War Lord

Chapter 944: No Man's Land

The world is silent and gray.

Those pieces of ash falling from the sky are as long as snow. It seems to have returned to an era that has never changed drastically, as if everything is nothing but a big dream.

Unfortunately, this dream will not wake up, nor can it wake up.

The ugly thing is still ugly, even if it is decorated with hypocritical beauty, it cannot conceal the truth behind it. So when Oglock stretched out a finger and gently touched that piece of "snowflakes" that fell from the sky, there was a slight tingling sensation from the finger, which was a sign of strong radiation. Snow flakes away and disperses into a touch of smoke. Disperse and disappear, returning to nothingness.

Oglock knew that it was not snow, but the high-temperature heat generated after the big bang, evaporating the water in the space. The evaporated water is mixed with the dust material that was engulfed by the explosion to a high altitude. After the heat has subsided, the intense temperature difference quickly freezes the mixture, forming ice crystals, just like a snowfall.

An ugly snow.

Knowing that he knew, he was unwilling to discover this. Unfortunately, whether he wants it or not, the truth is there. Facing the snowing sky, Oglock let out a low sigh, then lifted a few rocks that were pressing on him. Looking back, two-thirds of Yongye City has disappeared.

The violent explosion caused the earth to split and sink. The city is already close to the sea, and now buildings are rushing to sink into the sea. The sea is flooding, vying for more territory and stripping off more land. Oglock was on the edge of the city, and the buildings in this area had already been razed by the explosion. The cracks in the earth did not stop spreading. They made a creaking sound, splitting the land, and then separated in pieces, and finally swept away by the sea water.

The aftermath of the explosion even formed a vortex on the sea, and the sky above the vortex was a dark gray mushroom cloud. In the clouds, there are still flashes of lightning from time to time, reminding Oglock of the power of the explosion just now.

If he did his best to defend, even if he was on the edge of the explosion, Oglock would not be alive. At the moment of the explosion, the high-temperature jet of over 4,000 degrees diffused radiation, testing Oglock's defensive force field. As a result, he survived, but his energy was exhausted, and most of his body tissues were necrotic. Even if it can recover, the strength will jump down, no longer the height of the previous twelfth step.

For Oglock, it was no different from being dead.

The sound of fine footsteps pierced into his ears, and Oglock looked at it. From the ruins of the city, the dark guards crawled out. They were ordered by Prosius to leave before the Star Destroyer blew up. Only a few unlucky ones were involved in the explosion zone, but overall, the guards lost a limited amount. Now they are back, naturally to give Oglock a fatal blow.

The overwhelming guard approached, Oglock smiled instead. He stood upright, spread his arms and closed his eyes. At the moment before death, his mood was strangely calm. At this time, what philosophy, what ambition, everything becomes unimportant.

Absolutely calm.

The temperature in the air suddenly dropped, and the speaker who noticed the dissent opened his eyes and watched the white snowflakes float down. This is real snow, ice crystals formed purely by the cooling of water! Oglock seemed to understand something. When he looked up, there was a commotion behind the guard. Suddenly the blue light screamed and flashed, and the guards instantly turned into ice sculptures, and then exploded one by one.

The explosion of ice sculptures created a passage between the guards. At the other end of the passage, the long blue hair flying is like a burning ice flame.

A pair of wings formed by ice and snow spread out, and a blast of icy wind and freezing air solidified the guards on both sides of the passage. The huge inverted V-shaped ice sword traversed clear lines in the air, and all the guards in this line were mercilessly beheaded.

The cold wind whirled, and a figure quietly fell. Lan Fa was held up in the air by the invisible vigor, and Xiuya said with an open smile: "Sorry, father, I defied your request again."

"Smelly girl!" After a long while, a faint smile appeared from Oglock's face, followed by a soft curse.

But Xiuya was very disappointed and stretched out her hand to support her father's shoulders. With a flap of the ice wing, she and Oglock flew up, passing over the black ocean, and then disappeared in a flash.

On the second day of the Star Destroyer’s assault on Evernight City, in a wilderness two hundred kilometers away from Evernight City, the human army had just set up a new camp. Soldiers who were too late to breathe joined the ranks of guard and defense. In the command camp, Douglas sat silently, watching Cario and others arguing loudly around the tactical map.

Zero came to him and said softly: "Are you okay?"

"It doesn't matter that little injury." Douglas shook his head, and he did get hurt in the matchup with Oglock. But the heaviest injury was caused by himself. In order to control Oglock's actions, Douglas used unparalleled power. This strength caused a heavy burden on his body, but the rupture of the blood vessel was indeed just a small injury in the eyes of the twelfth-order powerhouse.

In a day's time, these injuries healed long ago. It is not his own injury that really makes Douglas feel heavy, but the lingering picture in his mind.

The picture of Oglock standing alone on the ground and being overwhelmed by countless guards.

"Oglock may not die." Ling patted him on the shoulder and said.

Douglas smiled bitterly: "It seems that I am really old, and I wrote my thoughts on my face, or how could you kid see my thoughts so easily."

