War Lord

Chapter 936: Yong Ye

"Walk with me. {Starter}"

Oglock pulled Xiuya up and took the lead by himself. Xiuya lowered her head to follow behind him, and the back of the old man cast a huge shadow on the corridor of No. 1 Prison. It is as if the Parliament has been shrouded in his shadow for so many years. Now Xiuya somewhat understands whether some people are so diligent in collecting evidence, just to get rid of this shadow.

Including yourself?

Prison No. 1 was quiet from the end, and several prisoners detained in the prison seemed to have disappeared, without any breath at all. Even the sound of footsteps seemed to be absent, as if for fear of breaking the silence.

The atmosphere was depressing, and Xiuya took a big breath when she walked out of the prison.

A car was parked outside the prison, surrounded by men in black. They are not Oglock's usual escorts, and they are even fresh faces in Evernight City. Everyone has a deep breath, and they all have good power. The scattered position just protects the blind spot where Oglock is not attacked.

"These are my people." Oglock said lightly: "At this time, the only people I can rely on and trust are them."

Xiuya knew that her father was besides being the speaker of the Dark Council. They are still the bosses of the Dark Chamber of Commerce in the Underground World. Right now, these people are afraid of coming from the Chamber of Commerce and have nothing to do with the council. This was the first time Oglock revealed his own background, and Xiuya believed that this was only the tip of the iceberg.

He got into the car with Oglock, and he said to the driver: "Go to that place."

Then he said to Xiuya, "Take you to an interesting place. After so many years, you are the first person to visit there except Jenny."

Jenny is the daughter of Oglock, the real daughter. However, she has passed away many times. Just two months after her death, Oglock adopted her.

"Xiuya, do you know why I adopted you back then?" Oglock said suddenly.

Xiuya bit her lip and said, "Because I look like my sister."

"No, you don't look like it at all." Oglock shook her head: "Jenny is a weak child, soft as a lily that will wither at any time. It turns out that this era is not suitable for her, so she left me. And You are as wild as a rose with thorns. Under your beauty, there are spikes that are enough to hurt people. This is what Jenny does not have, and it is also possible to survive this era and live better than most People are good."

"So I adopted you, trained you, and made you the first person on the blood ride." Oglock nodded and said: "You never let me down. In you, I seem to see Jenny have a second life. So. This is the daughter I want, and you have always been my pride."

"But I still let you down." Xiuya lowered her head and said.

"Disappointment? You mean Zuo Fei and Leo and the others?" Oglock said calmly, his tone of voice was flat, but he obviously already knew everything.

Xiuya nodded.

Oglock smiled and said, "No, my child. Even if you take a different path from mine, your persistence and fearlessness are still bright enough to make me proud. What's more, when I choose you At that time, you didn’t run away, but you chose to face it, didn’t you? You have to look at it this way, my child, not many people still choose to face me after daring to betray me. You did it, so you sit in this car instead of Let me turn you into a corpse and throw it into the cold grave."

"Then what are your plans now?"

Oglock shook his head and said: "What are your plans. Even if Leo and Ben these old things come together, I will wait for him here. Oglock, when did I escape? Besides, the Dark Council It is because of me that it is the Dark Council. Otherwise, it is nothing! It's a big joke that just a few clowns want to bring me down!"

Xiuya was suffocated, Oglock's tone was calm, with almost no ups and downs. However, the aura that unintentionally revealed from the words shows his toughness and the absolute strength that has not been shown for too long and should be forgotten by most people.

The top powerhouse of the twelfth rank is the truth hidden under the old man's appearance!

The car drove more than half of the night city, and finally drove out of the city and came to an abandoned factory building in the suburbs. Outside the factory building, a ring of barbed wire has long been leaking everywhere, and tall weeds are growing tenaciously, flooding the ground near the factory building. Where it was originally an iron gate, now only half of it is left uncovered, and the other half is lying on the ground. The iron branches are already covered with yellow-brown iron embroidery.

Oglock walked to the door, bent over and picked up an iron plate from the grass, which read "Hua Mingwei Manufacturing Company" on it. He hung the iron plate back to the half of the door, then waved to Xiu Ya: "Follow me."

The guard stayed outside the factory, only Xiuya and Oglock walked in. The two passed through the dilapidated factory area, the towering chimneys, and witnessed the prosperity here. But now, under the long river of years, it will eventually pass away.

The two walked into a factory building. There were no machines in the factory building, only some tattered boxes, and they didn't know what was inside. At the back of the factory building, the wall collapsed halfway, and only some steel frames remained stubbornly supported. There is a rectangular table nearby, covered with dust. Oglock wiped the edge of the table with his hand, and there was a name on it.


