We Villains Put Invincibility on Our Faces

Chapter 411

Iron Man’s proposal made Mom feel something wrong with Fakerman. He repeatedly asked what you were going to do, but Tony just thought for a while and directly stated that I paid for the rebuilding of the SHIELD aircraft carrier, and even he directly paid three times the cost of rebuilding the aircraft carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D. The price, since the price is right, Ma's Fakxia will not sink to the bottom of the sea with the mothership, he can probably guess what Tony is going to do.

"Just think your weapon that freezes the seaside can still be useful? If it is useful, then what is the principle of that weapon?"

"It's just a new element that hasn't been discovered, and it has never been announced to the outside world. It can create powerful pressure out of thin air, such as flattening the sea."

"In other words, this is something that can transmit power without time difference without deadline, right?" Iron Man licked his lower lip in the helmet, he knew that this weapon is not that simple, and this thing can actually squeeze now. Nothingness means that this element can also bring nothingness to other places.

"Director Fury, I have an idea. You drag him to the nearest island. I have marked the location for you. It is less than 20km away. The sky aircraft carrier can reach it in about a minute. ."

"Then you created an explosion on it, didn't you?!"

Fury didn't answer him angrily. Iron Man confirmed Fury's thoughts on the spot. He had long seen the S.H.I.E.L.D. Sky Mothership not pleasing to his eyes. He couldn't touch so many good things. He couldn't touch him. Don't think about it, if he has this opportunity to avenge his personal revenge, of course he will retaliate. As for what money is, in Tony's world view, money is something that is inexhaustible, something he will never lack as long as he wants it.

His superpowers are also rich!

No matter how reluctant Fury is, the condition of the spacecraft can no longer support too much wrangling. The Iron Legion has no time to go to the main entrance, cutting the weak position of the Sky Mothership directly from the side, and moving the important things out of it, some top secret. The lab stuff can't be moved away, so they have to disappear with the subsequent explosion.

After assessing the level of danger, Fury and the remaining staff set the parameters of the gravitational onium and determined that they could drag the emptiness to the remote island. They also left the spacecraft under the **** of the Iron Army. The spacecraft is now fully connected to external operations. Under Tony's guidance, the big head of Void rushed down, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier silently overloaded it. Even if the Sky Mothership has no weapons, the huge nuclear power cores all around are the best weapons!

If Iron Man would have scruples in the center of New York, he would have no scruples on the deserted island where no one was there, and he believed that Fury would settle the matter afterwards.

The nuclear-powered S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier slammed into the face of nothingness under his grasp.

Tony didn’t hesitate at all, the huge spaceship whizzed down from the sky, and the nihility had weakened to the point where it was unavoidable. He only watched the spaceship hit his face. It didn’t even have the power to move the bullets, but at this time the greater damage had just happened It burst out, and the bright flame ignited the entire sky. Even at the highest time of the sun, the nuclear-powered flying shovel of the nuclear explosion was much more dazzling than the sun, directly and completely suppressing the brilliance of the sun in the sky! Void felt the pain of being burned in it, it struggled, and the black-red tentacles spread wantonly, but it was evaporated before it spread. Void collapsed to the ground, and its black-red body quickly faded away.

Massive water mist rose up into the sky, leaving only the thin Reynolds on the ground falling to the ground. His body was no longer regaining his original muscles. His energy had been exhausted. Krieger did not cut off the supply of subspace to him, just Reynolds could not receive more energy.

Faced with the landing Iron Man, Reynolds burst into tears in his eyes, he begged to kill him completely, he no longer wanted to become nothingness.

In fact, at this time, it doesn’t matter who does it. Reynolds can no longer survive. Death is already doomed. Tony withdrew from the armor and held his dry palm in Reynolds’s tears. When he thought about how to comfort him, Reynolds closed his eyes, the cells all over his body decomposed and shattered, leaving only a thin cloud of smoke disappearing on the ground.

Tony was silent for a while, but the superhero’s battle loss rate is so high that no one can guarantee what will happen tomorrow.

The superhero sentry disappeared. Tony and the others explained the situation. After a while, everyone still had to deal with the massive reports filled out because of the nuclear explosion. Time is always so merciless and can only continue to look forward.

But not long after Tony left, Reynolds reappeared in a shining golden light, first beating his heart, and then his bones and blood vessels began to weave, and Reynolds was reborn here. At the moment of death, he understood what kind of power he had, which was the ability to control molecules.

The ability to reorganize molecules made him come back with difficulty. The first time he appeared was a thin body. After only a few minutes, he fell to the ground and convulsed, but it quickly shattered, and the re-composed particles extracted the power of the subspace. After struggling several times, that powerful sentry returned again!

