War Lord

Chapter 943: Eternal night away

Relative to the scorched ground, Oglock and Douglas are like two clear reefs, and the waves of guards continue to converge in this direction. In an instant, a wave tried to slap the reef.

Facing the many black figures rushing forward, Douglas just snorted slightly. Although the sound was small, if it had any substance, it made all the defenders who flopped slightly stagnant. At this moment that can't even be said in the blink of an eye, life and death have already been decided. Douglas raised his arm, made a fist, swept! The boxing front pulled out an overflowing ripple, sweeping the space within a radius of 30 meters.

The strange thing is that, in the same attack range, Oglock was not directly shot apart by Douglas like the black wave in front of him!

The scattered waves are the body of the guard. But for these cold weapons without fear or even any emotions. It was normal to step on the corpse of a companion and jump towards the target, so hundreds of guards passed through the waves of death, forming a second wave crest and continuing to hit the reef.

Oglock's wings were burning, and he floated up a little off the ground. The wings suddenly ejected ten black flame feathers. Ling Yu dragged the dark flame tail, scattered into the wave formed by many guards. One of them passed between Douglas' nose, and Douglas could even feel the high heat from the nose, and the destructive energy contained in the seemingly inconspicuous feathers!

The feathers dispersed, and in a flash, they turned into ten black pillars of fire and rushed to the sky. The pillars of fire with a diameter of Mich were close to each other, and the guards who rushed into the pillar of fire melted instantly, and none of them could rush out. The pillar of fire rose and went out, and a blank vacuum zone appeared between the reef and the Kuroshio.

That is the realm of the **** of death!

There are still as many guards as locusts. After all, in order to clean up the two of them, the Star Destroyer dropped all the guards and eggs in Yongye City, a typical crowded tactic. Although the guards are only capable persons of rank seven, no matter Douglas or Oglock, they can bombard and kill a piece at will. But everything is always relative, the top powerhouse may kill tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of guards, but when faced with a huge number of guards, it is enough to be piled to death by a huge number of guards.

Just as in the underground space of the black earth that day, Ling used high-level weapons to pile up Albert of the same tier, and the Star Destroyer could also pile up the two Oglocks with massive guards. Of course, the guards will suffer heavy losses. However, as long as the Star Destroyer does not die, the Guardian can continue to produce. But in the entire Mid-Continent, there is no second Oglock or Douglas.

This is the difference.

"Ben!" Oglock added a flaming black flame battle axe in his hand, which was a weapon after the energy was substantive. Oglock swept his axe in a circle, and the hot axe chopped over dozens of monsters: "I'll clear the way for you, you... let's go!"

Douglas shook his whole body and slammed his fist. A gap was blasted in the black wave: "Ogg, do you want to die?"

Oglock gave a wry smile: "It's a pity, I thought I would have more time. I didn't expect that guy would act so quickly."

"Perhaps you are right, Ben. Although even at this time, I don't like your so-called democracy. But in this situation, yours is more cohesive than mine." Locke raised his battle axe, pulling out a dim stream of flames. Although Yan Liu was inconspicuous, he ignited dozens of guards and turned them into black fireballs: "Take Leo and Shawna and leave, you still have hope. I'll be the one to break it, don't think. I am for you, I am only for the future of the human race!"

The jet-black wings were cut in one, and a black curtain of fire spurted from the ends of the wings. The fire curtain is as thin as paper, but like the sharpest blade, tearing a gap of nearly a hundred meters in the black wave. Then the fire curtain shook and exploded, and the flames emptied to both sides, directly clearing a passage for Douglas.

Douglas looked at Oglock, who nodded. Douglas sighed softly, tapped his toes, and immediately swept along the passage. When he reached the end of the passage, he tapped his toes again, and the people quickly moved up, slanting towards a building near the street.

When standing on the roof, Douglas looked back, and the black waves closed again, cascading towards Oglock. Oglock calmly waved his hand goodbye, and for a moment his figure was drowned by countless guards.

Douglas didn't stay anymore, he broke through the air before the other guards could catch up. Behind him, Oglock burst into power, and a black stream of flames was transmitted through the gaps of the guards that were leaning on them. Suddenly, the guards who had piled up just bounced away. Under them, a black ball of light swelled rapidly. When the diameter reached 30 meters, the surface of the light sphere cracked, and the hot black pillar of fire rushed up. Like a volcanic eruption, terrifying energy swept around, accompanied by the spreading pillars of fire and flame waves, involving countless guards and burning them all into ashes!

A strong vibration was transmitted along the ground from behind, Douglas glanced back, and saw that a huge pillar of fire had risen behind him. The pillar of fire almost enveloped an area of ​​nearly 100 meters square. After the continuous eruption, countless streams of fire flew out, splashing other guards in the edge area. Douglas turned his head and jumped directly from the five-story rooftop, trampled on the heads of several guards and continued to move forward.

In the direction he was heading, the number of guards was very scarce. Most of the guards rushed in the direction of Oglock, and Douglas deliberately restrained his aura, leaving Eternal Night City basically without any obstacles.

