Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 94

The change of the map of the stars and beasts is a rare event. You must know that since the chaos was first opened in ancient times, the sky was opened, the sun and the moon rose into the sky, the stars moved, and the twenty-eight palms of the stars were born one after another. Once, the map of the constellations and beasts has never changed.

When the Nine-Tailed Fox disappeared, it also caused turmoil in the entire fairy world.

The Nine-Tailed Fox is the star beast in charge of the heart, participates in the movement of celestial bodies, and is also the representative beast of the entire fox family in the world. It can be said that it represents the prosperity of the entire group.

Any branch of the star-handling beasts is very important, and serious problems will arise if any one family is missing. The disappearance of the nine-tailed fox family means that all astrology related to the heart can't operate, and the fox family has nowhere to go after ascension. Because of the disappearance of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, the opportunities available to the Fox Clan in the past thousand years have been greatly reduced, and the number of ascensions is pitifully small, and they all temporarily live in other fairylands and are managed by other divine beasts. The situation is very bleak.

Now, more than a thousand years have passed, and the map of the beasts of the constellations has finally changed again, and the pattern of the nine-tailed fox family has returned to its integrity!

Although the color of the nine-tailed fox picture has not been completely restored, the recovery of the pattern is very likely to mean that there is a nine-tailed fox in the world.

This is enough to shake the world!

Almost everyone will hang pictures of the star beasts in the fairy palace, so naturally some people can quickly find out the strangeness. Moreover, each Star Palm God and Beast Fairyland will send messages to each other, and now everyone should know about the 27 Star Palm Wonderlands!

Sure enough, as soon as the female ruler of the Tianma tribe brought up this topic, the gods of the Golden Dog and Golden Dragon tribes also responded one after another.

The golden dog clan said: "I saw it! I was practicing at that time, and the picture of the twenty-eight constellations and beasts was hung on the wall. I watched the ink marks on the picture of the nine-tailed fox disappear little by little, like a dark cloud. The dots seem to be blown away by the wind, and the complete nine-tailed fox appears in the painting, which is really beautiful!"

The Jinlong clan also said: "When the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan was still there, they were famous beauties. It's a pity that today's juniors have never seen it, so they don't believe it. When I saw the Nine-Tailed Fox Resting on the Moon Picture restored , I was also taken aback!"

"Do you think the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan has come back?"

"I don't know, but if they come back, why is there no news at all? Xinsu still hasn't moved, and the color of the nine-tailed fox picture is still the same. If they come back, they can't just say hello."

The gods talked to each other for a while, but couldn't figure it out for a while.

The Golden Dragon Clan paused, and said: "You said that the Kuisu Snow Wolf Clan specially summoned the Twenty Seven Stars to come here. Apart from what was said in the letter, do you also want to talk about this?"

The female monarch of the Tianma clan shook her head: "Not sure."

The queen of the Tianma clan turned her head and asked the **** of the Golden Dog clan: "You Golden Dog clan and Snow Wolf clan have always been close, do you know anything more?"

The dog clan and the wolf clan belong to the same family, and they have similar appearance, temperament and habits. Moreover, the dog clan Lousu and the wolf clan Kuisu belong to the same party, so the relationship is naturally unusual and extremely close.

Among the twenty-eight clans of star beasts, there is not only a pair of snow wolf clan and golden dog clan, but also the jiao clan of Jiaoxiu and the dragon clan of Kangsu. It is said that several bird clans often go out to enjoy flowers and peck together. fruit.

Therefore, when the news was mentioned, everyone naturally looked at the Golden Dog Clan.

However, the Golden Dog clan also shook their heads in embarrassment: "We don't know too well. Although our Snow Wolf clan communicates a lot, the wolf king and wolf queen are not willing to say a lot about this matter."

Everyone chatted in a hurry, but after talking about the Nine-Tailed Fox, they started talking about other things.

The Tianma tribe said: "Speaking of which, have you heard that recently there is a medical fairy who is a disciple of the Xuelian Peak Fairy Shaoyin during the mortal world, and is currently living in the wolf fairyland temporarily?"

"I know this."

The people of the Golden Dog Clan said immediately.

