War Lord

Chapter 935: Inherit the dream

[Thank you for the monthly pass of the Phantom of the Purple Night and the reward of Zhanfeng! In addition, the new bar "Edge of Doom" is looking forward to your joining on_ha! 】

After the Dark Nest base was blown up, Dr. Shawner was "invited" to Phoenix by Zero. As for the army and staff of the original parliament, they were sent to Blu-ray Mountain and handed over to Leo. Dr. Shawner was very angry after Nero's ability disappeared. Zero didn't imprison him in the dungeon, but arranged a separate room for him. In addition to being restricted in his freedom, Dr. Shawner was treated well, as a prisoner.

"How is your injury?" Douglas asked, walking down the streets of Phoenix.

Zero moved his shoulders and said, "It's almost better. I guess there should be no problem in fighting."

Douglas smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said, "I feel old when I look at you."

"Young people are energetic, and old people are wise, so you see, the world is sometimes fair."

"You would make this old man happy." Douglas shook his head and suddenly stopped and said, "Zero, how much do you think we have a chance of winning."

"Although Oglock is the top powerhouse of the twelfth tier, there are you and Leo. In addition to Paul and Cario instructors, I think..."

"I'm not talking about the old fellow Ogg." Douglas blinked and said, "It's Prosius, do you think we can do that thing?"

Zero paused and asked: "Do you want to hear the truth?"


With a wry smile, Zero said: "The chances are small. You can think of it this way. We have to fight against the Creator. Of course, it is the Creator of another planet, but it won’t be much worse. For example, we are like a group of people. The ant wants to overthrow an elephant."

"It's really a vivid metaphor." Douglas said, "It sounds like going to die. Am I grateful for your explanation?"

Ling shook his head and smiled: "I said that the chance is very small, so it doesn't mean that we have no hope. Prosius is very weak now. This can be seen from the fact that after it appeared, there was no immediate cleansing of the entire planet. You must know. , It was not so merciful when it dealt with Atlantis. But every day, it will regain some strength. So we must end this war as soon as possible, and then find out its position, and use all of its strength to deal with it. He, there is some hope like this."

"It sounds like I think it's not easy to retire." Douglas sighed lightly.

"That's because the world still needs you." Zero said.

The old man shook his head, looked at Zero and said: "No, the world needs you. There are young people like you, you are the hope of the world. As for us, we just want to provide the world with a little afterglow of hope. "

"Come on, let's see Shawner."

When I arrived at Shawna's residence, I heard a sound of falling objects and Shawna's yelling. Zero shrugged: "The doctor's mood has been unstable."

The two soldiers outside the door of Ling Chao nodded, and the soldiers opened the door. Douglas walked in, and there was a cup oncoming him. He quickly reached out and said, "Shona, are you treating an old friend like this?"

After speaking, he winked at Zero outside the door. After leaving with a zero smile, Douglas walked towards the living room, and the door behind him closed again. Dr. Shawner's hair is messy, and his eyes are full of shreds. I was still angrily just now, but now I saw Douglas calm down, and only after a while said: "You are here."

"I am coming."

"Then tell your kid to let me go." Shawner said.

Douglas shook his head, smiled and said, "You know that's impossible. Shawner, how many years have we not seen each other?"

"Since you got out of parliament, you haven't seen it again."

"You are still so angry."

Shawna said loudly, "Of course, I watched my two best friends turn against each other. Do you think I can be happy?"

"Okay, Shawner, I left because I didn't agree with Ogg. This is the same now."

"Then what are you going to do now?" Shawna said, "Let me guess, do you plan to attack Evernight City with your little friend, and then prove you are right?"

"Am I wrong?"

"Could it be that Ogg did something wrong?"

The two old men were tit-for-tat, just staring at each other. After a while, Douglas shook his head and said, "Shona, I didn't think about attacking Yongyecheng. I just want to persuade Ogg and let him stop. Now I am here, I just hope you can help me, too. Help me persuade Ogg."

"It's funny." Shawner patted his chest hard: "Old thing, I'm Dr. Shawner of Evernight City. Now I am sober, so I know what is loyalty and which is my friend."

Douglas said loudly: "But I know what righteousness is, and I also know that I should make the right choice. Look at the world with your eyes, old man. Isn't the blood shed in this war enough? How many soldiers lie forever? On the battlefield, how many people have been displaced because their homes have been destroyed? How many people will never see their loved ones coming back? Shawner, the world is crying!"

Shawner sneered, "I didn't know you were still a poet."

Douglas' eyes lit up, but he slowly converged: "I am not a poet, I only know some truths. Well, you said Ogg is a friend. So Shawner, do you know Ogg used the resources of the council, Do some private affairs?"

"You mean the dark nest? I think it is understandable, Ogg is a genius, and genius is always difficult for others to understand. So he had to use some means, nothing more." Shaona shrugged.

