We Villains Put Invincibility on Our Faces

Chapter 338

Napier ripped off his collar and wrapped his tie around his palm. "Bat, are you with me!"

If there is a choice, Batman himself doesn't want to risk this kind of danger, but just like Napier's reason, Alfred may also be on top, and he needs to go up anyway.

"Go, take advantage of them to fight!"

Naturally, Batman and Napier didn't know why the Red Soldiers fought with Mud Face in the beginning, but it was a good thing for them. But also because of the battle between Alfred and Mudface, the two of them did not dare to stride upwards. Although the buildings here were only built for research on freezing technology, the buildings have exceeded their service life for a long time. How sturdy, it can be seen from the platform that was smashed by Alfred just now, and the battle below has been fought like demolition, and the possibility of the entire building collapsed in this way.

On the bright side, if the building collapses, the cannon itself will not fire, and they don’t have to grab the console. On the bad side, if they run halfway like this, the building will collapse by these two guys. , An unequipped Batman and Napier, how do they escape?

"Don't think about it, sullen your head, it's useless to watch them fight." Batman's voice is still low, but there is an emotion called anxiety in it. Napier nodded violently, and ran with Batman. stand up.

In the deepest part of the ground, Alfred broke a street lamp. The people who built this place lost their money. I don’t know how these street lamps were brought in, but this does not prevent Alfred from using it as a weapon and pushing it hard. Mud face body.

"Lei Xiaogu whipped!"

I don’t know why he called out the name of such a strange move. Krieger swears that this move was not what he told Alfred. If it were he would be called Poison Ivy Flog...

At this moment, Krieger has torn up his script several times. The intrusion of Mudface is an accident. He has decided to act as a boss, but since there is Mudface and this backer, he doesn't need to appear on his own. If if, then use the identity of a superhero to come on stage and brush up a wave of prestige in Gotham.

So Krieger chose to observe in secret. After confirming that Batman and Napier had walked halfway, Krieger gave an order to Alfred, "Come on, Afu."

"General Zod, first of all, I am not called Ah Fu, and secondly, this is no longer a question I can't let go of!"

Alfred said to Krieg angrily that General Zod’s evil taste made him uncomfortable. What’s more uncomfortable was that the mind link was one-way. General Zod could call him at any time, but he could only wait for Zod. The general's contact.

As Alfred said, the mud face already occupies the entire bottom layer. I don’t know why he is so big. The spread body stretches for several kilometers. The ground is full of rotten clay, and the mud face’s commands are slow. Rising.

So this thing is outrageous. When Krieger read the comics, he felt that the mud face had genes in his body that he used to be a human, and the setting that he would die as the genes died was strange. It was not that the Fantastic Four could change back. Human, pure clay has no blood at all, where's the gene. Now that he becomes big, his reaction is slow, and it conforms to the laws of nerve transmission. This guy is obviously clay, does he have to point to clay and use human biology?

"Don't be afraid, your young master is about to get to the console. I'll go to the city center and wait for the cannon to fire." When contacting Alfred, Krieger had torn the ground and flew towards the aiming position of the muzzle. go with.

"Wait, General Zod! What about Master and Napier!"

Alfred asked eagerly, but Krieger got only a sure answer, "Don't worry, they are Batman and the Joker, no matter what, they will always have a way."

Why do you have more confidence in them than I do! Alfred was holding the street lamp, watching the mud-faced body swallowing half of the light pole in one swallow, and he ran towards the highest point of the platform. Ever? !

On the console, Napier saw Harley Quinn who had fainted on the ground for the first time. He ran over like a stray dog, and called Harley, even Batman. Also moved by the sincere feelings between them, he took Napier's collar and asked him to concentrate on controlling the frozen cannon.

"The cannon is aimed at the city center." On the control platform that kept trembling slightly, Napier kept tapping the keyboard. "We can't change the target point. It takes more than three minutes to wait for the muzzle to move to the no-man's land. I guess we didn’t even have half a minute."

Batman is staring at the mud face at the moment. As Napier said, this amorphous monster is constantly devouring the platform. Batman really wants to ask, Napier, how did you turn a tall mud face into this It was huge, it was a miracle, but he also knew that this was not the time to quarrel.

"You are more familiar with Frozen Cannon than I am, I suggest it!"

"Adjust to the port", Napier replied very skillfully, "The port itself is the place I originally planned to attack. The parameters here are still there. There are no civilians in the current port, and there may be police fighting, but the number is very small. They have already taken it, I guess Batman will watch them die, right?"

"The harm of the two phases is the lesser."

"It's not like what Batman should say!" Napier's grin was big. This is really black humor. He most hopes that when Batman is down, Batman will live like a saint, and when he least wants bats When Xia fell, this guy was filled with anger and dark thoughts in his heart. Although Napier thought a lot, his hands didn't stop, the frozen cannon shivered more than the mud-faced crawling, and the muzzle moved unusually slowly.

The sound of metal cracking and building explosions continued to come, but there was no sound of falling, because the mud face stuffed all the **** into his body, and the clay body had become a murder weapon, with all kinds of metal on it. Watching Batman is a little dizzy, if he is covered in mud face, he will turn into a hedgehog before suffocating.

"Bat, you have to learn to control this thing. Mud face has a grudge against me. Only I can control where he moves!"