"The wolf king and wolf queen specially invited her back from the outside to let her help cure the cold illness of the young master of the wolf clan, Zi Lan. The medical immortals in our fairyland have also been talking about the Sydney fairy during this time, saying that it was the first time in the mortal world. There is a medical society in the past, although it is a mortal meeting, but the performance of Fairy Sydney is amazing, and the medical immortals are saying that the future is awesome."

Although the palm star gods and beasts cultivated various kinds of fairy arts, it is impossible for every fairyland to be without a fairy doctor. The medical immortals don't know that they only cure diseases, and sometimes they need the advice of the medical immortals for cultivation assistance, diet therapy, and refreshing.

Although the Xinglin Society is a medical conference in the mortal world, many medical immortals in the fairy world also like to watch it. What's more, Xue Li is actually a disciple of Fairy Shaoyin, which is even more sensational. There are frequent exchanges between medical immortals. Immortals spread the word.

During this period of time, the medical immortals were talking about Sydney very hotly, and such rumors naturally spread to the ears of other immortals. Even if everyone didn't know the specific situation, they were somewhat familiar with the name Sydney.

Sydney's reputation spread almost instantly.

The Tianma tribe immediately asked: "Then has she cured Zilan?"

The Golden Dog Clan said: "It's cured, it's completely cured! I heard that there are almost no serious problems, and after a while of cultivation, it will be no different from ordinary people."

As soon as the news about the Golden Dog Clan leaked out, everyone in the car was in an uproar!

It is no secret in Jiuchongtian that the young master of the Snow Wolf Clan suffered from a cold illness since he was a child. Everyone knew what happened back then, and they all lamented what a pity.

Cold illness is a serious condition. Zilan has been suffering from cold since birth, and it is even more difficult for children who are weak. When Zilan grows up a bit, she can see that this child has resilience and is a rare talent. The wolf queen was even injured because of that fierce battle. There is no way to come back for decades.

When Zilan was young, he relied on the wolf king and wolf queen's best efforts, relying on the fairy power of his parents and countless precious fairy herbal decoctions. It is very difficult for such a child to survive to grow up, and it even looks a bit like a hit. It is destined to be so.

Of course, no one would attack the wolf king and queen in person, but in fact, everyone was a little pessimistic about Zilan's prospects in the past. Who would have thought that they could really wait for such a bright future!

When the Dragon Queen of the Golden Dragon Clan heard this, her eyes brightened, and she unconsciously said, "That's really great, that's great."

The Golden Dog Clan looked at the direction of the Dragon Queen friendly, and then said: "You guys went to the Wolf Realm with us so early this time. Apart from meeting the Wolf King and Queen Wolf, you also want to find Fairy Sydney, right?"

The wolf king and wolf queen convened all twenty-seven palm star beasts to discuss matters. This was an important meeting, and there might be important decisions to be made. Of course, not only one person would come to each fairyland.

Almost every clan came with two or three people, some were clan kings with immortal officials, some were couples, but only the Jinlong clan brought an extra child with them.

It was a pale little girl, about seven or eight years old, with a double-ringed bun, a small longevity lock around her neck, and a gold bracelet on one wrist. She looked very well-loved, but also very weak.

The Dragon King and Dragon Queen of the Golden Dragon Clan came. At this time, the little girl was lying on the Dragon Queen's lap uncomfortable, and was protected by the Dragon Queen in her arms.

The other immortal clans could tell at a glance that this was the youngest child of the Dragon King and Dragon Queen of the Golden Dragon Clan. In a sense, it was the little dragon girl that was often talked about in mortal legends.

The Dragon King paused for a moment, then replied: "Not bad."

Legend has it that the Dragon Clan always dotes on their youngest sons and daughters, but in fact they are pretty much the same. The Dragon Clan really loves children. The Dragon King and the Dragon Queen love their little daughter like a treasure, but this child is frail and sickly, and suffers from a strange disease. The dragon family is in charge of Kangsu, and is in charge of wind and rain. It stands to reason that the dragon son cries for thunder and lightning, and the dragon girl cries for torrential rain. But this little dragon girl has cried since she was born, but it has never rained.

