
v1 Chapter 40: The key question of Fan's father and son

Fan Wubing suddenly found a problem. He still underestimated the establishment of a clothing factory.

   It turned out to be a factory according to his idea. As long as the land, equipment, funds, personnel, technology, and raw materials are in place, everything else can be ignored. At this time, it seems a bit rough.

   He has mistakenly ignored the biggest problem. It is now 1979. Although the legality of private enterprises has been confirmed above, there are many obstacles to the specific realization.

The main tone of reform and opening up has naturally been determined, and the construction of a special zone has also started in Shenzhen, but Panshi is not Shenzhen, let alone a special zone. It is just a northern inland city, a small county-level city. Ideologically, we are far from embarking on the smooth path of reform and opening up.

If Fan Wubing wants to set up a factory, he must first resolve the issue of approval. He can almost think that if he does this by himself, he may not be able to obtain approval after one year. The local government may not be able to grasp the above intentions. It is very clear that with the attitude that more is better than less, the approval of private enterprises must be delayed. Only after the surrounding examples appear, it is possible to issue a license.

   Even if I get the approval, there are a lot of follow-up issues, such as tax issues, business issues, various related fees, and the number of employees. There are many entanglements.

It should be understood that many problems in China can be explained by the wooden barrel principle. To accomplish a major event, it is often not decided by the most capable person, but by the most incompetent people. That is to say, after unifying the minds of most people, it is possible to determine a path forward.

Fan Wubiao hates this. He firmly believes that the people are often deceived and executors who follow the trend and wait and see. On the issue of truth, they are basically bystanders, and there are only a few forward-looking ones. Only geniuses can discover and present the truth, and then verify it personally.

   How to find a quick way to enter the market for his own factory is the most troublesome thing for Fan Wuyi. After he fully used his brain for a whole afternoon, he finally thought of a solution.

   Introducing foreign investment, or joint venture, is the most reasonable way at present.

Qiu Baohua’s company has a Hong Kong branch. I believe this can be easily resolved. He will either acquire a shell company in Hong Kong, or apply for a new company, then enter the mainland in the name of a joint venture to establish a new company. In the name of the new company, set up factories in Panshi City, engage in processing with supplied materials, provide raw materials and technical equipment, hire local personnel, and sell products directly. In this way, there will be no obstacles at the policy level.

Because Fan Wubing is very clear that in the long period of time after the reform and opening up, it was not uncommon for individuals to start businesses, but their scale was not large. The reason for this phenomenon is not that entrepreneurs lack confidence in their own future, but lack of confidence in the direction of policy, and more importantly, it is due to the domestic environment.

   The old saying is good, it is mediocre not to attract people's envy, but there is another sentence that hits the nail on the head, and the rafters in their early days will rot first.

   is a natural beauty, but the wind is not necessarily drizzle and wind, but it may also be showers. It is a strong wind of level 8 or higher, and it is a terrible typhoon! Everyone knows what the situation will look like after the typhoon.

   On the other hand, foreign investment in the mainland will not have so many problems. Instead, it will receive policy support or protection everywhere. This is in line with the old saying, preferring to be friends with domestic slaves.

   Although Fan Wubing felt that his thoughts were a bit negative or extreme, it was better to be careful in everything and think more about it. After thinking about it, Fan Wubing immediately contacted Qiu Baohua and told him about this.

After Qiu Baohua heard it, he felt that there was no problem. The cost of setting up a shell company in Hong Kong was basically negligible. It is not a problem to get a Hong Kong citizen and act as the legal person of Fan Wuyi garment factory. The key issue is Yes, did this garment factory make a head start?

   "Of course, how could the factory I run produce no output?" Fan Wubing was very confident in himself.

   "Since you are so confident, how can I not give my full support? I have taken care of this matter." Qiu Baohua agreed, but he was thinking about something else in his heart.

He is very optimistic about Fan Wubing, and even thinks that it is a little overkill for only smuggling cultural relics. At this time, Fan Wubing’s idea is sufficient to show his commercial sensitivity, and this matter also brings the two people closer together. A shortcut to

   Not a few days later, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Qiu Baohua settled all kinds of relationships in Hong Kong and handed over all the credentials of the newly established company to Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing named the new company, which was named Hong Kong Jianhua International Apparel Co., Ltd., with its headquarter in Hong Kong. External affairs were handled by Tongsheng Company's Hong Kong branch. The head of the company was Qiu Baohua. As for the garment processing company in Panshi City Qiu Baohua is the legal representative of the factory, and Fan Wubing is solely responsible for the business.

   Regarding the issue of equity, it is divided between 28 and 80. Fan Wubing accounts for 80% of the equity of the Hong Kong head office.

   Although Qiu Baohua has a small shareholding, he basically sits on equal shares, so there is no complaint. Of course, the premise is that Fan Wuyao can really make a profit. In his opinion, this possibility is very high.

  Fan Wuyao quickly noticed his father's problem after he settled his own affairs.

   In the past few days, the folds on Fan Heng's face have not been stretched out. It seems that his mind is very serious.

   "Dad, what's upsetting you lately?" Fan Wuyao asked while eating.

Because Fan Heng brought the children out, it was not convenient for him to dine in the restaurant of the guest house with his colleagues on the inspection team. He directly bought the rice and brought it back to the guest room. The father and the son ate together to avoid the suspicion of occupying the house. Besides, Fan Wuyao is a rich man, and he doesn't bother to take up this light.

   "You kid, know something, just eat well." Fan Heng caught Fan Wuyi's chopsticks and plugged his mouth.

   "Actually, if you don't tell me, I know it must be cracking other people's new torpedoes, right?" Fan Wuyao's mouth was filled with food, and he said vaguely.

   "How did you know!" Fan Heng was shocked when he heard the words, he jumped up and almost knocked over his job.