War Lord

Chapter 971: Lone Army

There was something that carried a dim red light in the air, and then swayed down. It turned out to be a burning bandage. The blood stains on the bandage were clearly visible, as if it had just left the owner. The end of it was entangled by the tongue of fire, exuding black smoke and sparks floating down from the sky.

The sky has become blood red!

The burning bandage fell on a pitch-black carapace, and a chargeworm shook its head and shook the thing to the ground. With a kick forward, the worm's limbs stepped on the bandage deeply into the muddy ground with hot smoke. A ravine was ploughed from the ground, and at the other end of the deep groove was a shell half buried in the ground.

That is a dud.

Before the charge worm rushed fiercely, the burning capital was reflected in the compound eyes, and a little red light continued to expand in the pupils.

In the next moment, this assault worm blasted its head with the powerful fire-link bullet chain of the revolver gun. The line of fire swept to the left, and the fire light illuminates the ferocious silhouettes of insects. Thousands of charge insects passed the corpse of their companions and ran towards the city without falling.

The war has started in full.

In the direction of never falling into the city, countless bright lines of fire formed a strong and powerful firepower net, intercepting the advance of the assault worms. For every point of advancement, pieces of corpses have to fall on the battlefield. Outside the walls of the city, tens of thousands of soldiers relying on fortifications such as trenches or bunkers roared and pressed the trigger in their hands, pouring all the bullets from their machine guns into the raging black wave ahead.

Various chariots lined up in an array, covering the enemy's position with fierce artillery fire, and the violent flames and explosions did not stop for a moment. Sometimes, along with the various elemental abilities released by the capable people on the wall, a splendid firework of various colors is formed, preventing the advancement of the black legion.

In the sky, the swarms of venomous giant bees flew by, blowing a sharp wind, like a banshee howling, the dark cloud formed by the giant bees divided into dozens of cloud pillars. The cloud column rolled and entangled, slanting towards the city that never fell. As a result, the anti-aircraft machine gun on the city wall could only raise the muzzle, blasting the hot bullets into the air and sending them into the cloud pillar. The jet-black cloud pillar kept lighting up patches of fiery red flames, and every flame light lit up, there must be a giant bee leaping down.

However, when the giant bee swarm rushes to the wall, it will bring hundreds of soldiers, and then more soldiers have to fill in the vacancies, continue to suppress and force the swarm with firepower.

The battle fought on the ground and the sky at the same time, and the ubiquitous flame lit up the whole world. The fire light shone on Long Hai's resolute face, and the Emperor of Qin was fully armored, with an alloy war blade in his hand, standing on the palace square overlooking the entire battlefield.

Long Hai's line of sight crossed the front line outside the city and cast to the rear of the Black Legion. Thousands of high-level weapons there have not yet acted, and the three-headed abomination giant is like the Optimus Pillar, standing far behind the legion, but exerting tremendous pressure on Longhai.

At this time, one of the giants moved.

The giant with its own biological armor spit out two rows of hot smoke from his nostrils, dragging a black battle axe twisted together by unknown substance, and began to charge. The giant stepped ten meters, the earth and rocks splashed on the ground, and there was a quake. It didn't pay attention to the soldiers on its own side on the advancing track, whether it was a Charge Worm or a Ripper, as long as it dodges a little bit slower, it would step on the giant's foot all over.

It came all the way to the city that never fell, and was born on the ground and stepped on a road of flesh and blood.

"Shoot it!"

The commander yelled, and part of the firepower was concentrated on the giant. However, the bullets of the machine gun falling on the heavy armor are basically the same as scratching, and even the large-caliber bullets of the machine gun only shoot out the armor. Only missiles and heavy artillery can give a threat. However, the giant only protects the head, face and chest. The other places are subject to heavy human fire, but they pass through the fire curtain, and finally hit hard, knocking the entire high wall of the west part of the city into flight. .

Countless soldiers on the wall screamed and flew into the air in the explosion, and when they fell to the ground, they trampled the giant to death. The giant even reached out and caught some soldiers in the air, then threw them into his mouth and chewed. Long Hai looked furious, and the moment the soldier was buried among the giants, the fear on his face deeply hurt the emperor's heart.

