Warm Wedding, CEO Loves Me

Chapter 2477: The fox is still old and bad

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Until the afternoon, Lin Xueluo was unable to call her husband Feng Xinglang again.

Because Daddy Fengxinglang's mobile phone has been shut down by Fengzhong!

The number Cong had just given to her could not be dialed.

This old man should be the shopkeeper; this little little dissatisfied ... Lin Xue was so angry that he threw his phone on the coffee table, and was sulking alone. Although doctors said that the imported rabies vaccine would not affect breastfeeding, **** wine discarded the pumped milk. In fact, with her immunity, she was able to feed two children after eight hours, but Jiang Jiu obeyed her mother-in-law's arrangement and waited for two

Fourteen hours later to feed the two little guys.

So, I saw Feng Linnuo holding around crying and humming Xiao Nomi, walking around in the living room.

"Little dumplings are good ... let's take a bite of the bottle, shall we?"

Feng Linnuo took the bottle with the right temperature from Yuezhuang's hand and fed it to her daughter's mouth, but as soon as it was plugged into the little one's mouth, she vomited out. Then he closed his eyes, and cried hard with his voice.

"Okay ... Mimi is good ... Mommy can feed Mimi milk tonight!"

The kind of wailing crying out of breath quickly made Feng Linnuo feel so distressed.

The distressed daughter Jiu Jiu was about to come forward and hugged, but was pulled by her mother-in-law Lin Xueluo.

"It's okay to cry for a while ... let Feng Linnuo hug it!" Lin Xueluo said in a low voice in Jiang Jiu's ear.

Jiang Jiu pursed his lips and nodded docilely. Because she knew what her mother-in-law meant.

"Ginger wine, let your daughter slap!"

Really can't help her crying daughter, Feng Linnuo hugged her daughter to lean against Jiang Jiu.

"Huh? What do you mean? The doctor said that it can't be fed for 24 hours! You should feed your daughter a bottle!"

Lin Xueluo grabbed **** wine and prevented her from coming to control the children.

"I just want **** wine to be a prop ... hey or a bottle!" Feng Linnuo whispered.

"Let me be a prop? Don't you have a pair yourself? You can use your daughter as a prop!"

Jiang Jiu gave Feng Linnuo a glance, then turned and walked toward the baby room.

"Ginger wine ... Ginger wine ... Don't go! I asked you to be a prop for your daughter ... Why are you wronged? If I'm old enough, I will definitely be my daughter!

Feng Linnuo immediately chased after holding Heng Qingqing's daughter. Facing his crying daughter, his face is no longer important.

Watching the young couple become more intimate, Lin Xueluo felt that he should do something.

If he waits for her husband Feng Xinglang to come back to deal with these matters, I don't know when to wait; therefore, Lin Xueluo decides to deal with these matters herself.

"Fourteen, I'm going to cover everyone. Let's talk to Mo butler first."

Based on comprehensive evaluation, everyone in the house is relatively straightforward. As for Feng Lixin, Lin Xueluo could not open up with him directly. More or less have to look at the face of her husband Feng Xinglang.

In fact, Feng Lixin is a person who is humble and kind-hearted.

To say that the two brothers of the family are really fond of the group. Perhaps it was because Fengtuan's mother was Lan Youyou. For this reason, Lin Xueluo, who has been a grandma, can also be relieved.

It's all dead people, what other feelings are there? Laugh at the end, live to the end, that is the king!

"Cousin, should I go with you." Xing Shishi warmly said.

"You still have a few kids, big and small, at home! None of them bother me!"

Lin Xueluo changed out of smart clothes and went out. A few hundred meters away, you can reach it by looking.

As soon as Xue Luo arrived at the gate of Fengyuan's courtyard, he saw Mo butler who trimmed flowers and plants in the courtyard.

He still likes to be busy. Take care of the whole courtyard. The tulips on that flowerbed are seductive.

"Mrs. Second, you are here. Please come in quickly." The housekeeper Mo quickly dropped the tools in his hand and greeted him.

"You're welcome! Lao Mo, you still call me Xueluo! I listen to the warmth in my heart, I feel you treat me as a daughter!" Lin Xueluo said warmly.

"Mrs. Second, you are too good at talking!"

After sighing kindly, Mo butler greeted Xue Luo back to the living room.

At this point, Feng Lixin and his three children were not there. The puppet cat's nest, which had been wounded in the mouth, was sleeping in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Is this cat okay?"

Xue Luo didn't know how to speak, so she started from this puppet cat.

"It's okay, you can eat and sleep!"

Housekeeper Mo brought Xueluo's scented tea to Xueluo. It seems to have guessed the purpose of her visit.

"Well ... my **** wine is afraid of cats and is breastfeeding children. The cat probably smells the milky smell of **** wine and has been arching around her ... it hurts this cat! "

The daughter-in-law smashed the cat, it must have been a little violent; so Lin Xueluo justified the daughter-in-law.

"Some people like cats, and some people don't like cats. This is normal! The cats disturbed **** wine!"

Mo butler said in harmony. In his mind, the two brothers of Fengjia should value peace. It is not possible to hurt the peace of the two because of these trivial matters.

"Originally, it was nothing ..." Lin Xueluo started her highlights. "But Tuan told Bai Yeya about Jiang Jiu's fear of cats! Oh, guess what? Bai Yeya's girl I do n’t know where to get a Bengal cat ... it's the kind of leopard cat that has a strong attack

The hitting type ... Seeing my Xiaonuo and Xiaomi, I took it as a prey ... My **** wine was scratched by the Bengal cat's neck in order to protect two children! I was so distressed that I didn't sleep well all night ... "

"God ... are those two kids okay?" Mo steward asked tightly.

"Fortunately, Jiang Jiusha gave his life to protect two children ... It would be unthinkable for that Bengal cat to catch Xiaonuo and Xiaomi in my house! It would be scary to think about it!"

Lin Xueluo patted his chest in shock, "My **** wine is really a big crime this time! He broke his face, suffered pain, and was vaccinated ... Now I have to stop the two children. milk."

"The two girls, Tuantuan and Buya, are really impulsive for Nono ..."

The housekeeper Mo sighed longly, "Nuo Nuo already has children and wives, and they are still obsessed with this ... oh!"

"Steward Mo, what do you say I should do? The two children, Tuan Tuan and Bu Ya, can't do this kind of intrigue all day and night, right?"

Xue Luo picked the topic of the butler's heart and said, "If a big mistake is made ... the deep feelings of the two brothers in the house will be in crisis!"

"No! When Tuan Tuan comes back, I talk about her!" Mo butler promised.

"You said she ... can it work? That girl can't hear anyone whom Li Xin favors!" Lin Xueluo sighed again.

"In fact, the most important thing to stand out is Feng Linnuo! As long as he no longer thinks about the two girls, Tuantuan and Buya ... in order to really break their fantasies about him!"

Mo butler said sharply.

"Isn't my family Nuo Nuo refused to do so ..." Lin Xueluo meant to protect the calves.

"That's not thorough enough! So ah, this bell needs to be tied to someone ... I talk about the group, you go back to persuade Nono! There are already wives and children, so don't be ambiguous with other girls clear!"

It is said that Mo butler is the deepest old fox in the city. In this way, it is not necessary to offend Lin Xueluo, but also to completely solve the problem. Maybe in his opinion: It's never just a person's fault to have such an emotional problem.