War Lord

Chapter 977: Whose future



Through the curtain of time, what I see is that the future of you small races can only dance with the debris of this planet. ..xstxt.. Everything will be ended by me, Prosius!

Whether it is a human soldier, an alien warrior, or even a biological weapon. In the mind of all kinds of intelligent life, Prosius directly poured his will into the creatures of the earth in different languages.

Not only in the Eastern Continent, but also in the other two continents, all beings with wisdom can hear this whisper like a devil.

At this moment, Prosius even overwhelmed the original will of this planet to create such a great deed!

This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the army assembled in the Eastern Continent. The soldiers holding their rifles began to tremble. The weapons in the hands of alien fighters have never been as heavy as this moment, and the command system of biological weapons appeared chaotic for a moment. , The morale of the army fell to the bottom.

Prosius was very satisfied with the result, and did not forget to add a growl that deepened his fear.

At this moment, another voice came in: "There is a beginning, there is an end. Life is like this, so is the universe. Of course we will die, but that is definitely not in the future you see. Because that future is ended. It will be you... Prosius!"

It's zero!

He is the same as Prosius, whose voice echoes in the mind of life. Although Zero can only use his mental power to convey his will to the warriors on the battlefield, he cannot cover the entire planet like Prosius's will. However, for soldiers on board, this is enough.

Because Zero allows them to see that even humans can stand on the same level as Prosius. Even in this position, there are some tricks in it.

Obviously zero incentives played a role, and the soldiers began to calm down. Zero is suspended in mid-air, and all the energy stones in his body are opened, and the power of the twelfth step is fully opened to form a magnificent beam of light that connects the sky and the earth. In the brilliant golden beam of light, from time to time, dots of light powder flowed down, like a miracle.

This action was a big show, but it is undeniable that seeing people in this golden beam of light, the soldiers also saw a glimmer of hope in their eyes.

The world is no longer just a piece of darkness, in the darkness, there are golden flashes!

The knight of Agradis!

Prosius roared, and it looked towards the zero position, the dazzling beam of light burning its eyes. The giant beast opened its mouth and breathed, and a pitch-black flame stretched over a distance of thousands of meters, striking the beam of light frontally. The whole world suddenly left only black and gold. Black flames and golden lights flickered alternately, and two different types of forces collided and clashed.

Distortions in the space continue to occur, even causing partial collapse. There is a huge boulder hanging in everyone's heart. At this moment, the focus of the world is all on the power of the two fronts!

After the black flame burst out, the golden light disappeared. People were pale, with only one thought left in their hearts.

That's it!

However, Zero's voice rang: "Our future will never be a dark void! At this moment, all soldiers who can hear the voice of my will, take your sword and hold your gun... Attack!"

"For our future!"

It was like walking in a dark canyon, suddenly seeing a ray of morning light leaping from the eastern horizon, and instantly there was the power of hope in my heart. People who had already felt desperate, after hearing the voice of Zero, only felt that there was a huge power gushing from the depths of their hearts.

It drives away the darkness! It is going to tear its chest!

Long Hai raised the alloy war blade, exhausted all his strength and shouted, "For the future!"

"for the future!"

With the sound like a tide, in the middle of Longhai's sword swing, countless warriors rushed past Longhai's side, roaring and rushing down the hillside. Looking at it, the mountains and plains of the army are like a wave of anger, quickly flooding the ground, and launching a charge toward Prosius with an indomitable momentum. The roars of the abyss lord Orosem and Beligaoge sounded on the Eternal Mountains, and two violent auras rose into the sky. This time, the aura of the Abyss Lord no longer troubled the low-level weapons, but instead stimulated them to launch an attack.

The Que'an knight swung the epee, clamped the lizard dragon under him, and set off a flood of steel from the other side of the battlefield into the attacking flood peak. The Orgrim giant slapped the armor on his chest with a giant soldier, roared and jumped down the gap in the ridge, slid over a hundred meters of mountain wall, and slammed into the ground like a meteorite. Stand up one by one, dragging the giant soldiers into the battlefield in strides.

The mechas of the Pope's Hall were pushed forward, and the engines of the mechas were running at full speed, providing the mechas with surging power. The Paladins' mechas became the flanks of the battlefield. This steel soldier pointed directly at Prosius. Behind them, there were five tall knights of the round table. As for the sky, it is occupied by Griffin Rider and Sky Angel Mecha.

Not to be outdone, Garcia Flyer and Drake made a roaring sound of breaking through the air, passing the mecha and making a turn in midair, turning to the right side of Prosius. Mobirek and Lord Phoenix rushed directly in the middle, casting shadows of flying by above the ground army.

Prosius was extremely angry.

These low-level crawlers actually took the lead in launching an attack, which is undoubtedly the biggest insult to it. We must know that in its long life, countless civilizations have been destroyed. It is clear that none of these civilizations need it to enter the planet, and they can be erased. But now, it has not only entered the planet, but also let the planet's natives take the lead, which is simply a shame!

Prosius roared and decided to shred the bodies of these reptiles, even if it was intended to do so.

"How are you?"