"Kill it!" Long Haizhan pointed. Beside him, Mu Wudang, one of the three generals, both swept out, jumped off the palace square, and moved forward through the surrounding residential buildings, rushing to the western area of ​​the city to intercept the giant after tens of seconds.

At this time, the other two giants also launched a charge. Long Hai's expression became extremely cold. If the other two giants also hit the wall and enter, the defense line that does not fall into the city will probably be lost. He turned towards the back and said solemnly, "Send the pioneer girl."

Qiu Ze, the person in charge of the Pioneer Project, nodded.

After a while, stone foundations were raised on both sides of the palace. After lifting three meters upward, the abutment opened from both sides, revealing a deep dark well. From the bottom of the deep well came the roar of the operation of the machine. After a while, a huge gun tube with a length of 100 meters came out of the deep well. Under the action of the rotating shaft, the gun barrel adjusted its angle, and the muzzle faced the direction that hated the giant at both ends.

At the end of the barrel, the lights illuminate constantly and advance toward the muzzle. When the halo of the muzzle lit up, a huge prismatic bullet came out with a bang. Crossed the battlefield outside the city, and landed in the direction of the giant.


The cannons kept firing, and the prismatic bullets fired in succession, shooting at the two abominable giants one after another. At this time, the first bullet had begun to fall, and a dragon-shaped emblem in front of the warhead of Hu'er appeared with a cross-shaped light. The light extended, and the bullet was divided into four equal parts. The light disappeared, and then the cartridge case separated and splashed. In the divided bullet case, a figure fell sharply to the ground.

It was a young girl, about fifteen or six years old. She is petite and beautiful, but she has no expression on her face. The girl was wearing a tight-fitting silver-gray tactical uniform, which clearly outlined her lines. She fell to the ground dexterously, and bounced when she rolled on the spot. Touching her back with both hands, two tactical knives went into her hands.

The two swords pointed diagonally at the ground, and the girl leaned forward and launched a charge. She is extremely fast, like a silver light as she runs, and with awe-inspiring murderous intent, she rushes to hate the giant.

Pioneer girls fell all over the sky in the separated shells, with the same looks, the same weapons, and even the same breath of strength! Sixty pioneer girls split into two teams and rushed towards their respective goals. For a while, the footsteps of hating giants were stopped by the pioneer girl.

The agility and explosiveness of the Pioneer Girls are beyond the reach of the hate giants, and each team has as many as thirty people. With their mutual cooperation, the hate giant has a brute force, but it is quite suspected of being able to shoot mosquitoes with a cannon, and there is nowhere to send it. The pitch-black evil axe repeatedly slashed into the air, but the tactical swords of the pioneer girls kept sending waves of blood on it!

After all, the hatred of giants is a weapon to siege the city, even though it is much higher than the pioneer girl in terms of single-body strength. Helplessly, the latter is highly flexible and has a large number. As a result, even the top weapons are gradually lost.

The battle in the west of the city is also coming to an end. The firepower in that area is basically concentrated on the abominable giant, and Muwu, a high-ranking powerhouse, is added as the main force. Under the fierce attack of the fire, the abominable giant that crashed into the inner city was quickly brought down. However, in the tunnel to break the city opened by the giant, assault bugs and rippers kept pouring in.

Mu Wu warped a little, after ending the life of the giant. Taking a deep breath, he rushed toward the passage again. He must plug this gap, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

At this moment, the enemy commander Modas finally gave the order of the general attack. The high-level weapons that had been standing still and began to act, their main force rushed straight to the city, but they also separated two fronts and killed the pioneer girls on both sides of the battlefield.

With the addition of high-level weapons, the combat effectiveness of the Black Legion immediately rose. The fear guards who mixed with the venomous giant bee constantly released the fear field towards the defenders below, exerting psychological pressure on them and weakening their fighting spirit. The dark green corroded lightballs are the mortal enemies of the bunkers and forts, whether it is a concrete-cast bunker or a metal fort, after being hit by the corroded lightballs, the bunker softens and the metal melts. Although the Fearguard did not directly kill the chaos, it weakened the overall combat power of the human army from another aspect.