"Since you say that, then I will try to pretend to be a little stupid in the future." Zero deliberately said.

Then the two laughed.

Cario and the others, who were arguing about how to deal with this sudden incident, all glared at the two of them, and then continued the discussion. Douglas blinked at Zero and said, "Are you interested in walking outside with an old guy? These guys seem to be angry."

Zero shrugging, which commander changed suddenly lost a lot of soldiers and resources, it would never be happy. He accompanied Douglas out of the camp, and the two came to a high **** where you could see the wilderness in the distance. Several sentries stood at attention and saluted the two of them. Douglas nodded and pointed in the direction of Yongyecheng and said: "Look, Yongyecheng has disappeared."

Douglas looked solemn, found a rock protruding from the ground and sat down and said, "Eternal Night City is Ogg's painstaking effort. It is gone now, even if Oro is still alive, I am afraid it is better than death."

"But to be alive is better than to die. When you die, there is no hope. Alive, even if you are desperate, there is still a chance." Ling said in a deep voice.

Douglas looked at him and nodded, "You are right."

He looked at the camp to the rear again: "Unfortunately, not everyone is as courageous as you, zero. Look at these soldiers, facing unknown creatures, they will also be afraid. Especially after experiencing the battle like yesterday, I think It’s not easy to restore their confidence."

Zero was silent.

Yesterday, he was suddenly attacked by the Star Destroyer and the Guardian Corps. First, under the devastating high-energy beam of the Star Destroyer, countless soldiers were killed. Then the Guardian Army came. If the Star Destroyer’s attack gave them, it was the shock of the death of a large number of lives in an instant. Then what these guards brought was the fear brought about by ruthless killing.

The army of guards suddenly rushed into the chaotic barracks while the human coalition had yet to recover under the attack of the Star Destroyer. It was not a fight at all, but a massacre. The command network existed in name only, and the soldiers almost fought independently. The two armies continued to lose blood despite the influx of guards. It wasn't until the capable forces built the first line of defense, and then Cario and others rushed back, and the situation gradually turned around.

After dropping the bodies of tens of thousands of people, the army was able to retreat in an orderly manner. After retreating for two hundred kilometers, the guards no longer pursued, and the human coalition forces got a chance to breathe. After that, the battle damage was counted. In the wilderness outside Yongye City, the two coalition forces successively lost more than 40,000 lives. In terms of battle damage, if you compare the total number of soldiers in the coalition. Although the amount of loss is heart-wrenching, it is barely acceptable, but the army's battle damage comes too fast and too urgently.

A large number of lives withered in an instant, and the huge impact of death made these well-trained soldiers feel terrified. It was a kind of fear of helplessness, even despair, of tyrannical forces.

To alleviate or even reverse the psychology of these soldiers, the problem that lies in front of commanders such as Douglas or Cario is to achieve a victory. To improve morale, and sweep away the shadows in their hearts.

However, all this is not easy, and Evernight City has been completely erased from the territory of the mainland. All soldiers knew this, even if it was only the destruction caused by the Star Destroyer's blew, to these soldiers, it seemed to imply that the invaders could not resist. It is not easy to clear the shadow of this kind of soul.

The wind blew from behind, and there was a ray of fishy smell in the wind. Zero frowned and turned to look. The light was dim in the distance of the wilderness, and gradually, a black cloud was spreading towards the horizon. Zero pupil dilation, narrowing the field of vision. He saw that it was not a dark cloud at all, but a dark flood composed of hundreds of thousands of guards!

"Enemy attack!" Zero yelled, his voice floating on the rear camp.

Douglas sighed and stood up.

On this day, more than half a million guards hit the camp of the human army like a flood. In this unsafe wilderness, only the line of defense formed by the capable people can barely withstand the impact of a large number of guards. The black wave set off peaks one after another, rushing forward and then hitting the human defense line one after another. At this moment, the Hall of Valor and the Dark Council are closely linked, and the main body of the line of defense is formed by the Blood Cavalry and Doomhammer, blocking the attack of the enemy's black front.

The army retreated again, this time all the way to Blu-ray Mountain. Relying on the terrain of the Blu-ray Mountains and the defensive facilities that the Augustus family had built before, the human army was given a chance to rest and reorganize. The black soldier's front pursued to the vicinity of the Blu-ray Mountains before receiving an invisible order and retreating.

In the Blu-ray Mountains, led by Leo, some of the original members of the Dark Council formed a temporary council and negotiated with Douglas in the Hall of Valor on how to deal with the next war. Douglas's suggestion is to reorganize the army and go north again, and while Prosius's biological army has not yet stabilized, clear them from the continental territory as soon as possible.

However, with the exception of Leo, the rest of the lawmakers opposed Douglas' views. They believe that it is not wise not to raise troops to counterattack at this time. The morale of the army and the allocation of materials are all problems before them. If you can't solve these problems, you will rush northward, and you will be greeted with another big defeat. And now, they can't afford to lose. If the war is defeated again, the morale of the soldiers will fall to the bottom.

