Warm Wedding, CEO Loves Me

Chapter 1877: Love Letter 82

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Master Fengjia has not returned to Fengjia for 24 hours.

Although the second master Feng Xinglang had an account of Mo's housekeeper when he was leaving last night, Mo's housekeeper kept him for one night.

Until today, I didn't see the second master return. And the phone call is not available.

Key Mo's housekeeper called GK Ventures, but was told: President Feng did not go to work all day!

Unable to contact the second master Mo's housekeeper, he told the young master Feng Lixin. After making a few phone calls, Feng Lixin did not find any information about Feng Xinglang.

"Feng Xinglang, where's the boy going?" Xue Luo was still pregnant! "

Feng Lixin complained dissatisfied. I was worried that my baby brother couldn't hold back any woman to play with. If there is another incident similar to the one being followed, the younger daughter-in-law must not be so angry!

But Bai Mo confessed that he hadn't contacted Lango actively in these days!

This family has a pregnant wife and two sons waiting to be fed. Where will Feng Xinglang go? And also turned off the phone!

Is there anything wrong?

Feng Lixin did not go out to look for a family member's wife and children. Instead, he called in Xing Shishi, who had been guarding the family. Such a thing to find someone, I guess Hetun they are more suitable.

"Nonota said, has Xinglang contacted you since last night?"

"No ... but don't worry, my righteous father is already looking for Prince Xing!"

Xing Shishi did not hide. Because Feng Lixin is not an outsider. If Feng Lixin started to look for Prince Xing in a panic, it would inevitably alarm Lin Xueluo during the recuperation. This is why he told Feng Lixin the truth.

"Ah? What happened to Xinglang?"

Originally, Feng Lixin wanted to tell Hetun what he was looking for; he didn't think Hetun was already looking for someone.

"Shh!" Xing Shiji glanced in the direction of the stairs, and then made a hissing gesture, "The righteous father said that Lin Xueluo could not be known. He would find Prince Xing and let Lin Xueluo rest in peace ! "

"Xing Lang is really in trouble?"

Feng Lixin eagerly said, "What's your enemies' father?"

According to Feng Lixin, his brother Feng Xinglang had an accident in three days and two days. As a biological dad, Hetun was really 'contributing'. Failing to bring warmth to his son brought endless disaster!

"My righteous father said he would handle it! Rest assured!"

Xing Shishi didn't want to explain more, which was also explained by Yifu Hetun.

When Feng Lixin wanted to inquire, Lin Nuo was jumping downstairs.

"Uncle! You are also here, my old fourteen, and my dear? Didn't I come back with you?"

"Your dad wants to work overtime ... will be back later!" Xing Shishi casually answered.

"Well, now there are three children who want milk powder. No wonder my dad always works overtime! But my dad asked for it. Who made him greedy for so many children?"

Children's thinking is always so strange. Instead, Xing Shishi's excuse was easily recognized.

"Nono, what about your mum? Will you come down for dinner?"

Feng Lixin then switched the topic. He also didn't want to scare the pregnant brother-in-law.

"My dear national treasure Mummy hasn't woken up yet! When she wakes up, I'll take upstairs to feed Mummy."

When his father is not at home, Lin Nuo, the eldest son, can take care of his mother and brother.

"Well, my family is very good!" Feng Lixin petted the big nephew's head pettingly.


As Cong Gang expected: After receiving the news, Hetun immediately took people to the garbage transfer station in Nancheng. I don't like smell or dirty, I started looking. Monitoring was deployed around the time.

Half an hour later, Xing Laowu brought a high-tech life detector from Repulse Bay and eventually found only a few cats and dogs dying.

"Father, do you say those kidnappers ... are they playing us?"

Xing Twelve always felt that all of this should be a self-directed, self-entertaining and entertaining trick. Because he could tell from that video: Prince Xing's injuries, including bloodstains, seemed to be disguised. Which kidnapper would be so kind? !!

"Dare to play with me ... it's really impatient!"

Hetun hissed, "Let eighteen and nineteen come over! Exception, call Koben back!"

When it comes to Keben, Xing Shiliang is not good. First of all, Keben's skill must be above Xing Shier; when he comes, it means that Xing Shier's identity as the "Boss" in Hetun Yizi will be lost!

"Yifu, that's not necessary! Besides, Coppen took over the business instead of the second brother ... busy!"

Xing Twelve certainly did not want Coben to return to Repulse Bay. As soon as Coburn came back, there was no place for him.

"Is business as important as Arang?"

Hetun whispered, "Shencheng's environment needs to be cleaned up! Even my son in Hetun dares to do it ... I must give them some color to see!"

"I don't think it will be more than tomorrow morning, Prince Xing will definitely go back by himself!"

Xing Twelve was Coppen who really felt that his father did not have to go far in Mexico City.

"Return yourself? What do you mean?" He Tun asked sharply.

"I have identified it carefully: the injuries on Prince Xing's body and the blood on his body ... all in disguise!"

"Pretend? What do you mean? Is it possible that A-lang is teasing my dear?" He Tun became irritable.

"It's really possible! Plus Lin Xue is out of breath!"

Xing Shiliang has a certain degree of judgment; however, his judgment has more or less a personal emotion. The key is that his EQ is not sufficient, so there is some deviation.

"Is there such a joke?"

He Tun snorted. "How do I think this group of people is the same group as the last time Alan was shot ..."

Older gingers are more spicy! Hetun, who calmed down a little, had a sharp rise in judgment.

"Father, why don't you watch that video again!"

Xing Shiliang tried to persuade Hetun, "I really think that Prince Xing he ... just want to make you play!"

He Tun stared at Xing Shiliyi, "Whether it is true or not, I will not take Alan's life to risk it!"


"Nono, hasn't your dad been back yet?"

Snow falling softly inquired about the eldest son who was playing with his younger brother.

"My dad is working overtime! He wants to feed three children and a wife now!"

The little guy is still a bit distressed for his busy dad at work.

"Oh, that's it ..." Xue Luo raised his eyebrows slightly: It seems that her husband was unwilling to tell the truth to the eldest son!

"Mom, do you want to kiss your dad? My son will help you call your dad!"

The mouth was talking because Mommy thought, in fact, the little guy really wanted to be his father.

Unsurprisingly, Feng Xinglang really turned off, and the children of Lin Nuo failed to dial even after dialing several times.

"Daddy shuts down ... I called his office to find Wendy!"

The office call was forwarded to Wendy. "General Manager Feng may be on a business trip. I will contact you after he finishes the work!"

"Have my dad been on a business trip, and one of your secretaries uses‘ may ’?”