War Lord

Chapter 933: Operation Qianlong


Two days later, reinforcements arrived. ☆☆The two generals, Shan and Lu Lan, looked solemn in the face of the huge fortress that seemed to be vacant. They had heard about Gale on the way, and when they arrived at the fortress, the remaining staff officers formally handed over the defense of the fortress to the two generals.

Shan stood on the roof of the fortress command building, staring at the scarlet blood hills in the distance without a word for a long time. Until Lu Lan came over, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, the dead are already dead, and the living have more things to do."

Shan's face was calm, and he said faintly: "One day, I will smash those black bastards!" "Fiction" "Fiction chapters are updated fastest

"Me too."

The two generals returned to the command building, and the meeting hall was full of non-commissioned officers and staff officers at all levels. Shan and Lu Lan walked in, and everyone stood up and saluted. Lu Lan stretched out her hand and pressed it down, beckoning everyone to sit back. Shan found a place to sit down and handed over the combat meeting to his old friend to chair.

Lu Lan gave a dry cough and put his hands on the edge of the table and said: "You must be gone too. General Gale and all my colleagues in the fortress exchanged precious time for us. According to the report of Staff Officer Luo, during the time we arrived, Chi The blood hills are very calm. This is extremely abnormal. If you say that after General Gale and the others attacked, those black shards came to attack, then I would not be surprised at all. On the contrary, this is a bit disturbing."

"General, shall we send another reconnaissance team to confirm the situation?" a school official raised his hand and asked.

Lu Lan shook his head and said, "After the incident of General Gale and the others, if the enemy still has a plan for the Scarlet Blood Hills, it will definitely not take it lightly. So there is no need to send soldiers to reconnaissance, but what to do to control the hills. Razed."

"Want to completely destroy the Scarlet Blood Hill?" Flash asked.

Lu Lan nodded and said, "Yes, this is the cleanest way. It is the right method, and there is only one chance."

"The power of the Qianlong Missile we brought this time is everyone. Although there are only three, it is enough to blow up an enemy's troop channel, if they are still doing the same thing. But this is not enough, Scarlet Blood The hills cover an area of ​​nearly a thousand square kilometers, and there must be more than one military valley road like this.” Lu Lan looked at Xizhong and asked: “Counselor Luo, you are here forever. You can see where there is in the Scarlet Blood Hill that can make the missile create. More damage?"

As Staff Chief Luo is the chief of staff of the fortress, he nodded and displayed a set of images on the big screen with his brain. From these groups of photos on the screen, you can see the plan structure diagram of the hills and blood hills, which include the direction of the terrain and the distribution of the magma river.

"Over the years, we have been collecting information on the Red Blood Hills. The original intention was to monitor the situation of the volcano and record the distribution of the magma river, so as to plan the best training place. But today, it can be used separately. Please see this group. Picture.” Mr. Luo called up one of the scenes. In the scene, below several volcanoes, the ground veins are connected together to form a vast area where magma flows. Staff Luo pointed at one of the volcanoes on the screen with infrared rays and said: "We call it the Goddess of Flames. It is the largest volcano on the Scarlet Blood Hills. You can see that at the bottom of the Goddess of Flames, the magma is connected to it along the veins. , Forming a widely distributed network, if the Qianlong missile is accurately sent to the goddess of flames..."

Staff Officer Luo made an explosive gesture: "Bah, it will cause a big explosion in the entire magma network. I can't say that it can completely destroy the Red Blood Hills, but at least two-thirds of the area is not immune."

Lu Lan nodded and said, "Okay, then the target of the Qianlong Missile is determined. It blasts into the Flame Goddess Volcano and detonates the entire underground network."

Flashing frowns said: "Wait, the flying distance limit of the Qianlong Missile is 100 kilometers. Moreover, how do you ensure that the missile is sent into the volcano? I don't think the missile's positioning system can prepare to do this."

