War Lord

Chapter 968: Space burst

"What happened to that just now?"

On the city wall, Yafidi looked sternly at the sky to the south. . . There was an extremely dazzling flash of light in the sky just now, so that the world was left with only black and white. That was obviously caused by extremely strong energy collisions. In fact, the airflow blowing northward also proved this point.

In the wind blowing from the south, Yafidi felt devastating energy. If the collision were to fall in the city of rock, more than half of the buildings in the city would no longer exist. Yafidi only hoped that it was not the enemy's secret weapon, otherwise the battle would be even harder.

In fact, this war has been very difficult.

Under the attack of the guards that did not stop for a while, the Wall of Sighs had been breached, and the fortifications had been pulled out by two-thirds. Now under the city of White Rock, several army commanders take turns in battle. Driving the Knights of the Round Table and mecha troops to resist the attack of the guards. The Atlanteans also joined the war. Giants headed by Franklin were active on the front line of the battlefield. Their flexibility and combat power were much higher than those of ordinary mechas, making the Papal Hall's defenses decent. Withstood the shock.

But even so, the defense line of the Pope's Hall shrank again and again, and continued to retreat. The army of guards who fought forward and succeeded is testing the ultimate endurance of the line of defense.

There was a roar on the battlefield, like thunder on the ground. Franklin turned up four crystal stones, his body almost swelled in a circle. The hair on the top of his head stood up, and the person rushed out from behind the bunker like a tank. The giant slammed into the guards, and the outside of the body was scattered with extremely weak force fields. As soon as the guards touched these force fields, they were bounced by invisible forces, and the body was twisted and deformed while still in the air.

Franklin held a short-handled warhammer in each hand, and the hammer body was covered with intricate dark patterns. The energy flame brightened these dark patterns one by one, and flicking these two warhammers, Franklin rushed for a while, smashing a large area of ​​guards. Behind him, the Atlanteans such as Sam, Landor, and Signey followed closely behind him. The giants formed an assault squad, followed Franklin in the enemy's rush, temporarily dissolving the pressure of this position, and then retreated back to the bunker. The mecha and soldiers stepped forward to prevent the guards from pursuing them, and Franklin and others exchanged valuable rest time.

Five minutes later, Franklin carried the hammers into the battle again, but this time he did not take the initiative to attack, but just defended his position. There were bloodstains everywhere on the giant, the guardian's bright green blood, and his own scarlet blood. Even though the strength of the body is no different from that of stainless steel, facing a large number of guards, it is still torn out by sharp claws and bone spurs.

Of course, it was only a trivial injury to Franklin. What really threatened him was that the energy consumption was too fast, and the energy drawn from the space could not offset the energy consumption.

After smashing the guards with another hammer, Franklin breathed. A strange roar was caught in his ears, and the giant raised his head, and the figure of a giant beast reaching south was reflected in his eyes.

Star Destroyer!

"Damn it, the Star Destroyer took the initiative!" Franklin yelled at the people behind, "Randor, is there any way to shoot it down."

The giant named Landor possesses the ability of the lightning system. However, the Star Destroyer is hundreds of kilometers away. It is not because of its huge size and it is impossible to see it on the battlefield. The giant shrugged and shook his head: "This is too difficult to be human, Your Highness."

Franklin frowned and yelled at the black wing on the wall: "Let the flying mech attack that big guy, soon. If we give it a chance to charge up and attack, we're all done!"

Black Wing immediately issued an order to attack, just as a squadron of Griffin Riders and an empty angel squad were preparing to set off. The distant star destroyer suddenly opened its body cavity, and countless black spots were dense as rain. Driven by the jet of air from the cavity, these black spots quickly span a distance of tens of kilometers and fall towards the ground.

"Damn it, guard again! What's going on..." Franklin was almost mad: "Could there be two Star Destroyer?"

The expressions of the other Atlanteans suddenly changed. If Franklin's words were true, then they would have to face twice as many guards as the black tide of nearly half a million!

"Biya, wait for me here." He patted the head of the Star Destroyer, and Zero stood up.

Biya has released the guards in it, and these things will be thrown into the battlefield quickly after hatching. Biya had reset their orders and attacked his own kind instead. However, it will take a while for the guards to reach the battlefield. At least during this time, Zero doesn't want Rock City to fall.

The empty energy stones turned up one by one, zero opened his arms and jumped towards the void, and the person fell quickly. Suddenly the figure disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already several kilometers away. After reaching the twelfth level, the controllable distance of the space jump has also reached a range of ten kilometers. In this way, Zero can quickly approach the battlefield with a long jump. Although it was hundreds of kilometers away from the battlefield under the Rock City, to zero, it was only ten space jumps.

His figure flickered continuously, and each flicker spanned a distance of nearly ten kilometers. Falling in Franklin's perception, he only knew that a tyrannical breath was looming, and he approached the battlefield at an extremely fast speed. Franklin squeezed the warhammer tightly, and his heart was extremely nervous. This breath is so powerful that it is a far cry from Gaia that day.

Is it Prosius' new knight?

