War Lord

Chapter 970: Unexpected encounter

This is a real army.

Millions of assault worms are the forwards of this army, and the large black worms form dozens of forces to plow across the plain. They pushed forward silently, but the unified pace formed between the strokes of the arthropods sounded over the entire plain.

Behind the assault worm, there are two hundred thousand iron-clad beasts. They lined up side by side, unfolding a torrent of steel more than ten kilometers long, and followed the assault worms and trampled across the ground, leaving waves of moving echoes.

Above the iron armor, more than 500,000 venomous bees formed a black cloud. The dark clouds spread out like a black curtain covering the sky, casting the shadow of despair on the earth. The tearers are chasing this dark cloud. More than 300,000 tearers are the backbone of the army. Their claws that can tear even steel plates are enough to scare people.

The number of these mid-to-low-level weapons alone exceeds two million!

High-level weapons followed. Hundreds of black flame inspectors, death arbiters, and fear guards were the tail of the Kuroshio. There are only five or six thousand of these high-level arms, but their collective aura is stabilizing the biological weapons in front of them. In the camp of high-level arms, a new weapon has been added. It was the abomination giant nearly ten meters tall, and the abomination giant looked like a huge butcher. It's just that they are not living corpses, but weapons produced by the queen to attack the city.

Abomination giants can be said to be the top weapons in the planet. They have strong bodies and are born with heavy body armor. They have strong destructive power, but their actions are slow, and their speed and response are in the middle and lower positions of Prosius' biological weapon evaluation system. However, once approached by them, even the steel castle will be torn into pieces.

The giant has the ability to shock wave, sonic boom, and destruction collision. They have only three heads and are far behind the tail of the legion.

Modas waited quietly for the legion to pass by, when a giant passed by him. The commander of the black legion jumped up, and several ups and downs fell on the shoulders of giants. Modas held the giant's face with his hand and looked towards the end of the plain. There, it is the last city on this continent.

There is not only one Qin city on the Yinma Plain, the plain is vast, and several important cities are located. However, under the purge of the Black Legion, the cities on the plain fell one by one. Modas didn't rush to attack the city, but destroyed other cities in Qin first, causing them to lose blood and weaken them. In the end, they were isolated and helpless, and could only be overwhelmed by the black tide.

The black legion is like a big net, spreading to every corner of the Yinma Plain, constantly pushing Qin's defense line back. Today, it is time to close the net. The army advanced, passing through the destroyed cities. Flames are still jumping in the ruins of those cities, and among the broken walls, the howling wind is the last lament of the earth.

On the square of the main hall of the city, Long Hai straightened his body like a javelin so that anyone in or in the city could see him. Qin's emperor, a man of iron and blood, never frowned in the face of challenges. But now, looking at the billowing black tide on the horizon that almost traversed the earth, even Longhai's palms that were clenched into fists were already wet with sweat.

Perhaps this battle is the last one. He thought to himself.

The city has entered a state of first-level combat readiness, and the tanks, soldiers, and materials are in place after being deployed. At this moment, the city is like a furnace, and Long Hai threw all the fuel into the furnace, hoping that this furnace can burn more vigorously, and the burning flame can support longer. But in the end, he was really not sure whether the flames could burn out the Kuroshio.

Zero glanced down.

Under the body of the Star Destroyer, the broad sea area is constantly retreating, and at the end of the sea horizon, there is still no outline of any continental plates. Some are just scattered small islands on the sea, floating on the surface of the sea, there is no connection between the islands and the islands. They are lonely and desolate. The island's area and natural environment are too small, so that there is almost no life on the island.

These islands will only sink in the end, apart from that, there will be no other end.

The two star destroyers set off from the Western Continent and have been flying for several days. Because of the different routes, it was almost from the other direction to the Eastern Continent, so Zero has yet to hit the Central Continent's army. Calculating the time, they should have reached the Eastern Continent soon. According to the feedback from the Star Destroyer, Zero will also arrive at the destination tomorrow.

No one knows what is happening on the Eastern Continent, let alone what the final outcome will be. Zero is no exception. Prosius is not a simple opponent, even if it is the weakest time in its long life, even if Zero has already advanced to the twelfth level, he is not sure of winning.

What's more, since Prosius appeared, he has not seen Agradis again. The planet's will has disappeared for a long time. It seems that the destruction that Prosius caused to the planet has also weakened Agradis's power. No, perhaps the event of breaking the prison in Prosius itself was a serious injury to the planet's will.

"It's a long way to go." Sitting on the head of the Star Destroyer, he sighed.

When passing several adjacent islands, suddenly, an aura appeared from one of the islands. Then the dazzling brilliance rose to the sky, chasing after it turned into a stream of light. Zero Da was surprised, just as he stood up from the big head of the Star Destroyer, the light belt had already arrived in front of him. The light converged, and Andre gently fell on the Star Destroyer, and the wings of light that stretched to the limit behind him, the roots and feathers were burning.

