
v1 Chapter 37: Big Flicker and Admirer

"The boss is not here, and the ordinary things I say count." Qiu Baohua smiled and invited Fan Heng and his son to sit down, then brought the already brewed coffee and poured a cup for Fan and his son.

   Fan Heng took a sip and frowned. He hadn't enjoyed this foreign stuff before, and his mouth was full of bitterness for a while, thinking that Qiu Baohua had brought some expired drinks.

   Looking back at his son, he saw that Fan Wubing was tasting the quilt with his quilt in his hand, looking at ease and contentment.

   "Nice coffee, this is the taste of authentic Blue Mountain." Fan Wuyao took a sip, suddenly a little surprised.

Before Fan Wuyi’s rebirth, he drank the authentic Blue Mountain coffee, and it was in its origin. Therefore, he is familiar with its taste. This coffee has all the characteristics of good coffee, not only the taste is strong, but also because of the coffee The three flavors of sweet, sour and bitter are perfectly matched, so there is no bitterness at all, only moderate and perfect sourness. After a drink, it is hard to forget.

  Unexpectedly, after rebirth, he would actually drink the authentic Blue Mountain more than 20 years in advance, and Fan Wuyi couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional.

   "Did you drink it before?" Qiu Baohua was a little shocked.

This coffee is still in the collection of Qiu Baohua’s boss, and he has never used it to entertain guests. Today, Qiu Baohua deliberately showed off in front of Fan Wu’s father and son, and took it out to show off. Originally, they didn’t expect them to be able to. As for the taste, Fan Wubing only took a sip and revealed the details of the coffee. Why didn't it surprise Qiu Baohua?

   This guy is really no ordinary kid! Reminiscent of the various phenomena that happened to Fan Wubing, Qiu Baohua's gaze when looking at Fan Wubing was even more unusual.

"Haha, I know." Of course, Fan Wubing couldn't say that he hadn't drunk it before, but he drank it later, so he shook the cup in his hand and laughed, "Almost everyone who has heard of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee knows that it is The most expensive coffee in the world, but not everyone knows why. Like the violin made by Rolls-Royce and Stradivari, when something gains the best reputation in the world, this Prestige often makes it its own characteristics and becomes a myth that will be passed down forever."

   Fan Hyung was listening in a cold sweat, is this what my son said? Why am I a little bit confused?

Qiu Baohua looked even more awe-inspiring, and he asked for advice humbly. "Our boss said before that this coffee is the best coffee in the world, but I don’t know why it’s the best. Brother, do you know the details? ?"

Fan Wubing deliberately shook Qiu Baohua, and said casually, “In 1717, French King Louis XV ordered coffee plantation in Jamaica. In the mid-1920s, the Governor of Jamaica, Sir Nicolas Lawys, came from Martinique. Imported Arabica seeds, and began to promote planting in the St. Andrew area. To this day, the St. Andrew area is still one of the three major producing areas of Jamaica’s Blue Mountain coffee. By 1932, coffee production reached its peak. There are more than 15,000 tons of coffee.

   The Jamaican Coffee Industry Committee was established by the Jamaican government in 1950. The committee established quality standards for Jamaican coffee and supervised the implementation of quality standards to ensure the quality of Jamaican coffee. The committee awarded a special official seal to the green and roasted coffee exported from Jamaica, which is the highest-level national coffee institution in the world. At present, representative of the origin of Blue Mountain Coffee are Mafis River Bank Central Plant (MBCE), Blue Mountain Coffee Cooperative Plant (MHCCT), Portland Blue Mountain Coffee Cooperative Plant (PXXSH), Coffee Industry Association (Warren Ford) ), Coffee Industry Association (St. John’s Peak) and Lanli (JAS) and other six logos.

   Later coffee production encountered some difficulties. It was not until 1969 that the situation was improved because of the use of Japanese loans to improve the quality of production, thereby ensuring market supply. "

After a few words, both Qiu Baohua and Fan Heng were a little bit stunned. Fan Wuyi saw the symptoms and smiled slightly, "The weather, geological structure and topography of Jamaica provide an ideal place for coffee planting. The best Blue Mountain coffee. Their coffee trees all grow on rugged hillsides. The picking process is very difficult, and non-local skilled female workers are simply unable to do it. It is very important to choose the right ripe coffee beans when picking, UU看书www. uukanshu.com will affect the quality of coffee if it is immature or overripe. The coffee beans must be hulled on the same day after being picked, and then allowed to ferment. After that, the coffee beans are washed and screened, and the subsequent process is drying, which must be on the concrete floor. Or on a thick blanket, until the humidity of the coffee beans falls within a certain range, and then store them in special warehouses. Take them out and roast them when needed and grind them into powder. These procedures must be strictly controlled, otherwise, the quality of the coffee Will be affected. It’s just that the Japanese have always invested in Jamaica’s coffee industry. Most of the Blue Mountain coffee is now in the hands of the Japanese, and they have also obtained the right of first refusal to purchase Blue Mountain Coffee. Ninety percent of the Blue Mountain Coffee is in the hands of the Japanese. In the hands of the Japanese, it is only about 600 tons a year, so this thing is always priceless. It is a blessing to Mr. Qiu to be able to have a drink today."

After a long time, Qiu Baohua sighed, “Listening to Brother Fan’s words is really a kind of learning! When our boss comes back, he can learn and sell now, which shocked him all of a sudden! It’s just that I don’t know what Brother Fan’s learning comes from. Where did it come from?"

   "What kind of knowledge is this?" Fan Wubing said dryly, "I usually read more books, newspapers and magazines, so I can know everything."

   Qiu Baohua doesn't think so. A child of this size not only knows how to do business, but also has such a great knowledge to discuss the history of coffee in a cup. Who would believe this? Originally, he didn’t believe in such things as geniuses, but now under the testimony of Fan Wubing’s special case, he couldn’t help but not believe them. He even thought that even the genius was not enough to describe the freak like Fan Wubing. NS.

   Due to Fan Wuyi’s flicker, Qiu Baohua became Fan Wuyi’s FANS directly.

   This kind of change, but no one can predict it.