War Lord

Chapter 964: Energy Life

[Thanks to Su, Big Brother Xiang, Jun Xiaome, Old Gun in the World, Feng Mu Chunjiang, Qun Xing Luo and other big monthly tickets and rewards in the war! It’s the end of the month, the new book No. 1 will be online soon, so nervous]

It was night, and a small banquet was held in the black rose's government. The protagonist of the banquet is of course zero, and the others invited are just a few people such as Theon and Victor. The food on the table is not as abundant as it used to be. Now Dawn City puts a lot of resources into the war reserve. As for food, it is natural to save or save.

Of course Zero had no objection, so on the table, only Beyonce and Leah had more abundant food on the table. They are going to be mothers, so naturally they have to absorb as much nutrients as possible to provide for the growth of the fetus. What's more, the two children of Zero had already shown their own talents before they were born. The fetus with superior talents must ask for more from the mother.

So in this regard, Zero is not stingy.

"How is the coastline?" He cut a piece of toast with an elegant gesture and delivered it to his mouth. Theon's posture was impeccable. If he didn't look at the ingredients, he thought he was eating a golden steak drizzled with herb sauce, not just a toast with vegetable salad.

"If you are talking about the Dark Council, now they can be regarded as our allies." Zero smiled.

"Allies, this word sounds bad." Theon shook his head and said: "Since we are in an alliance, that means we have a common enemy. Then, what do you call Prosius?"

"If Prosius comes in person, do you think I still have time to go home?" Ling shook his head and said calmly: "It's Prosius' legion, which sent hundreds of thousands of troops to invade this continent. And we fought a tough battle with us on the coastline. Fortunately, we are a bit lucky. At least for now, we have temporarily solved this problem."

"It's not easy for you to fight an army of hundreds of thousands." Theon toasted and said, "This alone is worth a drink."

Everyone toasted.

After putting down the wine glass, Theon asked, "What are your plans next?"

"Our people are analyzing the location of Prosius. Once we get the exact coordinates, it's time for us to fight back." Ling looked at the second daughter of Beyonce and apologized: "At that time I have to leave again, probably I can't see two little guys being born."

Beyonce and Leah looked at each other and smiled. The former said, "It doesn't matter, but you have to promise us. Anyway, you will come back."

"Of course, we can all retire after we get rid of Prosius." Zero and a half said jokingly.

Theon laughed and said: "You want to be beautiful, even if you kill Prohus, can you throw away such a big stall in Dawn City?"

Zero smiled and said, "Mayor Theon will take care of it then, there is nothing I can't leave behind."

As soon as Theon wanted to say something, he interrupted him: "Don't be too busy rejecting your resignation, Mr. Theon. Besides, it's not too late for us to resign after we get rid of Prosius. Okay, don't talk about it. , Let’s say something else. For example, we seem to have to find a company for Dr. Victor."

Victor has been alone since his wife's death until now. I was mentioned by Zero at the moment, and a panic flashed across his face, waved his hand and said, "This doesn't need you to worry about me."

Zero wondered: "If you are like this, don't you already have a sweetheart?"

Look at Theon next to him, smiling and pursing his lips. Zero pointed at himself and said, "Did I get it right?"

Leah smiled and nodded: "It's Doctor Ji Ya."

"Oh, it turned out to be her." Ling said with a smile: "This is a good thing, my friend. You really shouldn't be single anymore, otherwise, Kailin will be angry."

Victor nodded, said nothing, just smirked. Seeing his happy face, Ling felt that everything he did was worthwhile. As the lord of one party, isn't it just to make the people under your protection live better and happier?

If Prosius is killed again, then life on this planet should be able to live a stable life, right? They can pursue simple happiness like Victor.

The banquet ended at 9 o'clock. After seeing off Theon and Victor, Zero returned to the bedroom. The bed in the bedroom has been changed to one, which is obviously not smaller than last time. Not to mention three people, even four or five people lying on it is more than enough. When Ling walked into the bedroom, Leah was combing Beyonce's hair. Ling was very pleased to see the two taking care of each other.

In a daze, he thought of another figure.

If Cinderella was here, the picture would be even better. Thinking of Cinderella, Zero almost wanted to fly to the Western Continent. Since Prosius had attacked the Central Continent, how could the Western Continent be spared. I don’t know if Paul and others can survive the attack of the Black Legion, as well as Franklin and Cinderella. How are they now?

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing Zero sticking at the door like a wood, Leah walked over and pulled him over, and pushed Zero towards Beyonce.

So Zero replaced Leah's job, combing Beyonce's long hair. Beyonce looked at Zero in the mirror and said, "I bet he is thinking about Cinderella."

Leah had already picked up a book of poems and sat on the bedside to read it. Hearing that, she raised her head and said, "That's right, let's talk. Sister Cindrila had children earlier than the two of us. Maybe now..."