"Yes, we need another thing." Lu Lan said with a finger up.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Laser positioning?"

"Yes, it is laser positioning. With that, Qianlong missiles can be guided to ensure that they enter the Goddess of Flame 100%."

"Who wants to go? The Goddess of Flame is located in the abdomen of the Scarlet Blood Hill, which means that the person performing the task must first pass through the area where the black shards are located, climb the volcano, and Keneng must enter the crater to guide the missile. This is a A mortal mission." Shan said.

Lu Lan shrugged and said, "Perhaps, but if I were to go, I might not die."

"You are crazy!" Suddenly stood up and said: "You and I are both commanders, how can you easily take risks with your own body."

Lu Lan grabbed his arm and said, "Listen, the commander of the three armies is enough. You are calm, and your head is more flexible than me. I am relieved to have you command the army, so you have to let me go for this task. No one is more suitable for this task than me. I may not die, and even if I am, it is worth it. If I were to be used to exchange all the lives of the black chores, this would be a lucrative business!"

After letting go of the flash, Lu Lan nodded and said, "You said I'm crazy, it's kind of. I also think this idea is crazy, but you have to admit that it's worth it."

"No, General." Suddenly someone said, "I am more suitable for this task than you."

Lu Lan and Shan looked at it at the same time, and an officer stood up. He is Lieutenant Colonel Ma Sen under Lu Lan. The officer patted his chest and said: "First of all, I am a sniper expert. Every sniper expert is a master of concealment sports. This ensures that I can reach through the enemy's area smoothly. Goddess of Flame, secondly, I am just a school officer. I am dead, and there are many people who can replace me. But if something happens to you, General, it will be the loss of the entire army."

"So you see, I am more suitable than you, right?" Mason smiled heartily.

Flashing lips moved, trying to say something, but Lu Lan stopped it. Lu Lan looked at Ma Sen, and nodded after a while and said, "Then leave it to you. For this mission, the code name is Qianlong. Everyone prepares, Ma Sen, come with me."

After sitting back, Shan sighed inwardly. He originally wanted to agree to Ma Sen's request on behalf of Lu Lan, but Lu Lan said it himself. After having been with him for many years, Shan knew very well that Lu Lan meant that Ma Sen would be borne by him. But in fact, since they became generals, Shan himself, Lu Lan, and Mu Wu have carried the heroic spirits of countless war dead on their backs.

That is a heavy burden, but also a kind of responsibility. Now, Lu Lan can only bear the life of one more officer on his body. But whoever is so heavy in life can sometimes be overwhelming.

In the afternoon, two cars drove out of the fortress. The one in front is an off-road vehicle, with Lu Lan and Ma Sen sitting above it. Lu Lan drove the car, while Ma Sen was checking the laser locator behind him. Behind them is a launch vehicle carrying Qianlong missiles. The two cars drove along the rugged road towards the Red Blood Hills, and stood on the roof of the command building, watching them leave.

No words all the way.

After 90 minutes, the two cars stopped, not far from the edge of the hill. The straight-line distance from the volcano of the Goddess of Flame is about 110 kilometers, which is just within the range of the missile. Lu Lan said solemnly: "I can only send you here."

"Thank you, General." Mason put the laser positioning on his back, but the sniper expert did not bring a sniper rifle, only a pair of large-caliber revolvers, and a military dagger hidden in his right army boot. Starting off so lightly.

"Ma Sen." Lu Lan stopped him: "Is there anything you want to bring to your family?"

Ma Sen thought for a while and said, "Tell A Cai, let's find a man to marry again. And the kid in my family, ask him to help me take care of his mother."

"that's all?"

"That's it." Ma Sen smiled, turned and left, leaving only Lu Lan waving goodbye.

Lu Lan, he couldn't see this officer anymore.

