
v1 Chapter 2: Really reborn

When Fan Wubing tried to open his eyes, he found that he had a pair of surprisingly large **** in front of him, almost larger than his head. Then a pair of big hands forced the protruding ** into his mouth. The gurgling breast milk rushed into his throat like a flood like a flood, almost suffocating him. At this moment, he finally confirmed one thing and he was reborn.

Although I don’t know why this ridiculous thing happened, it’s gratifying that God didn’t let Fan Wubing recognize the thief as his father. Even the small bungalows I had lived in for more than ten years in my childhood still remain the same.

The only difference is that time has gone backwards like flowing water for thirty-three years, the turbid sky appeared blue, and the dirty air became naturally fresh, making Fan Wubing, an old thief, a baby waiting to be fed. , His baby is very different from other babies.

Although Fan Wubing’s thinking is already the adult’s standard, his thinking can only be confined to the body of a small baby. Therefore, he wants to do but cannot do many things, such as making some miracles. What's coming.

After Jie Fan’s 33 years of life experience, as well as the experience and lessons learned by his ears, if he wants to stand out, he must fly first, or to put it better, he must take the market first, so he thinks if he can Making some extraordinary movements should be of great benefit to one's future life journey, and this movement, the best thing to do is to pretend to be B.

History books generally record that when the ancient sages were born, they often filled the room with scents of scent and golden light, or the sound of the Brahma sounded from the sky, and the Buddhas came to the dynasty. They were quite mysterious. .

  In Fan Wubing's view, the so-called miracle is nothing more than these guys pretending to be gods and ghosts, taking advantage of the lack of scientific knowledge of the toil of feudal society, and unscrupulously cheating on them with heinous acts of pretending to be B.

   Of course, if you pretend to be B moderately, it will also bring some benefits to yourself, at least Fan Wubing thinks so.

I remember when I was young, there was a neighbor’s child who caught lots at the full moon and grabbed his father’s seal in one hand. As a result, everyone in the neighborhood was shocked to be a god. Promising, in the future, you will be an official, a high official! I can imagine how his family would cherish this promising son! What happened later was of course taken for granted, and the family treated the child just like offering a bodhisattva. It's just a pity that this promising child didn't become a big official in the end, but he had nothing to do later. He set up a stamp-engraved stall to make ends meet, and he responded to the call of the country and found his own way out. Whenever he thinks of this, Fan Wubing feels a little bit brooding. When he was a child, he didn't have the best treatment that was less jealous of others.

   Fan Wushu also wants to pretend to be B. If you want to pretend, just pretend to be a big one!

  Thinking about it, the master of pretending to be B throughout the ages is nothing more than Siddhartha Gautama, the prince of ancient India's Kabira, who later became the ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas, the Buddha Shakyamuni.

It is said that when Ya quack fell to the ground, she jumped out of her mother’s right ribs, walking seven steps a week, growing lotus every step of the way, looking everywhere, pointing to the sky, and saying: "Heaven is Underground, I’m the only one.” At this time, there were two dragons who were too cheap, and they came to have fun, spitting warm water and cold water to give him a bath. This day is the Day of Bathing Buddha.

Fan Wubing was naturally very enthusiastic about the vision made by Sakyamuni. Unfortunately, he asked himself that he did not have this ability. Although he had a caesarean section, he did not follow the usual route, but he followed the same person as Sakyamuni. Mom's right rib popped out, and there was still a big gap. Moreover, he also admitted that he did not have the ability to grow lotus every step of the way. Now he has a problem even standing up. After all, he was only a few days old.

If Fan Wubing can really perform a catwalk on the operating table, scratching his head and posing in two poses, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com estimates that the vision may not be able to be produced. First of all, he will be treated as a monster by the nurses who delivered the baby. NS. If the times had not changed, everyone had human rights, and maybe he could really be thrown into the pit and drowned. This is really a bit uncertain.

   Therefore, Fan Wuyi thought before and after that, it is better not to do this shocking move, gentleman Qianqian, contented with the destiny, since God has reborn himself, let it be like this for the time being! After Fan Wubing figured this out, he naturally ate it with rice and drank it with milk. Fortunately, it was breastfeeding, so there was no need to worry about drinking the melamine with milk powder.

   People in this era are still relatively simple!

   An idea suddenly popped up in Fan Wu's mind. People are stupid here and rich in money. Come and rebirth soon!

Thinking that in the next few decades, he will appear in the world with a face that is ahead of everyone's thinking. Fan Wubing couldn't help but feel a little proud. No wonder everyone likes rebirth. This feeling of being able to know everything in advance is really not ordinary. That's cool!

   It should be said that the year Fan Wubing was born was really not a celebration of more than one year.

   On January 8, the beloved Premier Zhou passed away.

   On March 8, a meteorite fell from the sky in Jilin area.

   On July 6, Chairman Zhu De passed away.

   On July 28, the Tangshan earthquake killed more than 240,000 people and injured more than 160,000.

   September 9th, * Chairman passed away.

This year, the Chinese people can be described as plagued by disasters. The number of 25,835,69 did not bring good luck to everyone. Fortunately, the Gang of Four was arrested in the same year, which lasted for a full ten years. The damn* that has been backtracking for decades and countless people is finally over.

   And this year is also the eve of the restlessness of the whole China entering a new era.