"Perhaps." Ling took a deep breath and said, "When things are over, I have to find a time to go to the Western Continent."

It was not only to meet Cinderella and the child who might have been born, but also to retrieve what was sent to Paul.

Prison of God!

"Mother and son Cinderella will be fine." Beyonce patted her lover on the cheek, and said: "I heard that Cinderella's child already has a name. Do you think it should be given to our two little ones? Guys have a name too?"

"Of course." Ling led her to sit side by side with Leah, then squatted down, buried her face between the two girls' stomachs, listening to the vigorous fetal movement of the little life in their stomachs: "I'm done. Bi. Si's child is called Dean, Leah's little one is called Alyssa."



Beyonce caught him and said, "This is the name of a boy and a girl, don't you already know them..."

"That's right." Ling touched Beyonce's belly and said, "You have a naughty little boy in there. As for Leah, there will be a beautiful girl in her belly."

Leah's eyes were beaming: "I like girls."

Beyonce said: "It seems that our family has a future."

Zero couldn't help correcting: "That's my child!"

"Is there a difference?" Beyonce blinked.

Zero shook his head and didn't want to continue discussing with her in this regard. He lightly slapped Beyonce's thigh with a palm, and said, "Turn off the lights and go to bed."

Beyonce chuckled, "I and Leah are like this, but there is no way to sleep with you. Otherwise, I will find you a new woman?"

"Close your little mouth, Bess. I just want to sleep, the normal one!" Zero said loudly.

The lights in the bedroom were finally extinguished amidst the laughter of Beyonce and Leah, and it didn't take long for them to breathe evenly. Zero closed her eyes, held the hands of the two, enjoying this rare happy time.

On the second day, Shuguang City welcomed a group of special guests. When Ling had just finished breakfast, Sisi asked him to inform him that a group of scholars had arrived in the green and brought very important news.

In the municipal building, Ling met with a representative of scholars, who brought all the information about Yasuo Spar. Knowing that Yasuo spar can be mass-produced, I am overjoyed. In this way, the reduced version of the Nethres Shield can be mass-produced. These purification devices will play a key role in improving the planet's environment. But when she heard that Lu Du was attacked, Mei Lin and the others died in the city, Ling You's face was sad.

I remembered that when I first met with Merlin, although the Red Duke was hostile to him, the two later released their suspicions and joined hands to fend off the enemy. Now that Merlin has sacrificed, Zero can't help feeling sad. He asked Theon to arrange for the scholars of Ludu to live in the city of Dawn, and allocate sufficient resources to build a synthetic processing plant for Yasuo spar, and Theon noted them one by one.

Zero drove back to the government mansion alone, and as soon as he entered the door, a ghostly messenger flashed behind the door: "Master, Lord Ansura asked to speak with you."

"Come to the study."

Came to the study with the messenger, and the latter connected Ansura's communication. After a slight transmission delay, Ansura's voice said from the messenger: "Master, there is a new situation that needs to be reported to you."

"Prohus' coordinates are out?" Zero asked casually.

"No, that will take time to derive. But in the process of reverse analysis, we accidentally discovered something." Ansura paused and continued: "It's about the Star Destroyer."

"Star Destroyer?" Zero raised his eyebrows and said, "Go on."

"Yes, Master." Ansura said: "We intercepted a short wave of the mother's command to the Star Destroyer, and this short wave was transmitted to each guard's receiving terminal via the Star Destroyer, so it was intercepted and retrieved by us. Come out. We have analyzed this short wave and found that it can be modified to achieve the purpose of controlling the Star Destroyer."

"Master, the Star Destroyer is a single member of the interstellar transport. Even if it is a weakened version, it can also be used as an important tool for long-distance transport of soldiers. The significance of controlling the Star Destroyer is very significant." Ansura reminded.

Zero came interested, and asked: "But the Star Destroyer only obeys Prosius, can we control them?"

"It's not enough for the modified command, but if it is issued by you, it will be different. The key is the core, the master. The core and the matrix are the same thing. From the command level, the core is even higher than the matrix. "Ansura added: "Moreover, through this short wave of commands, we can analyze the matrix's command composition of biological weapons, and through reverse analysis to formulate countermeasures, in order to prevent the situation in which control rights are deprived when encountering the matrix. "

"But there is a problem now that we don't have a Star Destroyer to test."

Zero One said, "No, there is another Star Destroyer. It should be located in the western tundra area, Ansura, can you send the command shortwave over?"

"There is no problem at this point. You can connect to the messenger to receive any information I send."

"Then send the shortwave command, and I will make some preparations, and then I will go to the tundra to find the Star Destroyer." Ling said, and then extended his finger to the messenger.

The messenger also stretched out a finger, but the nail stretched and became thinner, and finally pierced the skin of Zero's finger gently like a needle. Immediately, Ansura sent a short wave of commands to Zero via the messenger. This short wave was immediately recorded and stored by the dark core. When needed, it can be released to simulate the Prosius wave band to give instructions to the Star Destroyer, thereby seizing control of the biological weapons.