Each Black Flame Inspector split into hundreds of small fire puppets. Under the control of Black Flame Inspector, these elemental puppets pounced on the chariot or high wall in groups. They used suicide attacks to blow up tanks in the air, or detonated a certain section of the city wall. Often after a wave of explosions, Inspector Black Flame went into battle in person. The long flaming whip waving in his hand swept away, swept away a swath of human soldiers.

As for the death arbitrators, most of them took over the control of low-level weapons. With the addition of these arbitrators, the command network of the Black Legion is further refined, and the tactics that can evolve are instantly doubled. So Long Hai quickly discovered that the Black Legion had quietly transformed into a number of huge black vortexes from before, like a raging sea frenzy. Various tactics took turns in battle, strangling the human army like a millstone.

"Go out, all the pioneer girls, the target, the other's high-level weapons!" Long Hai issued this last command, and under Qin's emperor's skin, each blood vessel gradually lit up with a misty energy brilliance. He runs a little, and collapses hard when he rushes to the edge of the palace.

The floor tiles crackled and cracked, and the cracks spread to an area of ​​nearly three meters square, when a corner of the palace square rumblingly collapsed. Long Hai passed over the capital city like a comet, and fell on the battlefield outside the city with a whistling and tumbling flame tail, stirring up a pillar of dust!

The dust and smoke were suddenly blown away by the wind, and Long Hai strode out of the smoke while holding the alloy war blade in his hand. Pointing at the front of the sword, the emperor roared: "Black shards, let's have a good fight!"


Long Hai went into battle and immediately aroused the morale of the army.

The alloy warblade was wrapped in energy light, and under the decisive swing, it killed an assault worm. As the emperor of Qin, Longhai's throne was actually played, with outstanding combat achievements and old-fashioned eyesight, and he didn't want to be too entangled with the cannon fodder biological weapons such as charge insects. On the battlefield, taking the first rank and chaos in the battlefield is the basis for victory.

Even if the opponent is a biological legion, it is most obvious that the appearance of the death arbitrators who can be used as frontline commanders makes the entire biological legion's command network more detailed. If the creature army was like the same fierce giant axe as before, then with the Arbitrator, this giant axe will undoubtedly have many more hooks. During the swaying, more blood is brought up.

When Long Hai came to an end, he was determined to penetrate into the enemy's line and kill Modas, the commander of the biological army. At that time, the Black Legion has the death arbitrator to take over the command, so that the dragons will not immediately lose their heads. But without Modas, in terms of the intelligence of the death arbitrator, the command would not be so impeccable. The situation on the battlefield changes at a glance, even if the enemy's command only needs to be on the front line, this is also true for not falling into the city.

At the very least, Long Hai can slowly pull its advantage back to its own side by virtue of its geographical location and strategy. Otherwise, even if you don't fall into the city and the negative partner stubbornly resists, the death of the city will only be time.

"Who and I will kill the enemy general?" Long Hai shouted, not waiting for an answer. The war blade pointed to the ground, and the man leaned forward, already rushing towards the tide of the enemy.

When he moved, there were soldiers shouting behind him, so an elite army left the position and followed Longhai.

As soon as Long Hai left, the responsibility of the battlefield command fell on Mu Wu. After killing the abomination giant and plugging the gap in the city wall, Mu Wu returned to the palace square to grasp the changes in the entire battlefield condescendingly. Upon seeing the Longhai operation, Mu Wuli knew what he meant, and immediately shouted: "The three armies listened to the order, gathered artillery and bombarded, and blasted a way for our Highness!"

The Feiyan Fort on the high wall was moved on the ground track under precise operation, and concentrated firepower to bombard the front of Longhai's propulsion route. Groups of orange fireballs were one after another in the Black Legion, and under the intensive artillery bombardment, a large number of biological weapons were destroyed. Long Hai led his army through the curtains of fire, looking at the entire dark ocean, his army deep into the hinterland seemed as dazzling as it was.

The two armies are facing each other, and it is an extremely dangerous strategy to advance so alone. The soldiers who followed Longhai also knew that they had no hope of surviving. However, no one flinched, as long as the flames on Long Hai's body were not extinguished, the soldiers would have a direction to advance.

