War Lord

Chapter 957: Reinforcement

The tower shield lifted up and moved forward forcefully. Pushing the two arbitrator students out of the trenches, Leo's eyes lit up, and two blue flames that seemed to be real were ejected. The broad sword in his right hand swept out, flashing across the arbitrator's waist with a touch of desolate green light. The flame was like a cyan ribbon, which remained in the air for a long time, but the arbitrators had already dislocated their bodies, and the positions of the staggered gaps were as smooth as a mirror, and even a drop of blood was not spilled.

The two high-level weapons were dismembered in this way, but Leo was not at all happy. He panted, turning his neck with difficulty to look around.

Scorched earth everywhere.

The war lasted from daytime to sunset, and the sound of artillery went from the thunder and thunder at the beginning to the sparse sound of the present. Leo knew very well that artillery shells and even other types of ammunition were almost used. Originally, there were not many ammunition bases reserved in the city. The ability to support it up to now is due to the continuous counting of data and strategic adjustments by each combat staff.

But even so, Leo still lost more than half of his soldiers, and only one third of his defensive position remained. The most serious problem is that now he has only three capable people left! As for the enemy, the Black Legion also lost more than half of its high-level weapons, while the guards still had about 3,000. It seems that the force is still balanced, but in fact it is not the case.

Human soldiers will be tired and injured. Since the start of the war, the fighting has not stopped, and the eyes of the surviving soldiers are full of fatigue, and their morale has dropped to the bottom. Several groups of soldiers had been sent to break through, but they were intercepted by biological weapons. There is no hope of breaking through, and the communication base station cannot be repaired for a while. The city is like an isolated island in the sea, isolated and helpless. Everyone can't see the hope of life, so what morale is it?

Even Leo himself didn't know if he would be able to wave his sword and shield in the next second. Now, they are as heavy as two big iron blocks. As for the energy, there is also very little left. Even the tenth-tier strong can use the energy stone to absorb the energy of the space to supplement, but in this kind of battle with almost no rest space, Leo's energy recovery is slow, and it is basically unable to make ends meet.

If this continues, it is still a question whether we can stay on until night falls.

Is it really hopeless?

Leo couldn't help but sighed at the sky. Suddenly, a black spot was caught in the corner of his eye.

A black spot under the radiation cloud, the black spot rapidly expands. Leo had excellent eyesight, and the black spot was still 300 meters away. He had already seen that it was a human-shaped monster with bat wings. This kind of humanoid monster is covered with scales, with rising arrogance spouting from the gaps in the scales, still in the air, and the monster is pushing with both hands in a circle. A dimly yellow fireball has already blasted into the air, Leo's eyes fell on the fireball, and he immediately sensed the devastating energy contained in it!

New biological arms? Leo's heart sank, until now, the biological army has not yet appeared in the air unit. If they have the superiority in the air, then there is no need to fight this battle. At this moment when ammunition is lacking and there are few capable people, Leo really can't come up with any means to counter the attack from the air.

However, the faint ball of fire did not fall on Leo's defender, but on the position of the biological weapon. The fireball exploded immediately after landing, forming a sticky fire curtain with a powerful radius of 20 meters. The guard who was in the fire curtain caught fire all over, and his body quickly melted in the flames. Only the Arbitrator and Black Flame Inspector were able to suppress the flames on their bodies and escape the sea of ​​flames, but the impact of the fireball explosion still hurt them a lot.

got windy.

There was even a sharp wind in the sky, Leo raised his head and saw a black cloud descending. That dark cloud was actually made up of hundreds of the same bat monsters. Next, a rain of fire fell in the sky, and masses of dim yellow fireballs blasted down the sky, scattered on the positions of biological weapons. A curtain of fire spread, and as the night darkened, the continuous fire belt illuminated the entire battlefield.

"This is...what?" Leo asked in surprise.

A capable person of a fallen angel next to him said: "No matter what, we seem to be saved, sir."

The wind in the sky grew louder and louder, and finally formed a roar like a bomber flying at low altitude. The sky is clear and empty, but there is a huge pressure, and then dots of fluorescent lights light up, as if people think that the radiation cloud has dissipated, and the night sky is no longer the Milky Way stars of the old age. Of course, radiation clouds still envelope the sky, and those stars are beams of energy pressed down by the sky!

Thousands of light beams almost enveloped the entire battlefield, when the sky rained down on the earth. Leo's eyes were full of shocking explosions and brilliant white light. After one round of bombing, the Black Legion had been killed and wounded. At this time, a large distorted light and shadow appeared in the air. When the light and shadow stabilized, Leo could see that it was a numbing group of silver flying insects.

These flying insects blasted toward the remaining biological weapons again, and the surface of the mountain was ploughed again. I don't know how many tons of soil disappeared under the light of the sky. Leo only knew that after this bombardment, the breath of biological weapons was swept away, and only a few high-level weapons were left to escape into the distant mountains and forests.

