
v1 Chapter 33: Who is silly?

A fool is incomprehensible, so when he found that an employee was off work, the moment he passed the detection channel, the detection equipment issued an alarm, and he did not hesitate to intercept the other party.

Before going to work, Ye Tian had received special training. Although he was a fool, he was still competent for such a simple job. Especially after every time he followed the rules, his old father Ye Gong patted him on the shoulder lovingly and encouraged him. The scene was very encouraging to him.

   At this time, he habitually put the opponent down.

   "Comrade, please go to the factory security office for inspection!" Ye Tian said to the man unceremoniously.

"Damn, who's comrade with you! You are a fool, you really think of yourself as an onion!" The man was stopped by Ye Tian in front of everyone, not to mention how annoyed he was, and he pushed Ye Tianyi easily. Bundle.

   Ye Tian has long been used to being called a fool, so he didn't respond much, but continued to repeat the same sentence, "Comrade, please go to the factory security office for inspection!"

   The man was furious when he went up, and he slapped Ye Tian and said in a curse, "Dog stuff! You have approved Zhang Baipi, you are a fool!"

   There is something wrong with this.

Originally, Ye Tian came out to stop people, and there were a few policemen from the security department watching them coldly. It didn’t matter to them, they wanted to see what a fool Ye Tian could make, but the other party not only beat them. When I got to Ye Tian, ​​I also scolded Ye Tian for criticizing a white-skinned dog. This is a bit too much!

   Didn't you see how many of your buddies are giving you white skin? Could it be that in your eyes, we are all dog things?

   "What are you doing, what are you doing! The beating is justified?!" A policeman stopped the man.

The man was also confused, and he pulled his arm and staggered the policeman. Now, the policemen became angry. Forget about bullying fools before, but now even those who are not stupid are bullied. Yes, it's okay? ! Several people immediately twisted the man, and touched his clothes pocket with their hands, only to find a piece of silver weighing about a dozen grams.

It was the person who deserved bad luck, because no one had checked this seriously before. After getting some silver contacts from the workshop, he thought it would be too troublesome to go back to deal with it, so he simply found a crucible in the workshop and melted it directly, but this goal It's a bit big!

Catch the thief and grab the stolen goods. Now the off-duty workers are surrounded by a group of workers outside. They are caught in full view, but some people want to cover him. They can’t do it anymore. A few policemen have no other words, and they are sent directly to the factory. The security office is gone. As for how to deal with it, that's the leader's business.

   At this moment, no one dared to look at Ye Tian at the door. Who said he was a fool? Didn’t you catch a current job on the first day of work without seeing others? !

Within two days, the factory announced the treatment plan for the employee who stole state property, and was directly removed from the list, with criminal responsibility attached. At that time, the crackdown on theft was quite strong, and it was not a verbal education. The money was the problem, but it was directly transferred to the public security department and handled in accordance with legal procedures. Finally, it was sentenced to a five-year period.

   Ye Tian, ​​who was able to adhere to principles and impartiality, was publicly commended in the factory newspaper, and a certificate was issued, calling on all the employees of the factory to establish the spirit of ownership, love the factory and work hard, and strive to build a socialist motherland for life.

   At that time, someone with good deeds made up a jingle for Ye Tian, ​​"Who said that the Ye family is stupid, people can get the award, and the establishment of the factory is almost 30 years old. How can anyone beat him?"

Later, Lin Feng, the secretary of the factory’s party committee, said at a meeting, “Some comrades in our factory always think that the factory is so big that it’s not a big deal to take a bit of it. It’s not ours. What is it to take something? This is confusing! As a factory worker, I don’t have the spirit of being a master. I only know what to ask but not to pay. When will the four modernizations be realized?!"

Slowly, he said, "Some people say that Ye Tian is stupid. Yes, Ye Tian is a little stupid. It is hopeless to let him go to college! But he is much smarter than some people. At least he knows what is a country. They are collective and cannot be taken! Some of our comrades are not stupid. They are very shrewd in one day. They calculate this and that, and finally count themselves in! In contrast, you guys talk about it. Which is silly?"

The Ye Tian incident and Lin Feng’s speeches are still very alarming. As the initiator, Fan Heng~lightnovelpub.net~ suddenly discovered that the number of damaged parts in the workshop has been reduced a lot in the recent period, and the management of valuable spare parts is also very effective. With effective supervision, the technical wastage that had caused him a headache has been greatly reduced.

The factory leaders also expressed their deep appreciation for Fan Heng’s wise move in arranging Ye Tian’s work. He not only resolved the possible negative effects of the incident of fools entering the factory, but also reversed the lax supervision of factory access. , The long-term accumulation of shortcomings in the name of the gate, can be said to be knowing people, being good at managing people and managing them well.

Party Secretary Lin Feng and factory director Wang Fuming are very optimistic about Fan Heng. They believe that this middle-level cadre is energetic, capable, understands technology and knows how to manage, and is worthy of a good training. Maybe in the future, the old guys of their own will retreat. , The future of the factory depends on these people to develop.

Exactly two months later, the factory had an inspection mission to the south. The party committee and a group of people studied it and decided to let Fan Heng lead the team to take a look, learn from the advanced experience of the brother factory, learn from the experience, and see what there is. A good project suitable for the development of your own factory.

It was June, the weather was already relatively hot, and the work tasks in Fan Heng's workshop were also very tight. Several military orders were very tight, and the restrictions had to pass the acceptance before August. Therefore, Fan Heng was reluctant to do so. On this trip, but the task arranged by the factory party committee also meant to cultivate himself. In any case, he couldn't get rid of it. Therefore, he had to arrange the work of the unit and discussed with Zhang Mei before going south to Guangzhou. .

   Coincidentally, at this time, Fan Wubing also received an urgent telegram from Qiu Baohua in Guangdong, saying that he had already got the things he needed and could load and ship at any time.

   "It seems that I can drop in with my father to Guangzhou." Fan Wuyao realized that God had really helped this time.