
v2 Chapter 21: Things are also very simple

Um? This idea seems to be a good one!

   Boss Wang and Fan Wubing nodded slightly after hearing this. Although Mei Tianliang's method was only a compromise and did not clarify right from wrong, it was undoubtedly the most trouble-free solution.

People don’t fight with officials. Chunguang Brilliant Pig Farm is, after all, a people’s nourishment pig farm. Renjia Animal Husbandry Station is not full of livestock. It is a deputy director-level organization, and there is a department-level cadre in charge of livestock. In addition, the Hongguang pig farm is squeezed by Chunguang pigs in the market and sales are shrinking. The employees are all dissatisfied. If these people are reluctant to make a fuss, they will indeed have enough headaches.

After all, what Fan Wubing wants is to do business decently and earn a little hard money. There is really no need and no time and energy to wrestle with other government agencies. People are not afraid of eating imperial food for droughts and floods. At the pig farm in Bian'er, dozens of people and their families waited for the rice to be cooked.

"Forget it, anyway, we don't want to argue about right or wrong, just take the money back, leave a hundred and ten dollars in the bank, it’s not a big deal, I think Director Mei’s idea is still very common. Sincerely." Fan Wubing said to Boss Wang.

Mei Tianliang was eager to send the two plague gods away early. At this time, Fan Wubing and Boss Wang let go. He hit the iron while it was hot, and hurriedly found his confidant staff to come over, settle accounts, withdraw money, and specially send his own car. Sending the two back together with the money, this is regarded as the settlement of a public case.

After the settlement, there are a total of 280,000 deposits in the bank, a great unity of ten dollars, and a hundred sheets are bundled together, and there are actually two hundred and eighty bundles. Seeing the piles of banknotes in front of you, it is enough At nearly 100 jin, Fan Wubing suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. The time has come for China's currency value to be reformed.

Before the 1980s, the domestic circulation field was basically dominated by state-owned assets. Everyone didn’t have much money on hand. A ten-yuan banknote was enough to handle everything. You must know that the monthly salary of an ordinary employee was only tens of yuan. That's it. But now it’s different. With the country’s gradual liberalization of private enterprise policies, there are more and more wealthy people. It is really inconvenient for large-denomination banknotes to enter the circulation field.

   "How to deal with so much money? I can't just keep it in the office of the pig farm, right?" Looking at these banknotes, the three Wang brothers all had a headache.

Fan Wubing smiled softly, "What's not easy to do, since large accounts are easy to attract attention, then we might as well break them up! Once a unit account becomes a personal account, no one has the ability to block all of them. NS."

   "Even if we open an account alone, on average, there will be seven to eighty thousand yuan in each account, and it may be more in the future." Wang Lao Er scratched his head and felt that the feasibility of dividing the account is still not great.

   "How many employees does our pig farm have now?" Fan Wuyao asked.

   "There are a total of sixty or seventy people working." When it comes to the size of the pig farm, the three brothers are a little bit complacent.

After all, two years ago, the three people were still clanging poorly. There was a master who had a meal but not a meal. Now he is the owner of such a large pig farm. How can he say that he has a good face. You must know that many government units have I want to come over and discuss with them about buying Chunguang pigs. In this case, it is impossible to have no sense of pride.

"Adding to the employees at the garment factory, at least they can open hundreds of private accounts, with 200,000 yuan, divided among hundreds of accounts, do you think it will be eye-catching?" Fan Wuyao pointed out all of a sudden The crux of the matter.

   "That's okay?" The three brothers looked at each other immediately.

In the eyes of ordinary people, only the money in your own account is yours. If you deposit your money in an account opened by someone else, the question of the ownership of the money is open to question. In case there is any lawsuit, you say this Whose should the money belong to?

Fan Wubing was a person who came here. He was naturally better than others. Seeing the three brothers looked puzzled, he had to explain to them, "You can let the employees open an account at the designated bank in the name of convenient wage payment. Then hand in the passbook, and then deposit the money into these accounts separately, and withdraw from these accounts when the salary is paid every month, but the passbook should be kept in your hands~lightnovelpub.net~ control of the funds Naturally it is in your hands, so that the problem will be solved."

   "If employees are unwilling to have a passbook so troublesome, or if they want to keep the passbook by themselves, what should they do?" Boss Wang was still a little worried.

"That's not easy?" Fan Wubing patted his forehead, a little unbearable for Boss Wang's dullness, "You are the boss. Besides, just let them open an account together. At most you promise that all employees who open an account will be given a special allowance of five yuan a month. I don’t believe there will be any objection."

   "In this case, there is no problem!" When the three brothers heard this, they immediately understood, and they nodded in agreement.

   In fact, this kind of thing is nothing to Fan Wubing, it is broken into pieces, and he has done a lot of things about raising a small vest before he is reborn.

However, the first step for any large funds that enter the stock market operations, especially those hot money from abroad, before entering the country, is to bring in these large amounts of funds. Calling from overseas accounts is very blinking, and it will definitely be monitored by relevant departments. However, if a large number of private accounts are broken into pieces to enter the mainland, and hundreds or even thousands of small vests enter the stock market, it will be unified The formation of a joint force under command is a very powerful force, and manipulating market buildings is like a child's play.

   Fan Wuyi used to launder money for others before. This elementary but very effective method is used the most. At this time, it is a little overkill to solve such a small problem.

   "In the 1980s, it was really not challenging!" Fan Wuyao sighed with regret.