War Lord

Chapter 939: The war of two people

There are two monsters left.

The arm on the left that jumped directly onto the mecha, hugged the arm firmly with both hands and feet, and then the long tail swept away. The ball-shaped tail end of the needle slammed on the reinforced glass of the driver's cabin, immediately hitting a fist-sized crack. The monster on the right side twisted the legs of the mecha and tried to bring the mecha down.

Yafeidi in the driver's cabin sneered, and the high-frequency knife dropped. First cut the monster holding his feet into two pieces, then the mecha rushed towards a nearby building, flicked his left arm, and smashed the monster heavily on the wall. The wall collapsed, and the monster shook in. Yafidi immediately pressed the button of the rapid-fire machine gun, and the machine gun on the left arm of the mecha shot fiercely, shooting the monster to the ground.

The mecha ceased fire, and Yafidi was just about to support his colleagues on the front line. Suddenly the radar alarmed, and he looked down, and dozens of light spots approached quickly.

"So much." Yafeidi said unexpectedly.

The next moment, the same number of monsters as the light spots appeared from behind the mecha. Yafidi pushed the jet violently, and six slender flames spewed from the back of the mecha, and the jet pushed the mecha flashing forward. After sliding 20 meters straight out, Yafidi controlled the mecha to make a sudden stop and spin. The platoon blasted long sparks on the ground, and the mecha rapid-fire machine guns and cannons that turned around slammed together, and the fierce gunfire suppressed the monsters.

After a burst of fire and bullets, the monster fell down a large area, but more of it bullied and rushed forward, or pounced or jumped to the mecha. Yafidi swiftly pushed the joystick, and the mech held a high-frequency knife in his hand, cutting out a ray of sharp light. Wherever the sword light went, the monsters cut open one by one, cooperating with rapid-fire machine guns and cannons to suppress them from time to time. Ten minutes later, all the monsters turned into corpses.

The mecha has been stained with green blood, which is also corrosive to a certain extent. Fortunately, it did not corrode the main circuit and the mecha engine. In addition to reducing the strength of the mecha shell armor plate, it will not affect mobility.

Yafidi drove the mecha towards the east of the town, heard the explosion from a distance, and saw the continuous flames. The battle was unexpectedly fierce, and when Yafidi arrived, he realized that the outside of the town had become a battlefield.

Looking at the ground, a large group of dark alien creatures in the wilderness outside the town rushed forward one after another. The knights’ mechas are in groups of three to five, using the town walls and other shelters to defend, and use the powerful firepower of the mechas to suppress monsters. But there are too many monsters. On Yafidi’s radar, there are nearly a thousand spots of light. Obviously, this is beyond what Barr said.

In other words, the monsters that attacked this town at the time were only part of it.

On the battlefield, sentry smoke rose and guns roared. Yafidi couldn't help but be grateful that this time it was a mecha squadron, if it was an infantry regiment, it might have been eaten by many monsters. Yafidi also joined the battle group. He wandered around the defense line, occasionally rushing into alien creatures. The power of the high-frequency knife in his hand even surpassed the machine gun, and no monster escaped the fate of being cut in the middle of the blade.

It's just that there are too many monsters, like a wave of black. The defensive line formed by the Paladins' mechas was quickly in jeopardy. During the fierce battle, a mecha just appeared from behind the cover, and suddenly a dozen monsters rushed over with their hands and feet on the ground.

Running to the middle, the monster leaped up. Following hugs head to tail, the bone spurs from the back of the head to the tail circled into a thorn wheel. The thorn wheel spins at high speed, ploughing across the ground quickly, leaving a deep trace. The pilot of the mech panicked. Obviously, the monster's battle mode was beyond his imagination, and the revolver gun of the mech was also difficult to capture objects under such adjustments.

The bright bullet chain blasted into the empty space, setting off large pieces of rubble in vain. However, it missed a thorn wheel. As the spur wheels approached, the two spur wheels suddenly bounced, and then rotated at a high speed to cut them off, cutting off the two-handed arms of the mecha. The other two thorn wheels bypassed the mecha and came to its back, and then rotated in a sharp bend, and staggered into the mecha. Shengsheng cuts into the mecha body and shreds the circuit engine.

This mech was sprayed with electric fire all over, and finally exploded!

More and more monsters have changed their attack modes. They are connected end to end, turning like thorn wheels, advancing the firepower of evading mechas at high speed and cutting each mecha again, turning them into pieces of scrap iron.

Seeing the sacrifices of many soldiers, Yafidi was furious. Driving the mecha toward the spur wheels, the rapid-fire machine gun swept out a barrage. However, the bullets flew by the centrifugal force when the spur wheels were spinning, and occasionally fortunately hit the monster's vitals before stopping them. The Gao Zhoubo knife pulled out the sharp blades in the air, strangling these monsters, and gradually, the monsters put the main force on Yafeidi.

More and more monsters joined the battle circle, and Yafidi obviously couldn't cope with it. Some monsters have jumped on the mecha, destroying the shell of the mecha with their sharp claws and the pinball at the tail. Even after the robotic arm holding the high-frequency knife was ripped apart by the monster, Yafidi was ready to leave the mecha to fight.

