War Lord

Chapter 972: Common enemy

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Modas and Longhai crossed by, and bright white light bloomed on the earth. The air screamed like a spring thunder, and even the space was slightly distorted. Arrays of invisible shock waves spread and escaped, shaking many of the high-end weapons that were coming up, shaking their feet and turning their backs on their feet for a while.

The light gradually converged, and finally dissipated like a fog. Longhai still stood upright like a pine, standing on the spot. But the remnant armor on his body has completely disappeared, the left rib is bloody, blood dripping on the ground and winding like a snake. The bloodstain stretched for nearly a meter toward the rear, and stopped at Modas' feet.

Modas seemed nothing unusual, but suddenly his body shook. From the left shoulder, the tactical uniform there cracked apart with a scream, and finally exploded into hundreds of butterflies, flying and disappearing. At the place where a blood arrow spurted five steps, the blood line extended downward, diagonally across Modas' chest and lower abdomen, and stopped at the right side of the rib. This almost cut him into two huge wounds, causing Modas to spray a cloud of blood.

In the air, a strong smell of blood quietly passed into Long Hai's nose. Modas shook and finally fell down. He didn't die right away, but barely rolled over, and immediately blood and internal organs flowed out of the wound. Modas reluctantly looked at Long Hai, trying to put a smile on his face: "Thank you..."

After spitting out two words, there was no sound.

Long Hai closed his eyes, looking back at the moment when the two intertwined just now. Modas instinctively rubbed his chest with a paw, and even dug out his heart. But when Qian Jun made a shot, the offensive sank three points, and then passed his side. At that moment, Long Hai knew that Modas was barely regaining his nature, but his mountain-like cut couldn't stop like Modas, he could only cut it to the end.

For Modas, this may also be a relief.

When Qin's emperor opened his eyes again, he was full of biological weapons that were pressing on him. Looking at the capital city in the distance, Long Hai smiled bitterly, and now even he is not sure that he will return to the city again.

The smile narrowed, and a momentum came across the air from the east side of the battlefield. Long Hai's wire-like silver hair straightened immediately, and he stared in amazement. In the far sky, a giant beast is flying by.

Star Destroyer!

Still in the air, the body cavity of the Star Destroyer was opened, and countless biological weapons were like rain. From a distance, there was a black rainstorm. Long Hai suddenly felt weak, he smiled desolately, and said softly: "Is there really no hope?"

After his words fell, another awe-inspiring might surged behind him. Long Hai turned and looked, and two star destroyers appeared on the horizon of the plain, converging in the direction of the battlefield. Before getting close to the battlefield, the big mouth of the Star Destroyer opened, the behemoth began to charge, and the stars flickered. After a while, a large energy beam blasted through the air and swept straight to the battlefield.

Long Hai laughed and raised his hands, preparing for the final destruction. What surprised him was that two light beams plowed from his left and right sides, blasted into the black legion and advanced all the way, annihilating thousands of biological weapons directly in the high-temperature light beam. The high-energy beam ploughed two huge gaps in the Black Legion, and then set off large and small fireballs. The fireball exploded. The fire belt stretched for nearly a kilometer strangled tens of thousands of biological weapons.

"What's going on?" Long Hai was surprised and looked at the Star Destroyer in the distant sky.

Patterns began to appear on their bodies, their energy aura continued to rise, and their bodies swelled in a circle, almost like a balloon that was about to explode. There were three screams of the Star Destroyer in the sky. Together with the giant beast on the east side, the whole body of the three Star Destroyer was blooming brightly, shining the battlefield into white.

In this white light, the three-headed Star Destroyer slanted off the battlefield and landed in three different directions. When they hit the earth, an obscure huge force field passed over this vast battlefield of tens of kilometers square. Even Long Hai couldn't help but toss up. He reluctantly adjusted his figure and looked back, his eyes occupied by the exploding white light.

I opened my eyes blindly.

