
v2 Chapter 101: Move the family north to ask for a month

The weather was getting colder and colder. Fan Wubing's family got on two cars specially transferred from the Pingyuan Factory and headed north.

Fan Heng and Zhang Mei ride in the front car, Fan Wuyin and Fan Kang ride in the back car, and the free space is used for luggage. After discussing with Fan Heng for a long time, Zhang Mei was finally reluctant to discard many things, so they chose some of the most reluctant luggage to take with them.

Fan Wubing glanced at him, and his older brother Fan Kang looked listless, his eyes blank.

"Don't worry, Xiao Guizi is my little brother." Fan Wubing comforted softly.

Fan Kang looked at Fan Wubing very surprised, not knowing what he meant by this.

Fan Wubing is naturally aware of his brother Fan Kang’s heart disease, but then again, it’s all to blame for the little girl who is too miserable. It is normal for Fan Kang to be unable to withstand the temptation (in fact, people may not have tempted him, but It's just that people who are not glamorous are fascinated by themselves).

But before leaving, Fan Wubing still quietly called out Xiao Guizhi.

"Boss, your family is going to Beijing?" Xiao Guizhi asked.

Xiao Guizhi has firmly become Fan Wu's younger brother since he learned about Fan Wu's powerful forces.

"Yeah." Fan Wuyao nodded, "It is estimated that I will stay in Beijing for a few years, but there is also my business here in Panshi, and I will come to see it from time to time. I can't take care of you during this time, so feel at ease. After you finish your studies, I can be admitted to a university in Beijing in the future, so I can do something for you."

Xiao Guizhi nodded, still warm in his heart.

Fan Wubing looked around for a while, and felt that there was no one nearby, and then whispered to Xiao Guizhi, "Remember to keep in touch. The address of my company in Beijing is not for you. If there is any trouble, please write to me or call. The phone is okay. It doesn’t matter if your home doesn’t have a phone. Go directly to the pig farm when that time comes. I told them."

"Got it! There is absolutely no problem!" Xiao Guizhi nodded vigorously.

The so-called turmoil naturally does not refer to anything else, but about Xiao Guizhi's sister Xiao Qiang. In order to make his brother Fan Kang feel at ease, it is impossible for Fan to lay a nail in Panshi, which is Xiao Guizhi.

It is estimated that Xiao Qiang could not even dream of it. Although Fan Kangren went to Beijing, his younger brother Fan Wuyi sent a secret whistle by his side, and he could not kiss his younger brother Xiao Guizhi any more. This is really speechless.

Finally, Fan Wubing gave Xiao Guizhi a thick diary.

"Boss, is there your signature on it?" Xiao Guizhi sniffed and asked stupidly.

"Ball! Is my signature valuable?" Fan Wuyao patted him. Then opened the diary and showed it to Xiao Guizhi.

There are many stamps fixed on each page with transparent film, which is thirty or forty pages.

"It's so beautiful! Thank you, boss!" Xiao Guizhi immediately became happy when he saw so many colorful stamps.

"It looks good!" Fan Wubing took another shot of Xiao Guizhi. "These are valuable things. I have marked the price under each stamp, which can be used as a reference. If I need money temporarily, I can't contact you. Get on with me. Picking up this stamp and selling a few is enough."

Xiao Guizhi took a closer look. Sure enough, the stamps are all marked with the price, the last one is more than tens of yuan, the value of a stamp is at least tens of thousands of dollars, and I can't help but feel moved.

"Okay, don't say anything touching. In short, take care of yourself and take care of your sister! I have to go!" Fan Wuyao directly blocked Xiao Guizhi's words back.

After Xiao Guizhi saw his boss leave, he stood there for a long time before returning home.

After listening to Fan Wubing briefly recounting this matter. Fan Kangjue's own brother is really amazing, "Oh! I feel like you are my brother!"

When it was halfway down, it started to snow heavily, and the schedule suddenly slowed down.

When it was dark, the car went to a road near Tongzhou. However, a car was overturned on the side of the road in front. There was still a vague cry of crying.

"Let's see if I can help." There are very few cars on the road at this time. If someone on the other side is injured, it really needs help, so Fan Heng told the driver to drive over and take a look.

The car that overturned was a sedan with a military license. There were three people in the car. A young man who drove bloodied himself in the cab and couldn’t get out. A young woman with a child sat behind him. It's blocked and can't get out at all. It's been half an hour since the car overturned like that. The young man's blood was bleeding a lot.