Suddenly, a roar sounded on the battlefield. Then a huge black shadow passed by, and the line of sight in front of Yafidi suddenly brightened. The monster that had entangled him just now disappeared, and was swept to the other side of the battlefield under the pressure of that tall figure. Yafidi took the opportunity to clean up the monsters that had climbed onto the mecha. After he blasted these monsters into pieces, he had time to look at the side of the battlefield.

It was a giant with bulging muscles, looking like rough steel. The aura of its release alone made Yafeidi feel like acupuncture.


The former master of Sky City, he who has awakened in this era. After assisting Zero to rebuild the order of the Western Continent, he led his tribe to live in seclusion on an island that Paul designated for them. But now, he appeared on the battlefield. Franklin suppressed nearly six monsters alone, and he spread his arms and pressed these monsters to the ground. He bounced, and the huge fist like a cannonball bombarded regularly, and every time a punch went down, the monster would surely turn into meat sauce.

After smashing these monsters to death in a flash, Franklin rushed to the oncoming monsters. His body surface is as hard as steel, no matter whether these dark alien creatures bite with their mouths or tear them with their claws, or even stab them with the needle-shaped tail, they can't shake Franklin cents.

After the giant's wrist wriggled for a while, two short-knife-like bone blades came out. Franklin lunged at the monster and hit the monster with his fist. First, a huge blunt impact shattered the monster's armor leaf, and then the bone blade drove straight in. Another slashing movement ripped the monster apart.

While Franklin was fighting, several figures of the same size jumped into the battlefield. They were about the same height as Franklin, but they were much thinner. These are all of Franklin's tribe. Several Atlantis people have been transformed by the planet's will, and everyone has extraordinary skills.

A giant behind Franklin was holding two straight knives, and the straight knives were flying fast in his hands, cutting the monsters into fragmented corpses like a meat grinder.

"Sam! Go over there, Sigourney needs you!" Franklin stretched his hands and pulled a monster into two. Then he pointed his finger to the side of the battlefield, where a vigorous figure was flying up and down.

The giant named Sam nodded, swinging his swords and rushing in the direction of Franklin's fingers.

Over there, a female giant said stubbornly: "I don't need it!"

"Sigourney, I have the final say here!" Franklin roared.

The last giant was shorter, but he was about two meters tall, but he was taller in humans. His blue hair was braided into strips of arguments, and his braids rose and fell as he moved, looking like waves from a distance. The giant laughed and said, "Sigourney, you'd better listen to the boss, or he will feel good about you when you go back."

Franklin smashed his fist, smashing a monster into flesh, and said with a headache: "Shut up, Landor."

The giant named Landor shrugged, when a monster jumped towards him. The giant cursed in a low voice, and caught the monster with both hands. The electric snake was walking up and down the monster's body, and after a while, the smell of barbecue was already coming from the beetle of the monster.

"The taste is not bad, but it's a pity that there is too little meat." Landor commented.

Franklin dashed forward at this moment, and a diamond-shaped spar appeared on his forehead, chest and back of his hand. There were overflowing silver flames in the spar, and they transmitted a haze-like luminosity, which gave Franklin a faint silver brilliance. The giant roared and slammed his fists together to the ground. The fist formed a strong impact on the ground, and a silver ripple that was visible to the naked eye spread out in a fan shape like a tide, and it swept over a range of hundreds of meters in a flash.

The monsters swept by the Silver Tide all bounced up without being affected by a cryptic force field, and followed the monsters in mid-air to explode one by one. Suddenly, a green ocean appeared on the battlefield. The spontaneous green blood of the monster formed an area that couldn't be more obvious, and Franklin killed at least two or three hundred monsters in one blow. The three eyes in front of the remaining head flashed again and again, and then slowly withdrew.

The giantess named Sigourney had just stringed two monsters together using a war gun with a spiral front end. After the gun was rotated and shook, Sigourney planned to hunt down the monsters, but Franklin stopped it. The giantess yelled: "That's our enemy!"

Franklin said solemnly: "I know, but now, you must listen to me."

Looking at these giants in the driving cabin, Yafidi always felt that they knew the origin of these monsters. At this time Franklin walked over and tapped the outer shell of the driver's cabin with his finger: "Head Yafidi, if you rely too much on the machine, your body will become dull."

Yafidi smiled, opened the cockpit, stretched out his hand and shook Franklin: "It's been a long time, Mr. Franklin. Why did you come here in time?"

Franklin glanced at the corpses of the monsters in the wilderness: "These guys attacked our island two days ago. But the number is small, only about 300. But the appearance of the guards means that Prosius' **** has started to move. . So I rushed over after I settled down the tribe, just to find a group of guards’ activities here. We tracked it down and happened to do you a favor."

"Wait, what do you call them? Guards?" Yafidi said with a tight heart, "Do you know where they came from?"

"In my time, I have had too many dealings with these guys." Franklin said: "My friend, you should inform His Royal Highness Paul. The Western Continent must immediately enter a state of alert, and the guards will not appear for no reason. Since they have appeared. , That means that at least one Star Destroyer has arrived. You can understand that it is the guardian’s mother ship and also a production base."