Looking at the two different forms of creatures in the sky, Leo's mouth was bitter. Having fought desperately for a long time, the Black Legion disappeared completely after several rounds of attacks from these creatures. Of course, it is undeniable that the number of these creatures in the sky is indeed a little higher. If they attack the city, it is estimated that Leo will not even be able to carry it for 10 minutes.

But where did these things come from? Is it reinforcements? Or a new enemy? These questions are completely bottomless for Leo. When he watched the visitors from the air carefully, he heard the soldiers on the wall yelling: "Reinforcements, our reinforcements are here."

When he saw Zero, Leo knew that his reinforcements had already arrived. Those flying insects and batmen who cut into the battlefield in time and bombarded the biological weapons are one of the reinforcements. In addition, there are a group of red giants with about a hundred. These giants, as well as those bats, exude a threatening power, and the countless silver flying insects, because of the astonishing number, exudes aura that is much stronger than the giant bats when they are together.

What Leo didn't know was that these were not all biological weapons. More biological weapons are located in the rear, entering the forest under Anzura’s order, so as not to cause panic to the humans in the Blue Mountains. It was only after learning that the battle in the mountains was urgent, and Zero allowed Mobirek and Garcia Flyers, who had air superiority, to arrive one step ahead of schedule, thus dismantling the threat of the Black Legion in time.

Behind Ling is a long dragon that stretches for an unknown number of kilometers. Longlong consists of more than 30,000 foreign warriors and an army of 20,000 Dawn City. The total army of 50,000 people is indeed not much, but it solves the urgent need of the soldiers in the blue mountain range. More importantly, Zero also pulled a batch of supplies from Phoenix, which is undoubtedly great news for Leo.

The army moved into the city one after another. The engineering team of Dawn City assisted in repairing the communication base station, and the alien fighters replaced the parliamentary soldiers who had been tired for a day, shouldering the defensive work of the city and the clearing of the battlefield. On the battlefield between the mountains to the north, the remains of dead biological weapons are being transported away by Garcia flying insects. In the depths of the forest, these corpses will become food, and the Zero Underground Legion will make them disappear without a trace.

In the connection with the legion, the three gray dots representing the mother's nest have been secretly in love with a green color, which means that they have jumped to the intermediate stage. Ansura intends to allow the brood to stay in the mountains and forests, using the environment and a certain number of weapons as defenses, so that the brood can begin to produce new arms. There are two new types of troops. One is a wise man with a large, smooth head, two pairs of side fins, and a long transparent front tail, shaped like a giant tadpole. The other is a Quean knight who is matched with a lizard dragon and can control this large lizard.

The wise man is not a combat weapon, it is more like the brains of the legion. They can share many tasks of Anzura, perform data calculations, tactical exercises, and command weapons. With the emergence of wise men, the command network of the underground legion will be further refined. Ansura can rely on a certain number of wise men to control the legion more finely.

As for the Que'an knights, they were all weapons that appeared to improve the overall combat effectiveness of the legion. This humanoid weapon is only tall, and the natural biological armor can withstand rifle shooting. But defense is not the strength of the Que'an knight, its advantage lies in the strengthening of the power around the fifth rank. This allows the Quean knight to wield a sword weighing more than a ton, perhaps projecting a tyrannosaur spear that is condensed with its own energy.

Que'an knights can use Mikina lizards as their mounts. The small size and low defensive ability of biological armor are all to reduce the weight of the Que'an knights themselves and control them within the range that the lizards can carry. . When the speed of the lizard dragon and the strength of the Que'an knight cooperate with each other, their impact will be unparalleled. What's more, the lizard dragon itself was designed as a mount for this weapon. When necessary, the Quean knight can also pump the energy of the lizard dragon itself in order to carry out an ultra-level explosive attack.

The two weapon plans were submitted to Zero for confirmation by Ansula as early as on the way. Now is the time to put the plan into action.

In the command center of the Tulip Building, Ling introduced the elders such as Ba Jin and Wegg to Leo, and then directly asked: "What is the current situation?"

"Not ideal." Leo asked to display the five frontline combat areas on the big screen, and said: "As you can see now, Douglas and the black shards are now fighting in these areas. Even though the opponent has been unable to Continue to increase troops, but their original numbers are quite large. Douglas can only tie them with the use of multiple tactics. But even so, they were able to split their troops to attack our rear positions and almost succeeded."

"You can imagine that once this place is captured. Douglas and the others have cut off the supply. By then, these **** guys will only be able to escape as long as they are attacked by the front soldiers. It is estimated that there will not be many people who can escape." Leo paused and said: "Fortunately, you guys. Come in time."

He nodded and said: "I understand, the communication base station will probably be repaired tomorrow. We will rest here for one night and leave tomorrow. You know Glass and the others, trying to gather Prohus’s army together, and we will go around. Behind their ass, do a back and forth flanking with Douglas."

"Let's do it, the soldiers on the front line are suffocating, waiting for a full counterattack. Now, they can get what they want." Leo smiled.

No words for a night.

