War Lord

Chapter 958: The counterattack begins

[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Very Tiger, Flying Over Zurich, Su in the War, and other brothers for their monthly tickets and rewards! 】

It is already the summer season, but in this era, food is in short supply no matter what. On an old tree in the dense forest, a little thing got out of a tree hole. In appearance, it is undoubtedly a squirrel, but when the little guy's mouth is fully opened, his mouth is almost the same size as his head. It can help this abnormal little thing eat as much food as possible in order to store enough energy.

The mutated squirrel has evolved for five generations, and its appearance is almost the same as its counterparts in the old age, but its body is completely different. Most biological organs in the ordinary sense have been abandoned or evolved, and the slow nutrient absorption system has been unable to keep up with the needs of the times. Today, such an abnormal squirrel can convert all the food it has into energy at a faster speed and higher absorption efficiency.

This is the law of survival in the new era.

Of course, some laws of the old era are useless. For example, the weak eat the strong!

The squirrel was lucky enough to find a newly dead one under the tree. The leaves buried it, and it has not been discovered by other creatures. The squirrel lifted the leaf, opened its mouth, and continued to pull its jaw down, revealing a mouth full of fleshy spines. All of a sudden, he bit off the head of the rat corpse. Fortunately, not long after the corpse died, there was still a lot of fat on the corpse for absorption.

Just as the squirrel was excited to find food, suddenly a dark shadow passed by it. When the poor little thing recovered, he found himself getting further and further away from the ground. He heard the sound of the wind whistling, and on the top of his head were shiny and black feathers.

It is a Ma Ying, a kind of Highland Eagle. They live on the cliffs in the mountains not far from the forest, and from time to time they go to the forest for food. After a strange and terrifying wave from the northern end not long ago, most of the alien beasts in this area have moved away. Only a small animal like a squirrel still stays in the forest. Obviously, this little thing has never thought that there is a sparrow eagle nearby.

This eagle has a masculine physique, and its feathers are oily and black. But its age is no longer young, and its physical fitness is not as good as its younger counterparts, so it did not leave with the eagle group. Still living alone nearby, waiting for the moment when I get old, or it may become food for other things.

Now, the abnormal squirrel under its paws is its food. With this little thing, it can live at least two or three days. As for what happened two or three days later, it was too far away for it, too far away to think about it.

The height of Ma Ying was rising, and it was about to fly out of the forest sea, and suddenly an invisible wave shrouded from the sky. Ma Ying became flustered when he flapped his wings, and the feeling of encountering natural enemies suddenly frightened him. As a result, he even let go of his paws, allowing the squirrel to land on a big tree.

The squirrel hid it knowingly, and in the scarlet eyes, the strange scene of the Ma Ying suddenly burning on its own was reflected. Then, like an invisible hand, the tree where the squirrel was hiding fell diagonally while groaning. The squirrel jumped to the ground cleverly, only to find that the ground was so hot. It looked at its feet, and the forest leaves that had covered the ground before had burnt to ashes at some point, exposing the brown ground.

The little thing hid itself in the dense leaves, and the smell of sulfur wafted in the air, which made it feel terrified. The earth was shaking, like an invisible giant passing by, and the dense mountain forest opened a huge passage. On this passage, no matter it was a tree, a strange animal, or a rock, it was flattened and knocked down. From the beginning to the end, the squirrel hiding in the leaves did not see anything passing by, only saw the things in front of the passage fall to both sides of its own accord.

Before long, there was a strange roar in the sky, like a flying machine flying low in the sky. The squirrel looked up, and still didn't see anything, but the sky above the wide mountain forest would be distorted from time to time, just like some kind of refraction of light. Then the ground shook, but this meeting was nothing intangible anymore. It was like a scaled-down tyrannosaurus rushing forward, and they whizzed along the passage.

Next, the poor little thing shrank under the leaves and kept shaking. Running through the passage was a terrifying beast that it had never seen before, and any one of them was much more terrifying than a Ma Ying. These things pushed forward quietly and efficiently, and did not growl from time to time like other beasts. However, it is this silence that brews terrible murderous intent in the mountains and forests.

These are completely cold machines in the skin of wild beasts!

The herd, which can be called a great army, rolled past the passage and headed towards the established location. A few kilometers behind the army, in an armored car, Ling was sitting in the position of the co-pilot. Next to him is Brown, and in the compartment are a group of strong teams such as Su and Feng. Looking at the forest passage dug out by the Underground Legion, Brown couldn't help whistling: "Head, your Underground Legion is much better than our Burning Legion."

"That's different, these things are all designed by the dark core, and have been in business for a while, I just picked a ready-made one." Zero said.

"I don't understand these, I only know that the more powerful these things, the higher our chances of winning." Brown said very pragmatically.

Nodded, at this moment, Ansura contacted him through the core: "Master, you should look at this."