"Okay, it seems that you know a lot." Douglas asked again: "Do you know how this war came about? Now let me tell you that it was planned by Ogg. He himself We directed a scene in which we did not attack the Shadow City at all. It was all planned by Ogg. As for the evidence, the law enforcement team of your council should be able to give you the answers you need."

Shaona shook his body and lost his voice: "This is impossible."

"Believe it or not, this is the case." Douglas said: "The City of Shadows was considered a subordinate city of your council at the time, but it turned out. In order to give an excuse for starting the war, Shawner did not hesitate to wash his own city with blood. Such behavior , Do you think it deserves the word loyalty? A person who can sacrifice a city and thousands of civilians for his own ambitions, even including his own army of soldiers. Do you still decide to defend him for such a person?"

"I can tell you that I will go to Evernight City tomorrow. In addition to Zero, Leo and some other members of the parliament will go with me. They need Ogg to give an answer." Douglas slowed down He said, "So you still think that Ogg is right? If that is the case, I have nothing to say."

Shawna lowered his head and was silent.

Douglas sighed and turned to leave. When he walked to the door, Shona suddenly said, "When we leave tomorrow... take me."


Douglas opened the door, and in the room, Shawner said again, "Ben, it would be nice if time can be turned back. Think about it back then, we all came together to save the world. Days when we were fighting for the same dream, It's really beautiful."

"Unfortunately, time does not go back. And even if it goes back, the ending will not change." Douglas said, then gently closed the door.

Seeing the door closed, Shawner sighed heavily. But I heard Douglas continue outside the door: "But now, some young people have inherited our dream and are working hard for it. So you see, the world is not too bad. Isn't it, old stuff."

Zero's face flashed in Shawna's mind, and then he also smiled: "It's not too bad indeed."

He got up, opened the refrigerator, and poured himself wine. But he didn't drink, just shaking his glass, just watched so quietly. The amber liquid in the cup was undulating, like this turbulent world.

The same liquid swaying in the wine glass reflected Zero's face. He was in a bar in Phoenix now, but when he was leaving Shawner's residence, he was hit by Feng and several people, and then he was dragged to the bar.

Haiwei's face turned red after drinking a glass of brandy, and she spit out the glass on the table and said, "Head, tomorrow I will go to Evernight City together."

Ling smiled and said, "Let's talk about it when you wake up."

"What are you talking about? This is just a glass of wine. Will I be drunk? Will I..." Before he finished speaking, he fell on the table and hummed and fell asleep like a little lion.

Ye Liu made a helpless expression, picked up Hai Wei and said, "I will take her back."

"Ye Liu, when I'm away, you have to watch Phoenix City." Ling said.

Ye Liu nodded without speaking. Carrying Hai Wei on her back, she walked out of the bar. As soon as the black-haired girl walked with her front feet, Brown got in behind her. The big guy sat down, patted the wine table and said to the bartender: "Bring me a bottle of strong enough, don't put those sissy things on Lao Tzu."

Then he thumped his shoulders and said: "You don't know, it's more tiring to practice those guys than Lao Tzu to hit the field."

Although the army in Dawn City did not move this time, Brown insisted on intensive training for those soldiers every day, which was also zero acquiescence. After all, after dealing with Oglock's affairs, he had to face Prosius. These soldiers are tired now, better than losing their lives on the battlefield in the future.

The bartender brought a bottle of spirits, about to pour it into the glass, and Brown snatched it. Unscrew the cap and pour it into your mouth, really drinking the wine as water.

Feng next to him shook his head straight: "Man, be careful to get drunk and die in the wine."

"It's okay, that's a trivial thing." Brown looked at Zero and said, "Then head, I'm going to Evernight City tomorrow."

Nodded, Brown waved his fist and said: "Take that **** speaker well, that old boy has caused me to lose a lot of people."

"I'm not the protagonist in the next scene, I'm just going to watch it." Ling Tanshou said, and then said: "Well, I have to get up early tomorrow, so I won't be crazy with you. Su and Feng, you two too. Don't be too late, remember to gather on time."

Pat Brown on the shoulder, and said, "Drink less wine."

"Haha, got it." Brown took a sip and stuffed the wine bottle in, saying that he didn't drink it anymore.

Zero left the bar, and when he returned to his residence, he saw that the light in the bedroom was still on. He opened the door, and Leah was leaning against the bed in the room, watching that Ji was also a luxury for this era. After all, after the cataclysm, there were not many books left. The cover page of the book in Leah's hand has turned yellow, but there is no doubt about its value.

Of course, the value is also relative. In the hands of those who appreciate it, this book may be exchanged for food for a year. Otherwise, it is just a pile of waste paper.

"What are you looking at?" Zero asked.

"Count of Monte Cristo, written by the old French writer Alexandre Dumas. It was lent to me by General Morgan. You see, the protagonist Edmond was framed, but he got a blessing in disguise and finally got a fortune. It's great." Ya sincerely said.