When the pillar of fire fell, a figure rose into the sky. Oglock's wings spread to the limit behind him, holding him obliquely towards the star-killer in the sky, and the star-killer aroused intense anxiety. Constant-star weapons are originally intelligent life, and star-killers will also have various emotions, but anxiety and fear are definitely one of the rare emotions. It immediately suppressed this strange feeling and controlled the guard to pounce on Oglock.

The guards hug head and tail, transforming into the form of a thorn wheel. They spun at high speed on the ground, and with the help of some sloped objects pointing into the air, or with the assistance of their companions, they slammed into the mid-air Oglock. It's just that Oglock's flying altitude exceeds the limit that most guards can reach, and occasionally a guard hits him, but is also cut off by the burning wings.

Oglock flew straight to the Star Destroyer, and the biological weapons in the sky let out a dull roar. It opened its mouth, and little lights began to appear and converge. Oglock didn't mean to avoid it at all. Under his head, a river of silvery white light finally poured down. A high-energy beam spouted from the giant mouth of the Star Destroyer. The current energy reserve of this biological weapon had obviously dropped by an energy level, and the beam of light jetted over was not as large as before.

However, the three-meter-diameter beam of light still submerged Oglock, and the Star Destroyer continued to spit out a beam of energy. After a few seconds, the beam gradually converged, shrank, and disappeared. Hot green smoke billowed from the Star Destroyer's mouth, and a row of eyes on his head searched for Oglock's information. In its estimation, Oglock appeared out of him in order to evade this high-energy beam, and dozens of shock bombs were already ready to be launched.

The shock bomb may not be able to kill Oglock, but as long as he is forced back to the ground, a large number of guards will pester him until one party dies.

But the Star Destroyer had a row of eyeballs large and small, but Oglock could not be found. Suddenly the biological weapon looked straight ahead, and Oglock flew out in the blue smoke remaining after the beam. The speaker's coat has completely disappeared, leaving a large black mark on the strong body of a young man. In some places, the skin splits, revealing blood-red muscle tissue from the inside. Where Oglock flew over, there were sporadic blood blossoms in the ocean.

He didn't even evade!

This is definitely an answer that was unexpected by the Star Destroyer. Someone would madly pass the high-energy beam directly? When the Star Destroyer had no time to think about the correctness of this answer, Oglock had already plunged into its big mouth that was too small to close. The Star Destroyer issued a roar of panic in the air, although inside the body, it was not entirely impossible to help the intruder.

But the defense mechanism in the body may not necessarily be able to kill the top powerhouses of Tier 12, not to mention that the Star Destroyer is not a real combat unit. Its main function is to transport and produce guards.

Oglock flew into the mouth of the Star Destroyer, and his wings were like burning red knives, scraping through the fleshy wall of the biological weapon cavity. The wingtip swept over and immediately cut through the epidermis, and a large amount of blood and tissue flowed out of the wound. Suddenly, there was a **** smell in the Star Destroyer's mouth. Oglock wreaked havoc, flapping his wings and slashing, sending out a shadow ray or a ball of destruction light from time to time. He planned to tear this behemoth into pieces from the inside!

The Star Destroyer roared in pain, and the giant beast began to twist its body under the radiation cloud. Its body temperature has risen to an astonishing 70 degrees high temperature, and all the defense mechanisms in the body are activated. Tens of thousands of cells are transformed into miniature guards. They are transported along the blood vessels of the Star Destroyer to the place where the invader is, and then drilled. Out of the blood vessels, drove to Oglock in groups.

Miniature guards are only as big as a palm, and they have the same performance as normal guards. However, the Star Destroyer did not expect them to be able to harm Oglock. These miniature guards act more like biological bombs. Once they approach, they will try to hang themselves on Oglock, and then attack the Speaker in a self-destructive manner. . Every second, there are hundreds of blews appearing on Oglock. For this kind of intensive attack, Oglock can't perform perfect defense at all, and can only use his body and energy to resist this kind of attack.

Oglock suffered the self-detonation of the miniature guard, and went all the way into the body of the Star Destroyer. In the sky, the Star Destroyer began to burst spring-like plasma, and his body slowly descended towards the ground. Oglock was able to kill, and there were countless guards attacking the brains of the Star Destroyer. The biological weapon passed by for a moment of panic, and suddenly another consciousness seized its control.

At the same time, that consciousness slammed into Oglock's body severely. Oglock only felt that his brain was hit by a warhammer. The intense pain accompanied by dizziness made the Speaker had to stop, and then a voice rang in his mind: "As far as humans are concerned, you are very powerful. Even if you put them in the entire universe, you are far better than most higher beings. Humans, I recognize your strength. Now on your continent, I still lack a commander. How about? Be my commander, or as my general, you can manage all my troops!"

That voice echoed in Oglock's mind like thunder, and at the same time, the Star Destroyer in mid-air stopped any movement. It hovered quietly in the air, even though many parts of the body were still pouring blood, but it was struggling without it.

"Prosius?" Oglock snorted.

"You know my name? It's really rare. How did you think about my proposal?"