Zero was panting, and confronting Prosius' power impact was not an easy job. But he survived, and he is more confident in this battle. One basis is that he is still alive. Although he just used all his strength to defend, this was the only time in Zero's life. But he survived, which shows that with Prosius' current strength, it is impossible to erase the life of a Tier 12 powerhouse in an instant.

Prosius is indeed very weak, which is undoubtedly good news for life on the planet.

Douglas came to him and framed him with one hand. Ling Pai patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'm not as weak as this."

Both of them have solved all the Alpha copies of Tier 11, and now, the remaining opponents are only Prosius.

Linggang stood up straight, and there was a continuous explosion in front of him. It turned out that the army had begun to attack Prosius!

The first is the bio-energy beam of Garcia's flying insects, and the dense rain showers on Prosius' body, forming a continuous light curtain. Then the mechas of the Pope’s Hall fired various missiles out, chasing after the flying insects to give a second blow! Mobirek's faint yellow flames followed, creating an orange fire curtain that exploded.

Suddenly, a strong explosion made the earth tremble, and Prosius seemed to be suppressed, and his figure was drowned behind the flames of the explosion. At this time, Phoenix flew above the curtain of fire, and the spider eyes of the Abyss Lord and all the spars in his body lit up at the same time! The fire curtain above Prosius was like being fiddled with by an invisible hand, silently rotating, revealing the basically intact Prosius below.

However, as the fire curtain rotates, the space also twists and rotates, like glass squeezed by invisible pressure. Cracks appeared in the space, and the cracks spread, spreading to an area of ​​hundreds of meters square. Finally, the space is like a broken glass ball, with countless splinters exploded, and from the splinters, the turbulent energy of the space pours out, forming a disorderly cut wave of terror!

Prosius finally suffered substantial damage, and the body of the giant beast tore out the space turbulence. In the wound, a dark mist drifted away. Those are the energy of Prosius, and the floating mist is like its blood. For every point missing, the energy will drop by one point.

"Damn it!" Prosius' roar sounded clearly in Phoenix's mind, and his will was like a ball of paper rubbed hard by his hands, suddenly becoming a mess.

Phoenix wailed, shook his body, and fell diagonally to the battlefield. It fell heavily to the right, rubbed countless flying stones on the ground, and rolled towards the mecha troops in the Pope's Hall, causing considerable chaos.

Prosius opened his mouth and roared, and the faint sound ripples spread out, spreading to hundreds of meters of space in a flash. Within the area covered by the ripples, Garcia's flying insects were silently annihilated, and the Griffon Knights and the empty angels in the Pope’s Hall trembled. It did not explode in the air, splashing out a pile of hot metal fragments; it was losing control, and the engine popped black. The smoke fell from high altitude and exploded fireballs on the ground.

At this time, the ground forces were already close. The remaining tanks and all kinds of chariots suppressed Prosius with firepower, and the human infantry advancing near the chariot picked up machine guns and exploded a dense rain of bullets. With the roar of rocket launchers from time to time, another intensive and fierce offensive was launched against Prosius.

Prosius lowered his head, all eyes on his head lit up. An invisible force field rushed to the human army, and the army's forwards were the first to bear the brunt. Those who were swept by the force field, the tank, and the human body quickly spread a dark gray network. Each grid is as small as millimeters, and when the force field rushes over like water, a soldier rushing in front, his body is frozen in place like a frozen picture.

However, the soldier seemed to feel something, his eyes showed horror, and he looked towards his palm. A particle of dust floated on the palm of the gun holding it, like an insignificant dust debris on the battlefield. However, a gap appeared in the soldier's palm. The gap is only a small point, the size of a needle stick, but its size is the same as the dust!

Pieces of dust floated from the soldier's palm, and the soldier was inexplicably horrified, but could not scream out. That is not dust, but body fragments the same size as the grid! The soldiers are like broken crystals, shattered into powder in a flash. Behind him, the human body and the vehicle were scattered into a pile of fine sand. A circle of death sand immediately rose up on the battlefield, and as the force field spread, it approached the army behind.

At this time, Phoenix on the ground raised his head, and the spider's eyes lit up again. A circle of dark red mesh light curtain suddenly lay across the battlefield, isolating Prosius' invisible force field. The red light net flashed twice, and then it twisted sharply, and finally exploded, forming a violent explosion. Phoenix forcibly distorted Prosius' force field, and was severely injured. Several spars on his chest and shoulders exploded at the same time. The lord screamed, flew out heavily, and fell to the ground with blood flowing!

But Phoenix finally got rid of the annihilation field, which allowed the army to charge again. Prosius sprayed two jets of black mist from his nostrils. It opened his mouth wide, and sprayed a black flame that was as thick as a liquid. The black flame has a high temperature of 3,000 degrees, which is the terrifying temperature of melting iron into juice. . At the end of the flame, the soldiers at the forward ignited spontaneously, and the metal armor of the chariot glowed red.