But instead of returning to his city, he fell to the ground and gasped. Reynolds no longer needs the sentinel serum to use the power of subspace. The recombined molecules can make his body continuously produce similar ones. Structure, he is the champion elected by the subspace.

Krieger was searching for the clues he wanted on Star Eagle. After hearing the sentinel's soul recalling in the subspace, he just smiled, and then continued to immerse himself in the diffusion.

Three days have passed since the sentinel "dead". Reynolds is finally mentally prepared to return to New York to continue to be his good hero, and he has already imagined that he wants to surprise those he knows. .

Just as he was about to take off, Reynolds heard an unusual sound, the sound of a large machine operating.

New York today ushered in the day of nuclear peace.

The cars on the street blared their horns frantically, and more people have already abandoned their cars and ran in panic on the street. No matter what occupation they were, they came out of the office building and ran far away frantically, and more and more. The more violent air currents blew the smaller vehicles and ran around.

Banner stayed with Tony all the time. They browsed the museum with Little Spider. The three people discovered the anomaly for the first time. After they ran outside, they hadn’t waited for them to go far, so they opened a teleportation directly beside them. Gate. In Tony's surprised eyes, Master Strange finally ushered in his chance to play. He took the three of them through the portal to explain the story of Infinite Gems in the Sanctuary of New York.

"So mage, what do you mean by the power of this infinite gem?" Tony looked at Banner, who also looked innocent, but Tony clearly saw that this guy was not surprised when Strange appeared. .

Strange smiled slightly, crossed his four fingers on his chest, and the eyes of Agomoto opened automatically, and the green stone in it slowly floated.

"This is the gem of time. Thanos has obtained other infinite gems, and now there are only three left in his hands. The time gems on my body, the soul gems in my vision, the space gems I don’t know where, and the last If Thanos gets all the infinite gems, the universe will usher in extinction. This brutal ruler only wants to rule a lifeless territory, and no one can escape from death."

"Wait", Tony stretched out his hand to interrupt the mage's words. He found the slot in Strange's explanation, "Why is he killing everyone? To rule a lifeless territory, is this guy's brain okay? ?"

Strange waved his hand to draw a new picture, "The legendary Thanos and the supreme god, the final destination of all life-death in love, in order to pursue this goddess, he decided to kill all the lives in this universe to please her. "

"You mean, there is actually a love story behind this." Tony wears black-rimmed glasses and shook his head slightly. Why doesn't this guy named Thanos understand the truth that he can't die by licking the dog?

Strange couldn't understand either, but Thanos was a powerful lunatic, he could feel what was in the mind of this Iron Man, and because of this, they collectively shook their heads.

"Although Thanos' behavior is stupid, no one can ignore his existence. The last person of the Titan star may be the only powerful enemy we encounter during this time and in the future!"

"Is this wind created by Thanos?" Little Spider posed a crucial question.

"His arrival may also be the arrival of his five generals. I am not sure. The only certainty is that this means that they are coming to earth to grab the gem of time."

"Mr. Master, you'd better hide the gem of time in your chest."

"I think so too, but I think it might still be useful." Strange raised his eyebrows, and amid the loud noise from the sky, they all raised their heads. From the top of their heads, the unique sweetness The circle spacecraft is slowly descending.

"I have started to automatically evacuate people on the street," Tony pressed his eyes, the spacecraft was still descending, and Friday was mobilizing more armor.

Mage Strange was not idle, and had already started his simple spellcasting process, prompting the spacecraft to stop in mid-air.

There was no diplomatic rhetoric or ultimatum. The so-called spaceship quickly projected five blue lights, and Hei Yaowu all landed. Krieger took away the space gems, and soul gems needed to gather other infinite gems. Coincidentally, , The gems of mind and time are on the earth, Thanos no longer needs to run around.

Iron Man turned his head and nodded the number of people, and found that the two wizards, himself and Banner Spider-Man, together were exactly five. He turned his head and smiled, then looked at the strange-looking group of aliens, and didn’t know. Whoever prescribes it, they are all humanoids.

"The earth is closed today!"

Chapter 594

In the comics, the strength of the Five Obsidians (General Dead Blade, Proxima Centauri, Ebony Maw, Supergiant, Black Dwarf) is very abnormal.

The boss of the Obsidian Five Generals, Dead Blade General, was once so powerful that one person carried the entire X-Men in the comic "Infinite Warfare" incident. Compared with the movie version, he was inexplicably visualized and stunned from behind, even It was when Vision and Crimson Witch were stunned that they couldn't beat the Black Widow and the US team, and the gap was obvious.

