We Villains Put Invincibility on Our Faces

Chapter 80

"Isn't it 170 billion yen? It's just pocket money."

Saitama was shocked by the local tyrant's breath and let go. Krieger took the opportunity to get his palm back. The danger that Saitama brought was far beyond his imagination. It was only a few seconds from the handshake to the end, but Krieger felt that there was a whole thing. So old.

"But I also have a request. If you accept, we will be friends. Since we are friends, I will not ask for your compensation. After all, I am a generous person." Krieger raised his eyebrows.

"Friend," Saitama scratched his head. He was not good at making friends and he didn't want to make friends. Even in the original plot, he didn't have a good relationship with him.

Krieger realized that Saitama would not agree, but wanted to run after such a thigh came?

"If we are not friends, please pay your compensation."

"Yes, of course we are friends, Jenos, don't you say it!" Saitama's reply was super fast.

"..." Jaenos returned to his three-free expression, facing Saitama's question, not even moving a single hair.

"Very good", Krieger clapped his hands, his smile seemed to Saitama to match that of the Underworld King, "Since we are friends, shouldn't you do your friends a favor?"

Who are you referring to? Janos tilted his head, but since Mr. Saitama wouldn't let him speak, he didn't speak.

"What's busy?" Saitama didn't feel Krieger's malice. He was still very confident in this aspect. Of course, it had nothing to do with the debt relief.

"Being my fans, hey, it's really cheap for you, but who made us friends?" Krieger spread his hands out with some regret.

"Be your fan...you really have to engage in idol activities..." Saitama was in a state of vacant eyes again.

Even Saitama’s rough nerves felt that something was wrong. Look at this guy who claims to be an Asura unicorn, his violent and deformed body, and look at the appearance that is completely against aesthetics. If anyone likes it. You have a ghost, this is doomed to fail!

This time Saitama and Jenos thought of going together, they both thought that this guy was crazy, idols and other things were just his obsession.

Is it a weird person?

Janos' gaze sank. Such a well-organized and non-aggressive weird person is really rare, but as long as you become a weird person, if your heart relaxes a little bit, the whole person will slide into an uncontrollable abyss.

Although this man’s mouth is hateful enough, it doesn’t look like an out-of-control weird person. It seems that the teacher thinks the same way. Jenos is a bit entangled. Although he bears hatred, he is not a cruel person. It is impossible for Janos to punish today's people for possible mistakes tomorrow.

Krieger took out a pen from the gap between the muscles, "Then my friends, let me sign you! Let me see where you can sign, um, the clothes are good, and I will sign you in. Put it on the clothes."

"Wait, wait", Saitama's mind is turning fast. His clothes are very precious. For Saitama, it takes a long time to customize a battle suit. Although from the eyes of others, this costume is quite funny, but Saitama In the long-term company, I really like this suit, "Look, Jenos looks better than me. No matter how you look at him, he is much stronger than me, right? Isn't your first signature? Shouldn't it be given to better people?!"

Krieger's movements froze. I didn't expect you, a guy with big eyebrows and big eyes, to have learned how to make people miserable?

However, Krieger himself only wanted to do something slightly out of the ordinary. By the way, let Saitama and Jenos get used to their ideals, and then slowly guide them. One is the upper limit of the force value, and the other is the most popular in the future. S-rank heroes, no matter which one is important, as long as they don't let them slip away, there is no danger in staying beside them.

Except for the big brother who drives the spaceship.

"Don't you want my signature?"

Krieger made a disappointed expression, "Sure enough, I still use money..."

"Money can't buy friendship!" Saitama replied categorically, "True friends are made by attraction and comfort!"

"Um," Krieger turned his pen, "The friend I'm talking about is just a metaphor. You don't have to take it seriously. I just want you to be my fans. How can idols and fans become friends?"

Saitama took a deep breath, because there was no hair covering, the blood vessels on it were clearly seen by Krieger, but Saitama turned around to calm her mood, and pushed Janos by the way.


"Is it here? Is it not conspicuous enough?"