Seeing that this black flame was about to fall, a tall figure suddenly inserted between the flames and the army. It's Orosem, the lava giant itself has the ability to resist high temperatures. With its back to Black Flame, it blocked this wave of attacks for the human army. The black flame seemed to hit a mountain, rushing away from above and from the left and right. Orosem roared and burst into flames all over his body, forming a shield with his own flames, and lingered with Prosius for a while, but Orosem's red flame suppressed Prosius' breath.

Orosem's rock-like body also began to melt under the attack of the black flame. The giant roared again and again, constantly urging its own energy to resist, but it was always suppressed by Prosius. Fortunately, at this moment, an earth-yellow energy beam blasted across, and the thick, high-energy beam of the bucket blasted Prosius's head, slamming its head, and the pitch black flame could not go down.

Beligaoge joined the battlefield from the right, and all three rows of crystal thorns on the dragon's body lit up, transforming them into powerful energy for use.

The high-energy beam spit out and stopped, and a black shadow suddenly drew in. Beligog caught off guard and gave the shadow a straight face. It was the giant tail of Prosius, with the tail end of the scorpion needle pierced heavily on Beligaoge's body. The dragon's scale armor and skeletal armor were completely useless, and it was easily broken by the scorpion needle of Prosius. , And then took a distance of hundreds of meters and fell heavily to the ground.

There was a terrible wound on his chest, and blood was dripping from the wound. Bergog groaned and couldn't get up for a while. Prosius's scorpion needle was raised again, and it was about to be pierced. Orosem rushed over at this moment, hugged the tail, and threw himself on the ground, firmly suppressing it!

At this time, the Knights of the Round Table in the Pope's Hall were killed, and the firepower of the Knights of the Round Table controlled by the heads of the Black Wing and Yafidi was far higher than the other mechas. The guns and high-frequency swords in the hands of these large mechas can cause substantial damage to Prosius. Under the cover of the firepower of other mechas, the Knights of the Round Table wandered around Prosius to maximize the firepower of the mechas. The beast's body poured out.

Prosius's attention was drawn to these mechas, and the Quean knights slid in from the left flank. Under the accelerated sprint of the lizard dragon under the seat, the Que'an knight swung the epee, often able to cut a shallow mark on Prosius's leg. The impact of one or two knights couldn't cause Prosius to hurt, but there were 20,000 knights in Que'an, and 20,000 cavalry continued to impact like flowing water. Dripping water can still wear rocks, not to mention these biological weapons.

After several back and forth impacts from the knight, Prosius' left forelimb tore a huge wound, and a cloud of ink-like black mist floated out. By this time, the battle was in full swing. The mecha troops of the Biological Legion and the Pope’s Hall ate and succumbed to the left and right sides, while the coalition forces of humans and foreign races rushed in front of Prosius.

As countless bright and colored flames fell on Prosius, those with abilities began to participate in the war. The first to launch the attack was the capable people of the element domain. They were located behind the army, commanded by the powerful men of the element domain such as Berion and Shan, and blasted down a splendid light curtain on Prosius with an echelon attack. Those beautiful light curtains that seem to be shining with colorful flames are an extremely powerful storm of energy.

From time to time, high-level abilities have appeared, like natural disasters, fire and rain, frost nova, or thunder's fury. This makes the elements of the entire space of the battlefield become very chaotic. The fire rain that pulls out the tail of the flames in the sky, the ice crystals with the perfect diamond shape and the blue and purple lightning continue to fall on Prosius' body, causing the impact to make the space. There was a sharp fluctuation in the energy.

Three tyrannical auras suddenly appeared on the battlefield. They were from Su, Franklin and Longhai.

Su initiated a posture of destruction ~lightnovelpub.net~ Milky white flames of war erupted all over his body, stepped on the halo of war intent under his feet, dragging the Titan Epee towards Prosius. Her body is full of energy stones, and with the blessing of her ability and domain, her combat power has reached the tenth-tier peak. It was even a point or two more fierce than the ordinary eleventh-order powerhouse, and it was like a blazing meteor that crashed into Prosius, and she raised her sword and swung it out.

The tip of the sword is like pulling ten thousand tons of sea water, the space is distorted, and it makes a crackling tremolo. The tip of the sword seemed to have passed tens of thousands of light years, and finally landed on one of Prosius's forelimbs. Suddenly, Prosius' body sank a gap silently, and dozens of white light patterns spread from the surroundings. The light patterns flickered and burst, and a large black scale was lifted, and a wound nearly ten meters long and wide was born on Prosius' feet!

Prosius let out an angry and frightened roar, it raised its paw, and it was about to shoot towards Su. Su used almost 70% of his energy in a single hit, suffocating his chest. Suddenly a large shadow appeared on the top of his head, and his face suddenly became pale. The paw came like a mountain peak, and Franklin thrust it sideways. The empty energy stones on the giant's body were exhausted, and Franklin roared, and the khaki energy flames gushing out, constantly rushing upwards.

With one stroke of the giant's hands, he held Prosius's mountain-like claws. There was a dull sound on the battlefield, and a vague force field spread out. The ground under Franklin's feet suddenly had dense cracks, and the cracks spread, leaving a huge cobweb of a hundred meters square on the battlefield!