You should know that the setting of General Dead Blade in the comics is that as long as the sword continues, General Dead Blade will not really die. This is also cut off by the shadow version. Not to mention that General Dead Blade has temporarily overthrown Thanos in the comics.

The superstars that did not appear in the movie are actually very scary characters in the comics. It is also a master of mind control. The superstar's ability was once as powerful as Omega-level characters, and down to beings such as Inhumans. As long as the superstar wants to control it.

In Marvel’s original setting, there is a huge gap between the combat power of the Obsidian Five and the Fulian and others in the film version. According to the combat power of the film version of the earth, it is impossible to reverse it. Obsidian five generals. If you follow the strength of the comics, the earth battlefield can hardly last long.

It is even more impossible to find infinite gems on another timeline through time. Normal Thanos can also fight against the heroes on the earth. In addition to the battle for the Supreme Master, Master Strange can contend against it. , Other people go up basically for nothing, the sentry can easily kill the envoy of the star swallowing or the existence of Ares, the **** of war, but the invincible star swallowing may not be able to one-on-one with Thanos.

If Captain Marvel is the superhero with **** and cocked butts in the comics, this **** feminist who has not had a quick fist in his head, may be able to mediate a few of them with Hei Yaowu, but ask her to fight five of them one by one. It was too embarrassing to surprise the captain.

Although the combat effectiveness of the various characters is only based on the needs of the screenwriters at the time, and there are also personal publications such as the strange existence of finding a character to burst the universe, but since the creation of Thanos, he has been the ultimate boss or the second boss. The image even came up with Thanos who completely swallowed an entire universe, the Thanos in the future, and the real man Thanos who killed the dead. And Thanos who was eaten by the Hulk, the Emperor Thanos who swallowed the stars in seconds, a variety of messy hodgepodge packages.

Mage Strange was defeated almost immediately in a battle, not to mention the king. His magic can only be reflected in the use of space gates, while Mage Strange is more embodied in the high-end Using it, there is no such simple way in this world to use a space gate to cut off the operation of the opponent's body. The enemy controls the Dark Order to continuously conquer the universe. Both magic resistance and physical resistance are full, and the two wizards are almost ebony throats. Unilaterally suppressed, this alien who looks more like a wizard than Strange raises his hand quickly, and his mental power is higher than that of Strange. For a duel with a wizard whose spiritual power can determine the level of spell casting, at the beginning I lost my suspense.

The little spider is still in good condition. Of course it’s quite powerful on Earth, but it’s useless to face alien battlefields. He has only one person, and his role is not as useful as the Steel Armor Group. At least they can rush to blew up without worrying about it. What are the consequences, after all, the little spider is a physical body, because it is normal to get injured in the fierce battle. The opponent is always a weapon made by a neutron star, and how many sharp blades made of curses have been assembled. Spider induction can help him avoid fatal injuries, but Counterattack is a fantasy.

Hulk got up with perseverance. The attack on the opposite side made him extremely angry, and he did not exceed Hulk's ability to withstand it. He was the only one who harassed each other back and forth. The entire block was covered by flames and gravel, although he did not. What kind of mental resistance, but Hulk does not need to think, just know who the enemy is and where they are, and then throw a fist!

Excluding those plots that are not outrageous, most of the time the one who deals with Thanos is either the warlock Adam or the cosmic powerhouse. In the middle and late stages of the Infinity Gloves plot, the cosmic gods are basically the ones who appear on the scene. The fighting ability of the earth is really irresistible . Loki has not yet come to Earth at this moment, Sol has not obtained his own plug-in, and Krieger has no intention to involve the Guardians of the Galaxy, not to mention Xingjue, a messenger who is like a mortal with the body of a god, even if the others add up It’s also the same as food delivery. It’s okay if Drax is the super powerhouse created for Thanos based on the settings of the comics. The current Drax can only be said to be much stronger than in the movie, and pure force. In the dark night of the battle, Proxima Centauri and black dwarfs are acceptable, but unfortunately he only has one, and there are five on the opposite side.

Captain Marvel on the earth has not yet returned, Thor has not yet become the Rune King, is there really no hope for the earth now?

the answer is negative.

A round of golden sunlight suddenly rose from his sky. The blazing light melted the shells of New York City and the interstellar spacecraft. The sudden emergence of light caused everyone to close their eyes. From the sky, a swift figure pierced. Entering the Obsidian Wujiang, the sword in the hands of General Deadblade waved, easily shredded half a kilometer of land. Mage Strange had already opened up the magic shield to protect the comrades behind him, but he expected it. The damage did not come, the sentry just stood in front of his Deathblade General, reached out his hand to hold the top of the blade, and punched him on the head in the distorted expression of the Deathblade General. Behind his head, he traversed the entire block and pierced into the center of the earth!