"Hurry up and save people!" When Fan Heng saw that the situation was so serious, he immediately ordered the two drivers and four of them to start rescue operations.

Both drivers are young and strong guys. Fan Heng is also in his prime. Fan Kang is already in his second year of high school and he is a half-year-old boy. With the addition of the freak Fan Wubing, the five men gathered around the car that was overturned. , Want to rescue the people inside.

But after the car overturned, the doors were squeezed and deformed. The two drivers couldn't open the door after working for a long time. In the end, they had to use the tools they carried to pry them, and the effect was not obvious.

Fan Wuyao looked inside the car, the man who drove was already out of breath, and the young woman who hugged her tightly with her child was pale, and she couldn’t speak well, and she didn’t know if she was injured. At the moment, he was no longer hiding and tucked. After concentrating on his luck, he slammed a dozen punches at the door of the car, and finally slammed the door into the car in a dumbfounded, and then went out, finally giving the exit to Opened it.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and save people!" Fan Wubing shouted, and rushed in first, taking out the young woman and the child sitting in the back compartment.

Fan Heng and his family were good to say, but the two drivers were shocked. Xindao Fan’s youngest third was really awesome, although I heard earlier that this kid seems to know how to do kung fu, and there are some things in the factory. There was a lot of rumors, but I had never seen it with my own eyes. This time I opened my eyes by a coincidence.

So everyone hurriedly rescued the three people in the car. Seeing that the man who was driving had been in a coma for a while, the blood was almost flowing, and he stopped it. The child was obviously frightened. A pair of eyes were a little sluggish, the young woman was anxious, and her emotions were a little out of control.

"Send to the hospital first! I don't know what hospitals are nearby, I just have to try my luck!" Fan Heng scratched his head a little.

Fortunately, there was a first aid kit in the car. Zhang Mei learned a little about first aid, and used these things to simply treat the wounds of the three people, and found sedatives. There was no hot water, but it was placed in a cup next to the car’s water tank. The water was not cold, so I just drank it for the young woman and the child.

After a while, the young woman finally recovered, knowing that everyone had saved her family of three, and she was truly grateful.

But polite words didn't care about what to say at this time. The county seat was in front of him. The driver asked a passerby and found the hospital. After a while, he finally found the doctor.

Doctors at this time are still more professional. They don't need to register or pay a deposit. With a big wave, saving people is important, and then there is nothing like Fan Heng and others.

For this reason, Fan Wubing still spent five hundred yuan to stay in the hospital. As the food and drink expenses for the family of three, after all, I encountered it on the road. Do the good things come to the end? By the way, he wrote a note with detailed notes on it. The location and time of the current car accident, as well as your own contact number, etc.

After all this was done, everyone was finally relieved, and only then did they find a restaurant to eat something.

Stop and go along the way, when we arrived in Beijing, it was already the afternoon of the third day.

Originally, Fan Heng's family had to be arranged in a guest house directly under the government for a few days. Before Fan Heng took office, before the new house was divided, it was usually handled like this.

However, Fan Wubing did not want the family to be crowded in the guest house, so he directly ordered the driver to drive to the s club. There are several large empty houses here, which are reserved for entertaining people. At this time, the family They all live in, and they won't feel the slightest crowded.

Fan Ting happened to be away. When the employees saw that the boss had taken the family over, they immediately came to help carry the luggage. After a while, they arranged everything. They were more informed and enthusiastic to get a lot of food and drink, and they saw Fan Wu. I am greatly applauded.

"Okay, the people who work today have double pay." Fan Wuyi finally said with a final decision.

"Oh yeah--" Everyone cheered immediately~lightnovelpub.net~ This place you made looks very good! "After Fan Heng calmed down, he looked at the overall layout of the s club. He felt that this place was very casual and made people feel very relaxed. He couldn't help but praise him.

"Fortunately, it's just that there is no working atmosphere." Zhang Mei said next to her.

Fan Wubing immediately retorted, "What is the working atmosphere? How many desks are there? Not that way! We play high-tech, which naturally leads the trend of the times. Everything here can be written into in the future. The textbook serves as a case study for later generations!"

"Study case? Just yours?" Zhang Mei reprimanded mercilessly, "If that were the case, the Ministry of Education would have closed its doors long ago!"

"The Ministry of Education should have closed long ago--" Fan Wubing snorted.

When Fan Ting came back, she suddenly found that the family had arrived, and she was overjoyed. This time the family was reunited.

In order to celebrate this memorable day, Fan Wubing suggested that everyone go to Donglaishun for a meal.