"That's just a novel." Zero shrugged, he squatted down on the side of the bed, with his ear on Leah's belly and said, "You should go to bed. Sleep more, it's good for the baby."

"He loves to move." Leah said with a smile, her smile full of tender maternal love.

Zero took away her book, patted her on the pillow and let Leah fall asleep. He sat by the bed and combed Leah’s hair gently with his hands: “Tomorrow I’m going to Evernight City, or else. I’ll send you back to Dawn City, and you can help Bess deal with the city. Some chores are done, and the important tasks are left to Theon."

"It's not that I won't see you for a while," Leah said with some dismay.

"It's true, but for our children, just be obedient. Besides, you can be with Bess." Ling said softly.

Leah nodded and said, "Well, listen to you."

He looked out the window again and said, "I don't know what happened to Cinderella?"

Zero kissed on her forehead and said, "One day, we will meet. Now, go to bed."

"Yes, sir."

Leah rolled over and gradually fell asleep. Zero took a shower, put on a dress and lay down on the bed, just hugging Leah. In this age, being able to hug each other to sleep is also a kind of happiness.

When the biological clock in the body reached the preset point, Zero opened his eyes. As a matter of fact, sleep is actually dispensable for people who have already evolved a mind-separation. However, as long as there are conditions, Zero will not give up this right to be an ordinary person. It was early, Leah was still asleep, and Zero didn't wake her up. After changing his clothes and leaving the residence, he found Brown first.

Brown has gotten up and is doing strength training with soldiers on the training ground. Seeing that the zero came, he shouted to the soldiers: "You continue to practice, whichever dare to be lazy, be careful that I will smoke you."

Then he walked towards Zero: "Head, what can I tell you?"

"It's nothing, find a few reliable ones today. Then call a few people from Jinglei, and send Leah back to Dawn City."

"Little things, don't worry, I will take care of them."

Ling patted her shoulder and turned to leave. Back to the command building, Feng Hesu had arrived at the entrance of the building. The three of them didn't go upstairs either, but sat down in the lobby downstairs. After a while, Douglas and Dr. Shawner came together. Seeing Shawna, Ling Chao Douglas nodded and said, "Are you ready to go?"

"Okay, let's go."

Early this morning, the army outside Phoenix opened. The Hall of Heroes is basically the whole army dispatched. The five legions formed a joint army and marched forever toward the city of Yongye. The army was like a long dragon on the coastline road, seeing the head but not the end, and it stretched for several kilometers. In addition to Sol and other heads, including Douglas, Algart's heavyweights are basically among them.

At the same time, a train fleet also departed from Blu-ray Mountain. It's just that the train fleet is not long, there are only five cars at the beginning and the end, but in the cars are important figures from the Augustus family.

The council’s army had returned to Evernight City first, but the army was still under Leo’s control. The army will be stationed near Yongye City, and will enter the Yongye City together after the army from the Hall of Valor arrives.

At this time, Yongye City still had a calm atmosphere. Those who know that the big changes are happening are already well prepared. Those who are not qualified to hear the news still start a new day at the usual pace.

Xiuya returned to Prison No. 1. After learning that the Dark Nest base was destroyed, she and Zuo Fei returned secretly. The whole process went on silently, and the guards of the prison seemed completely unaware that she had been away for a while. To be able to do this, it is clear that Zuo Fei also used a lot of resources behind his back.

In the morning, Xiuya heard a sound of footsteps outside. It stands to reason that even if it is a guard now, it is not time to make a tour, and I don't know who is coming. When he reached the door and saw the lonely figure outside the door, Xiuya said, "Father, you..."

The speaker of the Dark Council, Oglock was standing outside the door with a cane. He looked at Xiuya for a full minute before he turned into a sigh and said, "Come out, kid."

Xiuya was born in a cold sweat, and in this minute, she only felt as if she had been thrown into the polar ice ocean. Oglock's icy murderous aura filled the entire cell, but fortunately ~lightnovelpub.net~ he finally took the murderous aura back. So Xiuya knew that he had already learned about his departure.

At this moment, Xiuya was faced with a choice. It was breaking through the wall and choosing the opportunity to escape. Still obediently listening to Oglock's words, after a little hesitation, she gritted her teeth and walked out of the cell.

Oglock nodded: "You did the right thing. If you chose to escape just now, I can only kill you. Even if I like you so much."

Xiuya knelt down suddenly, hugging Oglock's leg and said, "I'm sorry, father."

"Xiuya, if I give you another choice, will you still leave?"

Xiuya thought for a while, did not speak, just nodded. Then he said: "I always think that only in this way can I help you."

"Well, worthy of my child. Carry out your own beliefs, even if others think you are wrong. If not, how are you different from the crowds of people who follow the crowd?" Oglock said loudly, and there was joy in his voice.

But the more so, the more Xiuya's heart sinks. Because she knew that Oglock would probably not change his mind.