldiers in the Bleeding Fortress: Zheng Zheng, the soul of the army, the iron and blood is unyielding!