After doing all this, Zero cut off communication with Ansura. He stood up and left the study.

It's time to welcome the arrival of Tier Twelve.

It didn't take long for the capable people in Dawn City to feel a violent aura rising from the direction of the Black Rose Palace. That aura is so huge, if you close your eyes, it's like an ancient fierce beast in front of you. The stronger the ability, the deeper the feeling, so Haiwei and Ye Liu and other high-ranking players trembled uncontrollably.

They are very clear, that is the power of the twelfth order!

Next, this momentum is high and low. Sometimes it spreads and sometimes gathers. It wasn't until the evening that it gradually stabilized, and slowly converged and disappeared. This made most capable people breathe a sigh of relief. You must know that just to contend with the coercion brought by this momentum will make them unable to do anything throughout the afternoon and consume a lot of energy.

Ling opened his eyes and moved his five fingers. There was no light in the room, but his palms and even each finger were shining dimly in the dim light.

That is the brilliance of energy.

On his body, a total of twelve energy stones were slowly turning up, disappearing under the texture of the skin. The spar pivot has reached the number of twelve, and the energy available for zero swing is almost double that of the eleventh order. Don't underestimate this double energy, the destructive power it represents is vastly different.

When he was promoted to Tier 11, Zero's body had been greatly strengthened. But this time, the body's strength still has a small increase, but the increase is very limited. As he had guessed before, the strengthening of the eleventh order is just to prepare for now.

After reaching the twelfth level, Zero gained a powerful ability, and the space burst.

This ability can be regarded as the reverse application of the space channel, constructing the channel of the secondary space to achieve the purpose of short-distance teleportation. The space channel constructed needs to be stable enough, otherwise the channel is unstable, and the passage through it may be strangled into dust by the turbulent flow between the spaces. Space burst is the opposite. An unstable space channel is opened at a designated location, causing the dimensional turbulence to squeeze into the space channel to produce a phenomenon similar to planetary invagination. The opened space channel will be compressed into one point by the dimensional turbulence, and eventually produce a devastating explosion in a large area.

From the information that Zero got, the power of the space burst would be higher than that of the Star Destroyer in Yongye City. This is a powerful killer move that is enough to cause damage to the planet, but its consumption is also very considerable. If it exerts its ultimate power, it will instantly drain all the energy reserves. However, zero can control energy loss by reducing power, even if it is a micro space burst, as long as it hits the key, it will cause fatal damage.

Or, through multiple micro-space bursts, attack at the same time to achieve the purpose of superimposing power and reducing energy consumption. There are many ways to combine them. Unless absolutely necessary, zero does not want to use the ultimate power to burst in space. After all, the strategy of breaking the boat can not be used at all times.

Although there is only one increased ability, the appearance of space burst represents a big step in Zero's control of space. This allows some of his abilities to be attached to spatial attributes. For example, Fate Break, in addition to its power further improved, it will add the ability to time-space fault. It will send the attacked matter directly into the secondary space, and in this way, the fate break will be promoted to the fate fault.

In addition to some of the inherent abilities of Zero itself will undergo more or less changes, the biggest gain should be the removal of the permission to use the gun of Longinus. Zero can finally use the full version of Longinus, instead of having to bypass the authority through the Abandoned Nation, so as to use part of Longinus' power. The most significant difference is that Longinus will no longer be in the embarrassing situation of disappearing after two shots.

On the second day after improving his strength, Ling set off for the western tundra, accompanied by only Ye Liu and Haiwei, plus a messenger. Since the Black Legion has attacked the Green Capital ~lightnovelpub.net~, it means that the Star Destroyer who disappeared in Yongye City that day is likely to be transferred to the Western Tundra. Once he can control the Star Destroyer, zero is equivalent to sitting on a space transport plane, and he can completely control the Star Destroyer to fly over the endless ocean.

The oceans of this era have been vast from the last. After the cataclysm, there were only three land plates left, and most of the others sank, thus creating an infinite sea. On the sea of ​​radiation close to the East Continent, on an inconspicuous island, a figure suddenly ran out of the dense forest. It was a man, and he rushed to the beach, raising his hands and laughing.

That was Andre. He had been hiding on this island for some days. He didn't know how many days he hadn't been groomed. A dense circle of beards had grown around his chin. This makes Andre look like a savage. But now, Andre is very happy, he exclaimed excitedly: "I made it! I made it!"

He stretched out his right hand. At this moment, his right hand was between the physical and the illusion. The skin became transparent, and the flesh inside was faintly visible. Starting from the fingertips, Andrei's arm gradually turned into a mist shape, which was actually extremely strong energy particles. Andre succeeded in energizing part of his body by analyzing the fragments of Prosius.

Once the change of the whole body to the energy state is completed, Andre will become the first existence in history to evolve into an energy life!