
v2 Chapter 27: Opportunity here

"President Fan, today's newspaper." An apprentice in the garment factory took a stack of newspapers to Fan Wuyi's office grinningly.

It’s already October of 1982. Fan Wubing is now seven years old, but his body is like crops urged by fertilizers, soaring soaring, the size of his fifteen-year-old brother Fan Kang. It's not low, but compared with Fan Wubing, the advantage is not very big. Fan Wubing is about 1.6 meters tall at this time. He looks like a few adults. In addition, his mind is very mature. In the past few years, he has been in a "high position". Naturally, there is a kind of arrogance of no anger and prestige, and it seems that he has a little leadership style.

Fan Wubing now has three offices, one is the pig farm, the other is the clothing factory, and the other is naturally his home, but he usually stays at home and can’t come out. Only when school is over or on weekends, I will come to the clothing factory or pig farm to see if there are any problems that need to be pointed out. After all, my business foundation is here, so it is impossible not to increase it. Concerned about.

As for the home, naturally only the three Wang brothers would come to visit from time to time. Master Feng and Master Cheng at the garment factory are older and take care of their identities. Of course, they won’t come to the door. When the time comes, send an apprentice to call Fan Wuyao, and let him go directly to the garment factory to deal with it.

In the past, Fan Wubing used to read newspapers that Fan Heng brought back at home, such as the People’s Daily, the People’s Liberation Army Daily, and the Guangming Daily. The news was relatively simple. Since his own entity has grown more and more. After he got older, he was no longer limited to reading these news mouthpieces and public opinion orientation, but went directly to the post office and picked dozens of the most influential newspapers of all the newspapers at that time, and ordered two copies of them all!

Not only that, Fan Wubing also set up a reading room in the garment factory to store newspapers and open it to employees. Of course, after all the newspapers were delivered, one of them went into the reading room and the other one. It was sent directly to Fan Wubing, and through browsing and analyzing these print news, he was able to grasp the pulse of the times.

Fan Wubing did not only rely on the important events he had learned before rebirth. Instead, he tried to consider various social phenomena at a deeper level. How should we deal with this situation?

Reading makes people smart. Over time, Fan Wubing can always capture some sensitive information between the lines of a certain news or editorial. Although it is so inconspicuous, he knows that this information will cause national life. What an impact.

   For example, the news published in a local newspaper today refreshed his spirit.

The newspaper said that the residents of Changchun are keen to plant Clivia, and there has been a climax. The article also expresses the author’s feelings of praising the good life in the new society through the expression of orchids in ancient poems. There are also some details. The figures show that Clivia is very popular in Changchun, and it is said that the Changchun Municipal Government intends to designate Clivia as the city flower.

   "This thing will finally happen--" Fan Wuyao's expression was a little uneasy.

   I turned it over again, and found more interesting questions in some tabloids.

It is said that a merchant’s Clivia was bought by a foreign businessman with an offer of 10,000 US dollars; it is said that a Hong Kong businessman wanted to exchange a “world-recognized super-luxury high-end crown sedan” for a pot called “Phoenix Crown”. However, the owner Guo Fengyi, the manager of a flower company, rejected it on the spot. It is said that an old man raised a few precious varieties of Clivia, but he was stolen one night, and he immediately died of anger. ; It is said that a man drove a long distance from Shenyang to Changchun to steal flowers, and returned overnight after succeeding. In the end, the car overturned and died in a panic escape——

   Stories like this are being renovated, manufactured, and fermented every day. Each has a name, a surname, a nose and an eye.

   The local media in Changchun are also contributing to the flames, publishing articles stating that Clivia is good, elegant in character, and gentleman in the flower. Putting it at home can refresh the air in the home, nourish one's appearance, and be good for health, etc.

Originally, a pot of flowers that cost a few yuan soared day by day, hundreds of yuan, a few thousand yuan, tens of thousands of yuan. At that time, the average worker’s salary was only about thirty or forty yuan. Selling hundreds of dollars ~ lightnovelpub.net~ is undoubtedly a fortune.

   After reading the newspaper, Fan Wubian gently rubbed his forehead, a little worried.

  In the past few years, the improvement of material life seems to have exceeded the humble extravagance of people. More and more household appliances are appearing in urban shopping malls. By the end of the year, the output of washing machines, which were manufactured in China only three years ago, reached 2 million units, the total number of TV sets reached 10 million units, and the demand for refrigerators was also increasing. There has been a spurt of growth. A few years ago, the three major items of a newly married family were "bicycles, sewing machines, and watches", but now they have become the "new three major items": TV sets, washing machines and refrigerators.

Even if Fan Wubing was not reborn, he could predict that the demand for home appliances would directly detonate the Chinese home appliance fever that lasted for more than a decade. Because the technical requirements of these products were not high, those who awakened first. Enterprises, including the underprivileged among state-owned companies and private enterprises, will find gaps in their development. Some home appliance companies that will be the best in the future will all make their debut in the past two years.

However, whether it is Panasonic TV, Toshiba refrigerator or Coca-Cola, these things have triggered everyone's panic buying frenzy. Fan Wuyi can understand it, but it is unimaginable. This year, it has occupied everyone's attention, and it has been raging like a madman. , But it is this kind of ornamental plant with tall shape and elegant smell.

  Changchun people have always had the custom of planting Clivia, but no one has ever regarded it as precious. However, under the secret impetus of some or some interest groups who don't know the details, this very ordinary flower actually sold for the price of gold.

   "Oh! Just like the stock market in 2007, after the madness, it will inevitably die. It depends on who is willing to stay there and take it!" After Fan Wuyi sighed with pity, he quickly put away the newspaper and went straight to the pig farm.