"This is..." Xiu Ya said in surprise.

"What you see is the birthplace of the Dark Council." Oglock looked at the line of names on the edge and said: "A long time ago, there was no Dark Council on the coastline. There was only one Warmingway company."

He raised his crutches, tapped the table lightly and said, "At that time, this was my position. At that time, I was the person in charge of the company. Well, this old man was a hunter who just debuted. He would take some prey. Sell ​​it to me, and Cario, this rude security chief. Where he is, there will be cigarettes and spirits. If this **** were not capable, he would have been killed by those two things."

Xiuya listened quietly. Under the outline of Oglock's words, she seemed to be able to see it decades ago. Oglock, Douglas, Cario, Shawna... these names are unknown to everyone in the mainland, but they were still unknown people back then. They gathered together and argued fiercely, just to make the company run better.

"It may sound ridiculous. At that time, we all thought about one thing, that is, to change this **** environment so that more people can live." Oglock laughed: "At that time Leo was one of us. The richest one, of course, he was not yet in control of the family back then, and he was even a poor creature who would be kicked out of the heir sequence at any time."

"We were working, discussing, and even quarreling at this table." After that, Oglock paused and said with some emotion: "Later, we quarreled, and Ben brought Cario and Paul. Leaving. Ben has always insisted on his ideals, but what I see is the cruel reality. Democracy, even in the old days, is just a card in the hands of politicians. And in this era, only power Only after killing can there be hope of redemption. Unfortunately, I thought I was wrong. My best friend just left."

"Father..." At this moment, Xiuya could feel the sincere emotion in Oglock's heart, and he could feel that he was a person of flesh and blood. Rather than the Oglock who ruled the entire parliament with strong means.

Oglock shook his head, pulled Xiuya to the edge of the gap that year, and pointed outside and said: "Now, my daughter must also leave."

Xiuya shook her whole body, turning her head to want to speak. However, Oglock smiled and stretched out a finger, gently blocking her mouth and said: "Don't say anything, Xiuya. The last time I listened to me, quietly go out from here and leave. From Yongye City Far away, from today, there is no such person as Major General Xiuya in the Blood Cavalry. My daughter, this is the last gift I can give you, and that is freedom."

"There is no right or wrong anymore. All you have to do is to listen to your own heart's voice and make it run through your life." Oglock pushed forward: "Go, child. To embrace the wider world, never Turn around."

The hot liquid glided across her face, and Xiuya bit her lip desperately before she let herself cry. Her shoulders trembled lightly, and she walked forward step by step. Passed through the gap in the factory building and walked across the ground flooded by weeds. In the end, looking from a distance, there was only a lonely silhouette of the old man in the factory. Then Oglock disappeared into the shadows.

he's gone.

And Xiuya is free.

In the afternoon, except for the Augustus family. The other councillors in Yongye City were all notified of an emergency meeting. There was no warning about this meeting, which was suddenly coming. Those MPs who have received the news are worried, but there are also others who are at a loss. When the parliamentarians arrived in the parliament hall, they found that the guards in the hall had changed a group of people, which made the expressions on the faces of the parliament even more solemn.

When the meeting was announced, Oglock took the seat of the speaker. Looking at the congressman underneath, Oglock smiled and said: "Not long ago, I received an interesting report. The report pointed out that the Augustus family has taken control of my army and joined forces with the Hall of Valor towards the eternal The night city is coming. Members, what do you think?"

This is undoubtedly a blockbuster for the uninformed congressmen. Panic and dazed expressions appeared on everyone's faces, and they whispered to each other in their seats. Oglock glanced around, and only a few members were unmoved as far as his eyes were. But when he came into contact with Oglock's sight, he couldn't help avoiding it.

"This is not the most interesting, but the more interesting thing is. I heard that the law enforcement team investigated my private financial expenditures privately, and behind them, there are several big families backing them. Dear Rambo, you have heard of this. Is it something?" Oglock looked at one of the congressmen.

The named Rambo "hum", stood up and said, "Yes, it is our family who supported Zuo Fei's delegation to investigate you. Sir, the resources of the parliament should not be used by you personally. Locally, you are using power for personal gain. Of course we have the right to know where the resources that should have been deployed to the front line are going to go, don’t they?"

"Rambo, Rambo..." Oglock smiled and shook his head, waved his hand and said: "Everyone is old friends for decades. If you can't believe me, just ask me. Why bother to investigate? , Sit down, old stuff, don’t be so excited."

