War Lord

Chapter 937: friend

There is a small town 15 kilometers away from Yongye City. The town is basically deserted, and only the dilapidated buildings are still lingering in the wind. [First issue] Four days after the cleanup of Yongye City, the town welcomed a group of guests. After they arrived, they tore down and levelled the dilapidated buildings in the town, and then set up military tents. Before long, the earth began to shake, and cars drove into the town.

Just five cars have already made the town seem crowded. The car stopped in the small square, and the surrounding buildings had been flattened long ago. The battlefield tent had been set up early in the morning, and related equipment was being moved into the tent one by one. After removing the tarp, you can see a series of appliances such as plasma tactical boards and brains.

And outside the town, a large number of troops are gathering, it is the joint army of the Hall of Valor and the parliamentary army. Of course, it is impossible for the army to enter the town, but stationed in the wilderness outside the town. The road leading to Evernight City was blocked and managed by the armies of both sides to strictly control vehicles entering Evernight City. Of course, there will be no vehicles driving to Evernight City now.

When Zero entered the town, he saw that the town had been quickly transformed into a temporary frontline command base. Dozens of staff officers and operators are debugging various equipment, and the scene of people coming and going sweeps away the original silence of the town. The zero trio were taken by a guard to the tent that served as the command post. In the case of the tent, the tent, which was more than 10 meters long and 5 meters wide, was already very spacious. But it was crowded with Douglas, Cario, Paul, Leo, and several members of the original council.

It is not a powerful person who can stand here, or a top powerhouse. The small party camp can't contain the aura when they get together.

"Come here." Douglas smiled and let Zero come over.

These big people are around a table, and there is a sand table on the table. The models above are made of a certain material. All models are made strictly according to a certain proportion. When they are arranged together, they form the entire picture of the entire Yongye City.

Of course, it is a reduced version of Evernight City.

It is hard to imagine that in this day and age there will still be people using physical sandboxes. After all, a three-dimensional site that can be arbitrarily moved is more efficient and convenient than the time-consuming and laborious physical sand table. With an unexpected expression on Zero, Leo said: "This is purely a personal hobby. If you don't get used to it, I can call up a three-dimensional map for you."

"You did it?" Ling asked.

Leo nodded, "I did everything from the overall structure to the furnishings of a building."

"He's only interested." Douglas squinted and said: "You don't need a three-dimensional map anymore, just use Leo's stuff. Anzheng is also for showing off his craft, so we can't cooperate with him. "

When Douglas said that, all the people present laughed, and the atmosphere relaxed a lot.

Douglas patted one of the strange men on the shoulder and said, "Then let us listen to what kind of information Mr. Rambo can bring us."

The one who was photographed on his shoulder was the Congressman Rambo who attended the emergency meeting that day. He nodded, circled one of the corners of the sand table model, and said: "After the speaker drove us out that day, he took this area. All circled. An army has been set up, an army we have never seen before. I can tell everyone responsibly that Oglock is not ready to compromise."

Douglas raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "That's his style."

"In this area, the Speaker has set up defense lines, barricades, secret whistles, and many firepower points. He wants to fight a hard fight, gentlemen." Rambo waved his fists hard.

Leo pointed to the area near the Oglock Manor and said: "This is already very deep into the Evernight City, but fortunately, there are no important factories and facilities in this area. Even if there is a battle, we will not lose much afterwards. Where to go."

Looking at the zero sand table model, there is a sign on the side of some models, indicating the nearby area or the function of the building, and so on. Zero contrasted the model and the position of Oglock's defense, frowning.

"What do you think?" Douglas asked.

Zero raised his head. In fact, this is not his war. And there are experienced veterans here who don't understand why Douglas wants to ask for their opinions. Douglas shrugged and said, "It's okay, you just talk about it."

"Okay." Zero nodded, pointing to the manor area and said: "If it were me, I would not set up a defense zone here. Because this place is not dangerous at all and there are too many places that can be attacked. Like here, there are also These places are ideal defense zones. Once I can’t hold them, I can detonate nearby buildings and cause major damage to the enemy.”

The places that Zero later refers to are areas such as nuclear power plants and arsenals. These regions have one thing in common, they all have energy supply pipelines. Once these pipes are detonated, the entire area will be blasted. As far as the destructive power is concerned, it is absolutely enough to consume the lives of thousands or even tens of thousands of enemy troops.

"Strange." At this point, Ling's brows tightened: "Why did Oglock do this? Even I can see that the place he chose is not the most ideal defense zone. He will not be too shallow to see it. This way. It’s almost like..."

"Avoid greater losses to the Council." Douglas sighed and said.