The core received a video, in the video, it was a human driving a locomotive towards the team. That was Zero's acquaintance, Nero of Doomhammer. Ansura asked: "Observers have discovered this human, do they need to attack?"

"No, let him come here, he is ours."


Thirty minutes later, Nero drove the locomotive and chased up along the passageway opened in the mountains and forests. Brown was ordered to park in the early morning, and the armored car leaned aside and waited for Nero to converge. After the locomotive stopped, Nero jumped out of the car, looking around like a ghost, and then smiled bitterly: "Zero, I really can't see through you more and more. What arrangement did you make, come all the way to me I always feel being watched, and I can't find anything suspicious."

Zero shrugged and said: "It's just some necessary arrangements, not to mention this, you won't come empty-handed."

"In fact, there is a piece of news to notify you." Nero briefly said Hart’s arrangement, and said: "So, Pelikin City will be our pre-determined venue, and you'd better be able to do it before the decisive battle. Go around to the rear of the Black Legion first."

He nodded, contacted Ansura, and moved his original destination to Pelikin City. Then he said to Nero: "Come together? Friends."

"I can't ask for it," Nero said.

Today, the whole mountain forest cannot be quiet. Before sunset, the army finally arrived at the back of Pelikin City, on a towering hill ten kilometers away from the city, standing at the highest point overlooking the ruins of the city in the distance. Pelikin City is already considered a big city. Judging from the size of the city, accommodating hundreds of thousands of people is not a difficult task.

Today's ruins are like a giant with a hollowed out body, lying helplessly on the desolate ground. Those sloping buildings are full of empty gaps, and as soon as the wind blows, it makes a choking sound.

Brown raised his binoculars and looked at it. On the horizon, the black tide was continuously flowing into the city. Under Douglas's order, the human army deliberately slowed down, allowing Prosius's army to enter the city of Pelikin first. Judging from the actions of the Black Legion, they were planning to fight an ambush, but unfortunately these biological weapons did not know that they were actually ambushed.

"Head, how do you plan to fight?" Brown asked.

Without answering, he turned to look at Ba Jin beside him: "What do you say?"

"If you follow the normal style of play, when the number of enemy troops is significantly higher than ours, naturally you have to draw the snake out of the hole, reduce the number of enemy troops through continuous cannibalization, and finally eat this hard bone." Ba Jin paused when he said that, and smiled slightly: "But if you own that army, it seems that you can't use this method."

"In terms of numbers, we have never had an absolute advantage, so it is still necessary to cannibalize the enemy's numbers." Zero looked at Nero again: "Can you communicate with Douglas? I have an idea. I need to discuss it with him. Down."

Nero nodded and said, "Wait a minute."

He obviously came prepared, took a suitcase from the locomotive and opened it directly on the ground. Inside the box is a visual communicator. After raising the receiving antennas on both sides of the box, Nero pressed the buttons on the box. After a while, images began to appear on the screen of the communicator, and after a few seconds of adjustment, Douglas's face appeared on the screen.

Zero squatted down and said with a smile: "I have a plan..."

At night, a guard emerged from the wire fence on the edge of the city. Just after revealing his head, his head suddenly exploded, and then there was the sound of sniper rifles in the distance. The guard who was shot headshot weakly fell to the ground, but soon, a team of guards appeared nearby. In front of them, the lighting of the tank appeared. The guard's eyes were constantly shining with scarlet light, and the undercurrent in the city was surging, and more guards came in this direction.

When an arbitrator also arrived at the scene, the army, which had assembled more than one thousand, rushed towards the light source.

The human army arrived at sunset, and the arbitrators in the Black Legion found that these humans were surprisingly cautious. They did not head into the city of Pelikin as expected. If they did, the guards who were ambushing in various hidden spots in the city would give them a big surprise. Instead, the human army was stationed several kilometers away from the city of Pelikin, and then sent several small groups into the city.

Originally, the arbitrator ordered all the biological weapons to stand still, and wanted to send out the wrong information through these reconnaissance teams. But in these small teams, there were one or two high-level capable people, and they quickly discovered the traces of the Black Legion. After the exposure, the arbitrator immediately ordered the guards to attack these reconnaissance teams, and in the end only the two high-ranking ones escaped.

Next, the human army did not charge directly, first bombarded the city of Pelikin with long-range firepower such as tank missiles, and then divided into dozens of forward corps, large and small, and launched an attack on the edge of the city. The Black Legion didn't want to be entangled in these meaningless battles, but found that if they did not divide their troops to meet these forward legions, the human army would encroach on the city, establish a stronghold base, and eventually trap one's own side in the city.

No less, the Black Legion also split up a group of soldiers to fight. However, as soon as the two armies came into contact, the arbitrator discovered that these human forces had gone with one blow, and when they pursued, the other party would send most of the army to eat at once.

But no matter how weak the arbitrator is and spread falsehoods, the human army just does not rush into the city, which makes the Black Legion very passive. In the next few hours, the Black Legion had been eaten by more than a dozen soldiers, and a total of more than 10,000 guards were ruined in the dark.