Although the Star Destroyer was extremely disgusted with Andre's stepping on his back, Andre actually had the smell of Prosius on his body, which made the Star Destroyer afraid to resist. Zero's pupil shrank slightly, and he didn't expect to meet Andre in this place. But now he is completely unafraid of this man, after all, he is also a top powerhouse in the same realm.

"Then let me guess, Zero, did you come all the way from the Middle Continent for Prosius?" Andre's weird purple hair fluttered in the wind, and he watched with interest. Seeing the Star Destroyer said: "Aren't these Prosius weapons? How did you get them?"

"If you want to know the answer, you can give me your life and I'll tell you." Ling said indifferently.

Andre slapped haha, lowered his head slightly and said, "Zero, this joke is not funny at all."

"Really? I thought you would appreciate my sense of humor."

"I haven't seen you for a long time, you have become interesting." Andre looked at Zero up and down, and suddenly said in surprise: "It turns out that you have already advanced to the twelfth rank. No wonder you are not afraid of me at all."

"Stop talking nonsense, Andre. What are you going to do? Are you still thinking about absorbing me?"

Andre shook his head, walked to the other side and looked at the ocean and said, "No, no, no, I have found a better goal. Look at this..."

He stretched out his right hand, and a striped road from his wrist lit up, as if every blood vessel under Andrei's palm was filled with dazzling energy. Suddenly, there was a soft sound, and the part of Andre’s wrist turned into a cloud of smoke. Strangely, they were at high altitude at the moment, and the strong wind was blowing, but the cloud of Andre’s smoke could not be dissipated. From time to time, there are bright lights floating and sinking in the smoke, which looks like a miniature universe galaxy.

Zero loss of voice: "Energy! Do you energize your body?"

"It can only be partial, the analytical data is too limited." Andre's hand shook, the smoke condensed, and he returned to his original palm. He moved his five fingers and said, "You see, zero. Although you have caught up with me, I have moved to a higher level. You can only chase my back. As long as you get the complete data, I will Able to achieve the ultimate goal of evolving into an energy life form. At that time, even the powerhouse of the thirteenth order, to me, is nothing but the generation of ants."

"So you can rest assured, I don't want to absorb you anymore. To me, you can't even talk about an appetizer now."

Zero sneered: "I'm afraid you can't swallow it. Answer me, Andre, where do you get the energetic data?"

"Why, do you want to evolve into this form?"

Ling shook his head: "I'm not interested in this, but since you know Prosius, you should know that it is also an energy state of life. Wait..."

At this point, Zero suddenly paused, and her eyes became sharp: "Your so-called data, wouldn't it be obtained from Prosius?"

"Correct." Andre snapped his fingers and said, "I have a proposal, zero. You want to deal with Prosius, and I want to get something from it. Why not cooperate with us, you want to save this planet, though. Do it with confidence, I will not stop you. After all, after the transformation, this planet has no meaning to me. I can even give you all the power, including my subordinates and other property."

"Look, this is a great thing. You can get my help and my wealth. After you settle Prosius, you and I have nothing to do. At least in your limited life, re The chance of meeting me is infinitely close to zero." Andre smiled with a very charming smile: "If I were you, I would not miss this business that only makes a profit."

Nodded, and then said lightly: "Unfortunately, you will never be me."

Andre smiled stiffly, and said coldly: "Are you going to refuse?"

"Why should I agree?" Zero asked, "A Prosius is already a headache. If another one appears, I really don't want to imagine that picture. Besides, between you and me, there is fundamental trust in cooperation. nothing."

"In other words, even if the enemy is present, would you rather be my enemy?"

"That's it!" Ling's body suddenly floated slightly, and the empty stones on his body turned up. Forehead, chest, shoulders, elbows, back of hands, knees, back. There are a total of twelve parts, and the same number of spars are turned out. Each spar transmits a dark golden flame like water vapor, and the flame pulls out streamers like banners in the air.

With a single breath, the power of Zero is fully opened, and even a huge thing like the Star Destroyer can not help sinking after bearing the power of Zero. A circle of pale golden ripples spread, like ripples formed on the surface of the water hit by tiles. The ripples hadn't dissipated, zero had disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was in front of Andre. From disappearing to appearing almost at the same time, the space jump makes the will come out as freely as breathing, without a trace!

A simple punch blasted out.

Andre's breathing suddenly heavy. In his eyes, Ling slightly struck a punch with an arc-shaped trajectory, and the front of the punch brought countless afterimages in the air. When the front of the fist rises, there is an undercurrent of tidal sound. In the middle of the fist, it turned into a continuous thunder. When it reaches the chest, the fist wind is like a galloping horse! Andre wanted to withdraw and retreat, but in the forward fist strength, there was a secret suction force, which made Andre couldn't help sending forward. Andre snorted, his body was shrouded in dazzling brilliance, and he was no longer visible.

Zero does not retreat and advances instead, and the boxing front accelerates into this group of brilliance. All the afterimages overlap and a huge force is born!