There may even be deserters. Once deserters appear, the army is not far from collapse. So the next action must be cautious, not too risky.

In this way, the two sides were entangled in the issue of offense or defense. Meetings were held several times, but no consensus was reached.

On the third night after retreating into the Blue Mountains, Ling saw Douglas. Douglas looked a little tired. He shook his head and said, "These cowards, it's time for these cowards, and they still don't dare to take a bold fight."

"Because they are not you, they don't have the courage to desperately." Zero said.

"If at this time, we can't abandon self-interest and consider the overall situation, why should we fight this battle?" Douglas sighed.

Zero shrugs: "Maybe they need time, or they need something to help them make up their minds."

"For example?"

"I don't know." Ling smiled, and said: "But I plan to go back and I will be alone. Someone is always needed to get the latest situation of the enemy, right? Maybe I can bring back something to make the MPs make up their minds. s things."

Douglas looked at him and said, "I won't say anything extra. Be careful about everything."

"I see."

It was night, Zero Secret left Blu-ray Mountain Range and returned to the northern part of the coastline alone.

It was another day in the blink of an eye.

The northern part of the coastline has fallen under the control of Prosius, and the wandering mutant beasts in the wilderness are flocking away from that area. Whether it is the aura of the Star Destroyer or the Guardian Legion, the mutant beasts feel Fear, that is the fear in the face of natural enemies. Even if some of the mutant beasts in the wilderness have evolved energy crystals, they still can't avoid this instinctive panic.

Now there is only the edge area of ​​Yongye City. The sea has overflowed the city area, and the waves are beating against collapsed buildings or car wrecks. The sky here is gray. On the dark gray sky, the remaining Star Destroyer slowly descended to the surface of the sea, and its huge body slid into the sea, causing huge waves one after another. The Star Destroyer uttered a low cry, and when the sound completely disappeared, it had completely sunk into the seabed without a trace.

A group of about 100,000 guards left Yongye City at the same time. Instead of going south along the coastline road, they diagonally crossed the wilderness and disappeared on the horizon.

The remaining guards were entrenched near Yongye City, and they occupied every corner of the ruins. If you mark the area occupied by the guards, you will find that they are fan-shaped. In the depths of this fan-shaped area, there are a queen and two producers. Now, the two producers are absorbing the energy of the mainland, and the energy spar produced is used by the queen.

The queen did not produce combat-type biological weapons, but instead produced two fraternal eggs as high as a hill. There are two producers in the fraternal egg. Originally, each Star Destroyer carried a queen and two producers. They will be the basic production unit of Prosius in the Central Continent. However, a Star Destroyer blew himself up in order to obliterate Oglock, and the three production units were already reduced to ashes with the Star Destroyer before it was too late to release.

In this situation, the queen must first expand the number of production units before producing other arms. The queen is the maker of the biological army, but it cannot produce the same kind. However, the channel expands the number of producers. With enough energy spar supply, the queen can shorten the production cycle of biological weapons, thereby increasing the number of biological weapons in a disguised manner.

Now, the guards who occupy the city of Eternal Night, their duty is to ensure that the queen will not be disturbed when producing the army. In the production list received by the queen, since a large number of guards themselves are equivalent to high-level weapons, the queen will directly ignore the low-level weapons such as Charge Worms and Reapers. After the other two producers hatch, the energy spar produced by the producer will be used to produce high-end weapons.

The first weapon to be produced is the arbitrator. This kind of biological weapon, which is powerful in close combat and can serve as the command node of the biological army, is listed in the priority sequence. After they are put on the battlefield, they will form an effective command network. In this way, the combat efficiency of the guards will be doubled.

After the arbitrator, the Inspector of Black Flame and the Guardian of Fear will be produced one after another. The former can produce small fire puppet legions on its own, and every Black Flame inspector can be regarded as a small army, and their combat flexibility is very high. In particular, the mid-range positional warfare ~lightnovelpub.net~ is the area where this biological weapon is best; the latter is the auxiliary unit of the entire biological army. The fear guards of a certain order of magnitude join forces to cast the fear field. It has a huge blow to the morale of ordinary soldiers and low-level abilities.

At the same time, their other abilities can also play the role of assists and assistance. Once under the unified command of the arbitrator, the combat capability of the entire corps will increase by a step.

The terrible thing about the Black Legion lies not only in quantity, but also in the cooperation of multiple arms. Once they are formed into a scale, with the cooperation of different arms, sweeping the Central Continent is no mere talk. Of course, to accomplish this goal, Prosius needs time.

Humans also need it.

A heavy-duty locomotive was speeding along the coastline. On the locomotive, there was a grim expression wearing windshield glasses. In the reflection of the mirror, a black mist hovering over Yongye City. That is not the magnetic storm cloud cluster transformed by Prosius, but the natural matter formed after the producer extracts the energy of the continent. These substances form a fog, and the fog itself is floating with countless material particles. They will effectively isolate most of the detection wave energy from entering, thus turning the occupied land into an unknown area.

Zero is heading towards this area, and the area at the northern end of the coastline has become a no-man's land.