"Fortunately, these guards are much weaker than what I have seen. It seems that Prosius's power is not complete, so we should not face many guards." Franklin said: "I want to be with you. Go to the Pope’s Hall, I need to have a good talk with Paul about this."

"Please follow me." Yafeidi said.

On this day, the battle on the Western Continent did not stop at the small town where Yafidi was located. The Star Destroyer was moored off the mainland, while tens of thousands of guards crossed the sea to invade. Many offshore islands have been lost and have become the frontline base of the Black Legion. The war broke out very suddenly. Before the Pope’s Chamber had received the news, more than half of the outer islands had fallen into the hands of Prosius.

The Kuroshio formed by the guards was divided into several fronts, one of which pointed directly at the Roaring Bay, and the rest pointed at important coastal areas such as Fort Cannon and Fasero. When Franklin arrived in New Rome, the two places had been captured by the guards. Paul paled when he received the news. Even if he is not good at strategy, he also knows that once strategic locations such as Faceiro and Fort Canon are captured, the enemy can easily attack the hinterland of the mainland.

At the same time, the other two star destroyers were flying close to the low-hanging radiation cloud, and the sea continued to recede below them. From afar, the outline of the Middle Continent has appeared in the eyes of the Star Destroyer. After a week or so, they finally reached the largest continent on the planet!

At this time, at the northern end of the coastline of the Central Continent, there was a war that attracted people's attention.

It was a two-person war, but the names of Douglas and Oglock were enough to shock the entire continent. When Douglas walked towards Oglock Manor with a single gun, Zero, Leo, Cario, Paul and others also came to Evernight City at the same time. They are located on the rooftop of a building, and looking down from here, with the eyesight of these people, they can clearly see the battle between these two top powerhouses.

As one of the protagonists of this war, Douglas looks very relaxed. He changed into the suit he often wore in Asgart and put on a hunting suit. This safari suit has been around for some time, the color of the clothes is dark, and the severe fading makes some places even grayish. There are patches on the trousers and elbows, and it has no defensive capabilities. If you have to talk about the advantages, it will probably be comfortable.

Douglas wore a cowboy hat, stepped on moccasin boots, and two leather suspenders were tied together across the shoulders and waist of the trousers. There are ten sniper rounds on each side of the sling. These are all Douglas' ammunition. The sniper rifle behind him made Ling feel familiar. After a while, Ling said softly, "Is that Colt?"

"Strictly speaking, it is an imitation." Cario glanced at him and said, "Isn't the real Colt broken in your hands?"

"Before the gun came, Ben this old guy took a month in advance to make it himself. It can be said that every part is no different from the original Colt. What is lacking is just the emotion. But for Ben, This flaw is negligible."

Leo frowned and said, "Is he going to snipe Oglock?"

As we all know, when the capable person grows to a high level, the role that guns can play is already very limited. Not to mention the top twelve-level powerhouses of Oglock, even the sub-level masters of zero, now even the most sophisticated sniper experts, it is very difficult, very difficult to lock him!

"This is not an idiot." Cario exhaled a big smoke ring: "Before he came, he had expected that a battle with Ogg would be inevitable. That sniper rifle was not a help at all, but it was just to cherish the memory of their past. Friendship is nothing."

Douglas has entered the previous defense zone. It is very quiet, and there are no more people in sight. He walked all the way without encountering any obstacles, and after a moment he stood in front of the iron gate of the manor.

"Ogg, I'm here," Douglas said, his voice not high-pitched, but it rang steadily in every corner of the manor.


Oglock's voice sounded on the roof of the manor, but Douglas shot at him before he finished speaking. The white stone fence on the left side of the roof exploded into a pile of stone chips, and a gap of nearly two meters appeared. At this time, the violent sound of the sniper rifle rang, and the high-pitched reverberation could be heard throughout Yongye City.

"You bastard, shoot without even letting me finish speaking, **** guy, do you know what politeness is!"

Oglock’s voice sounded from behind Douglas~lightnovelpub.net~ Douglas shrugged, and then he shot without looking back, and then said: "Is there a difference? Since you are not going to give up, then this war is there. It's inevitable. Rather than having the strength to tell the old, I'd better focus on **** you old guy."

A window exploded long before the gunfire, and there was a flickering shadow inside. Oglock broke directly from the wall on the other side, pointed his hand, and the dark light pointed directly at Douglas.

Of course, the light only cut through the air and fell to the ground. A black light pattern appeared on the ground, and the concrete floor sank in like a cream. Oglock didn't care, put his finger to his mouth and blew out: "Old boy, don't forget, you are not my opponent every time you fight."

After speaking, the figure was blurred. The afterimage of Oglock had not completely disappeared, and a lamppost beside him immediately rang out, and a fist-sized gap was pressed out by a sniper bullet. The lamppost fell and several wires were torn down. The energized wire swept across the ground several times, wiping out a spark.

Douglas appeared on the roof of a small two-story building tens of meters away from the manor. He leaned on his stomach, pressed the hat on his head with his hand and said, "You know, that was before, old man! "O