Before the dawn of dawn came up, the army left the Blue Mountain Range. Zero They did not go north along the coastline road, but entered the jungle area according to the route map provided by Leo. Before that, the three-headed brood was left behind, and after Ansura left a certain number of guards for them, the Underground Legion drew away. They were one step ahead of the zero coalition forces, opening up a path in the mountains and forests.

The army of more than 300,000 before and after is advancing vigorously along Leo's roadmap. With its invisible qualities, Garcia Flyer is duty-bound to become an outpost of the army. They monitor all movement within a range of more than hundreds of square kilometers to ensure that the enemy will not discover the presence of this army. If there is no accident, Zero and the others will arrive at the enemy's rear in the morning, and they can attack the Black Legion with Douglas at that time.

Of course, the premise is that Douglas and the others must gather the Black Legion together before they can defeat them in one fell swoop.

The communication base station of Blu-ray Mountain was rushed to repair in the morning, and Leo sent this message out as soon as possible. When receiving this message, Douglas was in a humble camp. He had just rushed back all night and was sitting to let the military doctor clean up his wounds. The staff officer who received the information from Blu-ray Mountain Ridge immediately told him the news.

After listening to Douglas, he laughed loudly: "Zero, this kid, it's really time to come back. Very well, we have been holding back the bird's breath for so long, and we can finally get stuck for a good time. Go, take Sol and Hart the two boys Call here."

Thor and the eldest son of the Augustus family are now Douglas' left and right arms, and they have their own characteristics. The former is brave and is a strong general of the three armies; the latter is cautious and tight, and the line of defense laid by Hart is almost impervious. The two had fought and killed before, but now they cooperate with each other. One is good at attacking and the other is good at defending.

Not long after receiving Douglas's order, Sol and Hart moved in. Douglas dismissed the military doctor, opened the map on a long table in the tent, and repeated the message from the Blu-ray Mountains, then said: "What do you think? The old guy Leo said that the zero army will probably be before sunset. Arrived, so we don’t have much time."

"What is there to think about? Let's try our best to drive those black reptiles to one place, and then cooperate with Zero to fight them to the death?" Leo looked at the two and said.

Hart smiled slightly and said, "After fighting with them for so many days, don't you understand. Those things are not fools. Since they can divide their forces to attack Blu-ray Mountain, they want to cut our back. You think it can be done. A little bit of them, they won’t be suspicious when they see our full-scale attack? Besides, where do you want to drive them? We also need a decisive battle site. The environment of this place cannot be too open. Once open, these reptiles are difficult to control... The most important thing is how we are going to gather them. Don’t forget that we are at a disadvantage in terms of strength."

"The babbling guy, in this case, you come to think of a way." Saul kicked the problem to Hart irresponsibly.

Hart looked at Douglas and said, "I really don't know how I dragged this fool so long before."

Douglas laughed: "Because he still has a little luck, and at the same time, he is not that stupid."

Hart shrugged, then his eyes fell on the map, his fingers kept moving on the map, and finally stopped at a place: "That's it, Pelikin City."

On the map, the ruins of a city are shown. It deviates from the coastline road, but not far from the front line theater. It is adjacent to the mountainous area. As long as the troops are properly deployed, once the enemy is driven into the city, it will be very difficult to escape. The Dark Council originally considered developing Pelikin City into a mountain fortress, but then this plan was stranded because of the war, and now it is used by Hart as the site of the decisive battle.

Douglas looked at the surrounding terrain and nodded in agreement, but even Hart had a headache about how to drive the Black Legion into Pelikin City. Sol on one side said grinningly: "You just said that those guys are smart. Since they are so smart, if they find that our army is suddenly moving towards this place, what do you think they will react?"

Hart’s eyes lit up and said: “Of course they will think that we are going to move the battlefield and suddenly the whole army moves. Then this battlefield will definitely benefit our conditions. If I were the commander, of course, I would destroy anything that would benefit the enemy in advance. Advantages. In this way, we don't need to drive them to Pelikin City, we just need to introduce them in a way ~ lightnovelpub.net~ You see, I said earlier that Sol is not too stupid sometimes. "Douglas patted Thor on the shoulder and said.

On this day, the guards of various theaters suddenly discovered that the entire human army had gathered up and was leaving the theater at a very fast speed. The human army bypassed the war zone and advanced towards the mountainous area west of the coastline highway. This sudden action surprised the arbitrators commanding the army. In the absence of a commander, the actions of the Black Legion are collectively formulated by all arbitrators.

The communication between arbitrators is not complicated, and their wills can be connected together to form a cluster will. Under the control of the will of this cluster, the arbitrator will sort out and integrate the collected information, and quickly formulate a targeted strategy. In this process, biological weapons will not waste time arguing, and every arbitrator will unreservedly implement the results obtained by the will of the group.

Therefore, after sorting out this sudden movement of the human army, the swarm will get the enemy to transfer the battlefield, and there are other results of the conspiracy. The arbitrator began to order the army to turn around, to get ahead of the human army and give the enemy a head-on blow. After fully calculating the possible destinations for the human army, a city appeared in the brains of all arbitrators.

Pelikin City!