
v2 Chapter 1: childhood

"The banyan tree by the pond is yelling. There are only butterflies on the swing by the playground in summer. On the blackboard, the teacher's chalk is still chirping desperately, waiting for the end of class, waiting for school, and waiting for the childhood of the game--"

   Fan Wuyi bit the pencil shaft boredly, flipped through the textbook of the first grade, and hummed casually.

Since Fan Heng was framed, Zhang Mei had lingering fears. She was worried that Fan Wuyi would cause any troubles by himself, so she let him go to elementary school ahead of time. In her opinion, going to school is a restraining child. She didn't expect Fan Wubing to really learn something from it.

   It is not that Zhang Mei is irresponsible, but that the impression that Fan Wu's medical history has made is too sturdy. Such gifted children are placed in elementary schools, hoping not to stimulate the teacher to get heart disease and thank God.

   So in the autumn of 1980, Fan went to school without illness.

Last year’s harvest was undoubtedly quite fruitful. The pig farms went smoothly. After continuous expansion and reproduction, there were more than 50 temporary breeders and more than 1,000 pigs in the pen. As of the middle of this year, The net income has exceeded 200,000, and the enthusiasm of the three Wang brothers has been fully mobilized. They not only started the biogas project, but also planned to launch a feed processing and sales project, and a pig raising assembly line project.

   Of course, Fan Wu's concern is not only the problem of the pig farm, but also the clothing factory is his top priority.

Although with the help of Director Song, Fan Wubing no longer has to worry about the ownership of the garment factory, but when things come, he still finds a very embarrassing problem, that is, although his machinery, equipment, workshops, water and electricity have been implemented, this personnel problem But it's not easy to solve.

Fan Wubing now naturally cannot recruit formal workers according to the standards of state-owned enterprises. There is no such thing as three insurances and one housing fund. If only temporary workers are recruited, it is difficult to guarantee the centripetal force and cohesion of the workers in the garment factory. Although he can use a high salary to make up for the losses in these aspects, whether people are willing to work here for a long time is a question.

   "How can I solve this problem?" Fan Wubing bit his pen and thought deeply.

   "Lao San, what song did you sing just now? Why haven't I heard it?" It happened that Fan Ting and Fan Kang came back from school, and they felt refreshed when they heard Fan Wu's humming songs. Fan Kang asked smoothly.

   "You have never heard of it in your childhood, naturally." Fan Wubing originally wanted to say that you haven't heard it before? But he suddenly remembered that the song of childhood was only sung by Luo Dayou in 1981, and nobody knew it at this time, so he moved his mind and replied.

   "Sounds great, whose song is this? Do you know the lyrics? Do you have a score?" Fan Ting also thought this song was very interesting, it sounded very campus-like, and asked again and again.

   Fan Wubing didn’t know if the song was actually created, so he scratched his head and replied without embarrassment, “It’s my song! I’ll write down the lyrics and music for you later!”

   "Bringing bragging again! But it sounds really good!" Fan Ting and Fan Kang didn't believe that Fan Wuyao would still do songwriting, so they laughed.

After a while, Zhang Mei and Fan Heng also returned from work. Since Fan Heng became the deputy director, their work has become even busier. However, it is different from the previous squatting in the workshop. Now he has to deal with it. It is no longer a purely technical problem, but focuses on the improvement of management methods, and some up and down entertainment issues.

   "What are the three of your siblings talking about?" As soon as Zhang Mei entered the door, she heard what the children were talking about.

   "Mom, the youngest said that he wrote a song. We heard him sing it and thought it was pretty good!" Fan Kang said without hesitation Fan Wuyi's words and turned them out.

   "Oh? My third child still has this ability?" Zhang Mei was suddenly surprised, thinking that this kid doesn't know what else is amazing!

   So the family sat down, and Zhang Mei was busy cooking while asking Fan Wuyao to sing the song again.

In desperation, Fan Wubing had to be patient and sang the song from beginning to end. As a result, Fan Ting and Fan Kang felt more and more as they listened, and hurriedly urged Fan Wubing to sing it again slowly. The two of them sang the lyrics again. I wrote down the score and the score, saying that I was going to put it in the magazine.

But Zhang Mei has a lot of opinions about this, "What kind of mess is this? Obviously, it's uneasy about school work! Why are there any gods? Where have your communist beliefs been established? And the Devil Party What are these things with Zhuge Shilang! The most incomprehensible sentence is that the teacher’s chalk on the blackboard is still writing non-stop, which is extremely disrespectful to the teacher’s labor, and I do not agree with you to adopt this Words to describe the teacher!"

After Fan Heng listened to ~lightnovelpub.net~, he curled his lips and said, "I think you're a little fussed! Where does the kids play things need to be online like this? Now they are not all talking about emancipating the mind. Look forward? I think there is a lot of innocence in Fan Wubing's song! Children, it's normal to be a little playful. Usually, if you hold it so tightly in class, people are not allowed to complain or something?"

   "That's right, that's right—" Fan Ting and Fan Kang immediately agreed.

   Zhang Mei was a little depressed when she saw that she was alone and helpless. She waved her hand covered with flour and said, "Ignore you, just like what you love!"

   Sister Fan Ting and Fan Kang became happy when they saw that their mother left behind. They slapped each other's hands and immersed themselves in work.

   Fan Hyung looked at the children and smiled, and then said, "Our house is probably going to live in a different place."

   Zhang Mei was shocked to ask the reason, but the new family building in the factory was about to be completed, and the housing allocation according to the level and various rules was about to be carried out, and it was estimated that it would be possible to move in before the National Day.

   "That's it—" Zhang Mei groaned after hearing this, "In order to solve the housing problem of employees, maybe our unit has to raise funds to build houses. The place is naturally in the city. What should we do about this?"

This matter is also a problem. Fan Heng and Zhang Mei are now regarded as leading cadres, but their work units are quite far away, whether they live in the family building of the factory or the family building of the Bureau of Culture and Education. There is one person to be affected. It is really annoying to think of it. Besides, how to arrange the school problems of the three children, I really don't know how to deal with it.

   "What's wrong with this, the houses on both sides have to come down!" After hearing the conversation between his parents, Fan Wuyao said without hesitation while biting his pen and thinking.