The arbitrator adjusted the strategy through the collective will, and divided most of the troops out of the city, forming a continuous and turbulent black tide toward the direction of the human army. The Black Legion had no patience and continued to entangle with the human army, just when a large black tide rolled out of the city. Located in the back of Pelikin City, Zero said to Brown and Barkin who were next to him: "It's time for us to shoot."

Brown eagerly said, "I've been waiting for your words for a long time."

Ling smiled and said, "Remember, don't rush over first, let our biological weapons rush through for a while."

This point has already been explained before, after all, there are a large number of biological weapons, and they are renewable resources. However, the army of Dawn City and the allies of the foreign army are dead one and one less. Therefore, once the attack begins, the underground legions will take the lead, and they will complete the most difficult stage.

Regarding this point, naturally no commander would refuse, unless he wished his soldiers could die more.

Zero sent an order to Ansura through the core, and the Underground Legion began to act.

The power of Orosem, the lava giant, rose first, and Phoenix removed the barrier to the abyss lord at this moment, so the giant lord with fire-light lava flowing all over his body suddenly appeared in the air. The appearance of Orosem shocked the coalition soldiers stationed around the mountains. They only knew that they had an astonishing number of creatures as their friendly army, but they didn't know that there was an abyss lord in the friendly army!

When Phoenix and the other two abyss lords of Berigaoge also appeared, the soldiers panicked and mixed with a little excitement. After all, everyone wanted their friendly forces to be stronger.

Orosem strode forward, and Phoenix and Bergog also followed suit. The three-headed lords first headed towards Pelikin City, and behind them was the mighty army of creatures. Orosem stepped tens of meters, and the distance of ten kilometers was only a short time under its feet, and it was about two kilometers away from the city of Peligin. The lava giant stopped abruptly, and other lords and armies kept passing by its feet.

The lava giant raised his hands, his palms were empty, and thick and hot lava was continuously shot from between the palms, which was bound by a force field in the void of the palms. As a result, a magma ball grew from small to huge, and under the constraints of the force field, the black-red magma ball, which was between solid and liquid in nature, continued to expand. When Orosem raised his hands high, the diameter of the magma ball above his head had reached ten meters! The giant's eyes lit up with red light, and with a roar, he threw the magma ball hard.

Under the dim night sky, I saw a magma ball spitting out flames, like a crimson comet whizzing away. Skimming the earth and sky, before other biological weapons, it fell into the urban area of ​​Pelikin City with amazing power. When the comet sank into the surface of the block, a bright red flash appeared on the ground first, and then the ground shook, and the street blasted in circles with the drop point as the center of the circle.

An obscure shock wave swept away, accompanied by explosions and flames, and Pelikin City suddenly fell into flames. The explosion spread, and the ground continuously spewed out magma fire pillars. Before countless guards could escape for their lives, they were lifted off by the shock wave, ignited by the flames, and turned into fireballs.

With only Orosem’s blow, nearly one-third of the city’s streets turned into flame hell. Only the Arbitrator and Black Flame Inspector could sense the amazing power of Orosem before the magma ball approached. Escape first to escape from the heartbreak. But after releasing the magma ball, Orosem's breath plummeted, and in a flash he was much weaker than the other two leaders.

However, at this moment, Beligaoge had already rushed into the city, and the mountain-like dragon directly crossed the sea of ​​fire. Three rows of huge crystal thorns on his body lit up one by one, and then opened his mouth to the other side which was still intact ~ lightnovelpub.net~ A bright yellow light beam blasted out of its mouth. The beam of energy instantly passed a distance of nearly a kilometer like a cannon, flashing across the ground, floor, and black legion, followed by a continuous explosion and flames.

At this time, Phoenix fell from the sky, and the humanoid lord with six wings flapped, his body was overflowing with a force field. The Black Legion, which was rushed to flee by the attacks of two lords, suddenly found that at least eight identical Phoenixes had fallen from mid-air. The six-winged lord fell on the top of the building, in the center of the street, or appeared behind the building, and the number was a bit excessive.

Among the eight Phoenixes, their landing points are not evenly distributed. Four of them are densely located on the west side, and the three ends are more to the southeast. As for the north-facing street, there is only one guard. There is almost no need for an arbitrator to order and the guard knows where to break through. In particular, these six-winged lords were all rising vigorously, and when the spider head's compound eyes lit up with energy, the black legion moved toward the north block like a tide.

But this was caught in Phoenix's trap, Ansula had mobilized Garcia Flyers to go to the North District first. So when the Black Legion rushed into this area, they found that the night sky was bright with a silver light at the beginning, and then tens of thousands of bioenergy beams fell down like the sky, and fell on the ground, covering most of the street. From a distance, there were countless flashes of flashes in the city blocks over there, and then the flames that spit out almost illuminated the earth and the night sky!