War of Hiponi

v2 Chapter 78: Blasphemy

Chromie watched Kari lead the people to destroy the launch port of the base door frame little by little, and finally walked in with the team members.

"Shall we go in?" Pique asked hesitantly.

"Go in." Chromie said.

At this time, Chitaki drove the tyrant and rushed over, and walked to the gate of the base to see the shredded behemoth felt his scalp tingling, and the communication channel sounded Chromie's voice at this time.

"Let's go."

They followed Kari and others into the base. After entering the main entrance, they saw an empty area. In the center, a giant human-shaped statue stood in the center. The face of the statue could not be seen, and the long and pleated robes felt very solemn and solemn.

"What statue is this?" Hui Nuo asked curiously.

"The legendary **** who created everything, Archimega Shenhui." Chromie said contemplatively.

(Note: The **** king in the mythology of Archimedes·Shenhui universe. According to legend, he created all things and created all living beings, which is the overlapping belief of most sects)

"The **** king in the fairy tale? The base man here is a believer." Hui Nuo asked suspiciously.

Chromie said in a trembling voice, "It's not faith but blasphemy."

Chitaki was also shocked in his heart and said, "The statue is kneeling, it is indeed blasphemous."

After hearing Chitaki's words with Chromie, Hui Nuo was speechless for a long time in surprise.

On the contrary, Kari and the others looked like they hadn't seen the statue, searching for everything that could be used.

Pique looked at the statue of the **** who bends his knees slightly, and said with difficulty.

"This is the base of evil elements?"

"Evil elements? These bases don't look like evil elements' bases from nowhere. These equipments are the top-notch even if they are now placed. This is the base of the federal government." Kromi took a deep breath and said.

"What dare the people of the federal government do?" Hui Nuo said.

"I don't know, forget about it, we have more important things to do." Chromie said.

Chitaki drove the mecha to constantly patrol the open area. At a glance, he saw that the entire semi-circular open area was empty. There were only passages, at least seventy-two.

Fale Jones said, "A team of five people has explored all the passages. If you find anything, you will come back here to meet."

"Yes." The players on the scene answered one after another.

Chromie said, "We will explore one too."

"Aren't we going to keep up with Kari and them and kill them secretly?" Pique asked.

"No, we have to wait for an opportunity to wait until the aliens have all been disarmed and killed together, otherwise it will not make any sense." Chromie said.

"I feel like I have to keep up with Cary and Fale Jones, maybe the two of them know some secrets of this base," Chitaki said.

"They don't know, you see that the two of them are also separated, which means that they don't understand this base at all. If we ignore their orders and follow them, we will directly be found to be problematic." Chromie explained.

"Okay." Chitaki nodded and said.

"Let's go." Chromie drove the ghost ahead.

Chitaki and others entered a passage nearby and kept walking in. After walking for about five minutes, at a turn, Kromi driving the ghost suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?" Pique asked.

Chromie said, "Don't act rashly."

At this time, Chitaki turned his head to the side of the control tyrant, and saw the passage in front of him. One automatic guardian mech was paralyzed on both sides. At a glance, there were at least a dozen of them.

"These should be completely destroyed, right?" Chitaki asked uncertainly.

"I'm not sure either." Chromie couldn't give an answer either.

"What should I do? Withdraw to change a channel?" Pique said.

"I don't think it should be changed. There is a defensive channel. It is more likely to lead to important areas. Of course, the danger is also high." Chitaki expressed his opinion.

"Chitaki is right. Go over it lightly. If the situation changes, come back." Chromie said.

"Okay." Chitaki and the others responded one after another.

Chromie drove the ghost lightly and walked in the forefront. When passing by the auto-guard mecha paralyzed on both sides, Chromie breathed and did not dare to breathe, but fortunately those auto-guards did not suddenly jump. stand up.

After a few minutes, they successfully passed through this passage, Chitaki breathed a sigh of relief, and they came to an open small hall.

There were a lot of oil paintings hanging around the hall, and Pique said suddenly.


Chitaki and Kromi's newly relaxed heart immediately raised them.

"What's wrong!" Chitaki asked nervously.

"There are so many artworks here, they must be very valuable. The boss waits for me for a few minutes, I will move some." Pique said excitedly.

Chromie controlled the ghost to rush up and kicked directly at the **** of the Pick Mecha.

"Oh, boss, why are you kicking me!" Pique replied with an aggrieved look.

"When is the time, are you still telling me this." Chromie's teeth itchy.

I saw Chitaki drive the tyrannical person walking over, came to the left side wall, opened the cockpit, climbed out a little and reached out to directly remove the luxurious landscape oil painting, and then retreated and closed the cockpit.

Pique's eyes were so wide that the boss hurriedly shouted, "Boss, you see Chitaki has taken it, and I want it too."

Chromie said angrily, "No time, keep exploring."

Hui Nuo suddenly laughed, "Who makes you stupid, if you want to take it, just go and take it down just now, it's out of play now."

"Hey." Pique said dejectedly.

Everyone continued to walk forward, and three passages appeared in front of the hall, which was a bifurcation.

"Which shall we go?" Pique asked.

Cromi thought for a few seconds and said, "Chitaki, which one do you think is best?"

"Middle." Chitaki said without hesitation.

"Then go to the middle." Chromie took the lead and walked into the middle aisle.

The crowd continued to deepen along the passage, and finally encountered obstacles, and a black closed door blocked the way.

"This closed door looks very hard, depending on how I break it." Pique volunteered.

"Wait." Chitaki stopped Pique.

"What's the matter?" Pique looked at Chitaki suspiciously.

"This base is not completely paralyzed. If you directly attack the closed door physically, it may trigger the automatic defense fire system, and then we will be in danger." Chitaki explained.

"Um, fortunately I haven't attacked yet, but what should I do? We can't make it." Pique said with a headache.

Faser said with Ashino's communicator at this time, "Let me try."

"Yes, I almost forgot you." Pique said with a grin.

Hui Nuo opened the cockpit, Faser climbed down, took out a special micro device, walked to the code recognition area on the right side of the closed door, skillfully pried the surface of the closed plate, pulled out the inner circuit, and picked out three from the inside. The line, plunged into the device, began to decipher.