War Lord

Chapter 934: Star Destroyer

Three days after the Qianlong Plan, most of the flames in the Scarlet Blood Hills had been extinguished, and only some corners were still burning. The red blood hills were completely turned into ruins, and the destructive power of the three Qianlong missiles was not enough to flatten a vast area of ​​nearly a thousand square kilometers, but the intertwined magma vein network under the ground easily managed this piece.

The consequence of the chain reaction of the explosion is that the entire hills are directly lifted into the sky. A thick layer of volcanic ash has accumulated in the Bleeding Fortress in the past few days. If the soldiers were not working hard to clean the fortress, I am afraid that the fortress has now been buried by the volcanic ash. . "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Early this morning, the fortress drove a convoy to the Scarlet Blood Hills. Shan personally led the team. Their main job was to inspect the hills and recover some corpses that were considered complete biological weapons. Send them back to the laboratory in the city where they will not fall for anatomy and research, in order to find the weaknesses and defects of these monsters, so as to defeat the enemy in future wars.

All the soldiers, including Shan, put on protective clothing, the vehicles stopped at the edge of the hills, and the personnel got out of the vehicles and walked on foot. Flashing away in the front, behind him were several school officers and five hundred soldiers. The ones who are protected by them are some researchers. If there are no more complete corpses, these people will intercept the more important organs or cells of biological weapons for preservation, and then bring them back to the laboratory for analysis.

The task of Shin and the soldiers is to act as guards and to carry the monster's body back when needed.

The hills were originally rugged, but now they have been blown up, making it even more difficult to walk. Crushed rocks and cooled magma can be seen everywhere on the ground. In some places, the magma is not completely cooled and hardened. When you step on it, the ground will sink, and the high heat inside will basically damage the protective clothing.

The hilly area after the big bang is full of traps.

Shan and the others are not advancing fast. In addition to the difficult roads, the remnants of the Black Legion can also be seen from time to time. I have to say that the vitality of these biological weapons is very tenacious. Sometimes a boulder was dug out, with the corpses of several creatures pressed underneath. But suddenly there will be a bug or something else violently attacking, of course, Shan will deal with these dangerous things as soon as possible.

Only in this way, the progress of the work can be imagined.

That day until the evening, the team retreated to the edge. Brought back several complete corpses, as well as scattered biological organs and cell sections. After spending a night in the temporary camp, the team moved on the next day. At this time, there was no need to stop at the place that passed yesterday, and walked directly through the deep hilly hinterland. At noon, the team came to the remains of the Goddess of Flame Mountain.

The Flame Goddess Mountain, which was the target of the Qianlong missile, now only has a foothill. More than two-thirds of the entire volcano has been blown up and turned into falling rocks all over the ground. Looking at the scene after the destruction, Shan was silent. The soldiers and the working group searched for the research target nearby, and stood on a high place so that they could see the audience. In case of danger in any place, rescue can be done in time.

More than two dozen soldiers are protecting a biological researcher who is searching the area at the foot of the volcano. The researcher has a search radar in his hand, and the radar emits detection wave energy to the ground within a 100-meter area. After the wave energy is diffused, the organic matter and the rock are distinguished, and they are marked on the window of the instrument in different colors to distinguish them.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, the researcher "Huh" stopped. A second lieutenant in charge of the team asked, "Anything?"

"Yes, and it's a big guy." The researcher raised his head and raised the glasses on his nose excitedly: "Dig, under this, the feedback signal of a huge creature is detected, maybe we have found the treasure. "

The second lieutenant shrugged and shouted at the soldiers: "Have you heard it? What are you doing in a daze, do it!"

Standing on a high spot, the flash gradually noticed the situation there. After the search team found the reaction of the huge creatures on the ground, gradually, other search teams also concentrated there and joined the excavation operation. Later, more than half of the soldiers were digging and came to their vicinity. A research director excitedly said to him: "Look at this, sir. This thing may be the enemy's secret weapon."

In the supervisor’s brain, there are several sets of images assembled by the search radar. The picture is a huge monster. If you use the nearby scenery as a reference, this thing is not to mention the size of a submarine, and its length has reached an exaggerated 150 meters. Judging from the shape of the color block, it is like a giant torpedo with a streamlined body.

The semicircular head has some black spots, and these spots are regularly distributed in a circle, and they are nothing.

At this moment, a soldier shouted below: "The monster has come out."

Turning his head to look, a large area has been dug out there, and under the stone is the small half of the head of this giant creature. You can see the surface is covered with gray scales, as well as several large tarnished eyes. When I saw these eyes, a very dangerous feeling flashed up, even though this thing had no life reaction.

It was four days after the giant monsters that were discovered were transported back to Buluocheng, and Buluocheng Biological Research Center took over the anatomy of the monsters. In the early morning two days later, Long Hai was awakened. It was Dr. Wei Wen, the person in charge of the Biological Research Center who awakened him. An hour later, the day had just dawned, and many important officials in Buluocheng had been summoned to the main hall by Long Hai.