The continuous artillery fire opened the way for Longhai, but on this million-level battlefield, even if the firepower of the flying flame artillery was assembled, it would only give Longhai a channel to the enemy's center. To continue to go deeper, we must rely on Long Hai and the army behind him.

After rushing to the center, the pressure surged. Looking around, Long Hai saw that there were so many biological weapons in the surroundings, the numbers were so desperate. He thought of the Indian Maharaja Afar, and Long Hai whispered: "The last time you looked at that day, it was like this, right?"

With a long scream, the alloy warblade dragged the brilliant light into the enemy group. Longhai Jianfeng pointed to, whether it was the Charge Worm or the Black Flame Inspector, all fell under the unparalleled sword blade like a diarrhea. Seeing that the emperor was so brave, the morale of the soldiers behind him was soaring, they all chased Longhai into the enemy's formation.

At this time, the passage opened by Feiyan Fort had closed, and tens of thousands of biological weapons rushed to the lone army of Longhai. Long Hai and his party couldn't get more support, and whether they could get to Modas was already an unknown.

The Feiyan Fort slid away on the ground track, and was allocated to various firepower points to provide artillery cover to suppress the attack of the Black Legion.

Longhai's army was depleting extremely fast, and every second, soldiers were killed and fell. Long Hai did not look at the soldiers behind him at all. He was determined to make progress. By now, he had no time to estimate the loss. As long as the enemy generals are beheaded, everything is worth it.

The blade swept across, swept out an incomparable brilliance, blasted a weapon in front of him, and Long Hai advanced more than ten meters forward. Gradually, Long Hai discovered that the biological weapons in front of his sword had been replaced by low- and mid-level charge insects, and replaced by black flame inspectors, death arbitrators, or fear guards. These high-level weapons did not evade Long Hai's attack at all, but desperately left wounds on Long Hai's body.

Long Hai's armor had been severely damaged, the leaves of the armor had broken apart, and the wounds on his body were beyond count. But the eight spars in his whole body are still dazzling, condensing a layer of defensive force field on the surface of his body. The sword of the arbitrator or the flame whip of the Black Flame Inspector will be dissipated by this energy field when it falls on it, and the final attack that can open the mountain and split the stone can only leave a wound on Long Hai.

But the injury is the injury, and the accumulation is too much, and Long Hai's body can't bear it. The energy flame on Long Hai's body didn't go out, but it burned brighter and brighter, and even a ball of thunder was exploded in the rising flame from time to time, and the momentum was terrifying. But only he himself knows that the consumption of energy has reached the limit, and now he is squeezing every drop of potential purely by will. Even burn life and convert it into energy to fight.

Even if you win this battle, you can survive. But after that, he must drop in rank and lose his combat power. However, if you can't survive this battle~lightnovelpub.net~, what else to talk about later and drop. So at this moment, Long Hai has nothing to do with it!

The sword is slashed again, and the sword's power is like a jade front, and the energy is pouring down, like a Tianhe hanging upside down. Brilliant flames separated from the Benz from Jianfeng, advancing bravely, rushing to kill many high-level weapons and causing countless casualties. When the light disappeared, Long Hai's pressure suddenly lightened, and it turned out that he had already killed the battlefield. At this time, he looked behind him, and the army that followed him was empty at some point.

It turned out that they had all fallen on their way when they came. A sense of grief, anger and desolation surged in Long Hai's heart, and he absolutely turned his head back and looked at Modus who stopped not far away.

This former general of the Alliance has now become a puppet under the control of Prosius. Modas also turned out a crystal stone and began to run. After a short run-up, Modas speeded up and rushed towards Long Hai.

Long Hai sucked deeply, the energy and flames of his body rose, and thunder bursts even more. He slowly raised his sword, as if a heavy alloy blade was lifting thousands of feet of peaks and mountains, ascending upwards with no difficulty. But with each increase in height, Longhai's power will rise with it. When the sword was raised high, the air produced continuous thunder sounds, as if the whole world was about to tear apart.

In an absolutely loud noise, Long Hai cried out, and the alloy heavy blade slashed down with a brilliant stream of light!