Looking at Oglock like this, Rambo always felt that the reaction was too far from what he expected. For a while, he didn't know how to respond, so he had to sit down. Oglock put his hands on the table and said: "Yes, the war resources are mobilized by me personally. But I can guarantee that everything I do is for the future of the Council. Of course, I have no intention of explaining this to you now. . It’s like a lion doesn’t need to explain anything to a flock of sheep, does it?"

"Well, gentlemen, I have planned to kill. Really, the behavior behind you guys makes me angry. But everyone has worked together for so many years, so today I am very kind." Oglock said indifferently: "24 hours, I give You have a full day. Now, you leave here. Go home, pack your things and get out of Evernight City. If anyone else will stay here after 24 hours, then congratulations, you will be put to death. No conditions , There is no compromise. This is not a discussion, but an order. You, leave immediately."

The parliament hall was silent, and a few moments later, several members led by Rambo got up and left. Some congressmen left one after another, but more were puzzled and angry. A young congressman stood up and pointed at Oglock and said, "What qualifications do you have to let us go. This is Evernight City, our home is here. If you want to go, it should be you. Everyone. , Should we leave him at his mercy, just because he is the speaker?"

The young congressman said indignantly. Rambo, who had walked to the edge of the gate, stopped, glanced at the congressman and said softly: "Courage is commendable, but it's a pity that he used the wrong target."

"Mr. Dorona, the rising star of the Iron Rose family, I heard that you are very good at family management?" Oglock smiled: "But you made a mistake. This is the parliament hall, not your Iron Rose. Backyard."

He snapped his fingers and Dorona suddenly flushed. His eyes widened, but he didn't say a word. Suddenly, he exploded, blood and internal organs sprayed all over!

"This is what people want, forgetful." Oglock still smiled, and pointed his head with his finger: "Just like Mr. Dorona, he forgot, there is only one owner of Evernight City. That's me, you guys. It was because of my kindness that I was able to live in Yongye City. But after living for too long, the guests thought the house belonged to him, which is really ridiculous."

"So, who else is going to oppose it may stay. Before killing him, I pay twelve percent respect for his courage."

Rambo shook his head, glanced at Oglock, and don't take the family members away. No one would doubt Oglock's words, he had already planned to clean up, so he would not stop. Rambo still has a lot to do, and 24 hours is far from enough to completely transfer the supplies of a wealthy family. So it seems that something has to be discarded.

For example, unimportant family members.

Ever Night City has never been as lively as it is today. When Oglock's car passed by on the road, all he saw were people rushing forward. Trucks are driving out of the city, and there is even a traffic jam due to too much traffic. For this reason, disputes and even fights occurred between some families. If it was before, this is not allowed.

But today, there are no soldiers from the parliament to stop them.

Oglock returned to his manor, some servants were packing up and preparing to leave. The speaker came to the study as usual. As soon as he sat down, the butler served coffee. Seeing the butler still looks like a neat suit, Oglock shook his head and said, "You too."

"Master, I'm not going anywhere."

Oglock looked up and said: "Stay, you may die."

The butler smiled: "If it weren't for thirty years ago, the master had brought me back from the wilderness. I would have died long ago, and I would have lived thirty years longer, and I would have enough money."

"Okay." Oglock nodded, "How is the Devens family's affairs handled?"

"All men have been killed, including children. As for women, especially young women, they have gone where they should go." The old housekeeper said lightly.

"Good job, so that no one will bother with Xiuya."

"Miss she..."

Oglock paused and whispered: "She is gone, I gave her freedom. From now on, her life will be without me and there will be no entanglements."

The butler signed, then lowered his head.

"Are you laughing?"

The steward nodded: "Isn't this something to be happy about? Miss Xiuya has never been a canary in a cage. The endless sky is her stage."

"It seems that I used to raise her as a canary~lightnovelpub.net~ Oglock also laughed.

The master and servant looked at each other and laughed more happily.

The turmoil in Evernight City lasted a whole day, and by this time the next day, apart from Oglock's own people, there were no other residents or soldiers left in the city. Over the years, the gains from operating the Dark Chamber of Commerce have allowed Oglock to cultivate a troop in secret. This force does not belong to the parliament, all funds are paid by Oglock himself.

Therefore, no one knows its existence.

Now, with Oglock's manor as the center, within a radius of ten kilometers has become a forbidden zone. His private army set up outposts and defensive lines on the edge of this area, as well as numerous firepower points and barricades. As for Oglock himself, he is on the roof of the house, where there is a garden with a piano.

Oglock was sitting next to the piano, playing Chopin's nocturne alone. The beautiful melody echoes in this lonely city with a quiet piano like the night, as if singing the city's final elegy.

Eternal night, eternal night!