In the last half minute, Napier quickly showed how to fire, and then ran towards the edge of the control platform, but his movements were still a little slower, the mud-faced body had spread from all directions, dark clay A big distorted face appeared on the screen, "Nei! Pei! Er!"

The mud face roared, his body being crushed into sand is unbearable pain, but the more disgusting is still to come, because the mental controller needs a living mud face as a receiver, so the mud face is being different When the super villain swallowed it, he had his own feelings. Once he recovered his sobriety, this disgusting memory would immediately turn into the gray layer and kill Napier.

"You have to pay for your actions. Become a part of me now!" The mud face was obviously out of control, Napier snorted, and finally took a look at Hallie who hadn't thought of coming, and immediately ran towards the muzzle.

"Mudface, do you think you can catch me?!"

Napier screamed as he ran. The mud-faced attention was really attracted by him, but Napier was very embarrassed by his unexplainable size. In the end, he could only grab a wire hanging from the ceiling and head towards the top of the space. Climb as much as possible.

No matter how big the mudface becomes, he will have a core, that is the existence of the mudface body, as long as the body is frozen, then it depends on how Batman contains it. In this regard, Napier is very confident in Batman.

My life is up to you, bat!

It was strange. Krieger, who was tens of kilometers away from the cannon, was very confused. He had been watching everything happening in the underground space. What puzzled him most was Napier's mental state. Although the inner thoughts are inevitably dark, the will is indeed amazingly pure and strong, but Napier's will is strong, and the clown's personality seems to have completely disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

Didn’t you say that there must be a clown? Krieger touched his index finger, but the clown never appeared in the movie after the death of the double-faced man. Maybe there is no such weird setting in the movie.

When Krieger was puzzled, Napier's situation had reached the most dangerous moment, and there was no way out here. How could Napier's rise faster than the mudface with his own arm strength! The mud face grabbed his ankle directly, and the metal shards inside immediately shredded the wrapped part. The adjustment of the cannon took another minute, but Napier couldn't hold it for ten seconds!

"Hey, what are you looking at!"

Just when the face of Mud Face was magnified countless times and showed a creepy smile, Batman untied Halle's rope, and threw the chair that was tied to Harry at the Mud Face. The mud face was covered by the chair. Smashed in the face, those eyes that flowed like mud immediately looked at Batman, but Napier’s hatred value was too great. In addition to Batman’s behavior, he was also attacked by the surging clay. It was only delayed for a few seconds.

It’s too late, whether it’s Napier or Batman. Although they are not desperate, they are sensibly told that this is the end. The mud face is eating Napier’s thighs, and Batman is also pulled away from the console. This is no longer possible. The question of delaying time is now, the question now is, who will press the console?

According to urban legends, when Batman is powerless, the perfect human butler will appear. In Batman’s shocked eyes, Alfred jumped over a distance of ten meters, barely coincident with the mud face at the muzzle. At that time, he stepped on the switch to the bottom!

"Superman stomped!"

Pressing the switch, Alfred rushed to the sky with the help of reaction force. One hand threw out the deformed iron sheet to cut off Napier’s thigh and also cut off the link between the mudface and Napier. The other hand grabbed Napier’s. Body, drag him down!

The electric circle behind the Frozen Cannon just emitted an electric spark, and the mud face's reaction only moved a negligible distance, and then the huge body turned into pure blue in the freezing!

When it was successful, Alfred let out a sigh. He didn't know that he could actually do this. It seems that General Zord's instructions are still useful. He didn't know when he had such disrespectful thoughts.

Batman didn’t have time to ask why the enemy helped them. He slammed into the monitor on the console. He didn’t know where the frozen cannon was hit. The people in Gotham City... and then Batman fell completely. The sluggishness.

There was a floating figure there, obviously just a vague influence, but he was so attracted to the eyes, as it should be.

That is the difference in the essence of life.

In downtown Gotham, Krieger clenched his fist and slammed it backwards. The trees and flames of the entire block were dumping at him. The invisible biological force field restricted the range of all output. The light of the frozen cannon hit him at the speed of light. In front of Krieger, he also slammed into the biological force field. Krieger just instinctively raised his hand, and the invisible air-conditioning was hit by him vertically to the sky. All buildings in Gotham City above fifteen stories froze instantly. !

The city in the riots and flames was suddenly quiet for a moment. The mobs in the low temperature shivered collectively, and then they subconsciously looked at the sky and at the guy who withdrew their fists.

Is that a superpower?

Or a god?

Chapter 502

Frozen air-conditioning floated into the sky. The sky, which itself was not clear, was full of clouds and clouds. Because the water vapor condensed in the clouds formed icy edges, the dark sky itself was actually brightened by the cold and faint reflections. Therefore, the shadows of the sky gathered all eyes.

Gentle light shot from Krieger’s back, and the luminous mother box surrounded him. Krieger’s appearance was almost equal to the existence on the church fresco. Even if he couldn’t see his appearance, there was no doubt that the water was in deep water. The citizens of Gotham City among them, they saw the angel in the Bible story come out.

This is a miracle!

The crowd hiding in the chaos firmly believed that they hypnotized themselves, and fear forced them to regard Krieger as a real angel.

Even Sheriff Gordon in the battle opened his mouth wide in surprise due to the sudden increase in brightness. The smoke from the flames of the city took advantage of it. Gordon was smoked with tears and snot flowing out, but Krieger's figure Has been firmly remembered by him.

These people are so fragile, and the crime of this city is so insignificant.