In the main hall, Dr. Wei, who was in his sixtieth birthday, looked anxious, and his expression was quite anxious. He looked at Long Hai, looked around at the people and said, "Everyone, you will never believe what we found."

On the light screen of the main hall, a picture of the giant creature found in the Scarlet Blood Hill appeared. In the picture, this monster has been cleaned up by the research center. Although the monster's body has been damaged in many places, it even appeared in a huge cavity in some places. But from the picture, it is not difficult to see that this streamlined monster is like a giant whale, with three pairs of fins, a row of bone spurs on the back, and a whale-like tail.

"What everyone sees now is the giant creature brought back under the red blood hills occupied by the invaders. After our anatomical research, we found the anti-gravity organs, jet system, balance in the body of this big guy. System and so on. I can conclude that this thing can completely fly in the sky. And, look at this." Dr. Wei used the remote control to press towards the light screen, and some pictures appeared.

In these pictures is a translucent egg. After the egg shell is removed, there is a thin film like egg white inside. In these films, a dark shadow faintly appeared. Then the screen changed again, showing that the staff tore this layer of film apart, and inside were alien creatures curled up with their hands on their knees. This creature has no signs of life, and judging from its appearance, it hasn't developed yet. But organs with obvious offensive characteristics have grown, like the sharp teeth that turn out the lips, and the sharp claws.

"In this big guy's abdomen, we found such an ovary. Gentlemen, this ovary occupies almost one-third of the big guy's volume. As far as I know, no creature can carry such a huge ovary. And this The result is that the organ is like the fraternal eggs in the picture, there are tens of thousands or more." Dr. Wei gestured with his hands: "Each fraternal egg is about the size of a blue ball, and there is nothing piled in it. Numerous fraternal eggs. It's just that the big guy died, cutting off the nutrient supply to these fraternal eggs, so all the monsters in the eggs died."

"But it's not important. What is important is what such monsters remind you of." Dr. Wei shook his head and said: "This is simply a space transport weapon that can carry tens of thousands of alien eggs. They can span most of them. The eggs are then discharged to the ground. It will not take long for the creatures in the eggs to mature and have the instinct to kill as soon as they are born. This is simply a convenient method of killing. Please imagine if there is Such a monster flew over our city without falling, and then dropped tens of thousands of alien eggs..."

Everyone shuddered. If the intruder had the means of space transportation, all ground barriers would be useless. In the eyes of the invaders, what is the difference between the girl without clothes and the girl without clothes?

"We are fortunate that General Shan and the others razed the entire Scarlet Blood Hill. It now appears that these invaders occupy the Scarlet Blood Hill and use the abundant energy of the hills to produce this space transport weapon. If it is fully matured, then the consequences Unimaginable." Dr. Wei said.

Everyone in the hall also felt relieved. Only Long Hai's face was deep, and the emperor of Qin suddenly said: "Since the invaders appeared, they have occupied the Yanin Islands, Savahar, Fuchuan, and Baigoni. Everyone, who is there? Are there such monsters under the cities as well? And the invaders have occupied these cities for some time. This period of time is probably enough for these weapons to mature."

The words of the emperor were like thunder, and everyone turned pale. Long Hai closed his eyes and said: "Notify all army commanders to be ready to fight at any time. Also, contact Mu Wu. Ask him to do everything possible to destroy Baiconi...Everyone, let us pray. Pray that our discovery is not too late."

Obviously, no **** heard Long Hai's prayer. In the storm cloud above Baiconi, the flickering electric lights converged into patches of light. Prosius opened his "eyes" in the void, and his voice sounded in the mind of Commander Modas: "Red Blood The No. 5 Star Destroyer in the hills has been wiped out. We don’t have to wait any longer and dispatch all the Star Destroyer. It’s time to clean up the planet."

Modas nodded, and the information of the Star Destroyer flashed in his mind.

Among the biological weapons of Prosius, the Star Destroyer is a space-level biological weapon. A complete star destroyer has a huge body equivalent to the planet, and they are biological weapons developed for the purpose of destroying the planet. The Star Destroyer can complete interstellar voyages, and it itself is a complete biological weapon factory. In the ovaries of the Star Destroyer, there will be a large number of "guards."

The Guardian is the combat unit of the Star Destroyer. These creatures with killing instincts from birth can adapt to most environments and have the ability to fight in extreme environments. They are the most important combat power of the Star Destroyer, as long as the Star Destroyer is continuously supplied with energy, they can continuously produce guards.

In addition to the guards, the Star Destroyer also carries the fraternal eggs of the producer and the queen. After being dropped on the target of aggression, these two kinds of fraternal eggs hatch and can form an army by themselves. It is very convenient to get materials on the spot, and with the guards of the Star Destroyer itself, the low-civilized planets simply cannot prevent the destruction brought about by these biological weapons.

Right now, Prosius’s Star Destroyer is an incomplete version. Even at the maturity stage, the body length of the Star Destroyer is only more than 300 meters, which is twice the body length of the growth stage Star Destroyer found at the foot of the Goddess of Flame. The ovaries carried can produce only 300,000 guards. The full version of the Star Destroyer, the number of guards carried is tens of millions.