After entering the hills, Mason put on a gas mask for himself, and then expertly searched for cover in the mountains and sneaked. Unimpeded all the way to the valley that was attacked by the fortress army that day, Ma Sen looked down after hiding in a black rock, and the valley was cratered. Two days later, the body can still be seen inside. There are humans, and more are bugs and other monsters.

In the valley, some assault worms are trying to drag the corpse away. No matter if they are of the same kind or human beings, none of them will be spared. Mason didn't want them to do anything with these corpses, and he didn't want to, he had more important tasks. Determined the direction, he chose another direction to leave.

The Scarlet Blood Hills was not peaceful, and as Lu Lan had expected, the Black Legion would never die. After Mason passed several ridges, he could see that some deliberately flattened troughs turned into breeding areas for the Black Legion. They are still accumulating soldiers. In terms of numbers, I am afraid that they will reach the number of millions of soldiers in just one or two days, and then they can launch a strong attack.

If it weren't for the fortress army's life-threatening attack, I'm afraid this process would be two days ahead of schedule. Then when the existing reinforcements arrive, they will hit the Black Legion head-on. At that time, not to mention supporting the blood fortress, even the army can withdraw safely is still unknown.

Mason carefully avoided some whistles in the mountains. His concealment movement was excellent. And today, with a high concentration of energy, he has performed exceptionally well. After almost two hours, he finally came to the foot of the volcano, the goddess of flames.

The volcanoes in the Red Blood Hills have stopped spitting, and most of the magma rivers on the surface have dried up. The energy of the hills was madly absorbed by the black legion, and transformed into the energy spar needed by the producers. This saved Mason a lot of trouble in his actions today, otherwise he wouldn't be able to come near the target volcano so easily when there is magma everywhere.

Mason began to climb up. Although the volcano was in a static state, the surface temperature of the mountain was still very hot. Fortunately, it was not inaccessible. Mason climbed all the way up, using some protruding mountains as a cover from time to time to avoid the sight of some sentinels. The Black Legion obviously did not expect that someone would go deep into the hinterland of the hills, so they focused their sentries on the outskirts of the hills. As for the hinterland, the number of venomous giant bees patrolling was very limited.

When he was about to reach the top of the mountain, Mason suddenly felt extremely dangerous. He immediately stuck himself on the mountain wall and did not dare to move. In fact, it was extremely difficult to do so. In addition to fixing the body requires a lot of physical strength, sticking to the hot mountain wall is not an easy task. Mason forced himself to forget the fact that his skin was burning and painful, and at this moment, a shadow passed over his head.

He quietly looked at the shadow, which was a monster. Under the beast-like head, there is a human man's body, and when it reaches the waist, it looks like butting with a lion, indescribably weird. There are also four wings with sparse black feathers spread out behind them. How do wings like the sky support this compound creature flying high in the sky?

This is a unit that has never appeared in the Black Legion, and Ma Sen knows nothing about it. If he was the Fear Guardian, he would have to climb up desperately without revealing his whereabouts. The fear guards themselves have keen perception. The direct combat power of this high-level unit is not as good as the black flame inspector, but their fear field, corroding light orb, and dark vision play a powerful auxiliary role.

The fear guard in the sky passed by the Flame Goddess Mountain and was about to go away. But suddenly stopped, in its perception, special energy fluctuations appeared near the top of the goddess of flames. Basically, the composition of its wavelength and band seems to be human. For a human being able to sneak into the hinterland of the hills, the Fearguard was also very surprised, but this was not enough to bother it. Therefore, the high-frequency sound waves emitted by the Fearguard, which were inaudible to the human eye, were a signal to notify the nearby army.

Mason couldn't hear this sound, but watched the Fear Guard suddenly stop in the air, and then turned around as if searching for something. He was immediately discovered by himself, no matter how he was discovered, he couldn't change the fact that was about to come.

"Damn it!" The lieutenant colonel didn't want to hide anymore, and immediately crawled towards the crater with his hands and feet.