Without even thinking about it, Oglock said, "I refuse! But if Kenson falls to me, then I don't mind accepting your army."

Prosius was not angry, and its voice was still flat: "Human, your idea is very bold."

Oglock shrugged: "Thanks for the praise, I have always been like this. I Oglock, only others bow to me. It is impossible for me to obey you."

"That's really a pity. I thought I would get a good general. You can also lead my legion across the planet, and even have the opportunity to attack other lower civilizations." Prosius' voice continued to sound: " In this way, I can only give you a decent funeral."

The huge power in the Star Destroyer's body receded like a tide, and Oglock knew it had left. Before Prosius completely withdrew from the body of the Star Destroyer, the end of consciousness ignored the instinctive screams of the Star Destroyer, and directly issued an order over the Star Destroyer. So Oglock keenly caught that the body temperature of the Star Destroyer rose sharply, which was a sign that every bit of energy of the biological weapon was boiling and roaring!

In the body of the biological weapon, every blood vessel in the muscle tissue lights up, and they form a deep interlaced pattern with a certain special beauty. It is a pity that Oglock is not in the mood to appreciate this alternative beauty, he only knows that the Star Destroyer is about to explode. When the boiling of energy reaches a critical point, the body of the Star Destroyer will explode because it cannot withstand the frantically rising energy tide, and the impact of the explosion is absolutely devastating.

Considering that he is still in the body of the biological weapon, the moment of self-detonation, the energy will be temporarily restrained by the body, and the implosion effect will occur first. The high-energy energy will first wash away all the tissues in the Star Destroyer's body, including Oglock himself. Then the body will be torn apart and the energy will be released into space. Oglock doesn't think he can survive this level of explosion, he can work hard, but it doesn't mean he doesn't cherish his life.

He stretched his wings and turned back to the mouth of the Star Destroyer. However, Prosius had planned for this. Tens of thousands of miniature guards attacked Oglock frantically. Their purpose was no longer to kill the invader, but just to hold him. The fleshy cavity in the Star Destroyer's body began to shrink and shrink, and the outer muscle tissue split and rolled out tentacles toward Oglock.

Even if a tentacle wraps Oglock, it will be burnt to death by the dark flames. However, one by one tentacles threw forward and succeeded, and restrained Oglock's activities regardless of death and injury, which greatly hindered the speaker's actions.

In Yongye City, the guards raised their heads to look at the Star Destroyer in the sky. The biological weapon that looked like a mother ship to them was glowing, and even the scales on the surface were silently decomposed under the high-energy energy activity in the body, and annihilated in the rising flames. While Prosius' consciousness quickly retreated, all the guards seemed to have received a certain order, and they began to withdraw from the Evernight City like a tide.

At this time, the star-killer in the sky made a neigh, and his body began to fall downward. In the process of flying and falling, bumps appeared on the surface of the Star Destroyer, and the bumps suddenly exploded, and a strong energy beam was ejected from the inside. The Star Destroyer dragged a piece of flame tail down and passed several tall buildings. How could the tall buildings be hit by this giant volley, shattered and collapsed one after another.

In the end, when the Star Destroyer was about to hit the ground, a black shadow ejected from its body.


He even had dozens of miniature guards hanging on him, but he didn't dare to stay for a long time, and he didn't even have the effort to look back at the Star Destroyer. The black wings that had shrunk in a circle were flattened, and the body supporting Oglock passed quickly in the air. Behind him, the Star Destroyer finally hit the ground. At this time, the biological weapon was already dead, and the body was like a time-lapse bomb. After a flash of light on the body, the Star Destroyer exploded!

Even though the city of Evernight was far away, Ling could still feel a devastating aura suddenly rising from that direction. He turned his head and looked, after a flash of light in the distance. Suddenly a bright white ball of light rose from the city of Yongye~lightnovelpub.net~ The ball of light continued to expand, covering the outline of most of the buildings in the city of Yongye. Ling's face changed drastically, and he shouted toward the front: "Get down! It explodes, Yongye City is going to explode!"

Oglock was about to release Evernight City, and finally, a scorching wind blew from behind. As the whole world became blazing white, a strong shock swept from behind. Oglock reluctantly looked back, only to see the endless white light flooding all the streets and buildings in the city, and finally caught up with him. As if hit by an invisible huge wall, Oglock snorted, and the whole person flew out.

The white light drowned him in a flash, and then suddenly rolled back, finally the light ball burst, spitting out fierce flames from every crack.

The ground vibrated strongly, and there was no sound in my ears, but the aura of destruction that rolled from the direction of Yongye City was real. A violent shock wave came from behind, and the people who had not had time to fall on their sides were lifted off by the blast, and I don't know how long it took before they fell to the ground. Zero lying down on the ground, feeling bursts of destructive power constantly passing through the air, the energy distribution in the entire space became chaotic, and even the space was torn apart, and black light patterns appeared!

After a while, Zero stood up on the ground. Looking back, Yongye City was gone. On the horizon behind him, only a ball of fire rose slowly, and then turned into a continuous pillar of fire rising into the sky!