The space above the Star Destroyer shook violently, and the brilliance that Andre bloomed was like being pulled by an invisible big hand, constantly twisting like a whirlpool. In that eddy current, there was a continuous tremor and violent sound, and the thunder seemed to be continuous between the sky and the earth, resounding thousands of miles.

Hundreds of miniature energy storms continue to oppose and collide in that group of rotating brilliance, and the frequency of collisions reaches hundreds of times per second. The Star Destroyer let out a wailing, his figure plummeted, but he was forced down by the force field of the collision between two top powerhouses.

The blooming brilliance quickly dissipated, and Andre floated away from the light, and flew down with his wings spread out behind him. Zero also escaped from the brilliance of the collision, his figure flickering constantly, and each flicker narrowed the distance between the two of them by a hundred meters. Andre yelled and pointed towards Zero. Hundreds of feathers detached from the light wing behind, and instantly turned into hundreds of high-energy light beams intertwined in the air like a kaleidoscope pattern, carrying the terrifying destruction power to zero.

Zero's figure suddenly disappeared. It was not a high-speed movement that made it impossible for the naked eye to capture, but directly escaped into the space channel, making the whole body breathless. As a result, Andre's high-energy beam suddenly lost its target, turning and flying back one after another, returning to the form of feather feathers and docking with the wings.

As soon as the match was completed, Zero appeared on Andre's left side and hit his side with an elbow. Andre's face changed, and he reached out and nodded to Zero's elbow. When the fingertips touched the elbow, there was a halo, and an explosion occurred in midair immediately.

In the exploding fireball, the two continued to fall, and they fought fiercely in mid-air.

Zero punch and kick comes with a reloaded warhead and powerful power. After being promoted to Tier 12, it also comes with some space capabilities. Such as space adsorption, or space fault, etc., make the already powerful attack even more powerful. Andre did not have these special abilities blessings, but almost all his attacks carried the effect of energy impact, so between the two of them, there were continuous explosions in the air.

Fireballs bloomed in the sky one by one, and the impact of the explosion even set off wind and waves on the sea, and the two of Zero and Andre swiftly passed the fireball in this way. Seeing that he was about to reach the surface of the sea, a single sweep kicked Andrei's palm away from his chest. When he came out of the fire that exploded again, he took the opportunity to clasp Andrei's throat with one hand. In this way, he grabbed him and accelerated toward the sea.

As soon as he was about to approach the sea, Ling's whole body spar lit up, and the light golden light suddenly enveloping him, like a blazing sun! In the energy flame, with zero force, he threw Andrei's body down like a cannonball. Andre crashed into the sea, and the water level at the point of impact continued to sink, when the sea level dropped by a full five meters compared to other places. The sea water inverted and collided, igniting a continuous column of water three meters wide and 100 meters high!

When the water column fell, a circle of waves was formed and radiated to the surrounding area. The waves advancing to the east, after traveling hundreds of meters, shot on the beach of an island. The waves turned into a curtain of water, sprayed four or five meters into the air and then fell. When the water curtain fell, Zero had appeared on the beach, his body was dripping with water.

Zero's right hand, near the end of the index finger, the space appears faintly distorted. The gun of Longinus was in a state of being able to be retrieved at any time, and Ling waited for Andre to break through the water, and then shot him. But after a few seconds, Andre still couldn't see it. Zero is one sign, and then I feel that the breath under the sea is too calm, and Andre has already escaped without a trace when he crashed into the sea.

He couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly. It was really not easy to kill a Tier 12 top expert. It takes time, location, and a little luck to make it possible. Otherwise, if Andre and his like deliberately avoid the battle, they will not be able to stop him.

But being able to beat Andre away~lightnovelpub.net~ is quite comfortable. I think that when Andre appeared in Ludu, even with one arm, it was enough to beat him to the north. Now not only is it on par with it, it even threatens him. Otherwise, with Andrei as a person, how could he willingly make suggestions for cooperation.

In the sky, the Star Destroyer Biya uttered a long cry, and the giant beast continued to descend, generating a violent wind that blew the island, pressing down a row of coconut trees not far from the beach to the ground. When the anti-gravity field is zero-expanded, the person floats up in the sky, and then falls on Biya's head. The Star Destroyer jumped up again, caught up with another companion, and continued to fly in the direction of the Eastern Continent.

When the two star destroyers became a pair of black spots in the distant sky, stars gradually appeared on the calm sea. The sea water floats and flows, and the rays of light sink from time to time, embellishing this sea surface like the beauty of the cosmic nebula. The rays of light continue to converge and finally form a bright spot. In the light spot, Andre quietly emerged from the water. When passing the light spot, every minute of his body's water evaporates without a trace in an instant.

After his whole body surfaced, Andre looked coldly in the direction where Zero disappeared. He said softly: "You really made a wrong choice, Zero. Look, you will pay for it."

The wings of light spread, and Andre turned into a light belt and went away. The sea was as calm as before, as if nothing had happened.