See nothing, hear nothing. The world became pure white, and it was suffocatingly quiet. Even his sense of existence disappeared, and it was not until he felt acupuncture-like pain on the side of his face that Long Hai gradually recovered his physical sensation. The ear-splitting explosion roared from the slightest, and went crazy into Long Hai's ears.

He had to close his ears and noticed that the horizon was raised a little. Look again, it turned out that I didn't know when I fell to the ground. Just on the horizon, a group of white light floated slowly, and the energy in the light group boiled like boiling water in the same pot. Su Er, in this huge ball of light that almost spans the entire horizon, fireballs like blisters are starting to turn up! When all the energy in the light cluster was transformed into a high-temperature flame of nearly 5,000 degrees, the world changed from white to crimson.

In the center of this picture, a black and red mushroom cloud that is spreading out looks so hideous!

When the mushroom cloud completely rose and unfolded, a circle of black and red smoke spread out along with the shock wave of the explosion, instantly passing over the battlefield. Long Hai protected his face with both hands, only to feel the heat on his body. When he put his hand down again, the smoke was gone. However, black snowflakes fell in the sky, and that piece of snowflakes turned the entire battlefield into gray.

Long Hai's heart suddenly shook.

He heard footsteps.

The sound of footsteps came from behind him, and the sound swept along the ground, gently shaking his body. But the ground did not vibrate, and the thing that shook Longhai was actually the resonance of energy. In the distance of the plain behind him, a cluster of golden light lit up. The golden light suddenly disappeared, but when it reappeared, the light became brighter because of the closer distance.

The golden light keeps disappearing and appears. Every time it flashes, the distance is four or five kilometers! After a few flashes, the beam of light was already in sight. The golden light rose like a flame, and in the light, there was a strange man. Under the broken black hair, there was an Asian face, but Long Hai swore that he had never seen this man. Twelve empty energy stones were opened in his body, which represents the strength of Tier Twelve! If a rank 12 strong appeared on the Eastern Continent, Long Hai could not have known it.

The person sensed Long Hai's gaze and turned back and smiled at him. Then he turned his head and walked boldly towards the Black Legion.

Long Hai finally couldn't help it, and shouted: "Who are you?"

"Zero." In the air, there was a long answer.

"Zero?" Long Haimo read the name, and finally determined that he had never heard of this person.

The ground was shaking, Long Hai stood up and looked behind him. In the direction where the unfamiliar young strong man appeared, a line of motorcades appeared on the Yinma Plain. Tanks, guided missiles, armored vehicles, troop carriers, and other long trailers of unknown purpose have caused waves of dust and smoke and are coming towards the battlefield. Those long trailers suddenly stopped when there was still a long distance from the battlefield, and then one side of the carriage opened and floated, diagonally connecting the ground to form a landslide.

After a while, a power mech slid down from the trailer. Regardless of the shape of these power mechas, they are painted in red on the chest to spray a cross shape, full of strong religious colors. More giant mechas up to ten meters high appeared from the plains. There are only five of them, striding forward, interspersed among other mechas and approaching the battlefield.

Long Hai could hardly believe his eyes. Qin also conducted research on power mechas, but the current research on mechas is only in the conceptual stage. Obviously, these mechas did not come from Qin itself, let alone the East Asian Alliance, which no longer exists. Reminiscent of the strange man before, Long Hai's heart beats wildly, and a bold idea arose in his heart.

They are from other continents!

At this time, all kinds of chariots had already passed by Longhai's side, and the soldiers who had already gotten off the transporter held their rifles and followed behind the chariots to cover the battlefield. The artillery tanks began to focus their fire and bombing, and the armored vehicles shot the missiles high, and then one after another missiles dragged the flames and bombarded the Black Legion continuously. Ordinary soldiers approached the battlefield under the cover of mecha, and fierce artillery fire suppressed the biological weapons on the edge of the battlefield. Occasionally, a high-level weapon rushes over, and the five giant mechas will lock the firepower on these breakthrough weapons, and use more violent artillery fire to kill them all.