This is a very serious matter for the Dragon Clan and concerns the dignity of the Dragon Clan.

Xiaolongnv is fine now that she is young, but if she is still like this when she grows up, she might not be able to gain a foothold in the dragon clan. However, this situation was unprecedented, and the Dragon King and Queen Dragon King searched all over famous doctors but failed to find a solution.

Over the years, they have asked almost all the medical immortals they could ask, but it was the same situation as Zilan back then, except that they could not ask Fairy Shaoyin who had gone down to earth. At this time, I heard that there was a fairy with excellent medical skills, who was the disciple of Fairy Shaoyin, who happened to be in the wolf realm, so the Dragon King and Dragon Queen naturally brought Xiao Longnv here immediately.

Queen Dragon said: "You all know the situation of the little girl. This time, we really brought our daughter here to meet Fairy Xueli."

The Dragon King sighed, and gently stroked his daughter's forehead.

He said: "Not only can she not rain now, but she has also started to have a fever since three years ago. We also heard from the doctor's mouth that the Sydney fairy shined at the Xinglin Conference, although she is still very young. She is young but has excellent medical skills. Because of the Xinglin Society in the mortal world, she is already very famous among the medical immortals. Fairy Shaoyin has not returned for a long time. We have nowhere to go. Now if anyone can save our daughter, he is The benefactor of our dragon clan for generations!"

However, at this time, Xue Li, who didn't know that she had become very famous among other people, was being hugged by Zi Lan.

After Zilan moved Sydney together, she felt a little nervous.

After a while, Zilan felt the little fox that was surrounded by him move several times in its fur.

Recently, because the weather is too cold, the little Nine-Tailed Fox doesn't mind being surrounded by him that much, probably because he has the instinct to keep warm in winter, even in a warm room with a stove, sometimes Sydney is willing to be next to him Go to sleep.

Sure enough, the little nine-tailed fox moaned and chirped for a long time, and finally found a comfortable position by itself, so it didn't move much.

Zilan waited for a while, then approached anxiously, and asked hesitantly, "My letter..."

Xue Li replied to him in Maoli: "I won't return it to you!"

Zilan's face turned even redder. While wrapping the little fox in her arms, she also lay down on the ground, resting her head on the ground.

He asked shyly, "Awwhhhh—?"

Xueli was also listening to the movement outside. Hearing such an inexplicable howl of wolves, she moved in Zilan's arms, tilted her head, and said strangely, "What are you talking about?"

Zilan's ears were very red and hot, drooping slightly, so he had to change into words that Sydney could understand, and said nervously: "I said, do you like me?"

The little fur ball in his arms didn't move for a while.

Zilan's heart was raised high.

After a long time, Zilan heard Xue Li whispered inside: "I like it."

After saying this, the little Nine-Tailed Fox Ball stopped moving again.

However, Zilan, who had been waiting for the answer in fear, was suddenly illuminated by this sentence, and suddenly felt that the scene in front of her was brightened, and her chest relaxed lightly.

He only needs this sentence, and in such a split second, he has already thought about how to customize a complete set of wedding dresses with her and how to decorate the house with her when he gets married with the little Nine-Tailed Fox up.

Of course, if he thinks about it or not, it mainly depends on how the little nine-tailed fox wants to do this marriage, and whether she has any special preferences. If the little nine-tailed fox is willing, they can still hold seven or eight, or seven or eighty. The field is also good.

After they have been married for a thousand years, they can travel around the Nine Heavens again as a celebration, or hold several more weddings.

Zilan's thoughts drifted far away happily, and he had even thought out the details. Knowing that these things were not so fast, he still couldn't help wagging his tail.

Xueli was also embarrassed. She blushed in Zilan's hair, and felt even more shy after saying this, so she unconsciously closed her ears and rolled herself into a tighter fox ball.

Both of their hearts beat unusually fast.

Zilan gently rubbed over, and he was about to go further and ask Sydney if they were a couple now.

However, before he could speak, he heard several knocks on the door from outside the house.

The wolf officer outside the house couldn't knock on the door, so he felt a little confused, but he quickly said politely: "Young master, are you feeling better? Lord Wolf King and Lord Wolf Queen have something to ask you to go with them."