Way of Choices

Chapter 681: Death

That inexplicable world has its own rules of operation, rigid, monotonous, and repetitive, even if some unexpected plots occasionally appear, but if you look deeper, it is still a copy of those old things, whether under the sun or under the stars There is nothing new in it. The conspiracy and betrayal are full of disgusting and rotten taste.

Young people who are still full of expectation and hope for this world, still have the courage to look directly at the darkness in the sun, and look up to the morals in the stars, cannot naturally have any good feelings for such a world, such as Tang 36, but in Wenshui Tang In the eyes of the second man who likes to laugh silently, in the eyes of the old people in the Tianhai family, in the eyes of Zhou Tong, the young people's ideas are always so childish and ridiculous.

Life can't be a house wine-Chen Changsheng can even think of how many similar words Tang Sanshi will hear from his journey back to Wenshui from Kyoto. He can also imagine that at this time Xu Shiji, who was full of face and integrity, in Dong Yu Shen Jiang Mansion, after the full table dishes were removed, he would say to his wife Zhen Zhen that his father did anything for the purpose of Daughter, if it wasn't for me to take the initiative and turn the tide, after the death of the Queen Mother, do you think she can still sit down in the position of the Holy Lady?

The stars were slightly scattered, and the night was getting thicker. Suddenly there was some disturbance in front of the National College of Education. Then Su Moyu hurried to the lake and told him the news.

The news of Xue Old Town was indeed shocking, and Chen Changsheng was silent for a long time.

The demon is dead, which is an excellent thing for him. In Zhouyuan, he and Xu Yourong were almost killed by Nanke several times. He didn’t have any affection for the devil princess who had a wide eye distance, just Thinking of your life-and-death opponent, in this magnificent change, it disappears like a splash of water, and it is inevitable that it will be a bit worried.

"Leave Kyoto, this is the best choice." Su Moyu said to him.

Chen Changsheng understood what he meant.

The death of the devil, the internal strife of the demon race, let the business boat that arranged all of them climbed onto the altar, and no one would have the courage to resist him before the memory of humans has completely faded.

Today, His Majesty the Pope has protected him and the State College with an extremely tough attitude, and he can only maintain a balance of power.

But as His Majesty the Pope said, he is old and about to die. If that day really comes, how should Chen Changsheng face that person?

That man will become the **** of the entire continent, and his teacher.

Chen Changsheng was silent again for a long time.

He did want to leave Kyoto, sitting in the library building during this time, he tried to pack his luggage several times, but eventually gave up.

He knew he could not leave because that person would not allow him to leave his sight unless he died.

The others also knew this, so he was quietly his emperor in the palace.

Chen Changsheng silently waited for the passage of time at the National College of Education.

They are the people in the world who know the business boat best, even better than His Majesty the Pope.

Although the teacher in their mind was just an ordinary Taoist, now he is a Taoist.

But whether they are ordinary Taoists or the supreme Dao Zun, they are their masters.



On the fourth day after the change of the Tianshuling, another shocking news came from Hanshan.

The old man of Tianji died peacefully in a hut by Tianchi.

The old man of the eight directions, the old man of the same age as the Pope and the merchant, failed to survive the time and the pain, and the soul returned to Xinghai.

After being shaken by this news for a moment, Kyoto entered the orderly chaos again.

The reason for chaos is because there are dead people everywhere, and they are copying their homes. The reason why they are orderly is because all this is carried out under the strong control of the court. Regardless of the scope and intensity, they are all in a majority. Can bear it, and it will not cause the public to feel too much disgust.

The ministers of the Tianhai dynasty died a little, and most of them were released into prison, and most of them have been released. Only a few diehards are still struggling, or they can carry out the execution after the autumn.

Or because Chen Guansong was burned alive by the Tianfeng Sheng after the Tianfeng Shenghuo, and his true identity was revealed and left Kyoto, the Great Zhou Dynasty could not find a famous general with sufficient qualifications to press the battle, and there were fierce battles in the military prefectures of Zhuzhou The fighting took place, so the military cleansing had to be much colder and more violent.

The rebellion in Xue Old Town killed seven demons. Eight great gods have already died in the Great Zhou Dynasty. A few gods will be discouraged and will return to the field. The most frightening thing is that, according to the will in the palace, the bodies of General Xue Xingchuan and the generals loyal to the Queen of Heaven and Sea in the Yulin Army are still abandoned by the official road outside the city and they are not allowed to enter the soil. .

As everyone knows, Xue Xingchuan and Tianmao God will be the most loyal subordinates of the left arm and right arm of the Queen of Heavenly Sea.

The body of the **** of heaven hammer has been turned into blue smoke, and returned to heaven with the queen of the sea. Xue Xingchuan couldn't get the same treatment.

Not to mention that Xue Xingchuan had fought against the demon army in the northern military office, and once made great contributions to the Great Zhou Dynasty. Even if he was just an ordinary general, why should he suffer such humiliation after his death?

Many people think this is wrong, but they dare not oppose it, because this is the will from the imperial palace, and people know that this is a strong response to some rumors in Kyoto by some big figures.

In that rumor, Xue Xingchuan died under Zhou Tong's conspiracy.

After Zhou Tong betrayed Tianhai Sheng, he also betrayed his only friend.

People's hatred and shame for Zhou Tong reached a new height as the rumors spread.

At this time, the will in the palace came out, and Xue Xingchuan and the generals of Yulin were exposed.

Those big figures want to tell all people through such a ruthless display, as long as they are willing to cut with the Heavenly Queen, they will get their generosity and the strongest protection, they will not hesitate to use this way of humiliating the dead, To show their will, to support Zhou Tong.

There has been a saying in the mainland that if Zhou Tong died, there was only one person to collect his corpse. The name of that person was Xue Xingchuan.

Now Xue Xingchuan is dead, in Zhou Tong's hands, but because of Zhou Tong's sake, there is no place to die.

This is very chilling, many people are angry, but the whole Kyoto is still silent.

Probably because of the death of the old man of Tianji, which reminded the world of the majesty of the Pope that night, the Tianshuling's change, he was also old and about to die.

If His Majesty the Pope is dead, then who can bear the Dao Zun's anger?

Someone can bear it, or the question of whether she can even bear it, because she is Xue Xingchuan's wife.

In the early morning, Mrs. Xue walked out of the city gate for the fourth time.

She came to the official road and looked at the bodies of the deceased people who were randomly placed on the ground beside the road, still unable to distinguish which one was her husband.

Then she looked at the head of the criminal department in charge of the guard and said, "Hello, I want to replace her husband..."

Her face was pale, her expression was tired and her lips were dry, but her expression was still calm and she had a sense of awe.

The head of the criminal department didn't let her finish.

A whip with a crisp whip!

Mrs. Xue's skirt was torn apart.

Perhaps it was because she was shocked by Mrs. Xue’s calmness and awe-inspiring intention, and she felt a little embarrassed. The voice of the chief of the punishment department was a little sharp, making it hard to hear the extreme.

"Xue Xingchuan followed the demon and retroactively committed a crime of treason, exposed his body for ten days, and then fed the dog!"

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