Including Leo, everyone in the original council was shocked. Douglas shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This is Ogg, a guy full of contradictions. He has pride, so he is unwilling to compromise. But at the same time, he did give everything for the council. So even at this moment, he is unwilling. Because of one person’s relationship, the parliament that had been built so hard was destroyed."

"Ogg is not an idiot. He pushed back the defensive area and even built it in an insignificant area. What he asked for was just to keep the loss of the council to a minimum."

Xiaona on one side suddenly said loudly: "Let me go and talk to him. Everyone is a friend. Why did you get into this situation today!"

Leo looked at Douglas, and the latter nodded: "Although I don't think Ogg will give up, but let's try it. Shawner, maybe there is still room for a turning point. It is not the best to meet each other. method."

Shawna nodded, and Leo said to him, "I will send you there."

The two rushed out.

Douglas closed his eyes and whispered: "Ogg, you fellow. Is it so difficult to let go of your pride? Old stubborn thing."

Zero listened to her ears, silently.

At noon, the sky was strong. An off-road vehicle drove along the highway into the silent city of Eternal Night, and Shawner kept smoking in the car. When he took out the fifth one, Leo reached out and took the cigarette off, threw it away, and said, "Don't smoke, take care to burn a hole in your lungs."

Shawner smiled bitterly and said: "I am very distressed. On the way here, I have thought of several sets of rhetoric, but I found that none of them can impress Ogg."

"Is it so easy to impress Ogg? You and I all know how stubborn he is, anyway, just say it as you please. As for whether you can succeed, it depends on God's will."

"God's will." Xiao Na smiled: "I have been dealing with numbers all my life. I didn't expect that the most important conversation would be left to God's will to decide."

"Listen to old man, don't give such a heavy burden. Even if Ogg finally chooses the path we least want to see, it is his choice, not your fault, understand?" Leo patted hard. Pat Dr. Shawner's thin shoulders.

Shawna nodded and said nothing.

The cordon of Oglock has been seen from afar, and a barbed wire fence has surrounded the buildings in the defense area. There is no clearer sign than this. There is a sentinel outside the barbed wire fence, and several private soldiers are patrolling back and forth with their guns in their arms. They raised their guns when they saw Leo's car, but an invisible force field pressed them down, but they couldn't move a finger.

Leo stopped the car, while maintaining the force field, he said solemnly: "This is Dr. Shawner, he is a friend of Speaker Oglock. Now, he wants to have a good talk with the Speaker. I hope you put down your guns, don’t force I did something that I didn’t want to do. Now, I withdrew the force field, do you understand?"

Gradually retracting the force field, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. After looking at each other, one of the soldiers shouted: "Please wait here. We will notify the boss now."

Leo sat back and said, "Hey, boss. It's a new name."

"Those are the private armies of the Dark Chamber of Commerce," Shawner said.

Leo nodded: "I know, this is Ogg's last hole card."

Two minutes later, several soldiers removed the roadblock. The soldier who spoke before stood up and said: "The boss is waiting for you at his manor."

"Okay." Leo restarted the car, and the off-road vehicle drove into Oglock's defense zone. Along the way, Leo saw large and small barricades, as for private troops everywhere. He said to Shawner: "Ogg is generous, so he exposes all the arrangements."

"For him, these soldiers, these arrangements are just embellishments." Shauna shook his head.

"Yeah, for him. Oglock is, this proud old fellow."

The car stopped outside the manor, and there was no soldier in the manor. It was Oglock’s old butler who was waiting at the door. Leo and Shawner came down, and the butler smiled and said, "I’m sorry, Mr. Leo and Dr. Shawna. Because the servants have already left, the old man can only be here. Wait for two people."

"Master is in the study, please come with me."

Under the leadership of the housekeeper, the three walked into the study. In the study, Oglock was reading. He was wearing comfortable home clothes, with crutches resting beside him, completely leisurely. Seeing Leo and Shawna, he smiled and stood up: "Kankan, my two old friends are here. Mr. Kuya, please give us a pot of good black tea."

"Please wait a moment." The butler smiled and left.

"Come on, sit down." Oglock asked Leo to sit on the sofa and said: "I was surprised. I thought that Douglas would come over."

"If he came, you wouldn't ask him to drink black tea." Leo laughed.

"Of course, I will ask him to eat my fist." Oglock smiled and looked at Shawner: "Then, my old friend. Are you here as a lobbyist?"

Shauna smiled bitterly: "Just now, I still have a lot to say. But now, I can't say a word."

"Then don't say anything. We have known each other for so many years. I know what you have to say." Oglock blinked and said: "And how I will answer, you also know very well."

