Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 131: condition

The experiment that Zhou invested was not so much for the progress of all mankind, as it was for overcoming a certain weakness in Zhou's genetic inheritance.

The reason why he returned to the island again is likely to have made an important breakthrough in research. It is also possible that his body can no longer allow him to drag on. It is more likely that what new discoveries have been made on the island are tempting. He returned to this abandoned experimental island.

Mr. Zhou's words are half-truths, so that it will be easier to persuade people and use them for him.

Song Qingxiao remembered that when he was in the crocodile lair, Professor Yan and others excitedly talked about the evolution of the huge crocodile that knew how to pretend to be dead. She still clearly remembered the expression of Mr. Zhou at that time. It seems to be emitting a radiant light.

Song Qingxiao didn’t understand that kind of light at the time. At this time, she thought about it, but she understood that that kind of thing is called hope. The life and death of the two trials. If she had a mirror to look at, she would be able to discover that every time she was in the Jedi Survive, that's the look in his eyes.

The evolution of the creatures on the island may have verified one of his guesses. The silver box locked with his wrist is probably not just experimental data as he said, but more likely the result of the experiment.

When he was on the ship, under the impact of the huge beast on the seabed, it was possible that everyone would die at any time. He would rather die than take the box with him.

If he is afraid of the box being smashed and attaches such importance to it, he will not hesitate to hurt his wrist and dare not let it go. In fact, this has already been proved.

The box is filled with his life-saving medicine, which can improve and evolve his genes. There may be only one point, his only chance, and he will treat it like a treasure, and he will not hesitate to pay a lot of money for this.

Song Qingxiao remembered Professor Yan's words again. He mentioned that the crocodile that pretended to be dead had already returned to the ancestors, even surpassing the original genes and evolving to a higher level.

Professor Yan said: Natural selection is competitive.

‘Among a bunch of defective products, there will always be one that stands out. After screening by the environment and various aspects, it becomes the ultimate winner and evolves to a higher level. ’

When he said this passage, Song Qing was cautious, but was quickly interrupted by Professor Yan's next words.

At that time, she used this situation to think of God's trial. In a way, it was very similar to the theory of evolution in Professor Yan's mouth, and she hadn't had time to think of other things.

But at this time, think about it carefully. Every word spoken by the characters in the scene is of extraordinary significance. Maybe the trial space is to give clues to the tester through the words of the characters in the scene.

‘Natural selection, among a bunch of defective products, there will always be one that stands out. After screening by the environment and various aspects, it becomes the ultimate winner and evolves to a higher level. "Professor Yan's words apply to God's trial, and it also applies to this trial.

Assuming that this trial is an evolutionary journey, it is possible that the purpose of the trial is not just to compete with each other among several trialers, and the rules of the game may involve more people.

Trials, bodyguards, workers, and even Mr. Zhou, who is sickly but very likely to master something key, are among the competitors.

What is eliminated is the defective product, and the one who survives will finally stand out and be the only winner!

After peeling the cocoon, the mist was lifted away, and the truth was left in Song Qingxiao's mind. At this moment, she closed her eyes and concealed the desire and ambition in her heart.

"Three years ago, Zhou was inadvertently obtained a photo taken by a satellite and found signs of abnormal activities on the island, which proves that our experiment was not a failure, it may just be in the wrong direction. After adjustments, our current research has been With the results, it can help mankind achieve further breakthroughs and evolution."

Having said that, Mr. Zhou finally got into the topic. He pointed to the used needles and other items that Professor Zhiyan was dealing with:

"Professor Yan gave me the injections before, and you have seen how effective they are. If you are willing to help me, after this is done, in addition to the money I promised, you can also give you a medicine to help you enter the new world. The human ladder!"

He finally said this, and it can be regarded as affirming the first guess of the first and others.

Song Qingxiao is not the only person who doubts what is in Mr. Zhou's box. If Mr. Zhou's research results are as amazing as he himself said, the testers will naturally be moved.

Compared with the money and other things in the trial world, medicines that can enhance personal strength are naturally more valuable.

"Has this thing been verified?"

Wolf Yi was also a little heart-stirring, but still a little hesitant. This medicine, which is still under development, has not been tested in humans, and I don't know if it will have any sequelae.

Mr. Zhou is well versed in the principles of how to persuade people. He knows that under such circumstances, if he can say categorically that there is nothing wrong with this the people present might not believe it, so he laughed:

"No! Such things are extremely rare." Mr. Zhou licked his lips: "Even these are just our theories and have not been confirmed. The reason for entering the island is also because we want to extract part of the evolution on the island. The biological blood of this medicine confirms each other."

He seems to know that since he escaped, he has been holding the silver password box on his hand suspiciously, and he raised his hand calmly and generously:

"Qing Zhou's full strength, there are only ten, which happened to be placed in this box of mine." He hooked the corner of his mouth and watched Lang Yi's gaze change. At that moment, the bodyguard leader subconsciously swallowed his saliva. With a hint of greed, Mr. Zhou twitched his mouth:

"This box is made of special materials, and the password is here. No one can open it except me. If violence is to be used, eventually this box may become a bomb and destroy the contents.

Mr. Zhou's words are probably half of the truth and half of the false. Only seven points of true and three points of false will make people believe.

Song Qingxiao believes in what he said about the scarce research results, Mr. Zhou's attention to the box all the way, and also believes that the medicine that can change human genes is contained in the box locked beside him. She also believes what Mr. Zhou said. Regarding the password of the box, she only did not believe what Mr. Zhou said, there were ten medicines.

No. One and the others could not see the true inner thoughts on their faces, but at least on the surface, everyone believed Mr. Zhou's words.

After reaching a consensus again, the trialists cooperated much more.

This group of white ants was originally the target of the testers. After Mr. Zhou persuaded a few people, the six began to prepare to eliminate these white ants.