"Are you okay?" someone suddenly asked.

Long Hai recovered, and an armored car stopped beside him. Heiyi jumped out of the car, looked Long Hai up and down and said, "Don't get me wrong, we are here to help."

"I know, no matter where you are from, thank you very much for coming." Long Hai said sincerely.

Hei Yi nodded: "Come on, maybe we can talk about it first, we don't know what the situation in this continent is."

Long Hai did not refuse, he almost ran out of energy and was unable to enter the battle. He followed Heiyi into the car and said with a wry smile: "Our situation is very bad, if you didn't come so in time. Maybe, when you come, you will be able to rummage our bodies in the ruins."

At the most critical moment, the two supporting armies from the Central Continent and the Western Continent finally joined the battlefield in time. Now the Black Legion has been destroyed by the explosion of the three Star Destroyer hundreds of thousands of weapons, leaving a huge gap in the center of the battlefield. Originally, taking the role of the Star Destroyer, self-detonation seemed a bit wasteful. But this is the Eastern Continent, and Prosius is somewhere on this continent.

Once it senses that the Star Destroyer is controlled by petty means, it can easily take back control. After all, the Star Destroyer is not a biological weapon from the dark core, and Zero cannot impose sufficient countermeasures on it, so it can only let them explode and let these three behemoths exert their greatest effect.

Now, the army of the Western Continent has arrived first, and the Round Table Knights and other types of mechas have joined the battlefield, supplemented by the suppression of infantry and chariots. At present, the rear of the Black Legion has become a mess. After losing the command of Modas, the arbitrator alone took over the command, but the arbitrator was a little overwhelmed by the sudden attack of the Pope’s army.

The weapons at the rear of the legion were divided and annihilated, and they were also at a disadvantage in the battlefield to the east.

Garcia Flyer and Drake joined the battle from the air. Among these flying units, you can also see a few wise men. Those creatures like tadpoles do not have the ability to fight, but they can share Ansula's work like an arbitrator, effectively distributing the cooperation and combat of biological weapons. With the addition of wise men, Ansura's command network has been further refined, and tactics have become more flexible.

At this moment, Garcia Flyer divided into more than a dozen soldiers and killed the Venomous Giant Bee with the Drakes. This large number of low-level arms were mostly strangled in the explosion of the Star Destroyer just now, and now the remaining giant bees have not recovered, they have already let the flying insects and Drake kill them. I saw that the dark clouds in the sky continued to flicker and undulate, and the high-energy beams emitted by Garcia's flying insects were dense like showers, and the giant bees hit by them kept falling to the ground.

After being aware of this situation, the Fear Guards ignored the high walls and forts of the city that did not fall. These demonic biological weapons turned to the east battlefield, using their corrosive light orbs to slaughter flying insects in large swaths. However, as soon as the Dread Guards intervened in the battle, the Mobileeks broke through the air, and these high-ranked Batmen burning with black flames blasted the Dread Guards away from a distance.

For a time, the blue light that corroded the light ball and the yellow and melting flames merged together, and the abilities of the high-level weapons of the two sides blasted against each other, and a fire cloud of red and green was born above the battlefield!

The Fearguard was finally able to draw a tie with Mobirek, but the next moment, these high-level weapons found that their perception suddenly became confused. The picture in my eyes is turned upside down, and the sense of touch becomes so blurry that I can't even position myself. They don't know that one invisible force field is being applied to them.

Just above the flight units of both sides, a piece of light and shadow were distorted. Phoenix is ​​applying the ability of perception domain to the fear guards, causing their judgments to become extremely confused. The fear guards swayed in mid-air like drunk, unable to form effective attacks. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mobirek concealed the past, blasting these high-level weapons one by one with the Yellow Melting Flame or the Yellow Blade.