More importantly, the incomplete Star Destroyer cannot pick up the fraternal eggs of the producer and the queen. Of course, Modas is ready. In the cavity of the Star Destroyer, a queen and two producers can be accommodated. They can form a small army in a short time, and the guards carried by the Star Destroyer will buy time for the formation of the biological army.

White Connelly, the earth suddenly cracked from it. The entire ground shook violently, and countless rubble fell to the ground. In the ground, white flashes appeared constantly, and it could be seen that Baiconi’s ground had been hollowed out. In the once prosperous city, buildings are falling down one by one, and tons of thick dust and smoke are flying up and spreading far away.

Several azure blue electric snakes pierced and spit out from the cracks. Where the electric snakes pulled over, the building slipped down like a cake cut by a knife. The biological weapons on the ground fled quickly, and after a while, a giant jumped out of the ground.

It was a mature Star Destroyer, its scales were dark gray, and its semicircular head had a circle of large and small eyes. A row of crystal thorns on its back lit up successively, and the radiating energy rays formed a loop-like pattern on the surface of the Star Destroyer along the gap between the armor pieces.

As if a giant whale jumped out of the ground, all anti-gravity organs were working at full capacity. The three pairs of fins on both sides of the Star Destroyer unfolded and flapped regularly like waves. It opened its huge mouth and screamed loudly.

At the same time, Savajal, Bucheon and Yanin Islands. In these bases or sea areas that were once occupied by the Black Legion, the same Star Destroyer was also floating in the air. The power of these behemoths made the entire Eastern Continent tremble. The renmen who were far away in the city all had their hearts beating when they heard the call from far away.

That stems from the fear of natural enemies.

The Star Destroyer can be said to be the natural enemy to all life on planets with low civilization dimensions. Although the Earth’s current level of evolution has broken away from the dimension of low civilization, the threat of the Star Destroyer is still huge. Even if they are not perfect.

On this day, the three-headed Star Destroyer flew away from the Eastern Continent and flew toward the depths of the endless sea with the set course. According to Prosius’ calculations, the Star Destroyer No. 1 will reach the Western Continent in four days, while the No. 2 and No. 3 will reach the Central Continent within a week. As for Baiconi's No. 4 Star Destroyer, it has now flown in the direction of not falling into the city.

In the evening, the renmen who do not fall into the city can see the figure of this giant!

The planet was trembling faintly.

When the Eastern Continent was still in the daytime, the Mid-Continent was drooping at night. The Phoenix City is brightly lit, and you can see a large number of troops gathered inside and outside the city. Among them are Dawn City, and more are troops from the Hall of Valor.

After the Dark Nest base was destroyed, the Hall of Valor and the Dark Council also stopped fighting. During the exchange of fire, the Augustus family quietly changed the entire military system. Therefore, stopping the fighting did not bring much impact to the parliamentary army, but many soldiers were thankful that they did not have to continue fighting. The assembly forces shrank back and retreated to the vicinity of Nilu City. And the army of the Hall of Valor came to Phoenix City to join the zero meeting division, ready to go to the Evernight City together.

At that time, Augustus will join other family members to control the army, and arrive at Yongye City to force the palace against Oglock.

On how to deal with Oglock, Douglas, who arrived two days earlier, had secretly met with Leo and reached an agreement. They will ask Oglock to give up his duties as speaker. If Oglock does not agree, then the only result is to use force. For this reason, not only Douglas came, but also Cario and Paul. In addition, Leo, the digital giants of the former Dark Council gathered together, and they will be an important force to check and balance Oglock.

It can be said that nothing happened when the war developed to this stage. The protagonist is Douglas and the others, and Zero is more involved in all this as a witness.

So this time I went to Yongye City, and Ling was going to bring Feng and Su with him. Others and the army stayed in Phoenix, watching the changes.

After dealing with the affairs at hand, the guard knocked on the door and reported: "Master Douglas is back to the city."

Nodded, he left the command building and came to the gate of the city. A black car drove in and stopped beside Zero. The door of the car opened, and Douglas, who had returned from the Blue Mountain Range, got out of the car.

"It's been a hard journey~lightnovelpub.net~Zero said.

Douglas smiled and said: "It's not hard at all, you have already paved the way for me. My old man is just a casual walk."

Ling smiled and said: "If it weren't for you, I'm afraid Leo wouldn't agree so easily."

"Do you think that old boy Leo is a fool?" Douglas laughed: "He is shrewd. Even if I didn't make a trip like this, he would cooperate with us. It's just that some conditions will probably be offered. I am very smart. As I said long ago, this old guy is more like a businessman."

"Come with me," Douglas said.

Zero shrugged and gestured to let the car drive away. At this time, I heard Douglas say: "That stubborn old man Shawner is now in your place as a guest?"

"Yes, do you want him to relive the past?"

"Anyway, I can't sleep for the time being, let's talk to him."

Zero nodded: "Come with me."