As this thought came to light, Franklin suddenly felt a storm of energy appeared on the battlefield. In the dense camp of guards, a blue-purple ball of light suddenly appeared. This light ball is only the size of a blue ball, but the suction power it can generate is amazing.

Once the guard puts the ball of light on, the beetle leaves on his body were first broken, and then the flesh and internal organs were sucked into the ball of light. Eventually the guard burst into a blood mist. Even a drop of blood never fell to the ground, and all were drawn into the ball of light. . The flesh and blood of the guards are constantly filling the ball of light, but the ball of light has no intention of stopping like a bottomless hole. When hundreds of guards disappeared, the ball of light began to shrink.

The ball of light shrinks quickly, but it is only the size of a ping-pong ball in the blink of an eye. When the sphere shrank to the size of the eye of a needle, even if the battlefield guns roared continuously, no matter the guards or human beings, they could hear the sound of something cracking. A circle of smoke-like blue-purple ripples shot past the almost invisible tiny sphere, spreading into the space of nearly a kilometer square.

The ripples that spread out are like a disc. At this moment, the disc is full of purple-black cracks. With a crisp sound, the disc burst into thousands of pieces. The scenery, including the countless guards covered by the disc, suddenly turned into countless pieces of broken light. The light flutters, rolls, and spreads around. Finally, the light flakes exploded, flowing out from it, it turned out to be a storm of energy!

Thousands of energy storms exploded together, and the explosive power was condensed within a kilometer square. The collision and opposition between the energy storms further enhanced the destructive power. So in the eyes of the guards of Rock City, after a circle of blue-violet ripples spread from the guard's center, several beams of light transformed by energy storms skyrocketed into the sky. In an instant, the tens of thousands of beams converged into a thick beam of light, roaring and rushing into the sky.

Dark cracks appeared on the surface of the beam of light, and finally a flame of nearly ten thousand degrees of high temperature burst out of the beam of light! No creature can survive in the flames of ten thousand degrees high temperature. Under such high heat, the guards didn't even leave the remains, they melted away in the flames.

After the eruption of flames lasted more than ten seconds, it finally turned into thick black and red smoke. In the thick smoke billowing, there are still black electric currents piercing through the air, leaving traces of scorching heat in the air. The area within nearly a kilometer square became a focal point, and tens of thousands of guards disappeared at the blink of a finger, and a huge gap appeared in the black wave. Even with the number of guards, this gap cannot be made up for a moment.

The space over there was slightly distorted, the energy became extremely chaotic, and even several light bands of different colors appeared. Those seemingly harmless light bands are actually dimensional turbulence. They will easily chop up any approaching matter until they are completely neutralized and disappeared by the energy of space.

This is the damage caused by the space burst, and it is an incomplete version after weakening. Zero Secret was stunned, and he had already pushed people, knowing that neither Glass nor Oglock had done his best that day, otherwise there would be no need for the Star Destroyer to appear, and the two of them would be enough to turn Evernight City into what it is now.

But this time, Zero thought wrong. Everyone’s abilities are focused on, taking Douglas as an example, he tends to be pure power. Since Zero developed the ability to jump in space, the development of his ability began to lean towards special abilities such as space. Therefore, it is the same as the twelfth-order, squeezing the space channel with the dimensional turbulence to form a big explosion of energy, and the destructive power caused by it is by no means comparable to that of a purely powerful power like Douglas.

It's just that there are surpluses and vacancies every month, and those who are capable are no exception. Regardless of Zero or Douglas, their abilities will have advantages and disadvantages. Just like a space burst, despite its amazing power, its consumption is equally amazing. At this moment, just using the reduced version of the space burst, the zero energy level has dropped by one-third.

But in terms of efficiency, space burst is undoubtedly a big killer on the battlefield, especially when facing a dense enemy army, it is simply a life harvester.

The guard's breath of life suddenly lacked a blockbuster, and Franklin was shocked by the contrast between before and after. It was this moment of loss of consciousness that the giant suddenly felt a pat on his back. Franklin instinctively turned around and swung the hammer, the warhammer slammed with an invisible force, but it was easily blocked by one hand. Franklin felt that his power had been absorbed instantly, and he was startled in a cold sweat.

Then, a familiar voice rang from under the hammer: "Franklin, it's too grand to greet an old friend like this."

Franklin removed the warhammer, and Zero's face came into view. As soon as the giant signed, he said with joy: "Zero, when did you come here?"

"Just when you wanted to smash me flat."

The two smiled at each other and hugged each other. Of course, given Franklin's figure, Zero could only hold him by one arm.

After letting go of zero, Franklin smiled bitterly: "Unfortunately you came at an untimely time."

"On the contrary, I think I finally came in time. Look, the reinforcements I brought have arrived." Ling smiled.

Franklin saw it, and the battlefield remained the same. Although tens of thousands of guards were taken away by the burst of zero-one space, the gap was soon filled, and Franklin could not see the slightest change. But there was a whisper on the wall, with surprise and a hint of surprise in the voice. Franklin shouted immediately: "Black Wing, what happened?"