Patting Shawner’s leg, Oglock said: "No matter what happens in the future, we are all good friends. Even the **** Douglas, I never regarded him as an enemy. However, we have to stand in a hostile position. That's it."

At this time the butler came back, and he walked in gracefully carrying the plate. There is an exquisite teapot and three teacups with beautiful patterns on it. Put the cup down and filled it with the three of them, and then the butler withdrew.

"Taste it, this is a good product I finally gotten." Oglock said to the two.

Leo took a sip, put down his teacup and said, "Ogg, although you know our intentions very well. But I still have to say, is there really no room for a turning point? You know when we leave, next, It's an unavoidable war."

Oglock said lightly: "Leo, have you ever seen me avoid anything? I have my persistence and my position. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, I am stubborn and stupid. But in my heart, I Believing that it is correct is enough."

Leo nodded, he looked at Shawna, and sighed: "Well, since you have already given the answer. Then there is no need to say anything more. Let's not talk about it this afternoon. Think of it as a tea party, then again, how long have we not been drinking tea together?"

"I think about it, the last time you drank tea, it was when your kid was born. So, it's almost 20 years."

"time flies…"

The butler stood outside the door, listening to the occasional laughter that came out of the crack in the door. On the other side of the door, three old friends chat in their spare time. Oglock's laughter was the most that the butler had heard in the past ten years.

Spend this afternoon in a leisurely atmosphere.

Before night fell, Leo and Shawner said goodbye, and Oglock kept sending them outside the manor. Watching the off-road vehicle go away, the smile on the speaker's face gradually disappeared, and finally he said softly: "Take care, old friend."

Turning and walking into the manor, the iron gate closed, blocking Oglock's figure. The only parting whispers were still circling in the night breeze.

The next day, gunshots rang out in Yongye City, which meant that the war had begun.

But today, the attacks from Douglas were not intensive, so although the gunfire echoed around the defense zone, it seemed a little sloppy. Oglock stood on the rooftop, leaning on crutches. The butler stood behind him, as straight as a statue.

"Douglas is still so cautious. Obviously I have communicated to him all the layout of the defense area through Leo, he still refuses to bet that." Oglock shook his head and laughed: "But this way. That's right, if you make a big bet, you don't have to fight this battle. Mr. Kuya, you know, it can't be more fun to compete with your old friends."

The butler shrugged, noncommittal.

The gunfire was still sounding, and occasionally soldiers yelled and cursed. But there were not too many casualties or damages. The battle on the first day ended in the dusk with a slightly sloppy taste.

In the small town outside Yongye City, Douglas in the command camp was playing with Leo's sand table. Douglas placed some models representing enemy soldiers in specific positions. Leo next to him looked at and frowned, "The arrangement I saw yesterday is not like this."

"Do you think Ogg will be careless enough to let you bring out the information? He did this deliberately in order to lure me to attack here." Douglas smiled and pointed his finger on the back of the manor. In Leo's observation, Ogg Glock’s firepower here is the weakest: "An obvious trap, isn't it? I bet that if we break through this spot today, Ogg will definitely give us a surprise."

Leo heard it straight out: "So, let's go to the manor to meet, it is a trap in itself."

Douglas stood up and said, "From the moment he let you into the defense zone, the war has already begun."

"Then what are you going to do tomorrow?"

Douglas shrugged and said: "There is no special strategy. I will let Sol and the other children tear down their defenses with all their strength. In addition to the power of the top strong, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com is at the next level. In terms of combat power, we are completely at an advantage, there is no need to pay attention to the so-called strategy, just push it. Ogg also knows this, so after the defense is removed, I will go to see him. At that time, it was the real drama. "

"To be honest, I hope he leaves." Leo said.

Douglas nodded and said, "Me too, but unfortunately he won't. Because he is Oglock."

On the second day, the Hall of Valor was led by Thor, Valkyrie, Loki and many other capable people came out, and even Cario joined the offensive sequence. Leo dispatched the family powerhouse, and the officer-level ability of the blood cavalry. This is undoubtedly a strong lineup, and even if Oglock trains in private, it can't stand the attack of so many fierce men.

This morning, Oglock passed through a deafening explosion. He stood on the rooftop and looked around, the entire line of defense was full of flames and lightning. The smile on Oglock's face remained the same as the fire flickered. In the evening, the defense line was paralyzed, and with Oglock's acquiescence, the remaining soldiers chose to surrender. Douglas allowed them to leave. When dawn came on the third day, Douglas was alone in Evernight City.

One person, one gun, walked towards Oglock's manor like a walk. o