As for the ground, the Black Legion is equally disadvantageous. After the 20,000 Quean knights were dropped on the ground by the Star Destroyer, they both launched an attack on the left side of the east side of the Black Legion. The Que'an knights lined up in the front arrow formation, like a sharp cone, plunged into the flanks of the black legion. These biological weapons with amazing mobility and explosive power caused an unparalleled impact on the Black Legion. The Quean knight wielded an epee. With the speed bonus of the lizard dragon, every slash broke out as much as Tier 8. Terrible power.

A low-level weapon like the Charge Worm was rubbed by the epee of the Que'an Knight, and all the shells violently cracked and cut off. Only Black Flame Inspector and Death Arbiter can withstand the impact of this cavalry. But high-level weapons are limited after all, even on this million-level battlefield, there are only thousands of high-level weapons. In addition, the Star Destroyer was bombarded and killed before, and now the remaining high-level weapons in the Black Legion are less than three thousand.

If this amount is gathered together, the combat power is considerable, but if it is spread evenly across the battlefield, it will appear to be very few. Although the high-level weapons near the east flank were assembled, Naihe was far from the number of Que'an knights. Can withstand the impact of one or two knights, but the knights that appeared one after another put the high-level weapons into a desperate situation.

The lizard cavalry rushed on the flanks, piercing through them back and forth, breaking up the army of the black legion in this direction, forming a mess of sand. After the Quean Knights successfully disrupted the game, other weapons also joined the battlefield. The huge, snail-like Canoresa was long overdue. However, as soon as these tank-type high-end weapons entered the battlefield, they were in a rolling state.

A dozen tentacles of Canoresa flew and swung, sweeping towards the enemy like a whip. The power of these big guys' tentacles is measured in tons, and often after the tentacles sweep, the field in front of Canoresa will be vacated. At this time, other weapons took the opportunity to cover up and kill, frantically attacking the assault worms that had seriously injured Canoreesa, or fainted.

After the Zero's biological army rushed for a while, the human army of the Central Continent and the alien races of the Black Land also joined the battlefield. Their arrival made the Black Legion worse, especially the two looming mountains-like figures behind the army, and even the defeat of the Black Legion played the final elegy.

On this day, the people who did not fall in the city were delighted to discover that two mysterious reinforcements appeared from two directions in the northeast of the battlefield. Their arrival gave Buluocheng a glimpse of hope. After Mu Wu judged that the defeat of the Black Legion had been achieved, he was not in a hurry to counterattack, but instead concentrated all his strength for defense, keeping the city from falling. Even if the striker of the Black Legion tried desperately to attack, they couldn't break through the gates of the city.

The battle lasted until the evening ~lightnovelpub.net~ The two supporting armies finally reached the gate of the city where they did not fall, and dispersed the Black Legion. The remaining enemy troops began to withdraw to the west. Obviously, the two armies did not intend to let go of these black monsters, so they pursued thousands of miles on the Plain of Drinking Horses. The army chased and killed the Black Legion on the plain, and finally defeated the Black Legion two days later!

After confirming that Prosius's army had been defeated, Zero and Douglas went to the city without falling. Just outside the city without falling, soldiers and civilians are rushing to repair the damaged city wall or damaged bunker fortifications. When the leader of the reinforcements came, Qin's emperor personally greeted him outside the city gate.

The reinforcements' convoy stopped on the battlefield where the city did not fall, and Ling accompanied Douglas to the city gate. At the gate of the city, seeing the two coming from a distance, Long Hai took the initiative to greet him, and said loudly: "Thank you for coming, friends from a foreign country. If it weren't for you, now, the last city on the mainland behind me might be for those The black chopsticks have fallen."

Douglas and Ling looked at each other with a smile, the former stretched out his hand, shook Long Hai and said: "We have a common enemy, Your Highness. So thank you, don’t mention it again, if possible, we would like to talk to you about this enemy now. Your Highness. , We don’t have much time."

Long Hai nodded and stretched out his big hand in the direction of not falling into the city: "You two will follow me."