"To be honest, I don't know too well." Black Wing's voice sounded directly in Franklin's mind: "If I'm not mistaken, it should be called cannibalism. Yes, from behind those black monsters. Another batch of the same monsters came out, but they fought on their own."

In fact, Black Wing's description is not correct. The guards did not kill each other, but Akmon's guards were falling to the ground and slaughtering them. The guard did not set an order to kill the same kind at all, so he did not defend against the torn kill from the Biya Guard at all. Biya's guards easily strangled his own kind, and the coldness and efficiency of biological weapons were fully reflected at this moment.

The army of the Pope’s Hall is useless. They don’t have to attack, they just need to hold their ground. As for the work of killing the enemy, the same kind of guards killed from the rear will do it for them.

Even so, the battle only ended in the afternoon. When Akimon's last guard fell, standing on the high wall and looking down, the battlefield within a few kilometers outside the Rock City was full of guards' bodies. It took a lot of time just to deal with these corpses, but the success in saving Rock City still made the knights happy. After completing their mission, Biya's guards retreated like a tide. According to the requirements before Zero, these guards will always withdraw from the mainland, enter the ocean, and eventually be buried in the deep sea.

Based on Prosius's ability to directly reset the guardian's command, Zero didn't want to pull this batch of time bombs to the Eastern Continent. Therefore, after completing the mission, this batch of biological weapons must be destroyed.

The battlefield was cleaned up by soldiers, and Zero was framed by Franklin and others to the municipal building that served as the command post. The place that was originally a conference hall has been cleared out to be used as a command center, and it is also the office of the Black Wing at the same time. Ling and these old friends walked in together, Heiyi smiled and said nothing, Yafidi and the others kept asking Ling.

They were very surprised and curious about Zero's arrival in time, the extremely strong combat power that they showed, and even control of a Star Destroyer. Zero couldn't answer so many questions at the same time, so he could only raise his hands to calm down a few people, and then looked at Franklin and said, "Gentlemen, the war has begun."

"Is Prosius still out of the prison?" Franklin lowered his voice: "Tell me where it is, zero!"

"Don't worry, Franklin, you are indispensable for this battle." Ling Cai looked at Black Wing: "And I hope that the Pope's Hall can also participate in the battle."

Hei Wing spread his hands and said: "I personally raise my hands in agreement, but this matter must be approved by His Royal Highness Paul in the end."

"Of course, I will go to see His Royal Highness Paul. After all, I have sent some things to him."

Hei Yi nodded and said, "He must also want to see you very much now."

Ling stayed in Rock City for one night, and then took the Star Destroyer Biya to Rome the next day. Black Wing passed the news back to the Pope's Hall early, and when Ling arrived in Rome, he was welcomed by the Pope's Hall lined up.

"I know I'll see you again soon, friend." Paul, who was in Huapao and holding the Pope's Staff, greeted him personally, hugged him hard, and said in his ear: "I have heard about Rock City. Thank you for reaching out to us again."

Ling patted him and said, "Yes, if I remember correctly, I still have the name of Duke of Peace on my body."

The two laughed and separated. Paul asked Zero to get in the car again, and to the surprise of Zero, what was behind Paul was not a car, but a carriage. The carriage is not big, and they happen to be side by side. He got into the carriage and looked at Paul. The latter shrugged, "I want to take a car too, but it's an extraordinary period. The streets of our city of Rome are now too narrow."

The carriage headed towards the Pope's Hall, and it seemed to Lingyi that he knew what Paul meant. It was Paul who transferred all the civilians to Rome, but now this mountain city is overcrowded. People crowded into the streets, and even the square in front of the Pope’s Hall was erected with countless makeshift tents.

"You don't know, you helped me a lot this time, zero." Paul smiled bitterly: "Look at these people outside. Their daily food alone is a huge expense. If the war continues for a while, I must Bankruptcy is not allowed."

With a smile, the young pope in front of him still speaks so exaggeratedly.

In the Pope’s Chamber, Paul convened a meeting, and the topic of the meeting was whether to participate in Prosius’s war or not. Finally, with Zero’s narration and Paul’s support, the Pope’s Hall finally decided to join the war~lightnovelpub.net~ In this way, the army in Rock City did not have to withdraw. As for how to get to the Eastern Continent, Zero takes the job. Although the warships of the city of Rome are only used for navigation in the inner bay, as long as they cooperate with some of Belafar's sea beasts, they are enough to go out to the open sea.

This point was discussed with Belafar when Ling went to the Western Continent. Now that Zero has solved the biggest headache of voyages in the open sea, and the Pope’s Hall has nothing to shirk, Paul immediately issued a new order to Black Wing in the name of the Pope’s Hall, and after handling the aftermath of Rock City, he expedition to the Eastern Continent.

For this reason, almost all ships in the Western Continent must be requisitioned. As for the port for the expedition, the port city of Faceiro was finally determined!

After the meeting, Zero pulled Paul aside and said softly: "I want to ask you something."

"What do you say." Paul said readily.

"I want you to help me find Cinderella, I want to see her."

Paul heard the words and let out a chuckle: "This is my fault, zero. I forgot to tell you that Cinderella is in Rome."

Zero's eyes lit up.