As soon as he moved, the Fearguard immediately spotted the intruder. The monster screamed, stretched out his hand and waved, and dropped two or three corroding **** of light. Seeing those glowing green fluorescent lights falling towards him, Mason would definitely not be a good thing. Two **** of light hit the mountain wall on his left and right. There was no explosion, but the fluorescent light flashed, and the large mountain wall melted like butter.

A ball of light pounced behind him, and Mason yelled. He flew hard to the left, and for a second, his body was almost suspended. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until his hands and feet caught the mountain wall again, and then climbed to the top of the mountain in twos or twos. The fear guard was swooping toward him, and Mason ran toward the crater, ejecting his revolver and shooting at the monster above.

The bullet hit the left wing of the Dread Guardian. After Mason's precise shots passed four or five shots, the bullet smashed the Dread Guardian's wings. The monster immediately lost its balance and screamed and slammed into the ground. It got up again, folded its wings, and ran over the ground with a roar.

Behind the fear guard, a group of venomous giant bees rose up, as if pressing on like a dark cloud. Mason fired several shots at them, bringing down the giant bees. But relative to the number of giant bees, this point of casualties is not a battle loss at all. The fear guard leaped forward and volleyed towards Mason. The lieutenant colonel immediately hugged his head and rolled to the ground, causing the fear guard to pounce.

Mason bounced, replaced the drum, and fired both guns at the Dreadguard. This monster was very weak in defense, and it shot Ma Sen with blood in a few shots. Mason shot out the bullet in the gun, threw the revolver away, and drew out the dagger. At this moment, the Fear Guardian stood up again. It ignored the bloodshed and threw a fear field towards Mason, followed by a dark vision.

Immediately, Mason's heartbeat speeded up, and his vision became darker and darker. He heard the sound of the wings of a giant bee flying close, and he had no time. The man roared and ran towards the crater, barely anchoring the direction with his declining eyesight. Finally, he threw the dagger towards the fear guard who was chasing behind, blocking the monster for a moment. Ma Sen took the opportunity to take down the laser positioning behind him and pressed the signal sending button.

At the same time, the soldiers in the missile launch vehicle received a signal from Mason. They immediately entered the launch command, the carriage at the back of the car opened from both sides, and a launcher was raised. Following the three Qianlong missiles, they were launched out. Based on the signal sent by Mason, the positioning system on the missile swept precisely in the direction of the Goddess of Flame Mountain.

The missile dragged the flame across the sky, causing some bugs in the valley to look up puzzled.

By the crater, the Fearguard finally rushed towards him. Mason grinned, he could not see anything anymore, but ran forward holding on to the locator. He didn't run a few steps, suddenly his feet were empty, and then his body fell sharply. There was a strong heat from below, and Mason fell off the volcano by himself. At this moment ~lightnovelpub.net~ he seemed extremely calm instead.

Farewell, A Cai...

The Qianlong missile turned in midair, pulled out the flames, and then flew into the crater one after another. After a while, there was a flash of fire at the bottom of the Goddess of Flame volcano, and the entire Scarlet Blood Hill trembled. The strong shaking made Lu Lan, who was more than a hundred kilometers away, also clearly felt, and then the volcano erupted. A large stream of scorching fire rose into the sky, roaring into the air. Immediately after the Goddess of Flame, dozens of volcanoes in the hills erupted one after another, the ground burst, and a curtain of fire spurted out. The entire underground network had a chain reaction, and explosions continued to appear in every corner of the Scarlet Blood Hill.

The flames swallowed all the bugs, monsters, and all biological weapons in the hills, and they were blown to ashes in this irresistible explosion. Even the mighty Black Flame Inspector could not be spared from this explosion. They tried to escape from the explosion area, but the area covered by the underground network was too wide. Before they could escape, the flame would have swallowed it.

Facing the burning hills, Lu Lan lowered his head deeply. After a while, he said in a hoarse voice: "Return to the fortress."

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