"right here."

The conversation between the two attracted Saitama. He turned around and saw Krieger shrink into a ball, holding a small pen in a hand as big as Janos’s entire face, awkwardly Signed on his clothes, and his huge body squatted to the same height as Janos as much as possible, which made Krieger even aggrieved.

Is this character in English? It is a beautiful swash character. It seems to have been practiced with a lot of hard work.

It's not a bad guy. Saitama watched Krieger finish signing and asked him a question, "Since you have no intention of being an enemy of us, why did you attack us?"

"It's just collecting your data," Krieger didn't look up. "You are very strong, but you haven't joined the Heroes Association. Is there a better choice?"

ps: "The Moon World Must Not Be Resurrected by God" chapter pushes a book

An ordinary person travels through modern Japan with the Lunar World mobile game system.

I alone is the only way to show the saints in front of people.

As a chaotic good, you should act chaotically and tax evasion first.

Let me enjoy your stories with kindness.

And all this is just for the ten consecutive draw.

Chapter 138 The Unfunded Jenos

"Just for this?" Saitama was helpless, he thought about many reasons, especially Krieger looks very strong now, but actually told him that it was only for collecting data, which was completely different from what he thought.

"Your relationship does not seem to be as good as I thought." Krieger pouted. In order to avoid face-to-face transactions, he practiced writing in English for a long time. Although it looks good as a signature, it is still a bit old-fashioned. It seems that he Also design a brand new signature.

"Yes, I just came to the teacher's door today, and I want to learn his skills from the teacher," Jenos said stubbornly.

"Oh, so this cloak boy is very strong?"

"I'm not a man in a cloak, I am Saitama, and I am not without a name!" Saitama's protest sounded.

"I know, but are you famous?" Krieger stared at him suspiciously. "Why should I remember your name, isn't the mantle kid bad? Oh, I remember you said you were a hero, then you It's okay to call it the Mantleman. I am still a little confident in my ability to name it."

Confident ghost, first recognize yourself, Saitama wants to speak, but I don't know why, facing this kind of guy who doesn't know how to be ashamed, he feels a little unable to use his strength.

"The teacher is very strong." In Saitama's helplessness, Jenos's tone was serious, "I believe the teacher is no less than anyone."

Then you may have underestimated him. Krieger shook his head slightly. According to this plot line, he can even become a disciple of Saitama. This kind of difficulty is almost non-existent, but being able to become a creditor of Saitama makes him owe his favor even more powerful. , And this may be Krieger’s only chance.

Few people in Saitama knew that he was strong in the original plot, and even those who knew he was strong did not understand how strong Saitama was. And Saitama doesn't have the intent to kill all weirdos. He has lost his emotions as a human being. Except for King to make his emotions really fluctuate, Krieger feels that he doesn't have this ability.

After all, even with the threat of debt, Saitama just has the mentality of being troublesome and strenuous. He will pay the money, but he will not care about the debt itself.

Krieger needs power. This world is cruel. On the one hand, none of the heroes that have appeared so far have been killed. Even if they meet the Dragon Rank, they are only seriously injured. On the other hand, the civilians of the entire city evaporate instantly, and this world exists. It is heroic, but there is no living environment for the weak.

Even the unlicensed knight who has been ridiculed seems to be an ordinary person with a bicycle or myopia. Every time he appears he is beaten up, but the strength of the undocumented far exceeds that of ordinary people. The Deep Sea King beat him violently, and he was able to smash a hole in the ground with a single punch. What does this have to do with ordinary people, but his opponent Taiqing seems to be very weak.

Just like Janos, he is very strong, but has always been responsible for the character who was beaten up.

"Collect data? IMHO, I don't see any benefit to me this way", Janos sternly, he felt that he had been fooled.

"In short, your data can make the evolution of the house more perfect. According to this purpose, one day there will be a super experimenter, and then the world will be peaceful."

"Is the world peaceful, or is your world peaceful?!"

Jenos's distrust was unconcealed, "How do I know what your purpose is?"